Filter data from database using v-for - vuejs2

Here I tried making a const data inside the script(vue js).
data() {
return {
event: [],
items: [
[id: '1', month:'January', date:'01'],
[id: '2', month:'February', date:'03'],
filter(val) {
let items = this.items;
let filter = items.filter(el => el.month === val);
this.event = filter;
And had this in my v-for
<h1 v-for="(item, id) in event" v-bind:key="id"></h1>
<p>{{ items.month }}</p>
It loops the filtered items from the empty event array.
Since my const data is too many. I tried creating an API.
And this is how I get the data from database.
data() {
return {
Items: [],
.then(response =>{
this.Items =;
And loop through it using v-for
<h1 v-for="(Item, id) in Items" v-bind:key="id"></h1>
<p>{{ Item.month }}</p>
From here, I only know how to call the specific data through mustache. I can't do the filter that I use when using const data.

If I understand the question correctly, you can filter data from backend via computed properties.
computed: {
filteredItems() {
return this.Items.filter((item) => {...});
in your template you can iterate over this new property
<h1 v-for="(Item, id) in filteredItems" v-bind:key="id">{{ Item.month }}</h1>


getting promise instead of value in laravel vue js [duplicate]

I am calling an async function which loads the profile pic, the await call returns the value to the variable 'pf' as expected, but I couldn't return that from loadProfilePic. At least for the start I tried to return a static string to be displayed as [object Promise] in vue template.
But when I remove await/asnyc it returns the string though.
<div v-for="i in obj">
{{ loadProfilePic( }}
loadProfilePic: async function(id) {
var pf = await this.blockstack.lookupProfile(id)
return 'test data';
//return pf.image[0]['contentUrl']
That is because async function returns a native promise, so the loadProfilePic method actually returns a promise instead of a value. What you can do instead, is actually set an empty profile pic in obj, and then populate it in your loadProfilePic method. VueJS will automatically re-render when the obj.profilePic is updated.
<div v-for="i in obj">
{{ i.profilePic }}
loadProfilePic: async function(id) {
var pf = await this.blockstack.lookupProfile(id);
this.obj.filter(o => => o.profilePic = pf);
See proof-of-concept below:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
obj: [{
id: 1,
profilePic: null
id: 2,
profilePic: null
id: 3,
profilePic: null
methods: {
loadProfilePic: async function(id) {
var pf = await this.dummyFetch(id);
this.obj.filter(o => === id).forEach(o => o.profilePic =;
dummyFetch: async function(id) {
return await fetch(`${id}`).then(r => r.json());
mounted: function() {
this.obj.forEach(o => this.loadProfilePic(;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<div v-for="i in obj">
{{ i.profilePic }}

Vue sorting a frozen list of non-frozen data

I have a frozen list of non-frozen data, the intent being that the container is not reactive but the elements are, so that an update to one of the N things does not trigger dependency checks against the N things.
I have a computed property that returns a sorted version of this list. But Vue sees the reactive objects contained within the frozen list, and any change to an element results in triggering the sorted computed prop. (The goal is to only trigger it when some data about the sort changes, like direction, or major index, etc.)
The general concept is:
template: someTemplate,
data() {
return {
list: Object.freeze([
computed: {
sorted() {
return [...this.list].sort(someOrdering);
Is there a Vue idiom for this, or something I'm missing?
...any change to an element results in triggering the sorted computed prop
I have to disagree with that general statement. Look at the example below. If the list is sorted by name, clicking "Change age" does not trigger recompute and vice versa. So recompute is triggered only if property used during previous sort is changed
const app = new Vue({
el: "#app",
data() {
return {
list: Object.freeze([
Vue.observable({ name: "Foo", age: 22}),
Vue.observable({ name: "Bar", age: 26}),
Vue.observable({ name: "Baz", age: 32}),
Vue.observable({ name: "Qux", age: 52})
sortBy: 'name',
counter: 0
computed: {
sorted() {
console.log(`Sort executed ${this.counter++} times`)
return [...this.list].sort((a,b) => {
return a[this.sortBy] < b[this.sortBy] ? -1 : (a[this.sortBy] > b[this.sortBy] ? 1 : 0)
Vue.config.productionTip = false;
Vue.config.devtools = false;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<div>Sorted by: {{ sortBy }}</div>
<button #click="list[0].name += 'o' ">Change name</button>
<button #click="list[0].age += 1 ">Change age</button>
<button #click="sortBy = 'name'">Sort by name</button>
<button #click="sortBy = 'age'">Sort by age</button>
<div v-for="item in sorted" :key="">{{ }} ({{item.age}})</div>

V-for not working with dynamic data in template

My template has following:
<ul id="example-1">
<li v-for="item in getMenus" :key="">
{{ }}
async getMenus() {
this.$axios.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json', ['get'])
'Bearer ' + this.$store.state.auth.Token
const roleId = this.$store.state.auth.role.roleId
const url = `/role/${roleId}/menu`
let data = ''
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-async-in-computed-properties
const pal = await this.$axios
.$get(url, JSON.stringify(roleId))
.then(function(resp) {
data =
if (pal) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
return data
Above mentioned is my code. I checked my api its returing data. If i put directly my data as harcoded value then it works, if I use api then it doesnot work. I looke dinto console also that is also clear. I am new to vue. Any help will be highly appreciated.
You can't use async methods in v-for. Define an array in data section of a component and write results in the array at the end of getMenus function. You should call getMenus at some place in your code (for instance in mounted hook):
<li v-for="item in menuList" :key="">
// in a component code
data: {
return {
menuList: []
mounted () {
// if you don't have any initialization after this call you can call it without await
async getMenus() {
// getting results
const { data: menuList } = await this.$axios
.$get(url, JSON.stringify(roleId))
this.menuList = menuList
This happens because inside async getMenus method you are returning data before it is even assigned a value. A better way to resolve this issue would be to set a variable in data options like:
data() {
return {
loading: false,
items: [] // This will hold all the getMenus() data
and inside getMenus update items array like:
created() {
methods: {
async getMenus() {
this.loading = true;
// All other logic here...
this.$axios.$get(url, JSON.stringify(roleId))
.then(resp => {
this.loading = false;
this.items =; // Set the response data here...
.catch(error => {
this.loading = false;
and then update your template like:
<li v-for="item in items" :key="">
{{ }}
In case, your async method is going to take some time to finish you can show a loading text or icon so that user know that at least something is happening instead of looking at a blank screen like:
<template v-if="loading">
<template v-else>
<ul id="example-1">
<li v-for="item in items" :key="">
{{ }}

VueJS dynamic data + v-model

In my data object, I need to push objects into an array called editions.
data() {
return {
editions: []
To do this, I am dynamically creating a form based on some predetermined field names. Here's where the problem comes in. I can't get v-model to cooperate. I was expecting to do something like this:
<div v-for="n in parseInt(total_number_of_editions)">
<div v-for="field in edition_fields">
<input :type="field.type" v-model="editions[n][]" />
But that isn't working. I get a TypeError: _vm.editions[n] is undefined. The strange thing is that if I try this: v-model="editions[n]"... it works, but I don't have the property name. So I don't understand how editions[n] could be undefined. This is what I'm trying to end up with in the data object:
editions: [
name: "sample name",
status: "good"
Can anyone advise on how to achieve this?
But that isn't working. I get a TypeError: _vm.editions[n] is undefined.
editions is initially an empty array, so editions[n] is undefined for all n. Vue is essentially doing this:
const editions = []
const n = 1
console.log(editions[n]) // => undefined
The strange thing is that if I try this: v-model="editions[n]"... it works
When you use editions[n] in v-model, you're essentially creating the array item at index n with a new value. Vue is doing something similar to this:
const editions = []
const n = 2
editions[n] = 'foo'
console.log(editions) // => [ undefined, undefined, "foo" ]
To fix the root problem, initialize editions with an object array, whose length is equal to total_number_of_editions:
const newObjArray = n => Array(n) // create empty array of `n` items
.fill({}) // fill the empty holes
.map(x => ({...x})) // map the holes into new objects
this.editions = newObjArray(this.total_number_of_editions)
If total_number_of_editions could change dynamically, use a watcher on the variable, and update editions according to the new count.
const newObjArray = n => Array(n).fill({}).map(x => ({...x}))
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
const edition_fields = [
{ type: 'number', name: 'status' },
{ type: 'text', name: 'name' },
return {
total_number_of_editions: 5,
editions: [],
watch: {
total_number_of_editions: {
handler(total_number_of_editions) {
const count = parseInt(total_number_of_editions)
if (count === this.editions.length) {
// ignore
} else if (count < this.editions.length) {
} else {
const newCount = count - this.editions.length
immediate: true,
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<label>Number of editions
<input type="number" min=0 v-model="total_number_of_editions">
<fieldset v-for="n in parseInt(total_number_of_editions)" :key="n">
<div v-for="field in edition_fields" :key="">
<input :type="field.type" v-if="editions[n-1]" v-model="editions[n-1][]" />

Filtering a list of objects in Vue without altering the original data

I am diving into Vue for the first time and trying to make a simple filter component that takes a data object from an API and filters it.
The code below works but i cant find a way to "reset" the filter without doing another API call, making me think im approaching this wrong.
Is a Show/hide in the DOM better than altering the data object?
<button v-on:click="filterCats('Print')">Print</button>
<div class="list-item" v-for="asset in filteredData">
<a>{{ asset.title.rendered }}</a>
export default {
data() {
return {
assets: {}
methods: {
filterCats: function (cat) {
var items = this.assets
var result = {}
Object.keys(items).forEach(key => {
const item = items[key]
if (item.cat_names.some(cat_names => cat_names === cat)) {
result[key] = item
this.assets = result
computed: {
filteredData: function () {
return this.assets
Is a Show/hide in the DOM better than altering the data object?
Not at all. Altering the data is the "Vue way".
You don't need to modify assets to filter it.
The recommended way of doing that is using a computed property: you would create a filteredData computed property that depends on the cat data property. Whenever you change the value of cat, the filteredData will be recalculated automatically (filtering this.assets using the current content of cat).
Something like below:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
cat: null,
assets: {
one: {cat_names: ['Print'], title: {rendered: 'one'}},
two: {cat_names: ['Two'], title: {rendered: 'two'}},
three: {cat_names: ['Three'], title: {rendered: 'three'}}
computed: {
filteredData: function () {
if ( == null) { return this.assets; } // no filtering
var items = this.assets;
var result = {}
Object.keys(items).forEach(key => {
const item = items[key]
if (item.cat_names.some(cat_names => cat_names === {
result[key] = item
return result;
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button v-on:click="cat = 'Print'">Print</button>
<div class="list-item" v-for="asset in filteredData">
<a>{{ asset.title.rendered }}</a>