How to compile my npm lib with webpack andwhat config? - npm

I am making a js that I aim to publish npm. It will be used on both web and node.
I read webpack doc and I use this following config. Bundled and minified, it produces a 20kb package, which, IMHO, is pretty big for what it does.
Should I bundle it with webpack that way ?
mode: 'production',
entry: {
mylib: './src/mylib_browser.ts', // same for node
"mylib.min": './src/mylib_browser.ts'
watch: true,
target: 'web', // node for node
devtool: 'source-map',
externals: [nodeExternals()],
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.tsx?$/,
use: 'ts-loader',
exclude: /node_modules/
resolve: {
extensions: ['.tsx', '.ts', '.js']
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
filename: '[name]_browser.js',
libraryTarget: 'umd',
library: 'MyLib',
umdNamedDefine: true
plugins: [
new UglifyJsPlugin({
sourceMap: true,
include: /\.min\.js$/,
And I have the same config for node.
Is it the right config to do it? How could I decrease size ?
Also, when I look at other npm package, a lot are just vanilla js. Should I just let the user of my npm package, package it as a normal dependency ?

Are you sure the minification is happening? You have UglifyJs only minifying already minified files, which seems wrong?
new UglifyJsPlugin({
sourceMap: true,
include: /\.min\.js$/, //<= remove this line
Also, when I look at other npm package, a lot are just vanilla js. Should I just let the user of my npm package, package it as a normal dependency ?
If your library will be packaged by consumers then I would distribute with both minified and unminified sources. This allows consumers to include the minified library via one of the npm CDNs (e.g. unpkg) when hacking around (e.g. jsfiddle) and the unminified when using the library as part of a bundled application, e.g. via webpack.
If your library is only meant for the Node environment then minification is generally considered unnecessary and even a burden should the consumer encounter a bug in your library and wish to debug it.


Embed react-native-web app into existing website

I want to embed a react-native-web application into an existing website and am currently looking for options how to do so.
The application should be a quite simple questionnaire which needs to be embedded into a website created with Elementor. My idea was to use the Elementor HTML widget and insert my application somehow, but unfortunately I cannot figure out how to do this.
I've got a bit of experience developing React Native(RN) apps but I am pretty new to web development and therefore thought it would be easier for me to go with RN and the react-native-web library.
So far, I've created a RN project using npx react-native init WebApp, copied the App.js, index.js and package.json files from react-native-web CodeSandbox template, deleted the node_modules folders and ran npm install. Then I was able to start and build this example web app with the scripts from the package.json.
Now my question, how can I use the output from the build directory and embed it into an html tag?
I also tried to use webpack with the configuration from the react-native-web docs to bundle the app but I always got a new error as soon as I fixed the last one. Is it possible to bundle a RN app into a single JS file which I could then insert into the website?
Looking forward to any advice!
I solved it by using the below webpack config. The created bundle.web.js' content is put into a script tag (<script>...</script>). This can be embedded into the HTML widget.
// web/webpack.config.js
const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const appDirectory = path.resolve(__dirname, '');
// This is needed for webpack to compile JavaScript.
// Many OSS React Native packages are not compiled to ES5 before being
// published. If you depend on uncompiled packages they may cause webpack build
// errors. To fix this webpack can be configured to compile to the necessary
// `node_module`.
const babelLoaderConfiguration = {
test: /\.js$/,
// Add every directory that needs to be compiled by Babel during the build.
include: [
path.resolve(appDirectory, 'index.web.js'),
path.resolve(appDirectory, 'src'),
path.resolve(appDirectory, 'node_modules/react-native-uncompiled'),
use: {
loader: 'babel-loader',
options: {
cacheDirectory: true,
// The 'metro-react-native-babel-preset' preset is recommended to match React Native's packager
presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
// Re-write paths to import only the modules needed by the app
plugins: ['react-native-web'],
// This is needed for webpack to import static images in JavaScript files.
const imageLoaderConfiguration = {
test: /\.(gif|jpe?g|png|svg)$/,
use: {
loader: 'url-loader',
options: {
name: '[name].[ext]',
module.exports = {
entry: [
// load any web API polyfills
// path.resolve(appDirectory, 'polyfills-web.js'),
// your web-specific entry file
path.resolve(appDirectory, 'src/index.js'),
// configures where the build ends up
output: {
filename: 'bundle.web.js',
path: path.resolve(appDirectory, 'dist'),
// ...the rest of your config
module: {
rules: [babelLoaderConfiguration, imageLoaderConfiguration],
resolve: {
// This will only alias the exact import "react-native"
alias: {
'react-native$': 'react-native-web',
// If you're working on a multi-platform React Native app, web-specific
// module implementations should be written in files using the extension
// `.web.js`.
extensions: ['.web.js', '.js'],

