Vuetify v-text-field Default Slot Not Working - vue.js

I am trying to use a custom filter with the Vuetify v-text-field control. I am having trouble getting a value to show using the default slot of the v-text-field control. It is apparently derived from v-input, which seems to work fine.
This does not work:
{{ purchasePrice | currency }}
This works:
{{ purchasePrice | currency }}
Am I missing a template slot or something? I've been able to successfully use the "append" and "prepend" slots on this control, but not the "default" slot. Any suggestions?

I just ran into this as well, and did some source diving. Documenting my findings below:
As of Vuetify 2.5.8 (most recent version), and any other 2+ version, default slot is ignored on v-text-element.
The relevant part in the source code of VTextField.ts:
genDefaultSlot () {
return [
it overrides genDefaultSlot method of VInput.ts, which is included as a mixin in VTextField.ts:
genDefaultSlot () {
return [

I could only make it work with named slots: (Also, I'm reusing this component, so it accepts another slot on the inside)
#input="$emit('update', $event)"
<!-- ⬇️ HERE ⬇️ -->
<template v-slot:label>
import { defaultMaterialTextFiledsProps } from '~/config/inputsStyle'
// See
export default {
// Disable automatic attribute inheritance, so that $attrs are
// passed to the <input>, even if it's not the root element.
inheritAttrs: false,
props: {
type: {
type: String,
default: 'text',
// Only allow types that essentially just render text boxes.
validator(value) {
return [


Is it possible to use dynamic scoped slots to override column values inside <v-data-table>?

I'm trying to create a reusable table component that utilizes Vuetify's v-data-table component in order to group common aspects such as a search bar, table actions (refresh, create, etc.) and other features that all of my tables will have. However, I'm running into issues with implementing dynamic, scoped slots inside the table component to account for custom columns. Think of columns like actions, formatted ISO strings, etc.
Here's a simplified example of what I'm trying currently. In the example, I am passing the array customColumns to CustomDataTable.vue as a prop. customColumns has one element with two properties. The slotName property specifies the name of the slot that I'd like to reference in the parent component. The itemValue property specifies the header value that CustomDataTable.vue should override and replace with a scoped slot. The scoped slot is then used in the parent component to correctly format the date in the 'Created At' column.
Parent Component that is implementing the table component:
<template v-slot:custom-column="slotProps">
<span>{{ formatDate(slotProps.item.createdAt) }}</span>
import CustomDataTableVue from '#/components/table/CustomDataTable.vue'
export default {
data: () => ({
items: [
id: 0,
createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),
headers: [
text: 'Created At',
value: 'createdAt',
sortable: true
customColumns: [
slotName: 'custom-column',
itemValue: 'createdAt'
<template v-for="column in customColumns" v-slot:item[column.itemValue]="{ item }">
<slot :name="column.slotName" :item="item"/>
export default {
name: 'custom-data-table',
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: true
headers: {
type: Array,
required: true
customColumns: {
type: Array
Is there a way to achieve this? The example does not override the column values and just displays the createdAt ISO string unformatted. I believe the problem might be coming from how I'm assigning the template's slot in CustomDataTable.vue, but I'm sure how else you could dynamically specify a template's slot. Any ideas?
I think the syntax for dynamic slots should be:
v-for="column in customColumns"
v-slot:[`item.${column.itemValue}`]="{ item }"
<slot :name="column.slotName" :item="item"/>

Make Vuetify v-text-field component required by default

Currently, you can set rules that will work once the user changes the value of the input. For example:
Template part
export default {
data () {
return {
title: '',
email: '',
rules: {
required: value => !!value || 'Required.'
When the user focuses and removes focus from that element, or when the user deletes all its content, the required rule is triggered.
But what happens if we want to start with the rule enabled as soon as the component is mounted or created? Is there a way to achieve this?
I searched around vuetify but I could not find info about this nor examples in my humble google searches. I will appreciate help. I'm new in vue world. Thanks.
You could do the following:
Create a v-form and place your textfields inside the form. Don't forget to give your v-form a v-model and a ref too.
On mounted you can access the v-form via this.$refs and call .validate() just as Jesper described in his answer. In the codesandbox below you can see that the textfields immediately go red and display the "Required." text.
<v-form v-model="formValid" ref="myForm">
<v-text-field label="Field 1" :rules="rules.required"></v-text-field>
<v-text-field label="Field 2" :rules="rules.required"></v-text-field>
export default {
data() {
return {
formValid: false,
rules: {
required: [value => !!value || "Required."]
mounted() {
You should change your validation a little bit to achieve this.
<ValidationProvider rules="required" v-slot="{ errors }" ref="title">
And then you should call this.$refs.title.validate()
If you trigger this when mounted() is called, it should validate all the fields right away, as you're requesting.

How to use another method's variable in a vue component?

I have two methods in a vue component.
First makes the user choose from a v-select, either itemone or itemtwo. Then, to retreive the value for later i call #change to assign the variable to a method declared later - getItemValue.
Second is a submit button, when clicked, we go to handleSubmit.
After handleSubmit is called, I want to use the value I got from getItemValue (in variable theItem), but how can I call another method if it's out of my scope?
export default {
data: () => ({
items: [
methods: {
getItemValue(theItem) {
handleSubmit(e) {
// i need "theItem" here!
v-model already writes to your local variable, so there is absolutely no need to setup a get method to write the select value to a variable.
Actually, v-model is a bit more complicated than just 'write' to a variable, but the important bit is that in your template you are setting up v-model="select", which basically means that whenever the user uses the select to pick a value, your local select variable will be updated with the selected value.
Now, there is no select in your example component data, I don't know why. But if you had it, you could just sent that variable in your handleSubmit:
export default {
data: () => ({
select: '',
items: [
methods: {
handleSubmit(e) {
doSomethingWith(; // this will be updated at this point
// with the option the user selected
Now, however, be aware that if the select variable is a component prop, then you should not do this right away, since props are not intended to be modified directly by child components. If that would be the case, please update your question with more info.
You would simple set the variable (theItem) value to the data
getItemValue(theItem) {
and then retrieve it later
handleSubmit(e) {
// i need "theItem" here!
// simple access theItem
console.log('theItem', this.theItem);

Extending Vue.js SFC components

I haven't found a good resource on extending Vue.js components. In every project I've worked on, regardless of the UI component library that's used, there are application Base components which extend the UI library components to enforce company/application defaults and standards.
I'm trying to extend Vue-Multiselect: which has about 30 props and 12 slots. The component I'm extending doesn't matter -- I only mention it because ideally I don't want to have to repeat 30 props and 12 slots in my implementation.
I simply want to make two changes to the behavior of the component:
Make disabled prop a bit smarter
The Vue-Multiselect component has a standard disabled prop which works as expected:
<Multiselect :disabled="isDisabled" ...>
In our application, we have global state in Vuex which determines if the application is read-only. What I want to avoid is requiring developers to pass this state to every form field:
<Multiselect :disabled="readOnly || isDisabled" ...>
<OtherComponent :disabled="readOnly || someOtherCondition" ...>
So the user of my base component should only need to be concerned about their local UI state which affect the disabled status:
<BaseCombo :disabled="!emailValid" ...>
This would handle the 90% case of form fields that are locked down when the application is read-only and I can use an additional prop for cases where we want to ignore the global read-only status.
<BaseCombo :disabled="!emailValid" :ignoreReadOnly="true" ...>
Provide defaults
Secondly, I simply want to override some of the default prop values. This post addresses the question of supplying defaults:
And this works perfectly until I tried to modify the behavior of the disabled prop I mentioned previously.
My attempt to solve this was to either wrap or extend the component. I'd really want to avoid redeclaring all of the props if possible.
#input="$emit('input', $event)"
... repeat for all 30 options
import Multiselect from 'vue-multiselect'
export default {
name: "BaseCombo",
extends: Multiselect, // extend or simply wrap?
computed: {
myCustomDisabled() {
this.props.disabled || ... use disabled from Vuex state
props: {
disabled: Boolean,
placeholder: {
type: String,
default: 'My Default Value',
... repeat for all props
The problem I ran into is I don't know how to handle the slots. The user of this BaseCombo should still be able to use all 12 slots in the VueMultiselect component.
Is there a better solution for extending components?
You can use this.$props to access props defined in the props attribute. Similarly you can access attributes (things you haven't defined as props) with this.$attrs. Finally you can bind props with v-bind="someVariable".
If you combine this you can do something like this:
<!-- App.vue -->
<component-a msg="Hello world" :fancy="{ test: 1 }" />
<!-- ComponentA.vue -->
<component-b v-bind="$attrs" />
export default {
name: 'componentA'
<!-- ComponentB.vue -->
{{ msg }}
{{ fancy }}
export default {
props: {
msg: String,
fancy: Object
mounted () {
In this example, component B would be the component you try to extend.
Here's a complete example based on Sumurai8's answer and motia's comments.
<Multiselect v-bind="childProps" v-on="$listeners">
<slot v-for="(_, name) in $slots" :name="name" :slot="name" />
<template v-for="(_, name) in $scopedSlots" :slot="name" slot-scope="slotData">
<slot :name="name" v-bind="slotData" />
import Multiselect from 'vue-multiselect'
export default {
name: "BaseCombo",
props: {
placeholder: {
type: String,
default: 'This is my default',
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
components: {
computed: {
childProps() {
return { ...this.$props, ...this.$attrs, disabled: this.isDisabled };
appReadOnly() {
return this.$store.state.appReadOnly;
isDisabled() {
return this.disabled || this.appReadOnly;

Vue - Translation in single file component

I'm using vue-i18n for my translations and it works great! But when I'm using the this.$t() function inside the data function of a single file component the translation is not working.
v-for="link in links"
:to="{ name: }"
{{ link.label }}
©{{ currentYear }} — <strong>{{ $t('site_name') }}</strong>
export default {
name: 'TheSiteFooter',
data() {
return {
links: [
{ name: 'what-is-pinshop', label: this.$t('footer.what_is_pinshop') },
{ name: 'contact-us', label: this.$t('footer.contact_us') },
{ name: 'cookie-policy', label: this.$t('footer.cookie_policy') },
{ name: 'privacy-policy', label: this.$t('footer.privacy_policy') },
{ name: 'terms-and-conditions', label: this.$t('footer.terms_and_conditions') },
computed: {
currentYear() {
return new Date().getFullYear();
But, if I instead change data with only the key of translation and then in my template use e.g {{ $t('footer.what_is_pinshop') }} the translation loaded is correct. Why does this happen? I'm using the beforeEnter router guard to change the translation. I have followed this example.
If I put links as a computed property the translation works. So why it does not happen only in data property? I also tried with this.$i18n.t(), but nothing
This is, because of the vue lifecycle. Push your link data into the array by using the created hook. Keep you data(model) clean and do not call functions in it. You call this up before all events and reactivity mechanisms have ever been registered.
if you're interested how it works:
I just showered and thought again about it. In depth this is because of the reactivity mechanism. You initialize your data with a function and vue cannot detect if the returned value has changed. See how it works: in vue 3 this is replaced by