How to select following data points in high charts - selenium

How to write xpath to select point before orange mark
My xpath to get orange plot is

I'm assuming that by "point before orange mark" you mean a data point that occurs before a month marked with an orange dot. If that's what you mean, then you can use this XPath
You haven't posted the rest of the HTML so you may need to add some context to that using something like what you already posted, e.g.


Change color of distribution plot in qlik sense

I have a distribution plot in qlik sense:
How can I specify the color of the dots? I want to change it based on the points.
I have three different types of my x-axis 'Geschäftsverteilung' : 'On-Time', 'Delayed' and 'Late', so the on-time are red right now and should be green, the delayed are blue and should be yellow and the late ones are yellow and should be red.
You need to set to change colors by expression something like that:
If(Sum([# Purchases]) > 6,Green(),Red())
To provide exact answer I would need to see your file and know what exactly you want to achieve (what colors for what results)

Adding various number of dots in excel

I have a lot of excel files looking like that:
My goal is to make it look like that:
To do that, I used very simple excel's function:
=F7&" "&G7&""&" "&H7&" times "&I7&CHAR(10)&F8&" "&G8&""&" "&H8&" times "&I8&CHAR(10)
The thing is, the number of dots placed before "cat" is not constant. It depends where the previous sentence ends and my formula doesn't take it into account - it always adds 9 dots, which means I have to add the rest of the dots manually.
Any ideas how to make it work? :D
The REPT function can do this. Use LEN to calculate the length of what you're adding the dots to, then subtract that from the desired width of the result. That will repeat the dot enough times to fill the column. For example, if you want the text with dots to be 40 characters, right padded with .:
=F1&" "&G1&REPT(".",40-LEN(G1))&"cat."&" "&H1&" times "&I1&CHAR(10)&F2&""
=LEFT(A1 & REPT(".",22-LEN(A1))&"cat",25)
22 = fixed width - len("cat"), 25 - fixed width.
edit - i revised because my original answer was not correct but I see Comintern has posted a similar response since.

extract value from hidden input using xpath and

I want to extract a list of dates from a hidden input, but I really don't understand what I'm doing. On the web page there's code similar to:
I'm trying the xpath:
But that leaves my HTML column empty in (At least I have a blue underline on my xpath, instead of red, so I think I have the syntax correct.)
Based on the code
is not targeting your example , it should be like this
also in this case the column type Should be Text , if you need the html you should make it like this

PostgreSQL: Getting Strings between double Brackets

I am new to PostgreSQL and decided to play around with it a little bit. Thus I want to extract Strings from a Marked-Up text, but I do not get the result I wanted.
To do that I have a simple table named book and a column with a text data type called page.
The data looks something like this:
Simon the Sorcerer is a [[teenager]] transported into a fantasy world as a
[[Sorcerer (person)|sorcerer]] dressed in a cloak and [[pointy hat]]; his
cloak and hat are purple in the first game, but change to red for the rest
of the series (aside from possible magical colour changes in the third game).
He must use his logic and magical skills to solve puzzles as he progresses
through the games.
Now I want to extract each String between the brackets [[ ]]. But how do I do that correctly? Or is that even possible without Plug-ins?
I tried different versions with LIKE which did not produce any results, e.g.:
SELECT * FROM book WHERE page LIKE '[[%]]';
SELECT * FROM book WHERE page LIKE '[[teenager]]';
I also played a bit with regex, but I only got the whole dataset back instead of the String between the brackets:
SELECT * from book where page ~ '[^[[]+(?=\]])';
Is there a solution for my problem? Help will be much appreciated!
Use the regexp_matches function:
select regexp_matches(page,'[^[[]+(?=\]])','g') from book

Semantic mediawiki - Set propery to range of values

I'm trying to set a specific property to a non exact value, for example say that I want to define the height of a pine tree to usually between 3-80 m (according to wikipedia). Then I would like to set something like [[Has height::3-80]] (of course this doesn't work) and defining the unit to meters with "custom units". Then I would like to be able to query for example "trees that can reach the height of 70 meters" and the pine tree would be included. I've been searching and trying different angles for hours now and I can't figure it out. Tried with #set_recurring_event but that seems to be only for dates/time. Also understood how to set multiple values for a property with #arraymap but this doesn't seem to help me here. Really would appreciate help with this (it's probably very easy and right in front of me) Thx! COG
There's no such things. But you able to create template, with parameters you want. The you just use code kinda {{range|min|max|units}}. For example your range of heights looks like {{range|3|80|m}}.