How can I get the outdated expo docs? - react-native

As our RN application based on react-native#0.61.5, so we use expo#^0.37.0 to set up local development environment. But it seems that expo doesn't supply outdated docs, could only find recent version docs

Old docs often get lost, but thankfully there are a few ways of finding the old pages.
The first option is using the Wayback Machine from The site seems to go back to late 2020. A problem might be that some pages aren't crawled and might be missing.
And because it seems that their docs are open source with some commits going back three years. So you could in theory pull an old commit and build / run the docs locally.

You can use webarchive and old URL for documentation
In your case it is but not all pages are supported:

Use github online editor to check the outdate markdown docs is an optional solution.
Such as link:


DNN 9 Persona Bar not visible after login

I am using DNN 9. I recently upgraded DNN from version 9.1.1 to 9.3.2. When I Login, the left side of DNN disappears with only the logo od DNN. Other options like settings,edit etc are not seen. Any Idea as to what the issue might be?
If you search the forums at, you'll probably find the solution. I'm afraid that I don't recall what it is.
I think, though, that upgrading to 9.4.4 will fix it, too. You'll want to do that in a test environment to make sure that your upgrade will work. There may be some third party modules that need to be upgraded before you upgrade to 9.4.4, so check with module vendors.
As an addition to Joe's answer: There were Problems with the Newtonsoft JSON versions. Maybe this thread is helpful:
" check with module vendors": There are known issues with DNNSharp modules. See - but better check with all vendors of third party extensions, if you use any.
Read a few things, tried this and it worked. Delete all from the Bin directory, grab and copy all from another bin directory from a currently working site with the exact version. You may need to install a demo/test site and spin it up to get a good working copy, but this worked for me.
Restoring the bin folder was the solution for me

requirejs support for remotely loaded dojo with ArcGIS/ESRI

I'm working on a project with ArcGIS/ESRI in WebStorm. According to the documentation, "Dojo is included with the ArcGIS JavaScript API so there is no need to host/reference/install it." This means WebStorm has no idea what require is:
How do I add support without installing Dojo/require?
Was just going to comment, but can't yet?! Anyway, I had to reengineer my web-site dev-ops to account for the ESRI javascript API. I am using 4.6 though...
The API, which includes dojo, may be installed, but it has to be configured into your site. Once you reference dojo/dojo.js, all will be good. But you need the config set-up first.
Start here:
There is a link to the API javascript resources. This will really help understand the process!
Also don't miss:
I am just getting this stuff "almost" working. And actually had a build question to post and saw this. Hope it helps. I was using AMD and thought I had to go the requirejs route, but the dojo stuff worked out better for me. Check them both out and see what works for you! Good Luck!

What's the recommended way to get the latest sakai code to test against?

My standard route has been to go to confluence, find the docs sections, then navigate through to the install docs for the version, e.g. sakai 10:
Through one means or another I happened across the source route to this too, so starting here....
You get redirected to the latest stuff, and appended version numbers to that url gives you other docs, e.g. adding 2.8.2 or 10 to the end of the url
But the links to what I should download are quite often not there, at the time of writing the 10 tar ball and zip in the confluence links are dead and the source.sakaiproject links doesn't have the 10 docs yet (redirects to 2.9.3) presumably this is because v10 is not released yet....
So, I'd like to evaluate a new version of a sakai source install, what's the best way to do this? (considering the official documentation for install is still being formed)
Do I download the latest SVN, or the latest RC or the latest beta or??? How do I know what's best to test against without being "too" bleeding edge? Is there a recommended tar ball/zip link to test against? Is there a "latest good" SVN branch?
The latest code is always in the Sakai trunk (currently svn):
That code may very well not be stable though as it is where things are being actively developed. If you are not actively developing then you should stick to the releases as indicated on the project website here:
If you want to use something in between (say an upcoming release) then you can grab the most recent tag or maybe use a recent branch (both currently in svn, latest shown below at the time I write this):
The reality of the situation is that if you want to use something other than the release then you should really participate in the dev community for Sakai. Joining the mailing lists and the weekly calls will provide the information you are asking about and much more.

TracStatsPlugin there is no code stats

Sorry for my language. I have problem with TracStatsPlugin. I added in trac.ini following lines:
tracstats.* = enabled
root = /home/tracDirectory
Now I have stats for wiki and tickets but no for code. What can be wrong ? I add that I have configured svn repository and I can browse source using trac.
A salvation can be other stats plugin to trac, but I can't find nothing good in google.
What browser are you using? If you are using Internet Explorer, try using Firefox or Chrome and see if the problem persists. I am using the TracStats plugin and I see similar problems. The problems are only seen in Internet Explorer, though. After poking around with the debugger, it looks like there's an IE-specific bug in one of the Javascript libraries that the plugin uses.
Question was aced long time ago, but google show it in first places so I put what I found here.
Once there was ticket on TracStatsPlugin Github about issue: so some workarounds can be found in it comments.

Has anyone managed to use older Textmate bundles with Textmate2?

I specifically want to be able to use Ackmate bundle, peepcode (the new 'Go to file' seems good enough) and some other custom bundles with TM2.
I tried moving the existing bundles to a location
~/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Managed/Bundles/Managed
which seem to contain all the new installed bundles, and a few other hack. But no luck yet.
I did manage to get the older themes working with TM2 though, with an approach similar to the one above.
I found this article on the topic.But still not able to get some older bundles to work.
Just copy all your bundles from ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles to ~/Library/Application\ Support/Avian/Bundles/
I did not find much success with the above. I guess its stil in 'Alpha'. Although you might try to drop some of the older bundles into
~/Library/Application Support/Avian/Pristine Copy/Bundles
to get it working with some hacks for now.I have managed to get Cucumber, Uber Glory and some of my custom bundles working.
Also you can follow the README of this Whitespace bundle to figure out which directory to place your new bundles in. This seems to be only bundle (not packaged) exculsively for TM2 so far.
The Textmate url that explains the difference between
Avian/Pristine Copy/Bundles/
is here:
It didn't recognize my old bundles at first, but the second restart of the app worked for me.
Since this is alpha software, I think that the mailing list is the best venue for your question. Either way, I haven't yet seen anything definitive on the backward compatibility of bundle support.