Make Vuetify v-text-field component required by default - vue.js

Currently, you can set rules that will work once the user changes the value of the input. For example:
Template part
export default {
data () {
return {
title: '',
email: '',
rules: {
required: value => !!value || 'Required.'
When the user focuses and removes focus from that element, or when the user deletes all its content, the required rule is triggered.
But what happens if we want to start with the rule enabled as soon as the component is mounted or created? Is there a way to achieve this?
I searched around vuetify but I could not find info about this nor examples in my humble google searches. I will appreciate help. I'm new in vue world. Thanks.

You could do the following:
Create a v-form and place your textfields inside the form. Don't forget to give your v-form a v-model and a ref too.
On mounted you can access the v-form via this.$refs and call .validate() just as Jesper described in his answer. In the codesandbox below you can see that the textfields immediately go red and display the "Required." text.
<v-form v-model="formValid" ref="myForm">
<v-text-field label="Field 1" :rules="rules.required"></v-text-field>
<v-text-field label="Field 2" :rules="rules.required"></v-text-field>
export default {
data() {
return {
formValid: false,
rules: {
required: [value => !!value || "Required."]
mounted() {

You should change your validation a little bit to achieve this.
<ValidationProvider rules="required" v-slot="{ errors }" ref="title">
And then you should call this.$refs.title.validate()
If you trigger this when mounted() is called, it should validate all the fields right away, as you're requesting.


VueJS can't update v-text-field value dynamically

I dynamically draw form input component (as in the image) using this code:
In this case the key can be "name","gruppo","codice" and so on.
<v-col v-for="(key,i) in keys_visible" :key="key" v-if="headers_visible[i].visible == true" cols="12" sm="12" md="12"
v-if="!(headers_visible[i].type == 'bit' && editedItem[key] == -9)">
<v-text-field #change="comp_change(key)" v-else-if="headers_visible[i].type == 'varchar'" v-model="editedItem[key]" :label="headers_visible[i].text"></v-text-field>
Then I have comp_change function which is defined in methods block:
comp_change (par1) {
var self = this;
self.editedItem["name"] = "example text";
I have placed a debugger; at the beginning of comp_change function, and it stops everytime so the function is triggered, but without displaying new value in "Nome" field (which v-model is editedItem["name"]). Why after comp_change I can't see "example text" in the field?
The form is already opened when I fire change
This is likely a reactivity issue. You should read up on this here. Also, if you use v-model, you do not need to set the value yourself, meaning you can do away with the #change call. You have two options as I see it.
a. Use root data objects on your component instead of an array/object and then use v-model as normal. This looks like:
<v-text-field v-model="name" />
<v-text-field v-model="email" />
export default {
data() {
return {
name: '',
email: '',
etc: ''
Now, when your form fields are updated by the user, you won't need to use #change to set the value. It will happen automatically.
b. Or, set the model with Vue.set(). In this case, you are not going to use v-model. Instead, you have defined your own methods to manage the data. This looks like:
<v-text-field #change="comp_change(key)" />
import Vue from 'vue';
export default {
data() {
return {
editedItem: {}
methods: {
comp_change (par1) {
Vue.set( this.editedItem, 'name', 'example text' );

How to use another method's variable in a vue component?

I have two methods in a vue component.
First makes the user choose from a v-select, either itemone or itemtwo. Then, to retreive the value for later i call #change to assign the variable to a method declared later - getItemValue.
Second is a submit button, when clicked, we go to handleSubmit.
After handleSubmit is called, I want to use the value I got from getItemValue (in variable theItem), but how can I call another method if it's out of my scope?
export default {
data: () => ({
items: [
methods: {
getItemValue(theItem) {
handleSubmit(e) {
// i need "theItem" here!
v-model already writes to your local variable, so there is absolutely no need to setup a get method to write the select value to a variable.
Actually, v-model is a bit more complicated than just 'write' to a variable, but the important bit is that in your template you are setting up v-model="select", which basically means that whenever the user uses the select to pick a value, your local select variable will be updated with the selected value.
Now, there is no select in your example component data, I don't know why. But if you had it, you could just sent that variable in your handleSubmit:
export default {
data: () => ({
select: '',
items: [
methods: {
handleSubmit(e) {
doSomethingWith(; // this will be updated at this point
// with the option the user selected
Now, however, be aware that if the select variable is a component prop, then you should not do this right away, since props are not intended to be modified directly by child components. If that would be the case, please update your question with more info.
You would simple set the variable (theItem) value to the data
getItemValue(theItem) {
and then retrieve it later
handleSubmit(e) {
// i need "theItem" here!
// simple access theItem
console.log('theItem', this.theItem);

How to prevent parent component from reloading when changing a parameterised child component in Vue js

