IFilter with Custom properties - com

I'm developing a custom filter to my file format. Everything works fine when I use any of system keys from <propkey.h> like PKEY_Search_Contents.
But now I need to have my custom properties to register and use with Windows Search. Imagine:
"SELECT * FROM SystemIndex WHERE scope ='file:C:/' AND Publisher.Item.CustomProperty LIKE '%Test%'"
I saw about Property Handlers and already tested. I used the RecipePropertyHandler project from Windows 7 SDK Samples. And when I searched with this code:
// get a property store for the mp3 file
IPropertyStore* store = NULL;
HRESULT hr = SHGetPropertyStoreFromParsingName(L"SomePath",
NULL, GPS_DEFAULT, __uuidof(IPropertyStore), (void**)&store);
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
store->GetValue(PKEY_Microsoft_SampleRecipe_Difficulty, &variant);
//// very important undocumented method
I receive the correct answer.
But I don't understand how to union IFilter with IPropertyStore to create my custom properties. To start my IFilter, I used the example from Windows 7 SDK Samples. I'm doing something like:
chunkValue.SetTextValue(PKEY_SearchContents, filtered.c_str(),CHUNK_TEXT, 1046, 0, 0, CHUNK_EOS);
I didn't found the link anymore anymore but I read a quote of msdn about you can't implement IFilter AND IPropertyStore together. It's that true? Talking in other words, I can't create a custom property?
I saw all links from msdn, like link, link2 or any other.
I can do separate things but I don't know how to union both.
Any ideia how to implement?
Im trying yet implement the PropertyHandler. My .propdesc file have this content:
<schema xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<propertyDescriptionList publisher="Microsoft" product="SampleRecipe">
<propertyDescription name="Microsoft.SampleRecipe.Difficulty" formatID="{1794C9FE-74A9-497f-9C69-B31F03CE7EF9}" propID="100">
<description>This property indicates the preparation difficulty of a recipe.</description>
<searchInfo inInvertedIndex="true" isColumn="true" />
<typeInfo type="String" multipleValues="false" isViewable="true" />
<labelInfo label="Recipe difficulty" invitationText="Specify recipe difficulty" />
<displayInfo displayType="Enumerated" >
<editControl control="DropList"/>
<enum value="Easy" text="Easy" />
<enum value="Medium" text="Medium" />
<enum value="Hard" text="Hard" />
<propertyDescription name="Microsoft.SampleRecipe.Keywords" formatID="{16D19FCB-7654-48AB-8057-DF8E51CC0755}" propID="100">
<description>This property indicates the preparation difficulty of a recipe.</description>
<searchInfo inInvertedIndex="true" isColumn="True"/>
<typeInfo type="String" multipleValues="true" isViewable="true" />
<labelInfo label="Recipe Keywords" invitationText="Specify recipe keyword" />
On Windows Properties:
I receive all informations from file... but when I try to search with Windows Search like:
SELECT Microsoft.SampleRecipe.Keywords FROM SystemIndex
Where directory='somedirectory'
I receive all lines empty... Any ideias why?
I can see my properties on PropSchema:
I can use my Microsoft.SampleRecipe.DifficultyV2 on my WSSQL Query like:
SELECT Microsoft.SampleRecipe.KeywordsV2 FROM SystemIndex WHERE directory='C:\users\step\documents\rvffilter\'
But all the contents are empty


JSF2 custom component, parameter autocompletion with a local file path

My First Question, after years, thank you all and stackoverflow ;-)
I code a new Component for JSF2 and use it to include other templates.
It works perfectly for me.
<cc:attribute name="src" type="java.lang.String" required="true"/>
<cc:attribute name="addOption" type="java.util.List"/>
<cc:insertChildren />
<ui:include src="#{BeanAnything.convert(cc.attrs.src, cc.attrs.addOption)}" />
But i cant complete the Parameter src via auto completion in intellij or netbeans with "strg + space" or whatever other will use.
It should be used like the ui:include on src parameter.
Any Ideas ?
That's what I want to achieve only with my own componente gg:include
See Example

