Vee-validate - validate repeatable input fields - vue.js

I want to validate a repeatable text field in vee-validate. At least one row of inputs should be filled. How can I achieve such kind of validation?
Here is shown how my repeatable text field looks like in the browser. When I click "+" a new row with inputs is added.
I will be very grateful for any help.

You can apply the required rule only in the first row. If you have v-for in your code, you can use track-by="$index" to track the first row, and conditionally apply the rule.
However, I think if you add a code example, it would be really useful to others to help you.


Excel Conditional Formatting - Multiple Rules/Rows

enter image description hereI am creating a table with a schedule events over the course of a year. There are three repeating events, and I would like to highlight the entire row of each repeating event in a different color. I thought that would be a useful thing to do for planning purposes in any sort of schedule or calendar.
So, for instance:
If Event 1, highlight table row in green
If Event 2, highlight table row in orange
If Event 3, highlight table row in blue
I have successfully created a rule for each of them that highlights the individual cell in the desired color, but it does not highlight the entire row within the table. I have also successfully created a rule that will highlight the entire row of the table for one event.
However, I cannot get multiple rules that highlight entire table rows to work concurrently.
Is Excel 2016 capable of doing this?
Thank you in advance for your help!
Edit: Addition of sample formula and screenshot. Thank you Alan!
Sample formula: =$E101="Event 1"
Yes, it is possible to apply multiple rules in the manner you describe.
You haven't posted samples of the rules, nor a screenshot, so I can't comment on why it isn't working for you.
Inside, here is a mock-up showing you a working row-based multi-layered conditional formatting.
Note that how you are aligning your events is important - if you can have event collisions (i.e. more than one event on the same row), then you will need to decide how to handle the collision (e.g. order of priority or add additional rules for mixed colours).
Update based on added details:
Your schedule with conditional formatting applied:
The rules:
Note: If you apply the rules and they don't immediately show up correctly, check the rules. When I entered these, Excel would corrupt the formula and I had to reenter them.
Also note the $E to lock the formula to the Event column.

Combo Box on form to filter table I imported into Access from Excel

I have been searching for a couple of hours but I can only see examples of combo boxes on forms filtering tables that are based from queries.
My table (which I have put on a subForm) is from a static datasheet that I imported into Access from Excel so therefore does not come from a query.
I want to use a combobox (or a textbox) so that the user can enter in the reference number and it will filter the table (rather than using the filters already provided (as they just get confused))
Is this even possible? I should add, the reason why I want the table showing (and not a query from it) is that I want the user to be able to edit the table once they have found the reference number they are looking for.
Any help would be much appreciated.
You can use the form's filter method to programatically filter the rows. careful though, as you probably are going to need a mechanism to remove the filter, like a separate button as it won't be obvious. OR, you may still want to keep the form's "Navigation Buttons" property to true. this would then have allow the user to see that the rows are filtered, and also allow them to remove the filter.
Use the form's filter methods to filter. so say they want to filter on a field called "value1" with value of 1, it would be like this. if your filter condition is text, then use single qoutes around them.
Me.Filter = "[value1] = 1"
Me.FilterOn = True
I think your question is more about a ComboBox updating a view, right. I don't think this really has anything to do with Excel, right. If this is correct, please see the link below.
Also, see this.

Highlight Duplicates Not Next To Each Other Using Conditional Formatting

We have a list of parts in Excel in a certain order. For reasons I won't get into, we need to highlight when there are duplicates that aren't next to each other. Currently, I'm using this formula in a conditional format to do the job.
This mostly works well except in cases where there are pairs of duplicates like in the example below, we would want FO-1694 to be highlighted, because they aren't all next to each other. But we would not want NIS0257 to be highlighted because they are.
Ideally, this is what we want to see...
Any ideas on this could be achieved using conditional formatting?
Note: I have directly posted this from a past post on the SuperUser Forum (Link) as I am in need of this EXACT conditional formatting for the EXACT same circumstances. I do not take credit for the construction of this post, but only hope to obtain an answer for a question that previously went unanswered.
Use this formula:
If changing the range then make sure to pay attention to what is marked as absolute and relative.

Rearrange a column (int) in jquery datatable while search

I'm trying to rearrange a column (int) during search in the jQuery dataTable but found no way. The following link will clearly depict the issue i have.
You can see that after search the 1st column (Serial #) has numbers 2 and 3. Instead I need 1 and 2 there.
There must be a solution and I'm badly in need of it.
Thank you.
Are you trying to say that you want your rows to be numbered? I am not sure what you mean by "rearranged". Perhaps sharing your DataTables initialization code would shed some light on your problem?
Don't have enough reputation to comment, but will edit this answer post if Ashik clarifies his question and I have an answer.
Edit: Since you're trying to number your rows, look into using the mRender property of a column (in aoColumns). It is a function you can define for custom column rendering where you could place logic for row numbering. I'll leave the logic for that to you, but point you to some relevant material on mRender:

How to filter a Sharepoint List Column with a Textbox Control Value using a "Contains" query?

I'm using a data view to display a list (Sharepoint 2010) that has several columns including one that has a Name column. I've provided the user with a text filter on the page to send values to filter the Name column in this list. The problem I'm facing is that the filter only works for exact matches and not partial matches.
I tried to overcome this problem by using Sharepoint Designer to:
create a parameter that uses the textbox control value.
Filtering the Name column with this parameter and setting the comparison to "Contains"
Unfortunately if the default value of the Parameter is blank, the list does not display any data. If the default value of the parameter is set to part of a name in the list, the list displays names that contain that string. However, when changing the value in the text box and searching, the list does not return results. Please let me know if you guys know how to fix this. Any help is much appreciated and let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks!
Managed to find a solution to my problem. I used a custom javascript solution designed by jvossers ( that involves the list being filtered instantly much like Google's search!
The only downside of this solution is that it only filters the items currently displayed on the screen. Therefore, if you have a data view web part which limits the amount of items displayed on the page, this solution won't help you. In order to facilitate this solution, display all the row items on the page (by increasing the item limit per page to a larger number than your total list rows) and then add this code into a content editor web part on the same page. Worked brilliantly for me. '
By the way if you are using jQuery 1.3.x or higher, you should modify the script a little as described in the disscussion here: