I have Total 6 Tabs .Every Tab has it own content.On Tab 6 there are two radio box
1- Automatic ( Radio Button) Under this Radio box there are 5 Checkbox in which Tabs names are mention on each checkbox.
2- Manual
Now I want that If I Select " Automatic" Option then All Tabs should disable and All check boxes should select under radio button .
and If I select Option 2 "Manual" Then all Tabs should be enable .
Here is an example of what you want https://codesandbox.io/s/88vv14qwwj
I used:
- Bootstrap tab for ease of styling
- 3 tabs for less noise
What it boils down to is the logic of setting disabled on your tab buttons, and how to create <input type=radio> in your last tab. You just need to make sure they have the right combo to disable only what you need.
In the example, I did: disabled.bind="isAutomatic && !tab.disabled"
It means only disable the tab buttons when it's automatic mode and the tab checkbox in the last tab panel has not been checked, as the checkboxes in the last panel are bound to tab.disabled in your app tabs array.
I have a Windows form with a tab control on it. I have fields from one bindingsource on 3 tabs of the tab control. I can open the form and change data on all 3 tabs and navigate between tabs and my changes are there. When I click on the 'Save' button on the BindingNaviator, not all of my changes are saved to the table I am bound to. Is there something special that needs to be done to not lose the changes?
I found the issue. On Tab2 of my tab control I have some number fields. There is also a checkbox the user can select to set those number fields to 100, and if they uncheck it, it was setting the the .text property of those to "". The fields should be set to 0 instead of a blank. After I made this change, it works fine. Thanks for the help.
When tabbing to an Option Group containing radio buttons (Yes No) I want to set the focus to the first entry in the option group but it is being set to the second radio button. I do not want to actually set the value, just the focus. Preferably, I want to do this through Forms, not VBA.
Are you sure that the second option is lower on the page or in line with the first option? Tab will move to the option closest to the top of the option frame.
I have a multiple tabs in a page and each tab (lets say Menu, Edit, Tools) has a couple of text field. Each field have Required Data Annotation. I have one Save Button to save all the fields from multiple tabs. Now my problem is when I am in Menu tab and without entering anything in the text box and click Save Button I got validation summary. If I move to other tab (Edit tab) without entering anything in the textbox in the File tab and I did the same thing in the Edit tab I got validation summary of the current tab (Edit tab) only but not the other one.
How can I get validation summary from all the tabs? OR
Can we validate while moving from one tab to other?
FYI, Each tab is <a href = "#tab-Menu">
Elements on your non-active tabs are most probably hidden. Bu default after version 1.9 jquery validation does not validate hidden elements (ignore: ":hidden"). You can see discussion here: https://github.com/jzaefferer/jquery-validation/issues/279
To enable validating even hidden elements, use this code:
// This will validate all tabs at once, not just current tab.
ignore: ""
More info on what you can specify is here http://jqueryvalidation.org/validate/
I am programming a GUI in Haskell using the editor Glade with the gtk2hs bindings. Currently I am failing miserably at grouping the radio buttons. It will not let me select the group name. Can someone help?
Follow these steps:
select the desired radio button
click the ... button near the Group entry
Choose a Radio Button in this project dialog
select the desired row in Objects list
click the radio button at the left side of the row (it will be check)
press OK button
Slight more accurate / up to date, for each radio button in a group, except the one that you want to be initially active,
select the (not to be initially active) radio button,
under "Button Attributes" in the Group: field, enter the ID of the initially active radio button in this group (or click on the edit icon on the right and select it in the popup list by clicking on the radio button left of its name).
Click OK.
Repeat for all initially not active radio buttons that should be linked to the initially active one. Note that later you can change the initially active one by simply making a radiobutton Active by checking the Active Checkbox under "Button Attributes". If it is already marked active, first unmark it.
I have a Tab Control on a Winform. I want to add another page but I want it to appear between the current page 1 and page 2, basically I want to insert it. How can I do this?
If you are looking to do this from the deseigner:
Under the TabControl Properties,
select TabPages. This will bring up
the tab pages dialog.
Click the Add button. Should add a
new tab page at the end.
Use the arrows to move the page to
the position required.
If you wish to do this from code:
Have a look at TabControl.TabPages.Insert
Inserts a tab page into the collection
at the specified index.