How to display the values of Vector in the data browser of DolphinDB? - sql

I execute the following code in the GUI of DolphinDB.
incomes=table(2016.07.31 - 10..1 as date, rand(100,10) as income);
eventdates = [2016.07.22, 2016.07.25, 2016.07.29];
x =;;
Then the GUI show the result
like this.
But I don't know the meaning of Can you tell me how to display the values of Vector simply?

You can try this way:[0]
The number in [] is the index of element you want to access.


ProgrammingError: ('Expected 0 parameters, supplied 391', 'HY000') with 391 columns using dynamic approach

I have a dataframe that contains 391 columns and a number of rows. I am trying to push this to a database via pyodbc and using the following command:
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.fast_executemany = True
f"INSERT INTO db.tble({', '.join(df.columns.tolist())}) VALUES ({('?,' * len(df.columns))[:-1]})",
list(df.itertuples(index=False, name=None))
I would have thought this method would be dynamic for a dataframe of any size yet I get the following error:
ProgrammingError: ('Expected 0 parameters, supplied 391', 'HY000')
I am struggling to understand this as the syntax looks correct, ? has been used instead of %s like other answers. Can someone please help.
I once wrote a piece of code, where I wanted to create the insert statement dynamically based on number of columns in the data frame:
here is how the insert query would be passed to the database:
INSERT INTO dbo.Table (column1,columns2,column3) VALUES (?,?,?)
and again, the number of columns and values '?' would be required to be created dynamically at runtime based upon the number of columns the data frame had
I wrote the below piece to just write a string (of ?,?,?) and concatenate it with the insert query,
df is the dataframe,
symbol_counter would hold the number of columns in the dataframe,
sym_string would be the final string i.e. (?,?,?,?...n) based on the number of columns
symbol = ['?']
sym_string = ''
symbol_counter = int(df.shape[1])-1
word = 0
for word in range(symbol_counter):
# sym_string += str(symbol)
symbol.insert(word, "?")
sym_string = (','.join(symbol))
#and then use this variable and concatenate it with the rest of the query as shown below
query = Variable_holding_first_partofthequery + " VALUES (" +sym_string+")"
I know, it's the big way, but that's how I got it to work. Good Luck!

Like Clause over an 'Element' - ORACLE APEX

I encounter some problems that i don't understand with APEX.... Well, let's be specific.
I ve got a select element retrieving a top 50 of most liked url (P11_URL). This is populate by a table view, TOp_Domains.
I create an element called "Context" that have to print all text containing the URL selected by the user from the element select. Those Texts come from another table, let's say "twitter_post".
I create a dynamic action (show only) with this sql/statement:
from myschema.twitter_post
where TXT like '%:P11_URL%'
group by TXT, NB_RT, RANK
.... and it doesn't work... I think APEX don't like like clause... But i don't know how to do. Let's keep in min an url could have been shared by multiple Tweets, that's why this element "context" is important for me.
I tried to bypass the problem by building a State (in french Statique) and a dynamic action that will refresh the state but it doesn't work neither... bouhououououou
Right click on the 'P11_URL' and create DA. Event :change, Item:P11_URL. As the true action of the DA, select 'Set Value'. Write your query in the sql stmt area. In the page items to submit, select 'P11_URL' . In the 'Affected Items': select 'Context'.
Query should be :
from myschema.twitter_post
where TXT like '%' || :P11_URL || '%'
group by TXT, NB_RT, RANK
Thanks to #Madona... Their example made me realised my mistake. I wrote the answer here for futher help if somebody encouter the same porblem.
A list select element get as arguments a display value (the one you want to be shown in your screen.... if you want so....^^ ) and a return value (in order, I think to linked dynamic actions). So to solved my problem i had to shape my sql statement as:
select hashtags d, hastags r
from my table
order by 1
[let s say that now in Apex it s an object called P1_HASHTAGS]
First step problem solving.
In fact, the ranking as second value, as i put into my sql statement was making some mitsakens into my 'Where like' clause search... well... Newbie am i!
Second step was to correctly formate the sql statement receiving the datas from my select lov (P1_HASHTAGS) into my interactive report. As shown here:
Select Id, hashtags
from my table
where txt like '%'||:P1_HASHTAGS||'%'
And it works!
Thank you Madona your example helped me figure my mistakes!

Is possible do Select * form DynamicValue to perform a query like this in Navision?

Is possible do Select * form DynamicValue to perform a query like this in Navision?
Thanks in advance
To perform a sql query li this select * from DynamicValue You must do something like this.
Imagine that you have a table and you are going to show the data in a page or form.
RecDynamicValue (Table).
PagDynamicValues (Page).
RecDynamicValue.RESET; //Clean filters
PagDynamicValues.SETTABLEVIEW(RecDynamicValue); //Set RecDynamicValue (Table)
PagDynamicValues.RUN; (Open Page)
In this code when page is open you can see al records from DynamicValue table like a Select * from DynamicValue.
If you need perform a loop for all records from DynamicValue table in code try this:
IF RecDynamicValue.FINDSET THEN REPEAT //Repeat clausule for a loop
UNTIL RecDynamicValue.NEXT = 0; //Repeat until last value
In all cases first you need declare a variable, SubType = Record and specified ID or name of record.
You can not change the value of the table variable by code.
But perhaps you can use RecordRef function to do that.
For example:
RecRef.OPEN(27); //Id of ItemTable
FldRef := RecRef.FIELD(3); // Item.Description;
FldRef.VALUE('New description');
In your case your DynamicValue is parameter to RecRef.OPEN("Your Dynamic Value") here you need specified value ID of your table.
You can also perform a loop using RecorRef.

UPDATE QUERY - Sum up a value from form with value from table

I've just started using microsoft access so I don't really know how to solve this. I would like to use an update query to add a value from a form to a value on a table.
I originally used the SUM expression which gave me an error saying it was an aggregate function.
I also tried to add the two values together (e.g [field1] + [field2]) which as a result gave me a value with both numbers together instead of adding them together.
The following is the SQL I'm using:
SET Votes.NumVotes = [Votes]![NumVotes]+[Forms]![frmVote]![txtnumvotes]
WHERE (((Votes.ActID) = [Forms]![frmVote]![combacts])
AND ((Votes.RoundNum) = [Forms]![frmVote]![combrndnum]))
I want to add a value [txtnumvotes] a form to a field [NumVotes] from the table [Votes].
Could someone please help me?
You can specify the expected data type with parameters:
[Forms]![frmVote]![txtnumvotes] Short,
[Forms]![frmVote]![combacts] Long,
[Forms]![frmVote]![combrndnum] Long;
Votes.NumVotes = [Votes]![NumVotes]+[Forms]![frmVote]![txtnumvotes]
(((Votes.ActID) = [Forms]![frmVote]![combacts])
((Votes.RoundNum) = [Forms]![frmVote]![combrndnum]))
Without the specification, Access has to guess, and that sometimes fails.

Storing Select Query result in Variable Ruby on Rails

I wanted to know how we could store the result of my select query on a variable.
#ppt2 ='slide_name').where('id=?',4)
#ppt1 = Ppt.update_all({:time2=>#ppt2},['id like ?','1'])
Here, slide_name and time2 are both text attributes of the same table ppt.
What happens on the above execution is that the time2 field in id=1 gets the value "#ppt2" whereas I want it to get the value of slide_name from id=4 which does not get stored in #ppt1.
In other words, how do I store the value of the select query in #ppt2 so that it can be used in the next line?
Any help is appreciated.
Call the slide_name method on your first result.
#ppt2 ='slide_name').find(4).slide_name