How to set focus to Grid UIElement in winrt? - c++-winrt

A Grid UIElement in winrt is receiving the GotFocus and LostFocus events, which are useful - but apparently Focus() is not a method available to Grid. How can the element be capable of having focus but not be capable of setting it? I am trying to restore keyboard focus to the main Grid of the app's UI when it is lost due to other interactions. Does anyone know how one might programmatically restore focus to a Grid that has just reported losing it? Thanks.


Pass TappedEvent to a sibling controll in uwp

I have a user control with a bunch of buttons behind a scroll viewer that has a grid with a bunch of rows in it. The first row is empty. The buttons in user control need to respond to tap/click when not obscured by scroll viewer's content. My problem is that the scroll viewer caches the tap event and it is not passed to the user control because it is a sibling to the scroll viewer. I would like to somehow pass/propagate the tap event to the user control to get the buttons working. I can't find a good solution to this issue because there seems to be no RaiseEvent(e) method on UI elements in uwp. Due to specific requirements, the whole page needs to react to scroll and the buttons are required to be behind the scroll viewer content. Does anyone know if it is possible to pass the whole event to another element or somehow allow for both controls to handle it? Thanks in advance.

Button control as ListView DataTemplate container wrt Drag-and-Drop of ListView Elements

When I use a Button control in DataTemplate for ListView (UWP app), Drag-and-Drop of ListView items doesn't work. If I use containers like StackPanel, RelativePanel or Grid, instead of Button control, everything works fine. I would prefer the Button control as a container, because I like its mouse Hover effect on ListView items. I can do something similar for StackPanel, etc, with a custom hover effect by using a combination of Style and Behavior programming but trying to avoid this route (too involved).
Can I do something to the Button control so that it gives me the hover and also responds to the Drag-and-Drop event when part of a ListView DataTemplate?
I am also curious what specifically makes the Button suppress the Drag-and-Drop of ListView items.
The Button is capturing the pointer which cause the pointer click event not be bubble up to the ListViewItem which cause the Drag&Drop to start.
You can take a look at ReleasePointerCapture method which will release the pointer capture allowing other item to capture it.
You will need to create a new class which extends the default Button class and override for example the OnPointerPressed method to choose the logic between the drag&drop and the click on the button.

How do I scroll with the scrollbar?

I am currently working on a project in VB.NET and I have a fixed-border form with the AutoScroll property set to True. Under the Load event, I have some loops that add a bunch of controls to the form, so I have AutoScroll create the scrollbar for me automatically.
Now when I open up this form, all the controls load up with no problem, it focuses on my first text box, and the scroll bar shows up. However, the mouse wheel does not do anything whatsoever.
So my question is, how do I, no matter where my focus or mouse is, scroll with the AutoScroll property enabled, in VB.NET?
as far as i know, scrolling is only enabled when focusing the appropriate element. but should be able to trigger scrolling by catching onmouseover() or similar...
this is somthing similar (just for a datagrid) scrolling datagridview without get focus

Detect end of GridView / ListView in Windows Store 8.1 App

Both GridView and ListView have a nice "bounce-effect" when you try to scroll beyond the begin or end.
Some applications (on other platforms) use this "drag-beyond-end" gesture as a trigger for some actions, like loading more items.
How can I detect this "state" (=user is at the begin/end and tries to scroll beyond that) in Windows Store App using XAML/C# ?
The rubber-band effect cannot be detected by code in a Windows 8 app (verified with the XAML controls team).
One way you could do that would be by handling all the inputs and the rubber-band effect yourself, but that is a bit of work, it reduces scrolling performance and requires manual handling of input on any list elements as well, so I would only recommend it as a last resort.
Also note the problem of the mouse input scenario since mouse scrolling doesn't involve this pull-beyond-edge behavior.
If you just want to load more items when you reach the end of the GridView, implement the ISupportIncrementalLoading interface with your collection derived from ObservableCollection<T>. See the answer here Load more items on grid view scroll end.

Detecting a scroll event in GridView (Windows 8)

How do we detect a scrolling event in GridView (like ViewChanged on ScrollViewer) on somethig like the default GridView template sample app? I'd like to replicate the effect that the netflix App does on the left red strip.
I tried putting the GridView inside a scrollviewer, but I've been unsuccessful at stretching it to fill the screen for different resolutions.
Update: I intend to use this with VariableGrid control that's on NuGet - though it's not an official control, it inherits GridView
The best way to do this seems that you can read through the components of the control, and assign events to it. based on what's happening in this example
I grabbed access to the scrollbar, suing the VisualTreeExtensions and I could capture the event Scroll, just like in the example. I had to read the children when the Loaded event of the grid was fired.
There is a simpler way.
Edit a template of the GridView, and look inside the XAML to find a ScrollViewer which is a component of the GridView.
The ScrollViewer has a ViewChanged event that you can subscribe to. Now whenever the GridView is scrolled, this event will be fired.
Try ManipulationCompleted and PointerReleased events on GridView. This is just using keyboard mouse..