Use sharp on lambda#edge

I'm trying to use sharp on a couple of AWS lambda#edge. The idea is to resize and cache an image when requested (see this).
I'm also using serverless with serverless-webpack to deploy the lambdas.
I can deploy the lambdas and everything goes well if I test them in AWS console.
However, these are lamda#edge and they will be used as cloudwatch request/response triggers. Therefore, the maximum lambda size is 1Mb.
My problem is I can't seem to get even near that size, the best I could achieve was 11.6Mb. And, it seems it's possible as seen in that first link.
This is the serverless configuration which results in 34.7Mb lambda:
- aws-sdk
- rm -rf node_modules/sharp && docker run -v "$PWD":/var/task lambci/lambda:build-nodejs10.x npm install sharp
- .env
- .git/**
- .gitlab-ci.yml
- tests*
excludeDevDependencies: true
individually: true
And with this I got 11.6Mb:
- aws-sdk
- npm rebuild sharp --target=10.15.0 --target_arch=x64 --target_platform=linux
- .env
- .git/**
- .gitlab-ci.yml
- tests*
excludeDevDependencies: true
individually: true
I've also played around with the package.exclude, but with no luck:
- node_modules/**
- '!node_modules/sharp/**'
and this is my webpack config:
const path = require('path');
const slsw = require('serverless-webpack');
const nodeExternals = require('webpack-node-externals');
const entries = {};
Object.keys(slsw.lib.entries).forEach(key => (entries[key] = ['./source-map-install.js', slsw.lib.entries[key]]));
module.exports = {
mode: slsw.lib.webpack.isLocal ? 'development' : 'production',
entry: slsw.lib.entries,
devtool: 'source-map',
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.json', '.ts', '.tsx'],
// externals: ['sharp'], #tried that too
externals: [nodeExternals()],
output: {
libraryTarget: 'commonjs',
path: path.join(__dirname, '.webpack'),
filename: '[name].js',
target: 'node',
module: {
rules: [
// all files with a `.ts` or `.tsx` extension will be handled by `ts-loader`
{ test: /\.ts?$/, loader: 'ts-loader', options: { happyPackMode: true } },
When running locally, I can see what it's packaging... the node_modules folder has sharp and its dependencies, it seems. But the biggest folder is sharp.
I suspect I'm packaging stuff inside sharp folder that I don't need... but I can't seem to understand what.
Any help?
Reading more carefully, it seems the function where I need sharp (origin-response) size limit is 5Mb.
I just need to find a way to package sharp only for that function. Webpack seems to put it in both, even though I don't need it on the other function (viewer request).
Any help on this?
I ended up running a script in custom.webpack.packagerOptions.scripts that will ignore sharp where it's not needed.
This is the script I used:
- aws-sdk
packagerOptions: # uncomment this block if invoking locally
- if [ -f "src/handlers/myfunction.js" ]; then rm -rf node_modules/sharp && docker run -v "$PWD":/var/task lambci/lambda:build-nodejs10.x npm install sharp; else rm -rf node_modules; fi

Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration

I've started using webpack2 (to be precise, v2.3.2) and after re-creating my config I keep running into an issue I can't seem to solve I get (sorry in advance for ugly dump):
ERROR in ./src/main.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'components/DoISuportIt' in '[absolute path to my repo]/src'
resolve 'components/DoISuportIt' in '[absolute path to my repo]/src'
Parsed request is a module
using description file: [absolute path to my repo]/package.json (relative path: ./src)
Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
aliased with mapping 'components': '[absolute path to my repo]/src/components' to '[absolute path to my repo]/src/components/DoISuportIt'
using description file: [absolute path to my repo]/package.json (relative path: ./src)
Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
after using description file: [absolute path to my repo]/package.json (relative path: ./src)
using description file: [absolute path to my repo]/package.json (relative path: ./src/components/DoISuportIt)
as directory
[absolute path to my repo]/src/components/DoISuportIt doesn't exist
no extension
Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
[absolute path to my repo]/src/components/DoISuportIt doesn't exist
Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
[absolute path to my repo]/src/components/DoISuportIt.js doesn't exist
Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
[absolute path to my repo]/src/components/DoISuportIt.jsx doesn't exist
[[absolute path to my repo]/src/components/DoISuportIt]
[[absolute path to my repo]/src/components/DoISuportIt]
[[absolute path to my repo]/src/components/DoISuportIt.js]
[[absolute path to my repo]/src/components/DoISuportIt.jsx]
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "./src/main.js",
"scripts": {
"build": "webpack --progress --display-error-details"
"devDependencies": {
"dependencies": {
In terms of the browser field it's complaining about, the documentation I've been able to find on this is: package-browser-field-spec. There is also webpack documentation for it, but it seems to have it turned on by default: aliasFields: ["browser"]. I tried adding a browser field to my package.json but that didn't seem to do any good.
import path from 'path';
const source = path.resolve(__dirname, 'src');
export default {
context: __dirname,
entry: './src/main.js',
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
filename: '[name].js',
resolve: {
alias: {
components: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/components'),
extensions: ['.js', '.jsx'],
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(js|jsx)$/,
include: source,
use: {
loader: 'babel-loader',
query: {
cacheDirectory: true,
test: /\.css$/,
include: source,
use: [
{ loader: 'style-loader' },
loader: 'css-loader',
query: {
importLoader: 1,
localIdentName: '[path]___[name]__[local]___[hash:base64:5]',
modules: true,
import DoISuportIt from 'components/DoISuportIt';
export default function() { ... }
For completeness, .babelrc
"presets": [
"plugins": [
"env": {
"production": {
"compact": true,
"comments": false,
"minified": true
"sourceMaps": true
What am I doing wrong/missing?
Turned out to be an issue with Webpack just not resolving an import - talk about horrible horrible error messages :(
// I Had to change:
import DoISuportIt from 'components/DoISuportIt';
// to (notice the missing `./`)
import DoISuportIt from './components/DoISuportIt';
Just for record, because I had similiar problem, and maybe this answer will help someone: in my case I was using library which was using .js files and I didn't had such extension in webpack resolve extensions. Adding proper extension fixed problem:
module.exports = {
resolve: {
extensions: ['.ts', '.js'],
I'm building a React server-side renderer and found this can also occur when building a separate server config from scratch. If you're seeing this error, try the following:
Make sure your entry value is properly pathed relative to your context value. Mine was missing the preceeding ./ before the entry file name.
Make sure you have your resolve value included. Your imports on anything in node_modules will default to looking in your context folder, otherwise.
const serverConfig = {
name: 'server',
context: path.join(__dirname, 'src'),
entry: {serverEntry: ['./server-entry.js']},
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, 'public'),
filename: 'server.js',
publicPath: 'public/',
libraryTarget: 'commonjs2'
module: {
rules: [/*...*/]
resolveLoader: {
modules: [
path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules')
resolve: {
modules: [
path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules')
I encountered this error in a TypeScript project. In my webpack.config.js file I was only resolving TypeScript files i.e.
resolve: {
extensions: [".ts"],
However I noticed that the node_module which was causing the error:
Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration
did not have any ".ts" files (which is understandable as the module has been converted to vanilla JS. Doh!).
So to fix the issue I updated the resolve declaration to:
resolve: {
extensions: [".ts", ".js"],
I had the same issue, but mine was because of wrong casing in path:
// Wrong - uppercase C in /pathCoordinate/
// Correct - lowercase c in /pathcoordinate/
Add this to your package.json:
"browser": {
"[module-name]": false
Changed my entry to
entry: path.resolve(__dirname, './src/js/index.js'),
and it worked.
This also occurs when the webpack.config.js is simply missing (dockerignore 🤦‍♂️)
In my case it was a package that was installed as a dependency in package.json with a relative path like this:
"dependencies": {
"phoenix_html": "file:../deps/phoenix_html"
and imported in js/app.js with import "phoenix_html"
This had worked but after an update of node, npm, etc... it failed with the above error-message.
Changing the import line to import "../../deps/phoenix_html" fixed it.
My case was rather embarrassing: I added a typescript binding for a JS library without adding the library itself.
So if you do:
npm install --save #types/lucene
Don't forget to do:
npm install --save lucene
Kinda obvious, but I just totally forgot and that cost me quite some time.
In my case, to the very end of the webpack.config.js, where I should exports the config, there was a typo: export(should be exports), which led to failure with loading webpack.config.js at all.
