ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE has missing FROM-clause - sql

I have a simple table (id and name column, both unique), which I am importing a tab delimited CSV file.
I am running psql 9.5, and wanted to try out the new ON CONFLICT feature to update the name column if the ID already exists.
COPY tmp_x FROM '/Users/George/git-parser/repo_file' (format csv, delimiter E'\t');
ON CONFLICT(name) DO UPDATE SET name = tmp_x.name;
I am getting this error:
ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "tmp_x"
LINE 4: ON CONFLICT(name) DO UPDATE SET name = tmp_x.name;
Query failed
PostgreSQL said: missing FROM-clause entry for table "tmp_x"
Not too sure whats going wrong here.

If you look at the documentation of the ON CONFLICT clause, it says this about the "conflict action":
The SET and WHERE clauses in ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE have access to the existing row using the table's name (or an alias)
In your query, the target table is repos.
tmp_x, on the other hand, is the source of the data you are trying to insert, but the ON CONFLICT clause cannot "see" that - it is looking at a particular row that has been calculated and failed. Consider if you'd written something like this:
INSERT INTO repos SELECT max(foo_id) FROM tmp_x
Clearly, it wouldn't make sense for a row which failed to insert into repos to have access to any one row from tmp_x.
If there was no way of seeing the rejected data, the whole feature would be pretty useless, but if we read on:
... and to rows proposed for insertion using the special excluded table.
So instead, you need to access the magic table alias excluded, which contains the values which you tried to insert but got a conflict on, giving you this:
ON CONFLICT(name) DO UPDATE SET name = excluded.name;
If it seems weird that an imaginary table name pops up for this purpose, consider that a similar thing happens when writing triggers, where you get OLD and NEW (depending on the kind of trigger you're writing).


How to upsert when using data from a sub-query (Postgres)

I have two tables:
assignments {recceptacleId, assignedCarrier}
rls_permissions {receptacleId, rlsUserId}
An assignment in this context is any receptacle to airline carrier relationship.
Whenever a new assignment comes into the assignments table, I'd like to upsert (insert if new row or update if it's an existing receptacle being assigned to a new airline carrier) my rls_permissions table.
The issue I'm having with upsert, specifically ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT, is that my insert statement contains a sub-query for the data to be inserted and therefore I'm not sure how to write the DO UPDATE SET part of the statement
I've tried using 'excluded' to try and single out the assignedCarrier that I want to update based on the previous conflict however I keep receiving "ERROR: column excluded.receptacleId does not exist"
My pkey looks like this:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX rls_permissions_pkey ON rls_permissions("receptacleId" text_ops);
Dummy data could be:
receptacleID assignedCarrier
aaaaaaaaaa00 AA
Where AA is "American Airlines"
INSERT INTO rls_permissions ("receptacleId","rlsUserId")
SELECT DISTINCT assignments."receptacleId", assignments."assignedCarrier"
FROM assignments
ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT rls_permissions_pkey
DO UPDATE SET "rlsUserId" = (SELECT DISTINCT assignments."assignedCarrier"
FROM assignments
WHERE assignments."receptacleId" = excluded."receptacleId");
The excepted result is that if no conflict, the data returned from the sub-query is inserted into a new row on the permissions table.
If there is a conflict, I'd like to update ONLY the newly assigned carrier, and not update or insert a new line since that receptacle already exists.
You don't need a subquery in the UPDATE part. You can access the values for the INSERT part through the excluded keyword.
INSERT INTO rls_permissions ("receptacleId","rlsUserId")
SELECT DISTINCT assignments."receptacleId", assignments."assignedCarrier"
FROM assignments
ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT rls_permissions_pkey
DO UPDATE SET "rlsUserId" = excluded."rlsUserId";
the reference to excluded."rlsUserId" refers to the value that would have been inserted into the column rlsUserId and thus it's the value retrieved through assignments."assignedCarrier" from your SELECT statement.