how to resolve burn variables in the bootstrap xml

One of my goals in creating the bootstrap project is to set a default log location. I would like the location to be based on the local app data folder. I cannot figure out how to reference the builtin Burn variable LocalAppDataFolder. I have found information about how to reference these variables in code, but not in the xml.
The reference to the property looks like this:
<MsiPackage SourceFile="MyInstaller.msi" LogPathVariable="[LogLocation]" />
The property is set like this:
<Variable Name="LogLocation" Value="[LocalAppDataFolder]MyLogFolder\Setup" Type="string"/>
The log output shows:
Initializing string variable 'LogLocation' to value
What am I missing to resolve [LocalAppDataFolder] ?
thanks in advance.
It's normal for the log output to show the un-formatted value, so that part looks correct. I think what you are missing is LogPathVariable should be specified without the brackets.
<MsiPackage SourceFile="MyInstaller.msi" LogPathVariable="LogLocation" />

What is the suitable replacement for this.__LZtextclip.text in Open laszlo 5.0

I want to know what is the suitable replacement for this line.
I am using this to get the string present in the text node. This works fine in Openlaszlo 3.3 but in 4.9 and 5.0 it's giving a problem
I tried updating it to
And i am getting an error:
79: Error: Access of possibly undefined property __LZtextclip through a reference with static type LzSprite, in line: Debug.write(this.sprite.__LZtextclip.text);
Any idea why this problem is happening?
If you are trying to access the text content of a text field, why don't you just access the attribute text?
<text name="sample" id="gRead" />
<handler name="oninit">
In OpenLaszlo 3.3 there is method getText(), which gives you the same value. Accessing mx.textfield in your code does not work for the DHTML runtime.
Edit: Added information regarding the stripping of HTML tags
The Flash Textfield class flash.text.Textfield provides an API to enable HTML tag content in a Textfield instance. There are two different properties, one called text, the other one htmlText. If you want to directly access the Flash Textfield object of an lz.text instance, it's a property of the display object of the lz.text instance:
// Flash Textfield instance
// Pure text content
// Formatted text
You should be aware of the fact that Flash automatically adds HTML format to any textstring you set as content. When you do
the textfield.htmlText value is
For the DHTML runtime, the text content is added as the innerHTML of a <div> tag, and there is no standardized API to retrieve the pure text content of a DOM structure for a tag with content. You could write your own function to extract the text content, or use JavaScript functions from existing frameworks - like the jQuery text() function - to achieve the same result for the DHTML runtime.
I guess the reason is that Laszlo started using the Dojo based rich text editor for text input with HTML formatting since OpenLaszlo 4.0 or 4.1.
The best approach to have consistent behavior across runtimes when stripping tags is to do the conversion on the server-side. That's especially needed if you wan to have consistent whitespace treatment in multiline text, since there differences in how browsers treat whitespace. The question how to best strip tags from strings in JavaScript has been answered before on Stackoverflow, e.g. JavaScript: How to strip HTML tags from string?
Here is a cross-runtime example which works in DHTML with Firefox, Chrome, and it should work with IE9+:
<text name="sample" id="gRead" />
<handler name="oninit"><![CDATA[
gRead.setAttribute("text", 'Hello <b>World</b> OL');
Debug.info("gRead.text=" + gRead.text);
if ($dhtml) {
} else {
I found what is the problem. The problem is that i have to declare a variable and have to refer the property from that.
<text name="sample" id="gRead">
<method name="getTextFrom">
Debug.write("this.text" , this.sprite);
var mx = this.sprite;
Debug.write("this.text" , mx.textfield.text);
<handler name="oninit">

WiX RegistryValue setting to null (Value="")