const path = require('path');
const config = {
mode: 'development',
entry: "./lib/components/Index.js",
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'public'),
filename: 'bundle.js'
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.js$/,
loader: 'babel-loader',
exclude: path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules")
// pay attention to "export!s!" here
module.exports = config;
I had aliases into tsconfig.json:
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"#store/*": ["./src/store/*"]
So I solved this issue by adding aliases to webpack.config also:
module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
'#store': path.resolve(__dirname, '../src/store'),
I got same problem and fixed with adding file extension.
// Old:
import RadioInput from './components/RadioInput'
// New:
import RadioInput from './components/RadioInput.vue'
Also, if you still want to use without extensions, you can add this webpack config: (Thanx for #matthew-herbst for the info)
module.exports = {
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.json', '.wasm'], // Add your extensions here.
For anyone building an ionic app and trying to upload it. Make sure you added at least one platform to the app. Otherwise you will get this error.
In my experience, this error was as a result of improper naming of aliases in Webpack.
In that I had an alias named redux and webpack tried looking for the redux that comes with the redux package in my alias path.
To fix this, I had to rename the alias to something different like Redux.
In my case, it was due to a broken symlink when trying to npm link a custom angular library to consuming app. After running npm link #authoring/canvas
"#authoring/canvas": "path/to/ui-authoring-canvas/dist"
It appear everything was OK but the module still couldn't be found:
When I corrected the import statement to something that the editor could find Link:
import {CirclePackComponent} from '#authoring/canvas/lib/circle-pack/circle-pack.component';
I received this which is mention in the overflow thread:
To fix this I had to:
cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/packageName
cd ..
rm -rf packageName
In the root directory of the library, run:
a) rm -rf dist
b) npm run build
c) cd dist
d) npm link
In the consuming app, update the package.json with:
"packageName": "file:/path/to/local/node_module/packageName""
In the root directory of the consuming app run npm link packageName
In my case (lolz),
I was importing a local package (that I was developing, and building with rollup) via NPM/Yarn link, into another package I was developing. The imported package was a load of React components, and was configured to have a peerDependency of react and react-dom.
The consuming package was being built with Webpack and obviously wasn't correctly feeding the installed react and react-dom libraries into my local dependency as it was compiling it.
I adjusted my webpack configuration to indicate it should alias those peer dependencies to the correct dependencies in the consuming package:
/* ... */
resolve: {
extensions: [/* make sure you have them all correct here, as per other answers */],
alias: {
react: path.resolve('./node_modules/react'),
'react-dom': path.resolve('./node_modules/react-dom')
/* ... */
Obviously you need to import path in the webpack.config.js file in order to use the methods seen above.
A more detailed explanation can be found in this article
My case was similar to #witheng's answer.
At some point, I noticed some casing error in some file names in my development environment. For example the file name was
and I renamed it to
In my Mac dev environment this didn't register as a change in git so this change didn't go to source control.
In the Linux-based build machine where the filenames are case-sensitive it wasn't able to find the file with different casing.
To avoid issues like this in the future, I ran this command in the repo:
git config core.ignorecase false
In my case, I imported library files like:
import { MyFile } from "my-library/public-api";
After I removed the public-api from the import everything worked fine:
import { MyFile } from "my-library";
MyFile is exported in the public-api file in the library.
In my case,
I have mistakenly removed a library ("mini-create-react-context") from package.json. I added that back, and did yarn install and build the app and it start working properly. So please take a look at your package.json file once.
In my case I had accidentally imported this package while trying to use process.env:
import * as process from 'process';
Removing it fixed the problem.
For everyone with Ionic:
Updating to the latest #ionic/app-scripts version gave a better error message.
npm install #ionic/app-scripts#latest --save-dev
It was a wrong path for styleUrls in a component to a non-existing file.
Strangely it gave no error in development.
In my situation, I did not have an export at the bottom of my webpack.config.js file. Simply adding
export default Config;
solved it.
In my case, it is due to a case-sensitivity typo in import path. For example,
Should be:
import Dashboard from './Dashboard/dashboard';
Instead of:
import Dashboard from './Dashboard/Dashboard';
In my case I was using invalid templateUrl.By correcting it problem solved.
selector: 'app-edit-feather-object',
templateUrl: ''
I am using single-spa, and encountered this issue with the error
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '/builds/**/**/src\main.single-spa.ts' in /builds/**/**'
I eventually figured out that in angular.json build options "main" was set to src\\main.single-spa.ts. Changing it to src/main.single-spa.ts fixed it.
Had the same issue with angular was importing
import { Injectable } from "#angular/core/core";
changed it to
import { Injectable } from "#angular/core";
I was getting this error when running a GitHub action. The issue was because I'd listed the package as a peer dependency instead of a dependency.
Since I'm using Rollup, the solution was to install the package both as a peer dependency and a dev dependency, and use rollup-plugin-peer-deps-external to remove the dev dependency from the final build.
For me the issue was, I was importing
.ts files into .js files
changing them to ts as well solved the issue.
In my case, I had a mixture of enum and interface in the index.d.ts file.
I extracted enums into another file and the issue resolved.

