How to get google WEB API key to using in Expo sdk 32? - react-native

I'm going to make Google login with Expo sdk 32, But In documentation, There is no how to get WEB API Key to use option 'cliendID' at LoginConfig.
How to get google WEB API key to using in Expo sdk 32?

Hi I faced the same issue because it`s not so obvious what to use from the Expo docs, here it is
NOTICE: if you want to make it work with the standalone build, you need to set up REVERSE_CLIENT_ID in the app.json from GoogleService-info.plist
the instruction you can find here: point 5


Using Expo's Google authentication integration vs react-native-google-signin

I'm building my first React Native app and I want to have Google signin.
I first went down the path of trying to integrate the library react-native-google-signin - seemed like a promising library! But then very quickly I got mired in problems with my development environment and figuring out Expo development builds. I never quite got it working.
Then I tried Expo's Google authentication integration, and I've gotten that working, at least on web and iOS via Expo. It returns the logged-in user's Google access_token, which I think is all I'm needing (I currently don't need access to any other of the user's Google data).
My main question is: what are the drawbacks or limitations of using Expo's authentication option, or, why would I want to use the react-native-google-signin library despite its much greater added complexity? Is the Expo option going to break when I try to officially turn my app into a native iOS app?

Can I authorize Google maps SDK before deploying an Expo app to Play Store?

I have an Expo app that uses react-native-maps. It works well on Expo Go and I would like to deploy it to Google Play Store.
According to Expo documentation, I have to:
deploy the app on Google Play Store to generate app signing credential
copy the SHA-1 certificate fingerprint in Google Play console
create an API key in Google Cloud Credential manager
paste the API key in app.json
rebuild the app and re-submit to Google Play Store
So, to my understanding, the app will be available for users without maps activated. Then I'll have to deploy it again with maps activated. It sounds very counter-intuitive, and puts me at risk to get bad reviews from first users, who will claim the app "doesn't work" (because there is no map of course)
Is there a way to immediately publish a working app? If I need to handle a two step process, will the second build be immediately available in the Play Store, or will it be subject to a 3 days review?

React Native Expo AuthSession; Google Authentication

I’m trying to setup the Google authentication using AuthSession in Expo documentation (without Firebase)
The first problem is, that the slack example doesn’t work: on the devices and simulators nothing happen after pushing the button, and in web mode it returns an error
Error 401: invalid_client
The OAuth client was not found.
What I’ve done using steps in documentation:
I’m not sure if it’s necessary, but I’ve installed yarn add expo-application
I’ve registered in Credentials page (Google Cloud Platform)
Logged in using expo login, in the terminal where I was starting expo start
Created a new Google Client ID that will be used with expoClientId
(Image) New Google Client ID setting image
( I'm not allowed to input images now )
(Don’t know if it’s necessary) I’ve created a project in and then published the project using dashboard of expo start
(Image) Setting for "publish" in expo start dashboard
“expo”: {
“name”: “rn-my-project”,
“slug”: “rn-my-project”,
“version”: “1.0.0”,
“orientation”: “portrait”,
Using the code in the example, provided in documentation for Google, I receive null as response.
As I understand, this should be enough to test the Google Authentication using AuthSession in Expo Go app. I also made iosClientId, androidClientId and webClientId, but I’m not sure if I made everything correct.
Will be glad for any help, because I couldn’t find any person with the problem as mine.
Yours sincerely.
P.S. I've successfully set up logInAsync for Google using this documentation, but it's written, that it is deprecated.

Instagram private API in React native using Expo cli

Can anyone link any documents on using Instagram private API or Instagram web API with react native Expo Cli. I read about it and didn't find a way to do it due to the need for native code. However, I am unable to use XCode for several reasons.
Does anyone have a way to integrate or is anyone able to find any documents about using mentioned APIs (or modules however you want to call them) with Expo (problem lies mainly on the nodejs-mobile-react-native module as far as I have understood). Or is anyone able to link another framework with the capabilities of building Android and iOS applications with the same code or am I asking for impossibilities? I have tried flutter with flutter_insta but it has the limitation of getting only public account data etc.
Any help will be appreciated!

Generate google-services.json for firebase via API

Since we've upgraded from GCM to FCM we have a problem because the app suddenly needs a custom google-services.json and I don't seem to find a API or cli tool which enables me to add new apps and generate a new file.
Has someone found a way to automate this?
There is currently no API to generate a google-services.json. You can download it from your Firebase Console by selecting your project and then clicking to manage your Android app.