I've been working on a WiX project for some time, and consuming the registry values that my setup initializes has proven to be "interesting". I am looking for a sanity check here, please.
I have the following line in my WiX script that creates a registry value:
<RegistryValue Type="multiString" Name="polling_manifest" Value="" />
This creates a registry value with the data that looks like this (from regedit/export):
which, to me, looks like a string[2] with two null strings in it. In actuality, if you open this registry value with something like:
public static string[] pollingManifestValue
return (string[])RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64)
RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.LocalMachine, RegistryView.Registry64)
.OpenSubKey(AppSettingsGet("RegPathKeyConary"), true)
.SetValue(AppSettingsGet("rTISRegKeyPollingManifest"), value);
pollingManifestValue comes back as null. Consequently, all my code that accesses this construct has to have the "check for null first, then access properties"-type code.
I understand that those checks are the right thing to do, and I am not looking to be a more lazy programmer here. I am looking for thoughts and suggestions of those more experienced than I with the WiX deep magic, because it feels to me like I am not doing it optimally. Any code review / usage guidance is most welcome, and I thank you in advance.
Internally, REG_MULTI_SZ (Type="multiString") values are represented by a sequence of null-terminated strings, terminated by an empty string.
While this MSDN page clearly states that it is not possible to include a zero-length string in the sequence, tools like WiX do allow for writing empty strings to the registry. Registry Editor, while displaying such values properly in some places, will remove empty strings before saving.
So your example
<RegistryValue Type="multiString" Name="polling_manifest" Value="" />
which can also be written as follows to make its intention more clear
<RegistryValue Type="multiString" Name="polling_manifest">
will be written to the registry as an empty string, followed by a \0 character, followed by the sequence-terminating \0 character. With each character represented by two bytes, the entire sequence is exported as "polling_manifest"=hex(7):00,00,00,00.
While testing this, I found that .NET, at least in version 4, doesn't use c-style string processing for reading REG_MULTI_SZ values, and can clearly process empty strings. Using code like yours clearly returned a string array containing one empty string element.
I noticed you're using the 64-bit registry view in your code, however it is unclear whether your value will be written to this registry view. Furthermore key path and value name are read from configuration; are you sure they are correct?
Create registry entry using this code
<RegistryKey Id="ServiceName" Action="createAndRemoveOnUninstall" Key="SOFTWARE\ProductName\[ProductCode]\FeatureName" Root="HKLM">
<RegistryValue Id="ServiceName" Type="string" Name="ABC" Value="[SERVICENAME]"></RegistryValue>
<RegistryValue Id="ServiceInstallLocation" Type="string" Name="ServiceInstallLocation" Value="[INSTALLLOCATION2]"></RegistryValue>
For reading registry you can use the straight forward code like below
string processor = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE");
processor = processor.Substring(processor.Length - 2, 2);
if (processor == "86")
regkey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\\ABC company");
regkey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("Software\\Wow6432Node\\ABC company");
Then fetch the values
Registry.GetValue(regkey + "\\Services", "ServiceName", "0")
If it returns "0" then value does not exists else it will give you the service name.

How to use a property that was set in a custom action?

I want to set a property in a custom action and use it in the standard custom action "util:User" afterwards. But no matter where I put the property in my wxs-file, I always get "error LGHT0094 : Unresolved reference to symbol"
In my setup I want to add a new user by using util:User. The user should be added to the group "Power Users" by using util:GroupRef. No Problem so far. Unfortunately the group names are language dependent. In german "Power Users" is "Hauptbenutzer". So I want to look up the well known SID S-1-5-32-547 in a custom action, set a property in this custom action by calling MsiSetProperty and then use the property for util:GroupRef.
As far as I understand, the property must be declared somewhere in the wxs-file.
In the examples I found, the property was never declared as follows (but I also tried that):
<Property Id="TextSID" Value="Power Users" />
In the examples there always was a custom action to set the property, like:
<CustomAction Id="SetTextSID"
Value="Power Users"
Return="check" />
My problem is, that the creation of the user fails to "compile" because the property "TextSID" is not known:
<Component Id="CreateUser" Guid="Some GUID here in my original wxs file">
<util:User Id="UserUser"
Name="User" Password="Password"
CanNotChangePassword="yes" PasswordNeverExpires="yes">
<util:GroupRef Id="TextSID" />
I have never done a custom action before and I'm a new to WiX and MSI, so any idea would be very welcome.
Sorry for wasting your time.
I stared at my XML for hours before I posted this question, just to find the answer immediately after my post :-(
My only problem was, that it is not possible to reference to something that isn't there. In this case the "util:Group" was missing.