multiple instances of superclass member attribute - kotlin

I have an abstract stub class that needs to be subclasses to add spring annotations.
abstract class ConsumerStub<TYPE>{
val receivedMessages: MutableMap<String, TYPE> = ConcurrentHashMap()
open fun processMessage(#Payload payload: TYPE, record: ConsumerRecord<String, *>) {
this.receivedMessages[record.key()] = payload
fun receivedMessageWithKey(key: String): Boolean = this.receivedMessages.contains(key)
fun receivedMessageWithKeyCallable(key: String): Callable<Boolean> = Callable { receivedMessageWithKey(key) }
fun getReceiveMessageWithKey(key: String): TYPE? = this.receivedMessages[key]
fun reset() {
for example:
open class WorkflowRequestConsumerStub: ConsumerStub<InternalWorkflowRequest>() {
id = "xyzRequestConsumerStub",
topics = ["abc-workflow-requests"]
override fun processMessage(
#Payload payload: InternalWorkflowRequest,
record: ConsumerRecord<String, *>
) {
super.processMessage(payload, record)
I am seeing some really weird behaviour with the receivedMessages.
After some debugging I realised there seem to be 2 instances of receivedMessages.
stub.reset() throws a null pointer exception
after changing the code to initialize receivedMessages in reset(), processMessage() and receivedMessageWithKey() are seeing 2 different receivedMessages with different objectIds.
what's going on? In java the subclass should have access to any protected members in the super, so I assume the same applies to kotlin.
UPDATE: this works as expected when defining receivedMessages abstract and override in the implementations. That really sucks if this is how it should be done in kotlin. In this case there is no need for the implementation to care about the map.


Kotlin Abstract Val Is Null When Accessed In Init Before Override

In Kotlin, accessing an abstract val in an init block causes a NullPointerException since the field is overridden by an extending class after the super class's init block executes.
The ideal solution would be a way to declare some code/function to execute after all stages of object instantiation are complete. I can only think of creating an initialize() function and manually calling it, which is bad because it's not automatic. Sticking it in init block doesn't work as shown in the below example.
As a comment pointed out below, instead of overriding fields, they can be passed in as parameters, but that doesn't work for my actual use-case. It adds a lot of clutter for object construction and is a nightmare when other classes try to extend it.
Below example shows a solution using coroutines. Waiting for a field to != null works in this case, but doesn't not when map is an open val with a default value that may or may not get overridden.
The problem is somewhat solved, but the solution is far from optimal. Any suggestions and alternative solutions would be greatly appreciated.
#Test #Suppress("ControlFlowWithEmptyBody", "SENSELESS_COMPARISON")
fun abstractValAccessInInitNPE() {
val key = "Key"
val value = "Value"
abstract class Mapper {
abstract val map: HashMap<String, String>
fun initialize() { map[key] = value }
// Test coroutine solution on abstract mapper
abstract class CoroutineMapper: Mapper() {
init {
GlobalScope.launch {
while (map == null) {}
val coroutineMapper = object : CoroutineMapper() {
override val map = HashMap<String, String>()
val start = System.nanoTime()
while ( {} // For some reason map == null doesn't work
println("Overhead: ${(System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000.0} MS")
println("Mapped: ${[key].equals(value)}")
// Test coroutine solution on open mapper
open class DefaultMapper: Mapper() {
override val map = HashMap<String, String>()
val newMap = HashMap<String, String>()
val proof = "Proof"
newMap[proof] = proof
val defaultMapper = object: DefaultMapper() {
override val map = newMap
Thread.sleep(1000) // Definitely finished by the end of this
println("Mapped: ${[proof].equals(proof) &&[key].equals(value)}")
// Basic solution (doesn't work)
abstract class BrokenMapper: Mapper() {
init { initialize() } // Throws NPE because map gets overridden after this
val brokenMapper = object: BrokenMapper() {
override val map = HashMap<String, String>()
println("Mapped: ${[key].equals(value)}")
An open (as all abstract functions are) function should never be called from a constructor because then the class's initial state cannot be guaranteed in the superclass. It can lead to all kinds of very tricky bugs.
Usually there's a good way to design around this problem if you take a step back. For instance, instead of making the map an abstract property, make it a constructor parameter in the superclass. Then you know it's already initialized before subclass constructors can try to use it.
abstract class Mapper(key: String, value: String, val map: HashMap<String, String>)
abstract class DecentMapper(key: String, value: String, map: HashMap<String, String>) : Mapper(key, value, map) {
init {
map[key] = value
val key = "Key"
val value = "Value"
val decentMapper = object : DecentMapper(key, value, HashMap()){

Kotlin class generics without duplication

Consider an abstract class:
abstract class PubSubSubscriber<T : Any>(private val topic: KClass<T>) : BackgroundFunction<PubSubMessage> {
abstract fun consume(payload: T)
override fun accept(message: PubSubMessage, context: Context) {
val json = String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(
val payload = objectMapper.readValue(json,
And implementation:
class MySubscriber : PubSubSubscriber<Payload>(Payload::class) {
Is there a way to define such abstract class so that I don't have to repeat twice the Payload and Payload::class in the class definition?
Yes, with some reflection.
At construction time, we can extract the type parameter and assign it to a property that no longer needs to be given to the constructor:
abstract class PubSubSubscriber<T : Any> {
val topic: KClass<T> = extractTypeParam<T>(0).kotlin
private fun <X> extractTypeParam(paramIdx: Int): Class<X> {
require( == javaClass.superclass) {
"PubSubSubscriber subclass $javaClass should directly extend PubSubSubscriber"
return (javaClass.genericSuperclass as ParameterizedType).actualTypeArguments[paramIdx] as Class<X>
abstract fun consume(payload: T)
override fun accept(message: PubSubMessage, context: Context) {
val json = String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(
val payload = objectMapper.readValue(json,
Note the following limitations:
A) this solution works only if MySubscriber directly extends from PubSubSubscriber. However, the given code can detect if that's not the case and warn about it (at runtime). In such cases, there are the following solutions:
MySubscriber falls back to providing a duplicate argument (essentially what you already had)
the direct superclass of MySubscriber can provide a similar detection mechanism
B) You call reflection code every time a MySubscriber instance is created. This may be too slow in certain contexts, but for many this is unproblematic.

