Hive ODBC driver does not recognise unix_timestamp - sql

Short version:
How can I get the difference in seconds between 2 timestamps, via the ODBC driver?
Long version:
Using ODBC for a simple query (not that I use cast (... as timestamp) to have a standalone line, the actual query runs against a table with timestamp data):
select unix_timestamp(cast('2019-02-01 01:02:03' as timestamp)) as tto
I got the error message:
unix_timestamp is not a valid scalar function or procedure call
I could not find any configuration option that would change this. Native query is disabled (because I am using prepared statements) and other functions work fine. My guess is that unix_timestamp() (without parameter) is deprecated, and the driver is a bit enthusiastic about preventing using the function.
I tried to work around the problem, and I cast the timestamp as bigint instead of using the unix_timestamp function:
select cast(cast('2019-02-01 01:02:03' as timestamp) as bigint)
This works fine! But when I try to get the diff of 2 timestamps:
select cast(cast('2019-02-01 01:02:03' as timestamp) as bigint) - cast(cast('2019-02-01 01:02:03' as timestamp) as bigint)
I got the message
Operand types SQL_WCHAR and SQL_WCHAR are incompatible for the binary
minus operator
(but then only for complex queries, not if the query consists only of this select).
The driver will accept a diff between 2 timestamps, but then I end up with an interval type, which I cannot convert back to seconds.
I would consider that those are bugs in the ODBC driver, but I cannot contact Hortonworks because I am not a paying customer, and I cannot contact Simba either because I am not a paying customer.
On a side note, if I try to use the floor function, I get the message:
‘floor’ is a reserved keyword.
Yes, I know it's reserved and I am actually trying to ise it.
Any idea how I could get around this?

In short, the official Hive ODBC driver is really really really bad if you cannot use native statements (ie. if you need parameterised queries).
My suggested workarounds are to either get a paying one (eg. - I tried it and it works very well) or to just use a jdbc one if your application can support it. All ODBC drivers I found for Hive are wrappers around the jdbc one anyway, bundling a jre.


Amazon redshift - extracting time from timestamp SQL error

I am trying to extract the time from a datetime column in my Amazon Redshift database (Postgresql 8.0). I have already referred to previous questions such as this. But I am getting an unusual error.
When I try:
SELECT collected_timestamp::time
SELECT cast(collected_timestamp as time)
I get the following error:
ERROR: Specified types or functions (one per INFO message) not supported on Redshift tables
The goal is to pull the time portion from the timestamp such that 2017-11-06 13:03:28 returns 13:03:28.
This seems like an easy problem to solve but for some reason I am missing something. Researching that error does not lead to anything meaningful. Any help is appreciated.
Note that Redshift <> PostgreSQL - it was forked from PostgreSQL but is very different under the hood.
You're trying to cast a timestamp value to a data type of "time" which does not exist in Redshift. To return a value that is only the time component of a timestamp you will need to cast it to a character data type, e.g.:
SELECT to_char(collected_timestamp, 'HH24:MI:SS');
There are a few ways, here is one i use:
SELECT ('2018-03-07 21:55:12'::timestamp - trunc('2018-03-07 21:55:12'::timestamp))::time;
I hope that helps.
EDIT: I have made incorrect use of ::time please see comments on other answer.

Teradata JDBC 16.20 returns wrong date in Datagrip

I am using Teradata JDBC 16.20 in Datagrip.
Whenever I try to do anything with date, it returns 1 day less.
For instance: SELECT date'2017-08-01' returns 2017-07-31 in Datagrip and in Teradata SQL Assistant it returns correctly 01/08/2017.
Does anyone know why?
We have the same issue using DataGrip with a Vertica database. My hunch is that the date is being shifted twice. When I select current_timestamp (which on Vertica is timestamp with timezone) the date is correct (typically one day earlier than the current date), but when I select current_date, I get the previous day (my timezone is US/Pacific). What I think is happening is the JDBC driver is adjusting the date based on the two timezones, and then DataGrip is then adjusting it a second time.
We don't have issues using the same Vertica database with the same JDBC driver, but a different SQL Client (DbVisualizer).
The only workaround I can offer using DataGrip is to install a much older version. DataGrip 2016.3.4, Build #DB-163.13906.13, built on February 21, 2017 seems to handle date columns correctly.
Adding -Duser.timezone=UTC to VM options seems to solve the problem.