I have a page where a ClientPortfolio (parent component) containing a list of Securities (child component) are loaded in a v-data-table list.
The issue I have is that ClientPortfolio is fully reloaded every time I click on a security in the list causing the entire list to be refreshed causing scroll and selected class to reset, as well as unncessary performance overhead.
I have looked at the documentation of Vue and nothing seems to point out how to only refresh a child component when it has parameters, it looks like the parent component is being refreshed as the route is changing every time a security is selected, despite expecting that Vue would know that only sub (nested route) is changing hence need to only reload the child component
The closest answer I got was explained on which does not explain in the code how to achieve this.
routes: [
path: '/client/:clientno/portfolios/:portfolioNo',
component: ClientPortfolios,
children: [
{ path: 'security/:securityNo', component: Security }
Router link in ClientPortfolios.vue:
<router-link tag="tr" style="cursor:pointer"
Router view (for Security component) in ClientPortfolios.vue:
<v-flex xs10 ml-2>
<router-view :key="$route.fullPath"></router-view>
Any hint on how to prevent parent from getting reloaded is appreciated.
EDIT: Trying to get closer to the issue, I notice that the "Key" attr in ClientPortfolios changes (as shown in the Vue debug window above) whenever I change the Security, could that be the reason? Is there a way to assign a key to ClientPortfolios component although its not a child one? Or a way to not update its key when navigating to different securities?
UPDATE: Full code
<v-layout row fill-height>
<v-flex xs2>
<v-layout column class="ma-0 pa-0 elevation-1">
<v-select v-model="selectedPortfolioSequenceNo" :items="clientPortfolios" box label="Portfolio"
item-text="SequenceNo" item-value="SequenceNo" v-on:change="changePortfolio">
<v-data-table disable-initial-sort :items="securities" item-key="Id" hide-headers hide-actions
style="overflow-y: auto;display:block;height: calc(100vh - 135px);">
<template slot="items" slot-scope="props">
<router-link tag="tr" style="cursor:pointer"
:to="{ name: 'Security', params: { securityNo: props.item.SecurityNo+'-'+props.item.SequenceNo } }"
<template v-slot:no-data>
<v-flex class="text-xs-center">
No securities found
<v-flex xs10 ml-2>
import Security from '#/components/Security'
export default {
components: {
security: Security
data () {
return {
portfoliosLoading: false,
selectedPortfolioSequenceNo: this.$route.params.portfolioNo,
selectedPortfolio: null,
securityNo: this.$route.params.securityNo
computed: {
clientPortfolios () {
return this.$store.state.ClientPortfolios
securities () {
if (this.clientPortfolios == null || this.clientPortfolios.length < 1) {
return []
let self = this
this.selectedPortfolio = global.jQuery.grep(this.clientPortfolios, function (portfolio, i) {
return portfolio.SequenceNo === self.selectedPortfolioSequenceNo
return this.selectedPortfolio.Securities
mounted () {
activated () {
methods: {
changePortfolio () {
path: '/client/' + this.$route.params.clientno + '/portfolios/' + this.selectedPortfolioSequenceNo
getClientPortfolios: function () {
this.portfoliosLoading = true
let self = this
this.$store.dispatch('getClientPortfolios', {
clientNo: this.$route.params.clientno
}).then(function (serverResponse) {
self.portfoliosLoading = false
<v-layout class="screen-header">
<v-flex class="screen-title">Security Details </v-flex>
<v-layout align-center justify-space-between row class="contents-placeholder" mb-3 pa-2>
<v-layout column>
<v-flex class="form-group" id="security-portfolio-selector">
<label class="screen-label">Sequence</label>
<span class="screen-value">{{security.SequenceNo}}</span>
<v-flex class="form-group">
<label class="screen-label">Security</label>
<span class="screen-value">{{security.SecurityNo}}-{{security.SequenceNo}}</span>
<v-flex class="form-group">
<label class="screen-label">Status</label>
<span class="screen-value-code" v-if="security.Status !== ''">{{security.Status}}</span>
export default {
props: ['securityNo'],
data () {
return {
clientNo: this.$route.params.clientno,
securityDetailsLoading: false
computed: {
security () {
return this.$store.state.SecurityDetails
created () {
if (this.securityNo.length > 1) {
methods: {
getSecurityDetails: function () {
let self = this
this.securityDetailsLoading = true
this.$store.dispatch('getSecurityDetails', {
securityNo: this.securityNo,
clientNo: this.clientNo
}).then(function (serverResponse) {
self.securityDetailsLoading = false
const router = new Router({
mode: 'history',
routes: [
path: '/',
component: Dashboard
path: '/client/:clientno/details',
component: Client,
props: true
path: '/client/:clientno/portfolios/:portfolioNo',
component: ClientPortfolios,
name: 'ClientPortfolios',
children: [
{ path: 'security/:securityNo',
component: Security,
name: 'Security'
Just to update this as it’s been a while, I finally got to find out what the problem is, which is what #matpie indicated elsewhere, I have found out that my App.vue is the culprit where there is a :key add to the very root of the application: <router-view :key="$route.fullPath" /> this was a template I used from somewhere but never had to look at as it was "working", after removing the key, all is working as it should, marking matpie answer accepted.
Preventing component reload is the default behavior in Vue.js. Vue's reactivity system automatically maps property dependencies and only performs the minimal amount of work to ensure the DOM is current.
By using a :key attribute anywhere, you are telling Vue.js that this element or component should only match when the keys match. If the keys don't match, the old one will be destroyed and a new one created.
It looks like you're also pulling in route parameters on the data object (Security.vue). Those will not update when the route parameters change, you should pull them in to a computed property so that they will always stay up-to-date.
export default {
computed: {
clientNo: (vm) => vm.$route.params.clientno,
That will ensure that clientNo always matches what is found in the router, regardless of whether Vue decides to re-use this component instance. If you need to perform other side-effects when clientNo changes, you can add a watcher:
vm.$watch("clientNo", (clientNo) => { /* ... */ })
Could you please check again after removing the local registration of the security component? As it's not needed because this is being handled by the vue router itself.
components: { // delete this code
security: Security
Instead of using router here. Declare two variable at root level for selected security and portfolio,
list the securities based on the selected portfolio.
on selecting a security from displayed securities, update the root variable using,
this.$root.selectedSecurityId = id;
you can have watch at security component level.
In root,
<security selectedid="selectedSecurityId" />
In component security,
//fetch info and show
the components will be look like following,
//active. list goes here
<security selectedid="selectedSecurityId">
//info goes here
Above approach will help to avoid routers. hope this will help.
I had a similar issue once. IMO it was caused by path string parsing.
Try to set a name for your route. And replace your router-link to param with an object.
And remove router-view :key prop. It doesn't need to be there. It is used to force component update when a route changes. It is usually a sign of bad code. Your component (Security) should react to route params update. Not the parent component force it to.
So, try to change your code to:
routes: [
path: '/client/:clientno/portfolios/:portfolioNo',
component: ClientPortfolios,
name: "ClientPortfoliosName", // it can be anything you want. It`s just an alias for internal use.
children: [
path: 'security/:securityNo',
name: "PortfolioSecurities", // anyway, consider setting route names as good practice
component: Security
<router-link tag="tr" style="cursor:pointer"
:to="{ name: 'PortfolioSecurities', params: { clientno: $route.params.clientno, portfolioNo: selectedPortfolioSequenceNo, securityNo: props.item.SecurityNo+'-'+props.item.SequenceNo } }"
And it should work.
P.S. In your router-link you shall point to the route you want to navigate to. In this case PortfolioSecurities

Vuetify v-text-field Default Slot Not Working

I am trying to use a custom filter with the Vuetify v-text-field control. I am having trouble getting a value to show using the default slot of the v-text-field control. It is apparently derived from v-input, which seems to work fine.
This does not work:
{{ purchasePrice | currency }}
This works:
{{ purchasePrice | currency }}
Am I missing a template slot or something? I've been able to successfully use the "append" and "prepend" slots on this control, but not the "default" slot. Any suggestions?
I just ran into this as well, and did some source diving. Documenting my findings below:
As of Vuetify 2.5.8 (most recent version), and any other 2+ version, default slot is ignored on v-text-element.
The relevant part in the source code of VTextField.ts:
genDefaultSlot () {
return [
it overrides genDefaultSlot method of VInput.ts, which is included as a mixin in VTextField.ts:
genDefaultSlot () {
return [
I could only make it work with named slots: (Also, I'm reusing this component, so it accepts another slot on the inside)
#input="$emit('update', $event)"
<!-- ⬇️ HERE ⬇️ -->
<template v-slot:label>
import { defaultMaterialTextFiledsProps } from '~/config/inputsStyle'
// See
export default {
// Disable automatic attribute inheritance, so that $attrs are
// passed to the <input>, even if it's not the root element.
inheritAttrs: false,
props: {
type: {
type: String,
default: 'text',
// Only allow types that essentially just render text boxes.
validator(value) {
return [

v-autocomplete and setting user input as its value

I use vuetify in my project and need typeahead component. Sadly v-autocomplete implemented as combobox with filter, so it doesn't allow setting user input as v-model (or at least I can't find I way how to do so).
Could someone please explain me how to implement such functionality (maybe by another vuetify component)? I load items from server, but they are serve just as suggestions. Users need to have an ability to type and set any value they want to.
Here is a base example The problem is that if I type any word that doesn't start with 'John' v-autocomplete clears it on blur. I've tried to set v-model manually and to add user input to array, but any of this methods has issues and doesn't work as expected.
<div id="app">
<p>Name: {{ select || 'unknown'}}</>
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: () => ({
items: [],
search: null,
select: null,
commonNames: ["John", "John2", "John3"]
watch: {
search(val) {
val && val !== && this.querySelections(val);
methods: {
querySelections(v) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.items = this.commonNames.filter(e => {
return (e || "").toLowerCase().indexOf((v || "").toLowerCase()) > -1;
}, 500);
In Vuetify 1.1.7 Combobox has new feature which you can refer to.
Its on the Advance custom options.
had this same issue and solved it with the v-combobox it's kinda like the same as v-autocomplete so, you can just replace your tags with <v-combobox></v-combobox> or check the documentation here: