Cannot deploy properly a WAR in tomcat 8.5/ubuntu 18.04 with tomcat manager - tomcat8

In ubuntu since 18.04, deploying an application using tomcat manager html (with "standard" tomcat8 and tomca8-admin packages installed) using "Deploy directory or WAR file located on server" does not seem to work anymore.
Only the war is deployed in the given context, but without its configuration set in "XML Configuration file URL:", the context file is not copied anymore in /var/lib/tomcat8/conf/Catalina/localhost
It is working with ubuntu 16.04. It is not working with 18.04 and 18.10.
Do I missed some steps in tomcat configuration to have manager working in ubuntu 18.04 ?

I created a bug report with a simple project attached to reproduce the issue:


IntelliJ IDEA - Remote Development - Backend IDE was not started successfully

I had this error today after updating my IntelliJ IDEA on Windows machine and trying to access project on my remote Ubuntu virtual machine over SSH with JetBrains Gateway.
JetBrains Client 2022.1
JetBrains Gateway 2022.1
IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1 (Ultimate Edition)
I've removed whole /home/user/.cache/JetBrains folder.
I've resolved my problem by checking logs:
#c.i.i.StartupUtil - JVM options: [-Djava.home=/home/user/.cache/JetBrains/RemoteDev-IU/...
Line 86164: 2022-04-25 09:40:57,760 [ 288] INFO - STDOUT - This
IDE build has expired. Please download a new build from JetBrains
official site
Since it was remote project on my Ubuntu 20.04 virtual machine.
I've removed whole /home/user/.cache/JetBrains folder.
Next time I started my remote project from JetBrains Gateway it downloaded client and other missing files automatically on my Ubuntu machine and then everything worked.
For some reason IDE on Ubuntu side didn't get updated when opening remote project on Ubuntu.
Try switching your login shell on the server to bash.

XAMPP tomcat service is not starting with error as "Tomcat Started/Stopped with errors, return code: 1"

I have installed XAMPP 7.2.10 on my Win 10 and other services like Apache and MySQL are working fine.
But the Tomcat service is not starting and is throwing an error as:
"Tomcat Started/Stopped with errors, return code: 1,
Make sure you have Java JDK or JRE installed and the required ports are free,
Check the "/xampp/tomcat/logs" folder for more information"
XAMPP Tomcat error image
I have installed Java JDK in "C:\Program Files\Java" and have set the environment variables path.
I have set the "JAVA_HOME" variable path as "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-10.0.2"
Also, no other program is using the required ports.
When I run the "catalina_start.bat", I get error as:
"ERROR: The system was unable to find the specified registry key or value.
. [XAMPP]: Cannot find current JDK installation!
. [XAMPP]: Cannot set JAVA_HOME. Aborting ..."
What mistakes have I made here?
I had the same problem (XAMPP 7.3.0 / Windows Server 2016 / Java 11). I first checked the environment variables, the java installation - all seemed to be fine.
Sadly the XAMPP error message is not very meaningful, so i looked inside of tomcat installation. To my surprise XAMPP 7.3.0 uses a very old version of Apache Tomcat (7.0.56 from 2014!), that don’t work well with Java 9+. The reason is Tomcat 7.0.56 uses the "-Djava.endorsed.dirs" option, that is no longer supported in Java 9+. Up-to-date Tomcat versions have no problem with java 9+. To solve this you can just stay with Java 8 (if possible for you) or try to fix this on your own by modify Tomcat start-up: Go to your \xampp\tomcat\ folder and see this fix in Tomcat 7.0.73 doesn't work with java 9.
But i would recommend you to install a up-to-date version of tomcat and don’t use the XAMPP one (what i finally did) - at least until XAMPP updates there tomcat version .

How to get file for windows?

I am configuring httpd in windows server for load balancing. One of the step in configuration is to download tomcat connector for windows and put file into modules folder.
I downloaded latest connector of windows from
But after extracting, I could not find this file. I found some steps to build it on some sites, but those steps are of linux environments.
How to get for windows environment ?
If you want mod_jk for Windows/httpd, then you should get it from the same place you got your binary distribution of httpd.
You probably got it from ApacheLounge, which BTW is not directly-affiliated with the Apache Software Foundation, but has been providing Windows binaries for quite some time and seems to be reputable. YMMV.

mobile first platform cli: mfp build... does not create a war file

My setup
MobileFrist Platform foundation
WebSphere Application Server (
on Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.7.0_75-b13 (en_US)
hosted on softlayer
Installed using this knowledge center guide for 6.3
after starting the server I can visit my appcenterconsole fine.
I have 2 issues now that I can't seem to understand:
Firstly, tried to build the Myproject.war file using MFP cli to deploy the server configuration tool. However Mfp build produced all the .wlapps but no war file. Can I build a .war file using mfp build?
Secondly, built the .war file using eclipse on my local machine tried to deploy it using the server config tool and I end up with no runtime found like in the post
So I checked my java version that was fine,
checked app center version seems fine,
and checked the entries in server.xml for duplicates of WL Admin services war, only one exists.
logs too long and paste bin counts as en extra link limited to 2 will post link to logs as comment
Use mfp bd (build & deploy) instead of just build.
It will start a test server to generate the WAR file.

how to run openlaszlo 4.9.0 in ubuntu12.04?

I am Using Ubuntu 12.04 and i want to run OpenLaszlo 4.9.0 in my system. I have read many tutorial, e.g.
that say that put server in JAVA_HOME but i do not know where is JAVA_HOME in Ubuntu 12.04.
I have OpenLaszlo also . But I do not know how to start server of OpenLaszlo and where to put it? or how many things required for it? please tell me. I have Red5 server,i have install java-7-openjdk.
Thanks in advance.
JAVA_HOME is an environment variable. It stores the path to java runtime environment (jre). You can have several JVMs installed on your system, of course. So JAVA_HOME defines the default one.
Setting this variable after installing Ubuntu package from the repository is a little tricky. It is discussed, for example, here:
Jenkins, specifying JAVA_HOME,
What is the correct target for the JAVA_HOME envrionment variable for a Linux OpenJDK Debian-based distribution?
OpenLaszlo is a Web-application that should be run under some application server (usually Apache TomCat or its derivatives such as IBM WebSphere Application Server Community Edition).
It is available on the as a bundle that includes TomCat and also as a .war file (a servlet) that should be deployed under your application server.
In the 1st case you can extract an archive wherever you want (read carefully about file permissions). But at the moment the server starts it needs Java system files so JAVA_HOME should be already defined.