Odd error with casting to timestamp in standard SQL/Tableau

The latest version of Tableau has started using standard SQL when it connects to Google's BigQuery.
I recently tried to update a large table but found that there appeared to be errors when trying to parse datetimes. The table originates as a CSV which is loaded into BigQuery where further manipulations happen. The datetime column in the original CSV contain strings in ISO standard date time format (basically yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm). This saves a lot of annoying manipulation later.
But on trying to convert the datetime strings in Tableau into dates or datetimes I got a bunch of errors. On investigation they seemed to come from BigQuery and looked like this:
Error: Invalid timestamp: '2015-06-28 02:01'
I thought at first this might be a Tableau issue so I loaded a chunk of the original CSV into Tableau directly where the conversion of the string to a data worked perfectly well.
I then tried simpler versions of the conversion (to a year rather than a full datetime) and they still failed. The generated SQL for the simplest conversion looks like this:
CAST(`Arrival_Date` AS TIMESTAMP)) AS `yr_Arrival_Date_ok`
`some_dataset`.`some_table` `some_table`
The invalid timestamp in the error message always looks to me like a perfectly valid timestamp. And further analysis suggests it doesn't happen for all the rows in the source table, just occasional ones.
This error did not appear in older versions of Tableau/BigQuery where legacy SQL was the default for Tableau. So i'm presuming it is a consequence of standard SQL.
So is there an intermittent problem with casting to timestamps in BigQuery? Or is this a Tableau problem which causes the SQL to be incorrectly formatted? And what can I do about it?
The seconds part in the canonical timestamp representation required if the hour and minute are also present. Try this instead with PARSE_TIMESTAMP and see if it works:
PARSE_TIMESTAMP('%F %R', `Arrival_Date`)) AS `yr_Arrival_Date_ok`

Connecting to Mongo using SQL - function syntax

I am trying to configure Microstrategy to work with MongoDB. The Mstr advised way is to use Simba ODBC driver. The simple connection works fine. The problems start when I want to use functions e.g. get only hour out of the timestamp.
The other approach I tried is to use Apache drill and I face exactly the same problem.
Select code, name from offer
Code and name are attributes of some documents in collection called offer. This works fine.
Select date(interactionDateTime) from interactionrecord
This fails. I tried different syntax postgres - date_part, to_date - Oracle, another one from MySQL..., EXTRACT etc.
You should be able to use the scalar functions listed here:
To extract the hour out of a time, use the HOUR() scalar function.

Is There a Way to Convert 'datetime' Format to 'timestamp' in Sql Server CE?

I know there's a way to do this in regular Sql Server, and if I'm not mistaken, it looks something like this:
SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ba_trans_entered) * 1000 AS 'dateUTC'
I do admit, however, that I don't get the * 1000 part, but that's beside the point.
When I try to perform this query in SQL Server CE it just tells me (i.e., WebMatrix tells me):
'UNIX_TIMESTAMP' is not a recognized built-in function name.
I'm assuming UNIX_TIMESTAMP is not supported in Sql Server Compact.
Also, I tried Googling and searching here on SE but no data relevant to SQL Server CE shows up, so there may not be a way in the given environment.
Is there any way to convert 'datetime' (example: 7/13/2007 12:00:00 AM) to timestamp (example: 1184302800000)? I know I can do this in JavaScript, but I was told it might be faster to do this in the query itself, and since I am pulling a ton of data...
The UNIX_TIMESTAMP function does not exist in SQL Server on SQL Server Compact, but you can use DATEDIFF:
DATEDIFF(SECOND,{d '1970-01-01'}, ba_trans_entered)