how to add custom app in rally from github? - rally

How to add this github project into my rally workspace I am looking for project tracking (Features \ release tracking app in rally. Can please share if you come across any

For detailed instructions, try this help page:


How to create program guide based on Android Tv Input Framework, as below shown diagram

I downloaded the google project from git repo link: But I am unable to find the understanding of module for the below-mentioned layout. I need to create channel and EPG view exactly same as the below-mentioned diagram, using the android lean-back library and TV Input framework concepts. So, kindly provide me with the understanding of the project as where I can find the working of this module.
The guide you see here is part of a reference TV App aka Live Channels which is a system app and ships with every Android TV system image. It is open-sourced under Apache 2.0 and you can check out the details and source code here:
It uses a different build system than Gradle but you should be able to refactor it to use Gradle.
EDIT: A nice alternative TV guide for Android TV recently appeared on GitHub here:

React native Twitter Signin release build issue

I am using the react-native-twitter-signin plugin for twitter login in iOS, but I am not able to build the release build in iOS as it shows:
Apple Mach o- linker issue:
The same application is running perfectly in Debug Mode on iOS:
I have already linked the libRNTwitterSignin.a under linked binary with libraries
Does anyone know a solution to this problem?
I faced the same issue, finally did like below.
please add RNTwitterSignIn to Target Dependences of build phases.
It will fix that.

How to integrate FCM (firebase cloud messaging) with react-native

I am working on a react-native app and I am required to integrate FCM push notification service, so how can I integrate it?
Use this module
npm i -S react-native-fcm
Link the library to your iOS/Android project
react-native link react-native-fcm
Check the configuration and usage details in the README
I came across the same issue and I find out there were 2 ways
react-native-fcm: Simple and Easy to use.
Create my own module! why reinvent the wheel right? but react-native-fcm has 79+ open issues and hasn't been updated since past 1-month while Firebase is changing very rapidly.
So decide to create my own module and handle it my own way.If you are planning to make your own module then I have shared my code on this Git Repo:
Hope it helps.

Facebook new share sdks containing non public API usage

With the new Facebook share sdks v4.0.1 - i am getting the no-public selector warning for previewImageURL,suggestions,to.
I changed the name and added fb_... and archiving again but it also showing same.
Any suggestions what i am doing wrong ?
Fixed, Downloaded full sdks code from here -
And done changes of variables and build the sdks and using that sdk will solved the issue.

Use Titanium 3.x without login

How can i configure my Titanium Studio for use without login account?
Becouse sometimes i dont have internet.
Does the use mode exist option for without login?
If you edit your project with another external editor and you run it with CLI Titanium CLI official documentation you can work offline.