Insert specific columns from schema table to another schema table in Postgres

I am unable to find a specific answer to this question and what I have tried does not seem to work. How do I copy specific columns from one table in 1 schema to another schema table? Is that possible?
This is what I tried and it does not seem to work. Both the schemas are in the same database.
INSERT INTO public.t_movie (movie_id,movie_name)
This is the error that I am getting,
ERROR: ERROR: column "movie_id" does not exist
Hint: There is a column named "movie_id" in table "t_movie",
but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query.
Position: 58
Thank you for all the help.
It is quite possible that movie_id is generated automatically on inserts (say, if it is declared as serial). If this is the case, then don't insert it:
INSERT INTO public.t_movie (movie_name)
SELECT m.movie_name
FROM test.t_movies m;
I noticed that you are using different schemas. I found a solution to your problem:
insert into public.movie(movie_id,movie_name) select t.movie_id, t.movie_name from test.movie as t;

SQLite drop table when row in another table is deleted

I've been wrestling with setting up a trigger and keep getting the error:
SQL logic error near "DROP": syntax error
I have several tables main_table, other_one, other_two, etc.
main_table has several columns with the primary key column named filehash
The values in the primary key column of main_table are also the names of the other_* tables
So, if I delete a row in main_table with a primary key of other_one, I want the trigger to DROP the table other_one too
Here's the trigger statement that is producing the error
CREATE TRIGGER remove_other_one AFTER DELETE ON 'main_table'
WHEN (OLD.filehash == 'other_one')
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS 'other_one' ;
END remove_other_one;
EDIT: the 'fuller' error I get when I run the trigger statement in SQLite DB Browser is:
near "DROP": syntax error: CREATE TRIGGER remove_other_one AFTER DELETE ON 'main_table' WHEN (OLD.filehash == 'other_one') BEGIN DROP
Based on SQLite trigger doc I believe that it is not possible:
There is no option for DDL/dynamic SQL inside trigger.
I guess that you wanted to achieve something like PostgreSQL DBFiddle Demo 1 and Demo 2
You could handle your case in application code. Anyway table per date/customer/hash almost always indicates poor design and in long run will cause more problems.

