Tensorflow Polynomial Linear Regression curve fit - tensorflow

I have created this Linear regression model using Tensorflow (Keras). However, I am not getting good results and my model is trying to fit the points around a linear line. I believe fitting points around degree 'n' polynomial can give better results. I have looked googled how to change my model to polynomial linear regression using Tensorflow Keras, but could not find a good resource. Any recommendation on how to improve the prediction?
I have a large dataset. Shuffled it first and then spited to 80% training and 20% Testing. Also dataset is normalized.
1) Building model:
def build_model():
model = keras.Sequential()
model.add(keras.layers.Dense(units=300, input_dim=32))
#sigmoid tanh softmax relu
optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(0.001,
#optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1)
return model
model = build_model()
2) Train the model:
class PrintDot(keras.callbacks.Callback):
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs):
if epoch % 100 == 0: print('')
print('.', end='')
EPOCHS = 500
# Store training stats
history = model.fit(train_data, train_labels, epochs=EPOCHS,
validation_split=0.2, verbose=1,
3) plot Train loss and val loss
enter image description here
4) Stop When results does not get improved
enter image description here
5) Evaluate the result
[loss, mae] = model.evaluate(test_data, test_labels, verbose=0)
#Testing set Mean Abs Error: 1.9020842795676374
6) Predict:
test_predictions = model.predict(test_data).flatten()
enter image description here
7) Prediction error:
enter image description here

Polynomial regression is a linear regression with some extra additional input features which are the polynomial functions of original input features.
let the original input features are : (x1,x2,x3,...)
Generate a set of polynomial functions by adding some transformations of the original features, for example: (x12, x23, x13x2,...).
One may decide which all functions are to be included depending on their constraints such as intuition on correlation to the target values, computational resources, and training time.
Append these new features to the original input feature vector. Now the transformed input feature vector has a size of len(x1,x2,x3,...) + len(x12, x23, x13x2,...)
Further, this updated set of input features (x1,x2,x3,x12, x23, x13x2,...) is feeded into the normal linear regression model. ANN's architecture may be tuned again to get the best trained model.
PS: I see that your network is huge while the number of inputs is only 32 - this is not a common scale of architecture. Even in this particular linear model, reducing the hidden layers to one or two hidden layers may help in training better models (It's a suggestion with an assumption that this particular dataset is similar to other generally seen regression datasets)

I've actually created polynomial layers for Tensorflow 2.0, though these may not be exactly what you are looking for. If they are, you could use those layers directly or follow the procedure used there to create a more general layer https://github.com/jloveric/piecewise-polynomial-layers


How to build a Neural Network in Keras using a custom loss function with datapoint-specific weight?

I want to train a Neural Network for a classification task in Keras using a TensorFlow backend with a custom loss function. In my loss, I want to give different weights to different training examples. I have some datapoints I consider important and some I do not consider as important. I want my loss function to take this into account and punish errors in important examples more than in less important ones.
I have already built my model:
input = tf.keras.Input(shape=(16,))
hidden_layer_1 = tf.keras.layers.Dense(5, kernel_initializer='glorot_uniform', activation='relu')(input)
output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='softmax')(hidden_layer_1)
model = tf.keras.Model(input, output)
model.compile(loss=custom_loss(input), optimizer='adam', run_eagerly=True, metrics = [tf.keras.metrics.Accuracy(), 'acc'])
and the currrent state of my loss function is:
def custom_loss(input):
def loss(y_true, y_pred):
return ...
return loss
I'm struggling with implementing the loss function in the way I explained above, mainly because I don't exactly know what input, y_pred and y_true are (KerasTensors, I know - but what is the content? And is it for one training example only or for the whole batch?). I'd appreciate help with
printing out the values of input, y_true and y_pred
converting the input value to a numpy ndarray ([1,3,7] for example) so I can use the array to look up my weight for this specific training data point
once I have my weigth as a number (0.5 for example), how do I implement the computation of the loss function in Keras? My loss for one training exaple should be 0 if the classification was correct and weight if it was incorrect.

How to avoid overfitting in CNN?

I'm making a model for predicting the age of people by analyzing their face. I'm using this pretrained model, and maked a custom loss function and a custom metrics. So I obtain discrete result but I want to improve it. In particular, I noticed that after some epochs the model begin to overfitt on the training set then the val_loss increases. How can I avoid this? I'm already using Dropout, but this doesn't seem to be enough.
I think maybe I should use l1 and l2 but I don't know how.
def resnet_model():
model = VGGFace(model = 'resnet50')#model :{resnet50, vgg16, senet50}
xl = model.get_layer('avg_pool').output
x = keras.layers.Flatten(name='flatten')(xl)
x = keras.layers.Dense(4096, activation='relu')(x)
x = keras.layers.Dropout(0.5)(x)
x = keras.layers.Dense(4096, activation='relu')(x)
x = keras.layers.Dropout(0.5)(x)
x = keras.layers.Dense(11, activation='softmax', name='predictions')(x)
model = keras.engine.Model(model.input, outputs = x)
return model
model = resnet_model()
initial_learning_rate = 0.0003
epochs = 20; batch_size = 110
num_steps = train_x.shape[0]//batch_size
learning_rate_fn = tf.keras.optimizers.schedules.PiecewiseConstantDecay(
[3*num_steps, 10*num_steps, 16*num_steps, 25*num_steps],
[1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-6, 1e-7, 5e-7]
optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate_fn)
model.compile(loss=custom_loss, optimizer=optimizer, metrics=['accuracy', one_off_accuracy])
model.fit(train_x, train_y, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=(test_x, test_y))
This is an example of result:
There are many regularization methods to help you avoid overfitting your model:
Randomly disables neurons during the training, in order to force other neurons to be trained as well.
L1/L2 penalties:
Penalizes weights that change dramatically. This tries to ensure that all parameters will be equally taken into consideration when classifying an input.
Random Gaussian Noise at the inputs:
Adds random gaussian noise at the inputs: x = x + r where r is a random normal value from range [-1, 1]. This will confuse your model and prevent it from overfitting into your dataset, because in every epoch, each input will be different.
Label Smoothing:
Instead of saying that a target is 0 or 1, You can smooth those values (e.g. 0.1 & 0.9).
Early Stopping:
This is a quite common technique for avoiding training your model too much. If you notice that your model's loss is decreasing along with the validation's accuracy, then this is a good sign to stop the training, as your model begins to overfit.
K-Fold Cross-Validation:
This is a very strong technique, which ensures that your model is not fed all the time with the same inputs and is not overfitting.
Data Augmentations:
By rotating/shifting/zooming/flipping/padding etc. an image you make sure that your model is forced to train better its parameters and not overfit to the existing dataset.
I am quite sure there are also more techniques to avoid overfitting. This repository contains many examples of how the above techniques are deployed in a dataset:
You can try incorporate image augmentation in your training, which increases the "sample size" of your data as well as the "diversity" as #Suraj S Jain mentioned. The official tutorial is here: https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/images/data_augmentation

How to calculate confidence score of a Neural Network prediction

I am using a deep neural network model (implemented in keras)to make predictions. Something like this:
def make_model():
model = Sequential()
model.add(Conv2D(20,(5,5), activation = "relu"))
model.add(Dense(20, activation = "relu"))
model.add(Lambda(lambda x: tf.expand_dims(x, axis=1)))
model.add(SimpleRNN(50, activation="relu"))
model.add(Dense(1, activation="sigmoid"))
model.compile(loss = "binary_crossentropy", optimizer = adagrad, metrics = ["accuracy"])
return model
model = make_model()
model.fit(x_train, y_train, validation_data = (x_validation,y_validation), epochs = 25, batch_size = 25, verbose = 1)
prediction = model.predict_classes(x)
probabilities = model.predict_proba(x) #I assume these are the probabilities of class being predictied
My problem is a classification(binary) problem. I wish to calculate the confidence score of each of these prediction i.e. I wish to know - Is my model 99% certain it is "0" or is it 58% it is "0".
I have found some views on how to do it, but can't implement them. The approach I wish to follow says: "With classifiers, when you output you can interpret values as the probability of belonging to each specific class. You can use their distribution as a rough measure of how confident you are that an observation belongs to that class."
How should I predict with something like above model so that I get its confidence about each predictions? I would appreciate some practical examples (preferably in Keras).
The softmax is a problematic way to estimate a confidence of the model`s prediction.
There are a few recent papers about this topic.
You can look for "calibration" of neural networks in order to find relevant papers.
This is one example you can start with - https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.04599.pdf
In Keras, there is a method called predict() that is available for both Sequential and Functional models. It will work fine in your case if you are using binary_crossentropy as your loss function and a final Dense layer with a sigmoid activation function.
Here is how to call it with one test data instance. Below, mymodel.predict() will return an array of two probabilities adding up to 1.0. These values are the confidence scores that you mentioned. You can further use np.where() as shown below to determine which of the two probabilities (the one over 50%) will be the final class.
yhat_probabilities = mymodel.predict(mytestdata, batch_size=1)
yhat_classes = np.where(yhat_probabilities > 0.5, 1, 0).squeeze().item()
I've come to understand that the probabilities that are output by logistic regression can be interpreted as confidence.
Here are some links to help you come to your own conclusion.
how to assess the confidence score of a prediction with scikit-learn
Feel free to upvote my answer if you find it useful.
How about to use a softmax as the activation in the last layer? Let's say something like this:
model.add(Dense(2, activation='softmax'))
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer = adagrad, metrics = ["accuracy"])
In this way, for each data point, you will be given a probabilistic-ish result by the model, which tells what is the likelihood that your data point belongs to each of two classes.
For example for a given X, if the model returns (0.3,0.7), you will know it is more likely that X belongs to class 1 than class 0. and you know that the likelihood has been estimated to be 0.7 over 0.3.

Expected validation accuracy for Keras Mobile Net V1 for CIFAR-10 (training from scratch)

Has anybody trained Mobile Net V1 from scratch using CIFAR-10? What was the maximum accuracy you got? I am getting stuck at 70% after 110 epochs. Here is how I am creating the model. However, my training accuracy is above 99%.
#create mobilenet layer
MobileNet_model = tf.keras.applications.MobileNet(include_top=False, weights=None)
# Must define the input shape in the first layer of the neural network
x = Input(shape=(32,32,3),name='input')
#Create custom model
model = MobileNet_model(x)
model = Flatten(name='flatten')(model)
model = Dense(1024, activation='relu',name='dense_1')(model)
output = Dense(10, activation=tf.nn.softmax,name='output')(model)
model_regular = Model(x, output,name='model_regular')
I used Adam optimizer with a LR= 0.001, amsgrad = True and batch size = 64. Also normalized pixel data by dividing by 255.0. I am not using any Data Augmentation.
optimizer1 = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=0.001, amsgrad=True)
model_regular.compile(optimizer=optimizer1, loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])
history = model_regular.fit(x_train, y_train_one_hot,validation_data=(x_test,y_test_one_hot),batch_size=64, epochs=100) # train the model
I think I am supposed to get at least 75% according to https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.04698
Am I am doing anything wrong or is this the expected accuracy after 100 epochs. Here is a plot of my validation accuracy.
Mobilenet was designed to train Imagenet which is much larger, therefore train it on Cifar10 will inevitably result in overfitting. I would suggest you plot the loss (not acurracy) from both training and validation/evaluation, and try to train it hard to achieve 99% training accuracy, then observe the validation loss. If it is overfitting, you would see that the validation loss will actually increase after reaching minima.
A few things to try to reduce overfitting:
add dropout before fully connected layer
data augmentation - random shift, crop and rotation should be enough
use smaller width multiplier (read the original paper, basically just reduce number of filter per layers) e.g. 0.75 or 0.5 to make the layers thinner.
use L2 weight regularization and weight decay
Then there are some usual training tricks:
use learning rate decay e.g. reduce the learning rate from 1e-2 to 1e-4 stepwise or exponentially
With some hyperparameter search, I got evaluation loss of 0.85. I didn't use Keras, I wrote the Mobilenet myself using Tensorflow.
The OP asked about MobileNetv1. Since MobileNetv2 has been published, here is an update on training MobileNetv2 on CIFAR-10 -
1) MobileNetv2 is tuned primarily to work on ImageNet with an initial image resolution of 224x224. It has 5 convolution operations with stride 2. Thus the GlobalAvgPool2D (penultimate layer) gets a feature map of Cx7x7, where C is the number of filters (1280 for MobileNetV2).
2) For CIFAR10, I changed the stride in the first three of these layers to 1. Thus the GlobalAvgPool2D gets a feature map of Cx8x8. Secondly, I trained with 0.25 on the width parameter (affects the depth of the network). I trained with mixup in mxnet (https://gluon-cv.mxnet.io/model_zoo/classification.html). This gets me a validation accuracy of 93.27.
3) Another MobileNetV2 implementation that seems to work well for CIFAR-10 is available here - PyTorch-CIFAR
The reported accuracy is 94.43. This implementation changes the stride in the first two of the original layers which downsample the resolution to stride 1. And it uses the full width of the channels as used for ImageNet.
4) Further, I trained a MobileNetV2 on CIFAR-10 with mixup while only setting altering the stride in the first conv layer from 2 to 1 and used the complete depth (width parameter==1.0). Thus the GlobalAvgPool2D (penultimate layer) gets a feature map of Cx2x2. This gets me an accuracy of 92.31.

DeepLearning Anomaly Detection for images

I am still relatively new to the world of Deep Learning. I wanted to create a Deep Learning model (preferably using Tensorflow/Keras) for image anomaly detection. By anomaly detection I mean, essentially a OneClassSVM.
I have already tried sklearn's OneClassSVM using HOG features from the image. I was wondering if there is some example of how I can do this in deep learning. I looked up but couldn't find one single code piece that handles this case.
The way of doing this in Keras is with the KerasRegressor wrapper module (they wrap sci-kit learn's regressor interface). Useful information can also be found in the source code of that module. Basically you first have to define your Network Model, for example:
def simple_model():
#Input layer
data_in = Input(shape=(13,))
#First layer, fully connected, ReLU activation
layer_1 = Dense(13,activation='relu',kernel_initializer='normal')(data_in)
#second layer...etc
layer_2 = Dense(6,activation='relu',kernel_initializer='normal')(layer_1)
#Output, single node without activation
data_out = Dense(1, kernel_initializer='normal')(layer_2)
#Save and Compile model
model = Model(inputs=data_in, outputs=data_out)
#you may choose any loss or optimizer function, be careful which you chose
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
return model
Then, pass it to the KerasRegressor builder and fit with your data:
from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasRegressor
#chose your epochs and batches
regressor = KerasRegressor(build_fn=simple_model, nb_epoch=100, batch_size=64)
#fit with your data
regressor.fit(data, labels, epochs=100)
For which you can now do predictions or obtain its score:
p = regressor.predict(data_test) #obtain predicted value
score = regressor.score(data_test, labels_test) #obtain test score
In your case, as you need to detect anomalous images from the ones that are ok, one approach you can take is to train your regressor by passing anomalous images labeled 1 and images that are ok labeled 0.
This will make your model to return a value closer to 1 when the input is an anomalous image, enabling you to threshold the desired results. You can think of this output as its R^2 coefficient to the "Anomalous Model" you trained as 1 (perfect match).
Also, as you mentioned, Autoencoders are another way to do anomaly detection. For this I suggest you take a look at the Keras Blog post Building Autoencoders in Keras, where they explain in detail about the implementation of them with the Keras library.
It is worth noticing that Single-class classification is another way of saying Regression.
Classification tries to find a probability distribution among the N possible classes, and you usually pick the most probable class as the output (that is why most Classification Networks use Sigmoid activation on their output labels, as it has range [0, 1]). Its output is discrete/categorical.
Similarly, Regression tries to find the best model that represents your data, by minimizing the error or some other metric (like the well-known R^2 metric, or Coefficient of Determination). Its output is a real number/continuous (and the reason why most Regression Networks don't use activations on their outputs). I hope this helps, good luck with your coding.