AsyncStorage not work in header if removeItem in other components - react-native

I have home.js and header.js in React.
When using this code, Information will not be erased until the simulator is refreshed
I want to clear the home page async data that state updated when navigate to home but when go to home AsyncStorage have the value
Can anyone please assist me to correct this code?


React Native Fast Refresh - reload on current page

I would like to find out if it is possible to configure the React Native Fast Refresh to only reload the current page in case imported files are modified. I'm working on an app that has many sequential pages and when the Fast Refresh reloads the entire app, I have to navigate many page to get back to the page I'm working on.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
call the reload method to tell the browser to reload the current page:
This method takes an optional parameter which by default is set to false. If set to true, the browser will do a complete page refresh from the server and not from the cached version of the page.
As React uses JavaScript at its core, therefore you can use vanilla JavaScript whenever and however you want.
location.reload method inside of a React component:
import React from 'react';
function App() {
function refreshPage() {
return (
<button onClick={refreshPage}>Click to reload!</button>
export default App;

React Native component is not triggering componentDidMount() after first mount

I have two react native components, One is profile(showing logged user details) and another one for login.
In login component I set the user details to AsyncStorage.
import {AsyncStorage} from 'react-native';
Adding user to AsyncStorage:
const user = {
In the profile component I read the AsyncStorage
componentDidMount() {
AsyncStorage.getItem("user").then(user => {
When logout I clear the AsyncStorage:
Problem is Once I log in and set the user details to AsyncStorage, it store the data and I can view them in profile component. Once user logout, the data in storage are cleared, but when I navigate to profile component the previously loaded data is still there.
I need a way to read the current AsyncStorage data when every time user navigate to profile component.
To be sure a component is unmounted you can use createSwitchNavigator.
You can use a loginScreen as child while the other child is your Drawer.
When doing a logout you clear your asyncStorage and then navigate to the loginScreen and the SwitchNavigator will unmount your Drawer.
DrawerNavigation will keep the screens active while moving between his childs after every screens's first focus, making every componentDidMount getting triggered only at first render.
Track navigation changes and clear state here
Consider state-manager like redux it will be cleanest approach
Your issue is that your state is not getting cleared when using DrawerNavigator instead you can use stackNavigator if you want your component to unmount when navigating out and clearing the state automatically.
Another approach can be of using state management library such as redux or flux and clear out state whenever user is logging out.

How to redirect to notification page when app is opened after clicking FCM notification?

I have implemented firebase cloud messaging in my app successfully. But when a new notification appears, my app should open and then redirect to the notifications page from app.js.
The app is showing log info when the notification is clicked but when I try this.props.navigator.push("Notification"); in that function, it shows an error undefined is not an object(evaluating this.props.navigation.push)
I am guessing this is because I haven't yet initialised my stacknavigator but I don't know this for sure. I am using react-navigation in my app.
Here is the function in my app.js that gets called when the notification is clicked.
const notificationOpen = await firebase.notifications().getInitialNotification();
if (notificationOpen) {
const { title, body } = notificationOpen.notification;
Also, the navigation code is not working even in my render function in app.js so I think props is not initialised in app.js.
Can anyone help me fix this and land me to the notification page?
Considering you have a route called Notification in your stack navigator and also your app.js has access to the navigator's navigation prop, then you might want to use this.props.navigation.navigate('Notification') in case you are using react-navigation.
The problem with your code is this.props.navigation doesn't have any method called push so it will surely give an undefined error. To know more about navigation prop consider going through this doc.

How to clear cache from ES6 Import Module (React Native)?

I am new to React native i just build the app with two screen and using navigation like login screen and my profile screen.
I create UserData module and import this file in my profile screen. like this
import * as UserData from '../modules/UserData';
Press the logout button navigation navigate back to the login screen.
const resetAction = StackActions.reset({
index: 0,
actions: [
NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'LoginStack' })
then i login using another user id it's going to my profile screen but UserData module just still keep the Previous login user datas. How to avoid this i have no idea. Someone Please help me.
Thank you.
when logout , you must delete all the old state and props of components , StackActions.reset do not auto delete this
You can call a method on press of the logout button and in that method you need to clear the async storage and all the mobx/redux stores. After clearing the data, you navigate the user to login page and reset the navigation.

React-native componentWillMount not calling

I am new in react-native I have two screens in my stack. Login and Home.
I want to go back to login from a button on home.
I am writing this code
but in login screen componentWillMount method is not calling. I want to reset my form when user come on login screen from home.
Can anyone help me here?
Thanks in advance.
The this.props.navigation.navigate('loginScreen') don't work because you are now in loginScreen.
If you want to restart page this code isn't good. because have a loop!
correct code:
just when navigate to loginScreen from home use:
NOT IN "componentWillMount"
To go back from login from home , you should use this.props.navigation.goBack() if the screen is immidiately before home.
Secondly, you should not use componentWillMount since it is deprecated and will be removed from React 17 onwards. Instead use componentDidMount
Since the component is already mounted therefore it won't call the react lifecycle events componentDidMount again. Therefore you should use the react-navigation listeners didFocus event.
didFocus: the screen focused (if there was a transition, the transition completed)
componentDidMount () {
this._onFocusListener = this.props.navigation.addListener('didFocus', (payload) => {
// Perform the reset action here
Since your Home and Login Screens are both under the same StackNavigator, when you go from Home back to Login the state stays the same as the component doesn't unmount. The recommended way to solve this is using the SwitchNavigator of react-navigation. Read this very helpful part of the documentation below
You may not be familiar with SwitchNavigator yet. The purpose of
SwitchNavigator is to only ever show one screen at a time. By default,
it does not handle back actions and it resets routes to their default
state when you switch away.
The perfect solution is with this.props.navigation.push('Login'), I tried with SwitchNavigator but it doesn't provide navigationOptions for header.