SQLiteexception database disk image is malformed

I have a weird error with a SQLite Database: You can download it here
Everytime I try to insert something in the Table "CurrencyTransactions" it fails because a new column called 7 appeared for no reason.
I tried to drop the table but
I ran PRAGMA integrity_check but I've this error then
Then I tried to export a .sql file and to import it again in a fresh new database but
1) If I import the structure only, it works fine and I don't have the 7 column anymore
2) If I import the entries then, it fails with this error:
It means something like: "Error in process #74: not an error"
To finish, I also tried this solution but the new database created is empty.
What can I do? I really need to save the entries.
What I suggest is in DB Browser.
File/Export/Database to SQL file.
Select All (for all tables)
Other options up to you other than Export Everything
Save the file.
Close the database.
Open a new database e.g nadekobotfix.db. (could be same name but different location)
Note 1-6 takes a minute or so (just under 60k).
Do the hard work according to :-
You may need to remove/ignore the first and last lines (BEGIN TRANSACTION; and the subsequent COMMIT;)
You would probably not be able to run the generated SQL directly due to constraints (tried this an failed with constraints).
You need to copy sections from the file and run according to the hierarchy as imposed by the constraints (foreign keys). If you have CHECK constraints these may need to be considered. (no Triggers to worry about).
Running SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND instr(sql,'CHECK'); returns nothing so there are no CHECK constraints.
Indexes could/should be left till last (as they are in the generated SQL).
A section would consist of a table's create statement along with the insert statements.
You may wish to create a spreadsheet of the tables(sections) marking them off when they have been done.
The following query could assist as those with NA could be done first
SELECT CASE WHEN instr(sql,'FOREIGN KEY') THEN 'FK' ELSE 'NA' END AS fkey, name,sql
FROM sqlite_master
WHERE type = 'table' AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite%' ORDER BY instr(sql,'FOREIGN KEY')
you could export individual tables from DB Browser for SQlite marking them off when done.
You may wish to do an integrity_check at regular intervals.
If this works (you might have to make adjustments to the SQL) then you can rename the old db and then rename the new (or move the old and the copy the new if using the same database name).
Note you may still have to determine how the corruption occurred.
You may wish to backup the database regularly.
You may wish to have a look at How To Corrupt An SQLite Database File
You may wish to heed :-
With few exceptions, analysis of a corrupt database does not normally
help to determine what went wrong. A better approach to avoiding
"danger", we have found, is to read and understand
* in database main *
Page 10628: btreeInitPage() returns error code 11
This indicates that the page header is so badly corrupted that SQLite
cannot interpret this page at all. One possible reason: page 10628
has been zeroed. Can you look at a hex dump of that page? (Remember
that SQLite numbers pages beginning with 1, so the start of the page
is pgsz*10627 where pgsz is the page size.)
-- D. Richard Hipp
“btreeInitPage() returns error code 11”
Sample adjustment required
The Reminders table has a column called When, this is an SQL keyword (inadvisable column name IMO) so the generated SQL for the INSERT doesn't wrap the column name so you will get an error.
i.e. :-
`Message` TEXT,
`DateAdded` TEXT
INSERT INTO `Reminders` (Id,ChannelId,IsPrivate,Message,ServerId,UserId,When,DateAdded) VALUES (1270,367886754973351936,1,'Birthday Day',318127386367623170,367886754973351936,'2018-05-03 22:07:48.1860996','2018-03-18 22:07:48.186101'),
(1271,248278722656993281,1,'to remind Chanmi to remind Jayos to DeagleMomoka',318127386367623170,248278722656993281,'2018-05-05 22:08:58.4915565','2018-03-18 22:08:58.4915582'),
(1376,170240129414201344,1,'timely',318127386367623170,170240129414201344,'2018-03-29 09:00:29.4476776','2018-03-28 09:00:29.447679'),
(1377,373301201158144000,1,'timely',318127386367623170,373301201158144000,'2018-03-29 09:50:14.1631563','2018-03-28 09:50:14.1631577'),
(1378,248278722656993281,1,'timely',318127386367623170,248278722656993281,'2018-03-29 11:24:27.0250275','2018-03-28 11:24:27.025029'),
(1379,421433212716318721,1,'to timely',318127386367623170,421433212716318721,'2018-03-29 19:21:17.7465563','2018-03-28 19:21:17.7465584'),
(1380,346513954966863872,1,'t',318127386367623170,346513954966863872,'2018-03-29 19:42:23.4758798','2018-03-28 19:42:23.4758816'),
