Insert specific columns from schema table to another schema table in Postgres - sql

I am unable to find a specific answer to this question and what I have tried does not seem to work. How do I copy specific columns from one table in 1 schema to another schema table? Is that possible?
This is what I tried and it does not seem to work. Both the schemas are in the same database.
INSERT INTO public.t_movie (movie_id,movie_name)
This is the error that I am getting,
ERROR: ERROR: column "movie_id" does not exist
Hint: There is a column named "movie_id" in table "t_movie",
but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query.
Position: 58
Thank you for all the help.

It is quite possible that movie_id is generated automatically on inserts (say, if it is declared as serial). If this is the case, then don't insert it:
INSERT INTO public.t_movie (movie_name)
SELECT m.movie_name
FROM test.t_movies m;

I noticed that you are using different schemas. I found a solution to your problem:
insert into,movie_name) select t.movie_id, t.movie_name from as t;


How to make a new copy of table without CREATE TABLE but using INSERT

I'm using SQL Server 2014 and trying to figure out some not trivia task.
I have a table PROPERTY and need to copy some of the data to absolutely new table PROPERTY_1 (PROPERTY_1 is not created and I'm not allowed to use CREATE TABLE). I have to use INSERT only!
I've googled some fancy commands like INSERT INTO from MySQL:
but it's no help because (surprise-surprise!) PROPERTY_1 is not created.
Is it any possible way to pass this task or it's just some kind of weird task?
You must use Select Into as described in the Microsoft: documentation
You can use Select into to create the structure only and use Insert into to copy the data like below:
Benefits of using Select into to create the structure of the copy table:
You don't need to worry about the columns and their data types in the new table (PROPERTY_1) as those will be similar to the base table (PROPERTY). The new table schema will match the original schema, including identity columns.
There won't be any errors while inserting the records in the new table.

Oracle : 2 column names for a single column

There is a requirement to rename the DB tables and column names,
so all the tools/application taking data from the source will have to change their queries. The solution we are planning to implement is that for every table name change we will create a VIEW with the original table name. Easy and simple to implement. No query change required, but there are cases where a table name remains the same but a column name changes within the table, so we can't create another view (any object with the same object name).
Is there a Column Synonym kind of thing which we can propose here?
Any solutions/ideas are welcome. Requirement is to have queries containing original column names referring to the new columns in the same tables.
For example:
Table Name: DATA_TABLE
Existing Column Name: PM_DATE_TIME
New Column Name: PM_DATETIME
Existing Query select pm_Date_time from Data_Table; should refer to new column pm_Datetime
You could consider renaming your original table, and then create a View in its place providing both the old and the new column-names:
CREATE TABLE Data_Table ( pm_Date_time DATE );
ALTER TABLE Data_Table RENAME TO Data_Table_;
SELECT pm_Date_time,
pm_Date_time AS pm_Datetime -- Alias to provide the new column name
FROM Data_table_
-- You can use both the old columnn-name...
INSERT INTO Data_Table( pm_Date_time ) VALUES ( SYSDATE );
-- ... or the new one
UPDATE Data_Table SET pm_Datetime = SYSDATE;
There are things that won't work the same way as before:
-- INSERT without stating column-names will fail.
-- SELECT * will return both columns (should not do this anyway)
SELECT * FROM Data_Table
Once you are done with your changes drop the view and rename the table and the columns.
You'll want to add virtual columns:
ALTER TABLE Data_Table ADD pm_Date_time as (pm_Datetime);
UPDATE: Oracle (11g at least) doesn't accept this and raises "ORA-54016: Invalid column expression was specified". Please use Peter Lang's solution, where he pseudo-adds zero days:
ALTER TABLE Data_Table ADD (pm_Datetime + 0) AS pm_Date_time;
This works like a view; when accessing pm_Date_time you are really accessing pm_Datetime.
Rextester demo:
And Peter is also right in this point that you can use it in queries, but not in INSERT/columns or UPDATE/SET clauses.
This was basically touched on in the answer by Thorsten Kettner, but what your looking for is a pseudocolumn.
This solution looks a little hacky because the syntax for a pseudocolumn requires an expression. The simplest expression I can think of is the case statement below. Let me know if you can make it more simple.
ALTER TABLE <<tablename>> ADD (
<<new_column_name>> AS (
WHEN 1=1 THEN <<tablename>>.<<old_column_name>>
This strategy basically creates a new column on the fly by evaluating the case statement and copying the value of <old_column_name> to <new_column_name>. Because you are dynamically interpolating this column there is a performance penalty vs just selecting the original column.
One gotcha here is that this will only work if you are duplicating a column once. Multiple pseudocolumns cannot contain duplicate expressions in Oracle.
we cant create a another view (any object with the same object name).
That's true within a schema. Another somewhat messy approach is to create a new user/schema with appropriate privileges and create all your views in that, with those querying the modified tables in the original schema. You could include instead-of triggers if you need to do more than query. They would only need the old columns names (as aliases), not the new ones, so inserts that don't specify the columns (which is bad, of course) would still work too.
You could also create synonyms to packages etc. in the original schema if the applications/tools call any and their specifications haven't changed. And if they have changed you can create wrapper packages in your new schema.
Then your legacy tools/applications can connect to that new schema and if it's all set up right will see things apparently as they were before. That could potentially be done by setting current_schema, perhaps through a login trigger, if the way they connect or the account they connect to can't be modified.
As the tools and applications are upgraded to work with the new table/column names they can switch back to the original schema.

There is already an object named '#tmptable' in the database

I´m trying to execute stored procedure but I get an issue of an existing temporal table, but I just create one time and use into another part of code
INTO #tmpUnidadesPresupuestadas
FROM proce.table1
--Insertar in table src..
I get this message:
There is already an object named
'#tmpUnidadesPresupuestadas' in the database.
How can I solve it? Regards
A temp table lives for the entirety of the current session. If you run this statement more than once, then the table will already be there. Either detect that and truncate it, or before selecting into it drop it if it exists:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #tmpUnidadesPresupuestadas
If prior to SQL Server 2016, then you drop as such:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#tmpUnidadesPresupuestadas', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE #tmpUnidadesPresupuestadas;
Without seeing more of the code, it's not possible to know if the following situation is your problem, but it could be.
When you have mutually exclusive branches of code that both do a SELECT...INTO to the same temp table, a flaw causes this error. SELECT...INTO to a temp table creates the table with the structure of the query used to fill it. The parser assumes if that occurs twice, it is a mistake, since you can't recreate the structure of the table once it already has data.
if #Debug=1
select * into #MyTemp from MyTable;
select * into #MyTemp from MyTable;
While obviously not terribly meaningful, this alone will show the problem. The two paths are mutually exclusive, but the parser thinks they may both get executed, and issues the fatal error. You extend that, wrapping each branch in a BEGIN...END, and add the drop table (conditional or not) and the parser will still give the error.
To be fair, in fact both paths COULD be executed, if there were a loop or GOTO so that one time around #Debug = 1, and the other time it does not, so it may be asking too much of a parser. Unfortunately, I don't know of a workaround, and using INSERT INTO instead of SELECT INTO is the only way I know to avoid the problem, even though that can be terribly onerous to name all the columns in a particularly column-heavy query.
I am a bit unclear as to what you are attempting. I assume you don't want to drop the table at this point. I believe the syntax you may be looking for is
Insert Into
Insert into #tmpUnidadesPresupuestadas (Col1, col2, ... colN)
Select firstcol, secondcol... nthCol
From Data
If you do indeed wish to drop the table, the previous answers have that covered.
This might be useful for someone else, keep in mind that If more than one temporary table is created inside a single stored procedure or batch, they must have different names. If you use the same name you won't be able to ALTER the PROCEDURE.
Make sure the stored procedure and the table doesn't have same name.
Add logic to delete if exists. Most likely you ran it previously. The table remains from the previous running of the stored procedure. If you log out and log in then run it, that would likely clear it. But the cleanest way is to check if it exists and delete it if it does. I assume this is MsSql.
At first you should check if temp table is already exist if yes then delete it then create a empty table then use insert statement. refer below example.
SELECT TOP(0) Name , Address,PhoneNumber
FROM EmpDetail
if #Condition=1
INSERT INTO #TmpTBL (Name , Address,PhoneNumber)
SELECT Name , Address,PhoneNumber FROM EmpDetail;
INSERT INTO #TmpTBL (Name , Address,PhoneNumber)
SELECT Name , Address,PhoneNumber FROM EmpDetail;

ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE has missing FROM-clause

I have a simple table (id and name column, both unique), which I am importing a tab delimited CSV file.
I am running psql 9.5, and wanted to try out the new ON CONFLICT feature to update the name column if the ID already exists.
COPY tmp_x FROM '/Users/George/git-parser/repo_file' (format csv, delimiter E'\t');
I am getting this error:
ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "tmp_x"
Query failed
PostgreSQL said: missing FROM-clause entry for table "tmp_x"
Not too sure whats going wrong here.
If you look at the documentation of the ON CONFLICT clause, it says this about the "conflict action":
The SET and WHERE clauses in ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE have access to the existing row using the table's name (or an alias)
In your query, the target table is repos.
tmp_x, on the other hand, is the source of the data you are trying to insert, but the ON CONFLICT clause cannot "see" that - it is looking at a particular row that has been calculated and failed. Consider if you'd written something like this:
INSERT INTO repos SELECT max(foo_id) FROM tmp_x
Clearly, it wouldn't make sense for a row which failed to insert into repos to have access to any one row from tmp_x.
If there was no way of seeing the rejected data, the whole feature would be pretty useless, but if we read on:
... and to rows proposed for insertion using the special excluded table.
So instead, you need to access the magic table alias excluded, which contains the values which you tried to insert but got a conflict on, giving you this:
If it seems weird that an imaginary table name pops up for this purpose, consider that a similar thing happens when writing triggers, where you get OLD and NEW (depending on the kind of trigger you're writing).

How to import data from one table to another table in sql

I have two database there is two table both databse
how to import data from database table to another database table in sql2008 standard edition. I have tried to export/import function but no luck .
would you Please help me ?
I think the code below will work for your case:
INSERT INTO table1 (column1,column2)
SELECT oldcolumn1, oldcolumn2
FROM table2
Optionally you could add a where clause.
Use this code and check below links
The insert statement actually has a syntax for doing just that. It's a lot easier if you specify the column names rather than selecting "*" though:
INSERT INTO new_table (Foo, Bar, Fizz, Buzz)
SELECT Foo, Bar, Fizz, Buzz
FROM initial_table
-- optionally WHERE ...
The INSERT INTO ... SELECT FROM syntax is for when the table you're inserting into ("new_table" in my example above) already exists. As others have said, the SELECT ... INTO syntax is for when you want to create the new table as part of the command.
You didn't specify whether the new table needs to be created as part of the command, so INSERT INTO ... SELECT FROM should be fine if your destination table already exists.
OR Check this link
i hope this answer useful for you.