Bundle ractive with ractive-load through Rollup

What is the correct way to import ractive and ractive-load to my rollup project? npm or github?
Currently I am using npm to install each one:
npm install --save-dev ractivejs/ractive
npm install --save-dev ractivejs/ractive-load
And I'm using rollup-plugin-commonjs with rollup-plugin-node-resolve to corretly bundle them (rollup.config.js in the end of the question):
import Ractive from 'ractive';
import load from 'ractive-load';
But it seems that ractive-load also imports other modules in its code, causing this error:
Error parsing /home/.../node_modules/rcu/src/make.js: 'import' and 'export' may only appear at the top level (2:0) in /home/.../node_modules/rcu/src/make.js
How can I correctly use Rollup and which are the right sources for this case (npm or github)?
Here is my rollup.config.js:
import commonjs from 'rollup-plugin-commonjs';
import nodeResolve from 'rollup-plugin-node-resolve';
export default {
entry: 'src/main.js',
plugins: [
jsnext: true,
main: true,
browser: true,
sourceMap: false
// uglify()
format: 'iife',
moduleName: 'Altiva',
dest: 'altiva.js'
ractive-load is intended to "read" link tags in the browser and then do AJAX requests for the component file, then it uses a library called rcu to convert the component files into usable javascript components.
What you need is a utility (that uses rcu or does equivalent work) to turn your component files into javascript files that you can run during build process then hand-off to rollup. Fortunately, it looks like there is a rollup plugin rollup-plugin-ractive designed to do just that:
entry: 'src/main.js',
plugins: [
// By default, all .html files are compiled
extensions: [ '.html', '.ract' ],
// You can restrict which files are compiled
// using `include` and `exclude`
include: 'src/components/**.html'
There's also list of some of the available loaders here, among them are "plain vanilla js" variants as well.

gulp: babelify runs without error, but doesn't transform my node modules

I am:
bundling with browserify
transforming ES6 to ES5 with babel
minifying the ES5 with uglifyjs
Which previously worked. However recently I've been getting errors from uglifyjs complaining about ES6 syntax, as if babelify hasn't actually run:
gulp.task('js', function() {
// Browserify/bundle the JS.
entries: './public/js/src/index.js',
insertGlobals : true,
fullPaths: true, // For discify
debug: ! isProduction
Why isn't transform(babelify) transforming the code?
Please give actual answers, rather than cut and pasted gulpfiles.
The issue was using npm modules: babel ignores npm modules by default. So if the modules are ES6, they'll still be in ES6 when uglify runs.
Upgrading babel and using the global option has fixed things:
gulp.task('js', function() {
entries: './public/js/src/index.js',
insertGlobals : true,
fullPaths: true, // For discify
debug: ! isProduction
}).transform(babelify, {
presets: ['es2015'],
compact: false,
global: true
Another option is to put this in package.json in your private modules. Note the syntax is strange, and uses arrays rather than objects to match items to their options:
"browserify": {
"transform": [
{ "presets": ["es2015"] }
See the babelify docs for more information.