(1381,272735316002209792,1,'t!daily',318127386367623170,272735316002209792,'2018-03-29 21:01:47.5616218','2018-03-28 21:01:47.5616236'),
(1382,298272937243312132,1,'timely',318127386367623170,298272937243312132,'2018-03-29 23:18:02.8826873','2018-03-28 23:18:02.8826891'),
(1383,332340162774302720,1,'t',318127386367623170,332340162774302720,'2018-03-30 01:55:21.4704139','2018-03-29 01:55:21.4704156'),
(1384,367165474246754314,1,'tatyahaksodoeo',318127386367623170,367165474246754314,'2018-03-30 03:46:18.8805182','2018-03-29 03:46:18.8805196'),
(1385,290086674761908225,1,'timely',318127386367623170,290086674761908225,'2018-03-30 07:02:33.4115303','2018-03-29 07:02:33.4115321'),
(1386,168064128500367360,1,'timely',318127386367623170,168064128500367360,'2018-03-30 07:19:09.1915867','2018-03-29 07:19:09.1915885');
would have to be changed to use (square brackets, single or double quotes or grave accents can be used to enclose/wrap/quote the offending keyword):-
.......INSERT INTO `Reminders` (Id,ChannelId,IsPrivate,Message,ServerId,UserId,[When],DateAdded) ......
Likewise table SelfAssignableRoles has the GROUP keyword as a column name.
Likewise table Permissionv2 and table StartupCommand have the INDEX keyword as a column name.
Potential Issue
As an exercise I've tried doing the above and have managed to get 67 out of the 71 tables (66 out of 70 of your tables as sqlite_sequence is automatically created).
However, there appears to be an issue, between the Clubs table and the DiscordUser table. I believe that there is a circular reference between them. Thus as WaifuInfo and WaifuUpdates are reliant upon the DiscordUser table and as WaifuItem is realiant upon WaifInfo. The tables mentioned here have not been successfully copied.
A word of warning. If you attempt to create Clubs and or DiscordUser using the existing constraints you may end up in a situation where one always has to exist.
e.g. if DiscordUser exists but Clubs doesn't then
results in :-
no such table: main.Clubs: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `DiscordUser`;
If you then create Clubs and try the DROP with a very basic (no Constraints) using :-
The result is good as per :-
Query executed successfully: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `DiscordUser`; (took 1ms)
Now try to DROP Clubs using :-
and you can't as DiscordUser doesn't exist as per :-
no such table: main.DiscordUser: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `Clubs`;
I've tried closing the database in case it was a caching issue but the behaviour remains.
As such, I'd strongly suggest having a good look at the constraint usage and being sure of correcting the issues before trying to copy all of the tables (I guess that there is a chance that this could be part of the cause of the corruption, however why/how is way beyond me).
P.S. The method I used was (1-6):-
Then for 7 :-
Run the sqlite_master query, from above, select all cells and copy, then drop the results into a spreadsheet (you could drop the sql column as the create gets truncated unless you try to fiddle with the delimiters).
Open the exported file (I used NotePad++) in your Editor.
Open a new DB in DB Browser (will refer to it as DBB from now) for SQLite.
In DBB in EXEC SQL tab, input PRAGMA integrity_check, run to check.
Create new tab (for next SQL).
Switch to Spreadsheet and copy the first table name that isn't marked as done.
Switch to Editor do find on EXISTS copied_table_name
Select the section (i.e the CREATE statement along to and including the last row to be inserted, note can be a pain for the larger tables so might be easier to create separate export for those tables). Copy the selection to the clipboard.
Paste into the empty tab and run.
If OK then
in DBB click to create a new tab for the next
switch to spreadsheet and mark table as DONE
goto 5.
If not OK then
If you can fix the issue by altering the SQL fix the SQL (e.g. column name needs enclosing/wrapping/quoting) and then go to 9.
If the issue is due to Constraints then go to 5 but select the table causing the constraint.
OK the issue with the DiscordUser/Club tables is that a Clubs.Ownerid requires a DiscordUser. So clubs cannot be added without the relevant Discord users (id's 1,2,7,14 and 32). Some DiscordUsers are club members so they require a club to exist.
What I have done is to load the DiscordUsers rows for the Club owners changing their ClubId to null. Load the Clubs. Update the ClubId's of the DiscordUsers so they are members of the club that they were before (i.e. undo the null) and to load the rest of the nearly 600 Discordusers (excluding those already loaded).
Here's the SQL I used for that part (note except for the Discorduser, Clubs and the 3 waifu tables, all other tables have been successfully created and loaded).
INSERT INTO `DiscordUser` (Id,AvatarId,Discriminator,UserId,DateAdded,Username,ClubId,LastLevelUp,NotifyOnLevelUp,LastXpGain,TotalXp,IsClubAdmin,CurrencyAmount) VALUES
-- ClubId was 6 changed to null
(1,'6d5212a0f5e862d57c8ffc6f254a2e85','1458',299779864045682689,'2017-10-07 18:02:04.8287878','Anubis',NULL,'2018-03-27 02:22:26.362966',0,'2017-11-17 01:19:14.0313957',7056,1,280),
-- Owns a club but not in a club
(2,'3b37e0f635706f81fdde2b6de9889283','9810',181200115539640321,'2017-10-07 18:04:39.767728','AnnaHime',NULL,'2018-01-02 02:27:38.8011863',0,'2017-11-16 01:29:49.0371488',429,0,360),
-- ClubId null was 3
(7,'612c67b6eb57d8806dcc92ed45b3a6d0','0396',177502331582021639,'2017-10-07 18:11:09.7830603','Tsuchimursu',NULL,'2018-03-28 17:45:53.7399883',0,'2017-11-17 15:53:59.084885',18156,1,4725),
-- ClubId null was 4
(14,'b2dd362171277337294de325bf92ad6a','3267',215597863441268737,'2017-10-07 18:45:54.8092675','LaLa☆Star',NULL,'2018-01-14 20:52:15.7531274',0,'2017-11-08 19:00:22.7778305',2061,1,286),
-- ClubId null was 5
(32,'667f4d802b977c4d4be974e35ae63c55','2593',251689019929395200,'2017-10-08 00:58:16.6089546','username',NULL,'2018-03-28 07:27:34.9348084',0,'2017-11-17 20:02:14.0283998',4704,1,1188),
-- ClubId was 2 changed to NULL
(91,'0adb399c9f2cd94370038e2452ab8c8d','6790',346513954966863872,'2017-10-13 05:48:51.7788964','mayoi',NULL,'2018-03-24 02:50:06.8970518',0,'2017-11-17 20:01:29.0692552',7635,1,515)
INSERT INTO `Clubs` (Id,DateAdded,Discrim,ImageUrl,MinimumLevelReq,Name,OwnerId,Xp,Description) VALUES
(2,'2017-11-14 07:39:57.5091592',1,'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_7WKFouxTx1fdFpnmmuykDAd5SoiiJOPzHdRmXKOmRRZhV5Ba4V_kZct5ooVjQ9BuzU=w300',5,'We ⤠waifus',91,40137,'Love your waifus short & tall, big & small, cute as dolls, we love ''em all!'),
(3,'2017-12-11 07:00:59.3762914',1,'',30,'Den of Faes',7,11607,NULL),
(4,'2017-12-11 07:03:59.093402',1,'',5,'Skeleton Enthusiasts',14,657,NULL),
(5,'2017-12-11 07:05:56.9111719',1,'',5,'Saki''s Juice',32,2610,NULL),
(6,'2017-12-22 04:46:24.7271709',1,'',5,'nap pile',1,24870,'For the sleeping beauties and the wandering insomniacs who enjoy a good night sleep.')
UPDATE `DiscordUser` SET ClubId = 6 WHERE Id=1;
UPDATE `DiscordUser` SET ClubId = 3 WHERE Id=7;
UPDATE `DiscordUser` SET ClubId = 4 WHERE Id=14;
UPDATE `DiscordUser` SET ClubId = 5 WHERE Id=32;
UPDATE `DiscordUser` SET ClubId = 2 WHERE Id=91;
-- LOAD Remaining DiscordUser rows (note incomplete)
INSERT INTO `DiscordUser` (Id,AvatarId,Discriminator,UserId,DateAdded,Username,ClubId,LastLevelUp,NotifyOnLevelUp,LastXpGain,TotalXp,IsClubAdmin,CurrencyAmount) VALUES
--(1,'6d5212a0f5e862d57c8ffc6f254a2e85','1458',299779864045682689,'2017-10-07 18:02:04.8287878','Anubis',6,'2018-03-27 02:22:26.362966',0,'2017-11-17 01:19:14.0313957',7056,1,280),
--(2,'3b37e0f635706f81fdde2b6de9889283','9810',181200115539640321,'2017-10-07 18:04:39.767728','AnnaHime',NULL,'2018-01-02 02:27:38.8011863',0,'2017-11-16 01:29:49.0371488',429,0,360),
(3,'a3cd92d397ad357834d0e6c9f10bfc59','0429',145356302347010048,'2017-10-07 18:04:49.786657','Rebel Lucy',NULL,'2018-03-26 12:55:21.1149964',0,'2017-11-17 22:21:24.0263741',6876,0,3600),
(4,'7225dccaab1c93896657a61e18595378','5286',84689434536050688,'2017-10-07 18:05:44.765554','scarletflame234',NULL,'2018-03-28 22:56:28.7427437',0,'2017-11-17 23:21:41.4446535',13368,0,288),
(5,'c1316bc0673f4a2709b3ce550ed54395','0760',303279191116480514,'2017-10-07 18:06:39.7664015','zachary',NULL,'2018-03-02 03:48:43.4817755',0,'2017-11-17 18:44:14.1082867',210,0,50),
(6,'2ed95eae7c3088c46b23e71578dacc42','8801',161369834314137601,'2017-10-07 18:07:04.7672808','Kou',NULL,'2018-03-07 06:24:32.3405246',0,'2017-11-17 23:20:00.0648699',2640,0,55),
--(7,'612c67b6eb57d8806dcc92ed45b3a6d0','0396',177502331582021639,'2017-10-07 18:11:09.7830603','Tsuchimursu',3,'2018-03-28 17:45:53.7399883',0,'2017-11-17 15:53:59.084885',18156,1,4725),
(8,'5b1d239935ab4dd6d3eee98954601d52','9859',179093512610906113,'2017-10-07 18:13:54.7939334','TheCorty',NULL,'2017-11-12 12:07:36.4752178',0,'2017-11-12 23:47:26.4744132',2460,0,205), ...........
NOTE The SQL from -- LOAD Remaining DiscordUser rows, will not work as it's only intended to show how ID's 1,2 and 7 have been commented out, as should be rows 14, 32 and 91 as they have already been loaded, the other close to 600 rows should be included.
Note I've just also loaded the outstanding 3 waifu tables so all data can be retrieved (assuming that none has been lost due to the corruption). PRAGMA integrity_check; returns OK.

Accessing old and new values in WHERE clause of CREATE RULE

I'm trying to merge two dump files as outlined in this answer. In working through creating the rule I keep having issues trying to access both the OLD and NEW values of my account table.
The account schema is just a table with a single column of type jsonb called value. Inside the value column are two fields off which I want to create the skip_unique rule. Following is the latest query I've tried and the ensuing response:
CREATE OR REPLACE RULE skip_unique AS ON INSERT TO account WHERE NEW.value->>'opCo' = OLD.value->>'opCo' AND NEW.value->>'customerId' = OLD.value->>'customerId' DO INSTEAD NOTHING;
ERROR: invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "old"
LINE 1: ...S ON INSERT TO account WHERE NEW.value->>'opCo' = OLD.value-...
HINT: There is an entry for table "old", but it cannot be referenced from this part of the query.
I've tried numerous permutations of the same general query including:
CREATE OR REPLACE RULE skip_unique AS ON INSERT TO account WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM account WHERE NEW.value->>'opCo' = OLD.value->>'opCo' AND NEW.value->>'customerId' = OLD.value->>'customerId')) DO INSTEAD NOTHING;
CREATE OR REPLACE RULE skip_unique AS ON INSERT TO account WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM account AS b WHERE b.value->>'opCo' = account.value->>'opCo' AND b.value->>'customerId' = account.value->>'customerId')) DO INSTEAD NOTHING;
CREATE OR REPLACE RULE skip_unique AS ON INSERT TO account old WHERE (NEW.value->>'opCo' = old.value->>'opCo' AND NEW.value->>'customerId' = old.value->>'customerId') DO INSTEAD NOTHING;
None of them have worked for various reasons.
Thanks in advance for your help!
There is no OLD variable (or rather it's unassigned) on an INSERT trigger. After all, with an INSERT you're inserting something new, so what would you expect OLD to hold?
Data type RECORD; variable holding the old database row for
UPDATE/DELETE operations in row-level triggers. This variable is
unassigned in statement-level triggers and for INSERT operations.
You should be looking for the value in the table rather than OLD.