Kotlin type inference on "supposedly" right types

I am new to Kotlin and I was playing with it. I pretty much wanted to create a pretty basic event bus. So I came up with this
interface Event
interface EventListener<E : Event> {
fun handle(event: E)
interface EventBus {
fun <E : Event> registerListener(aClass: Class<E>, eventListener: EventListener<E>)
class MyBus() : EventBus {
private val eventListeners: MutableMap<String, MutableList<EventListener<out Event>>> = mutableMapOf()
constructor(listeners: List<Pair<Class<Event>, EventListener<Event>>>) : this() {
listeners.forEach {
registerListener(it.first, it.second)
override fun <E : Event> registerListener(aClass: Class<E>, eventListener: EventListener<E>) {
val key =
val listeners: MutableList<EventListener<out Event>> = eventListeners.getOrPut(key) { mutableListOf() }
val bus = MyBus(
listOf( to MyEventListener()
class MyEvent : Event
class AnotherEvent : Event
class MyEventListener : EventListener<MyEvent> {
override fun handle(event: MyEvent) {
what happens is that when I try to create MyBus using the constructor accepting the list of pairs, I get
Type inference failed. Expected type mismatch: inferred type is List<Pair<Class<MyEvent>,MyEventListener>> but List<Pair<Class<Event>,EventListener<Event>>> was expected
But if I change the constructor to be something like
constructor(listeners: List<Pair<Class<out Event>, EventListener<out Event>>>) : this() {
listeners.forEach {
registerListener(it.first, it.second)
adding out pretty much everywhere, then the MyBus constructor works, but the invocation to registerListener(..) breaks for the same exact reason as before. So the only way to solve this is to add "out"s also on registerListener function.
I suspect I'm doing something wrong here, but I don't know what precisely. Any help?
If you want your EventListener to be able to consume Events, then its type has to be invariant or covariant (not declared out). If it let you pass your EventListener<MyEvent> as if it were an EventListener<Event>, then your MyBus class might call listener.handle(event) on it with some Event that is not a MyEvent, such as AnotherEvent. Then you will get a ClassCastException when it tries to cast this AnotherEvent to MyEvent.
To be able to store different types of invariant EventHandlers, you will have to remove the variance restrictions by using star projection, and cast them when you retrieve them from the map. So make the map keys into class objects instead of just Strings. Since you will not have the help of the compiler when working with the star-projected types, you need to be careful that you are only adding an item to your MutableMap that is of the same type as the Class key that's associated with it. Then when you retrieve items, only cast to an invariant type.
The other part of your issue is that your constructor needs a generic type. Right now it works exclusively with Event so it can't handle subtypes of Event. Kotlin doesn't (yet?) support generic types for constructors so you have to do this with a factory function.
Here's an example of all the above.
class MyBus() : EventBus {
private val eventListeners: MutableMap<Class<*>, MutableList<EventListener<*>>> = mutableMapOf()
override fun <E : Event> registerListener(aClass: Class<E>, eventListener: EventListener<E>) {
val listeners = retrieveListeners(aClass)
private fun <E: Event> retrieveListeners(aClass: Class<E>): MutableList<EventListener<E>> {
return eventListeners.getOrPut(aClass) { mutableListOf() } as MutableList<EventListener<E>>
// Factory function
fun <E : Event> myBusOf(listeners: List<Pair<Class<E>, EventListener<E>>>): MyBus {
return MyBus().apply {
listeners.forEach {
registerListener(it.first, it.second)
And you might want to change the type of the factory parameter from a <List>Pair to a vararg Pair so it's easier to use.
Here's a stripped down example to explain the variance limitation.
Your interface for an Event consumer:
interface EventListener<E : Event> {
fun handle(event: E)
Two implementations of Event:
class HelloEvent: Event {
fun sayHello() = println("Hello world")
class BoringEvent: Event {}
A class implementing the interface:
class HelloEventListener: EventListener<HelloEvent> {
override fun handle(event: HelloEvent) {
Now you have an EventListener that can handle only HelloEvents. Try to treat it like an EventListener<Event>:
val eventListener: EventListener<Event> = HelloEventListener() // COMPILE ERROR!
Imagine the compiler did not prevent you from doing this and you do this:
val eventListener: EventListener<Event> = HelloEventListener()
eventListener.handle(BoringEvent()) // CLASS CAST EXCEPTION AT RUN TIME!
If this were allowed your HelloEventListener would try to call sayHello() on the BoringEvent, which doesn't have that function, so it will crash. This is what generics are here to protect you from.
Now suppose your HelloEventListener.handle() didn't call event.sayHello(). Well, then it could have safely handled a BoringEvent. But the compiler isn't doing that level of analysis for you. It just knows what you declared, that HelloEventListener cannot handle anything except HelloEvent.

Kotlin generics supertype not applied

I was coding on Java for quite a long time and trying to migrate to Kotlin. I'm confused with Generics in Kotlin a bit...
I have a DelegateManager class. It should consume only subtypes of IViewData
class DelegateManager<T : IViewData> {
private val delegates: MutableList<AdapterDelegate<T>> = mutableListOf()
fun addDelegate(adapterDelegate: AdapterDelegate<T>) {
Inside TrackListAdapter I want to add a delegate. As you might have seen it's AdapterDelegate<TrackViewData> and TrackViewData is a subtype of IViewData So it should work but it shows error inside init block of TrackListAdapter
class TrackListAdapter : BaseListAdapter<IViewData>() {
init {
delegateManager.addDelegate(TrackViewDelegate()) // error: Type mismatch -> Required: AdapterDelegate<IViewData>, Found: TrackViewDelegate
class TrackViewDelegate : AdapterDelegate<TrackViewData>() {
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup): ListViewHolder<TrackViewData> {
val itemView = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.track_item, parent, false)
return TrackViewHolder(itemView)
override fun isDelegateForDataType(data: IViewData) = data is TrackViewData
How to deal with it? How to extend the generic parameter correctly?

How kotlin delegation is useful?

I'm really confused about the kotlin delegation. Let me describe the regular polymorphism approach here which looks same like the kotlin delgation.
interface Base {
fun print()
class BaseImpl(val x: Int) : Base {
override fun print() { print(x) }
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val b : Base = BaseImpl(10)
b.print() // prints 10
I can pass any implemented class of Base interface to b variable to call the method of specified class's object. Then what is the benefit of kotlin's delegation? Which is described here.
interface Base {
fun print()
class BaseImpl(val x: Int) : Base {
override fun print() { print(x) }
class Derived(b: Base) : Base by b // why extra line of code?
// if the above example works fine without it.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val b = BaseImpl(10)
Derived(b).print() // prints 10
I know this is the simple scenario where the both codes are working fine. There should be a benefit of delegation that's why kotlin introduced it. What is the difference? and how kotlin delegation can be useful? Please give me a working example to compare with polymorphism approach.
Also remember that you're not restricted to just one delegate. Kotlin's way of implementing delegation is similar to traits implementation in languages like Groovy. You can compose different functionality via delegates. Kotlin's way can also be considered more powerful because you can "plug in" different implementations too.
interface Marks {
fun printMarks()
class StdMarks() : Marks {
override fun printMarks() { println("printed marks") }
class CsvMarks() : Marks {
override fun printMarks() { println("printed csv marks") }
interface Totals {
fun printTotals()
class StdTotals : Totals {
override fun printTotals() { println("calculated and printed totals") }
class CheatTotals : Totals {
override fun printTotals() { println("calculated and printed higher totals") }
class Student(val studentId: Int, marks: Marks, totals: Totals)
: Marks by marks, Totals by totals
fun main(args:Array<String>) {
val student = Student(1,StdMarks(), StdTotals())
val cheater = Student(1,CsvMarks(), CheatTotals())
printed marks
calculated and printed totals
printed csv marks
calculated and printed higher totals
You can't do this with inheritance.
It is extremely useful for creating decorators and for object composition.
Joshua Bloch in Effective Java, 2nd Edition, Item 16 'Favor Composition Over Inheritance' shows a good example: inheritance is easy-to-break, and decorators are not.
class LoggingList<E> : ArrayList<E>() {
override fun add(e: E): Boolean {
println("added $e")
return super.add(e)
override fun addAll(e: Collection<E>): Boolean {
println("added all: $e")
return super.addAll(e) // oops! Calls [add] internally.
class LoggingList<E>(delegate: MutableList<E>) : MutableList<E> by delegate {
override fun add(e: E): Boolean {
println("added $e")
return delegate.add(e)
override fun addAll(e: Collection<E>): Boolean {
println("added all: $e")
return delegate.addAll(e) // all OK
// it calls [delegate]'s [add] internally, not ours
It is useful because of the Delegation Pattern where most of the behavior can be the same as the target of the delegation (b) but you just want to override a subset of methods to act differently.
An example would be an InputStream implementation which delegates all work to another InputStream but overrides the close() method to not close the underlying stream. This could be implemented as:
class CloseGuardInputStream(private val base: InputStream)
: InputStream by base {
override fun close() {}
Following is the example :-
interface Mode{
val color:String
fun display()
class DarkMode(override val color:String) : Mode{
override fun display(){
println("Dark Mode..."+color)
class LightMode(override val color:String) : Mode {
override fun display() {
println("Light Mode..."+color)
class MyCustomMode(val mode: Mode): Mode{
override val color:String = mode.color
override fun display() {
Now, the custom mode can reuse display() function of both modes DarkMode & LightMode
fun main() {
/* output:
Kotlin natively support delegation pattern.
Kotlin provides by keyword to specify the delegate object which our custom mode will be delegating to.
We can achieve the same result of the code above using by keyword.
class MyCustomMode(val mode: Mode): Mode by mode
fun main() {
/* output: