Where I can find Batch... jsx file (Photoshop standard script) - photoshop

I need to find Batch... jsx file script that is standard script in photoshop. I know, all script are in Scripts folder, I see Image Processor there. But cannot find Batch... .jsx file.

I believe what you're looking for are two scripts, "CSX-1_3.jsx" and the library it uses, "stdlib.js" - but it depends on which version of PS you're using. The old location used to be in the /Presets/Scripts/ directory.


How to format markdown and all code in it?

I have a bunch of markdown files in my github repo. As there are many members in the team, the syntax of markdown and code in markdown files are hard to be standardised.
What I want is:
Create a github action that modify those files automatically when there is a push.
I can't find a markdown prettifier that format the code as well. (e.g. putting spaces around '=')
The solutions that I can think out of are:
Use a CLI tool that can do all the stuff
Use a tool for markdown, use a script to filter all code in it and parse it to anther tool
Send http requests to those online prettifier if such CLI tools do not exist
Note: I have Java, Cpp, Swift and more in my markdown.
Any solution for this? I will be appreciated if the script could be provided (if needed).
If those markdown files are located in a java project, you may try spotless.
For example, if you have a maven project, with spotless, just run mvn spotless:apply, it could fix all the styles / formatting issues of your markdown files automatically.

Wkhtmltopdf. Generate folder

How using the program wkhtmltopdf I convert the entire folder with html files?
Let's say there are 10,000 html files in the folder, and I need to make 10,000 pdf out of them.
You cannot do that directly with wkhtmltopdf, you will need some external logic to handle going through your files.
This could be a shell script, or it could be a portion of the program you are writing. If you simply have a task that states "convert these files to pdf" and you are running on a standard Linux server, I would advise you to write a shell script that loops over the files and executes wkhtmltopdf for each file separately.

Understanding PDFBox jar files

I am attempting to install PDFBox on my system in order to create PDF files, but am unsure which jar files I need. If I go to https://pdfbox.apache.org/download.cgi
I see command line tools as follows:
pdfbox-app (9.1MB)
preflight-app (9.2MB)
debugger-app (9.0MB)
I also see "Libraries of each subproject" as follows:
pdfbox (2.6MB)
fontbox (1.6MB)
preflight (248KB)
xmpbox (132KB)
pdfbox-tools (77KB)
pdfbox-debugger (245KB)
What is meant by "each subproject"? Is it talking about the command line tools or something different?
I am planning to use java from the command line rather than in an IDE. Does this mean that I just need the Command line tools or do I need the "Libraries of each Subproject" as well? What does the "-app" indicated in the command line tools vs the related libraries?
Is there a page on apache.org that mentions the differences between all of these?
To create PDF files should I be using the preflight and debugger files as well or are those optional?
Summarizing the comments: you want to create a PDF from scratch and access your development over ssh so you can't use an IDE and have to use javac. For that you could use pdfbox-app jar file, but this would be huge. Instead, use the pdfbox, fontbox and commons-log jar files. See also here for additional dependencies if you want to do more advanced stuff (read / render (= convert to image) / decrypt / sign).

What is the default path in .desktop files and how to change?

I am installing a package manually on my own system because I need to make some changes to it that aren't available in the basic version in my package manager. I also am trying to keep packages installed locally if possible, so I'm installing it with prefix=$HOME/.local instead of the more common prefix=/usr/local.
When I do this, I have no problem executing the program from my terminal, because I added ~/.local/bin to my PATH and the package was installed with relative paths to its shared libraries (i.e. ~/.local/lib/<package>). Executing from the command line is no problem, but I want to be able to access it from the favorites menu in gnome, and for that I need to make use of the <package>.desktop file.
I could hard-code the path to the executable in the .desktop file itself, but when I pull a later version down and re-install it, I'll have to redo those steps. I was wondering if there's a way to avoid that.
I've tried symlinking the executable to a directory where .desktop files do have included in their path, and the application is correctly treated as a GUI option, but launching the executable results in an error trying to find a shared library. I think this has to do with how cmake handles rpaths, which to my understanding is a way of relatively linking executables with their required libraries.
I think what I want to do is have PATH inside a .desktop file include ~/.local/bin, without changing the .desktop file itself. Can I alter the 'default' path used in accessing a .desktop file?
The answer to my question was found in the Archwiki:
Specifically, I needed to add ~/.local/bin to my path in ~/.xinitrc. Now my graphical programs work as expected.

Nuget: Is there a transformation token available to get the location of the package tools folder?

I am trying to use Nuget to distribute a ms build .targets file. I need to modify some elements of the file to include the installed path of a few assemblies. For that I would like to use the tools folder. I am having a hard time finding the token (if it exists) to do the replacement. Has anyone encountered this problem or know of a workaround?
You'll have to go the PowerShell route to get this done, as no transform exists AFAIK. The init.ps1 file can process some parameters provided by the NuGet VSIX.
Simply add the following to the top of the init.ps1 file and use the $installPath variable in your scripts that modify the file content.
param($installPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)
Check here for an example usage.