How can decompile and see Nuget package dll source code using ILSpy - dll

I have install some core mvc dlls (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Abstraction.dll). I want to decompile it and see the source code.
The dll is added to my project>Dependencies>Nuget.
However, I am not sure where exactly the dll in in my system.
Is there a quick way to just launch the added dll in ILSypy and see the codes or at least the object inheritance tree?

ASP.NET Core is open source, so as Hans wrote as a comment to your question, you can look directly at the source, you don't need to decompile.
But for future reference, NuGet dlls are extracted to one of two places. Older projects still using packages.config, the dlls are typically extracted to a folder named packages as a sub-folder of where the .sln file is.
Packages using PackageReference, the packages are extracted to your account's global packages folder, which by default is %userprofile%\.nuget\packages on Windows and ~/.nuget/packages on Linux and Mac. You can also look at your project's obj\project.assets.json file to find the paths to everything referenced.
All paths can be modified with nuget.config settings (or even msbuild properties for projects using PackageReference). But if this is the case, either you, or your team mate would probably know, so the default locations for the folders I listed above should be correct.


Configure TFS2015 build to understand my custom nuget repository location

I've been fiddling with the TFS2015 task based build system for a few days now. The problem I keep on running into is the following:
I am trying to use nuget packages for my external references in my projects. These exernal references are actually not 3rd party libraries but simply other (shared) libraries of our company. I'm able to restore the packages in a task, but I can't figure out how i can make the "Visual studio Build" understand where to find the restored packages. It uses the hintpath in the project file to determine the location of the external libraries to include. However, these paths (which are used locally for development) don't match the paths used on the build server. I can add a referencepath to the msbuild parameters, but this path isn't searched recursively, and the nuget package restore restores packages including the entire folder structure of the package.
My question is. Is there a proper way to make the "Visual Studio build" step understand the location of my packages without changing the hintpath in the project file. If not, what is the normal way to go here. Should I move away from nuget altogether because our references are not actually 3rd party libraries, and if so, what is the alternative way of resolving the references (without adding the binaries to source control)
My question seems to be related to Storing nuget packages in alternate location on build server, however he seems to have fixed it using a copy to the location that is specified in the hintpath of the references, which is not an option for me. It seems to me there should be an easy way I'm not seeing to be able to point msbuild to the correct location for the libraries.
After the task restoring packages, you can add task "Copy Files" to copy the packages to the location "..\packages\lib\lib.dll"

Updating a binary file (.dll) in a solution to use the latest version of the .dll after a gated check-in build in TFS?

I have a solution file in TFS, located at $/Library/Library.sln, containing the binary files (.dlls) of other built solutions in TFS. Within this Library solution, there is a .dll taken from $/MySQL/bin/Debug/MySQL.dll which has been generated by building my MySQL solution (located at $/MySQL/MySQL.sln).
Normally after making a change to my MySQL solution I build the solution, check it in to TFS and then copy the resulting .dll into my Library solution at $\Library\MySQL\MySQL.dll. However I’d like this process to be automatic i.e. after checking in a change to the MySQL solution, a build is triggered, and the .dll file generated from this build is automatically placed into the Library solution and then checked into TFS. How would be the best way to achieve this? I imagine gated check-ins are something to do with it but I can’t seem to get it to work.
As Daniel said in the comment, NuGet is the way to go for this. Instead of checking in the binaries to TFS, have your MySQL build publish the binaries to a nuget feed. Then have your Library solution "subscribe" to that NuGet feed.

How we Integrated Libgit2 library in Visual Studion 2010 Windows Application

I downloaded two DLLs (libgit2sharp.dll and git2.dll) from this site.
After that I successfully added Libgit2sharp.dll by add reference in my .NET Windows application. Now when I add git2.dll by add reference in my .NET Windows Application, it gives an error:
a reference to 'C:\User\nitesh\git2.dll' could not be added please make sure that the file is accessible and that it is a valid assembly or COM component
Can anyone please help me understand the problem?
I downloaded two DLLs (libgit2sharp.dll and git2.dll) from this site.
First off, this is not a distribution channel that the libgit2/libgit2sharp team has anything to do with.
Install as a NuGet package:
Official releases are available as a NuGet package if you prefer to download pre-built sources. See this post which explains how to install the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio.
This is the easiest way to make LibGit2Sharp available to your project.
Build from the source code:
You can download the source code and build the C# code into LibGit2Sharp.dll from, which includes the pre-built version of git2.dll which works for the particular version of the C# code.
Easiest way to build the assembly is by launching the build.libgit2sharp.cmd. This will create a Build folder into which you'll find the LibGit2Sharp.dll and a NativeBinaries folder with the native binaries.
Now when I add git2.dll by add reference in my .NET Windows Application, it gives an error
As for the error message, it sounds like you're trying to add the git2.dll to the project as though it were a CLR/.NET assembly. It is however built from C and isn't something VS is going to do anything useful with. You do not need to add it to your project.
It does need to be available for libgit2sharp to load. The following graph depicts the folder hierarchy that libgit2sharp expects
Note: This folder structure will be dynamically created in your project output folder if you installed LibGit2Sharp as a NuGet package. However, if you built the project from the source code, you'll have to copy this folder structure as part of your project build process yourself.

Forcing project to load DLL's from the current directory

I am trying to make a program that works on every operating system by forcing it to load and use the DLL's in the current directory, not the windows directory, but it don't works. I tried to enable "copy local" and change the refference path, but without any success, the program tries to load the DLL's from the windows directory.
My question is: how can I fix this?
The Search Order for DLL's is documented here on MSDN. It also includes instructions on how you can modify the search order so that the local bin directory is searched first, instead of the GAC.
The directory %windir%\assembly is called the GAC. Assemblies are not copied there, but installed typically using gacutil /i or by installation packages.
GAC is a suitable folder for libraries referenced by lots of other libraries and applications in build versions that are not centrally coordinated. Using GAC allows you to have multiple versions of the same library, all of which might be indirectly required even by a single application, installed side by side on the system. Case in point is the .NET framework itself.
The assemblies that you build are probably not that kind. Application assemblies and libraries that are basically part of a single application should never make it to the GAC or you can get into trouble. There is a variety of possible trouble:
one accidentally or intentionally creates different (incompatible) builds of the same library with the same version number.
assembly in GAC references an assembly not in GAC
one app installs the same assembly into GAC, but another app wants to load it from its local folder (where application binaries reside).
Code in the GAC gets a preference when assemblies are loaded. To remove an assembly from the GAC, use gacutil /u.

How are the XAP files structured?

Are XAP files self-contained?
Do they link in all DLLs I have referenced in the project?
If I need to distribute my app, is all I have to do is hand someone the XAP file?
By default, yes. For alternatives, see answer 3.
By default, all except the core DLLs installed by the runtime; it will contain anything from the SDK, Toolkit, 3rd party controls, or your own libraries.
By default, yes. However, there is an option as of Silverlight 3 to package certain assemblies (for example anything from the SDK) into separate ZIP files, which are downloaded separately. In Visual Studio, look in the project properties for a checkbox called "Reduce XAP size by using application library caching." This option toggles whether to create/use the ZIP files or not. Enabling the ZIP option allows multiple Silverlight apps to share the dependency on the ZIP files, so that instead of packaging everything into the XAP every time, you just download the ZIP for one app, and it's saved in the browser cache for other apps.
As for the general contents of the XAP file, there are 2 important bits:
Foo.dll - your project's main assembly (renamed as appropriate)
AppManifest.xaml - describes the requirements for you app, e.g minimum runtime version required, the entry point into Foo.dll, and other settings, including Out-of-browser settings, or whether to use the Library caching feature mentioned above.
Anything else is just content used by your app.
Silverlight XAP files can be tricky if you're using anything other the the core silverlight assemblies (eg. SilverlightToolkit).
XAP files are just zip files - open one up and take a look. They are self contained to the extent that any custom/extra dlls are included - the standard Silverlight assemblies will be installed when a user installs Silverlight.
References to dlls are required in the .proj files for every assembly that will be used. Ie. unlike other project types, if one project references another project, both projects need to reference all dlls used by either project.
You should be able to just hand someone the XAP file if you want - but Silverlight was designed to be used in browsers, so you will need to include the generated test page at least. The best, and most useful, is to provide a publicly accessible web page that hosts your silverlight app.
Even though this question is already answered, i'm going to throw this one in too because it hasn't been mentioned yet.
You mention that you are using SL4 - if you are running out of browser (OOB) then you can just ship the XAP file, and use sllauncher.exe (2) to "install" it to the client machine. As part of that install you can also specify where updates are to be sourced from, which is important for when you find bugs or the requirements change.