How to write correct field criteria to get rid of the 'enter parameter value' erro? - sql

I'm plotting graphs for 10 machines (machine 1, machine 2,...) performance -
average vs date graph.
User shall select the machine from a combobox (i made the values obtained from query, or should I make it from the table?) and set it to contain unique values only.
After selecting the machine, user shall click OK button. and a graph of the selected machine should be displayed in a new form.
Problem is, every time I click OK, it prompts me with the ENTER PARAMETER VALUE Forms!ViewReport!Combo9.
After I enter "machine 1" in the ENTER PARAMETER VALUE, it displays the graph correctly. I am expecting the graph to be displayed directly without the error.

The dialog appears because the query has no access to the field Combo9. Probably your form is not open or ViewReport is a subform, in this case, the reference to Combo9 should be different. Check, for instance, this giude for controls references.
But the most reliable method is to create a public function in the standard module, which should return the value from the desired form's field. It can check if the form is open and return the default value if the form is not available or the value is not selected. This function can be used in queries as criteria or in calculated fields.


PowerApps formula for matching records from a drop down

I'm trying to build a login form that performs a simple check against the user's PIN. The pin in stored in the database as a field in the Person entity (table).
I have a Team entity that allows the Person to select the Team they are on from a dropdown list of all Teams. The Person entity dropdown then populates based on the Person's TeamID. The User selects their Name and enters a PIN number in the txtPinNumber textbox.
The Login button is hidden by default and should only have visible = true when the pin entered into txtPinNumber is the same as the PIN field in the database.
I have the visible property of the btnLogin button set to
However, I'm getting an error of unspecified type. Is it because I'm trying to check the entered PIN against a filtered datatype?
Any ideas on how to fix this error?
It looks like you're having difficulty because of your usage of the Filter() function. Filter() returns a table with all of the rows that meet a given criteria. However, it seems that ddResponder.Selected.Pin is the PIN you are seeking to match. If this is the case, you can simply have the visible property set to:
txtPinNumber.Text = ddResponder.Selected.Pin
If, however you need to do a search in your table to find the relevant PIN, you will instead want to use the Lookup() function.
You can see the documentation for these functions here:
The Lookup() function will return the first matching row based on the criteria you provide, otherwise it will return a blank. You can use this with the IsBlank() function to determine whether or not to display the button.

Access and VBA: change report text from report code

in my Access application I have a form and a report. In the form I have my textBoxForm, in the report I have my textBoxReport. Normally, in the textBoxReport I see the textBoxForm value. How can I set dynamically from the report VBA-code the value of the textReport? For example, I want that, if the value in the textForm is 1, the value in the textReport is "ok".
I have already searched a solution in internet, but in all cases I see always an error similar to 'impossible set this value for this element'.
Thank you!
Does your report use a query? If so, you would just place an 'IIF' in the query that tests for the value you want to change, then either changes it to something else, or retains the original value. The below will test field 'Nbr1' for the presence of a 1, and if found, change it to 'OK', otherwise it stays the same.
Note! You will need to change the control source in the report to reflect the name you provide (i.e. 'MyChange') because you can't keep the original name.
SELECT Table1.ID, Table1.EMPID, Table1.TestResult,
IIf([Nbr1]=1,"OK",[Nbr1]) AS MyChange, Table1.Nbr2
FROM Table1;

How to reference tables/queries/reports in access using an alias name?

In my Access database, I have tables with the naming convention of "t_customers" or "t_orders". I have a combo box which lets me pick from these options. For a better look, I want to have the options in the combo box without the "t_", so one of the options is just "customers". Then in VBA, I can access the combo box's value of "customers" and then pass that as a parameter to my function which will export the contents of the associated table "t_customers" to an excel file.
Is this possible to do? I can think of using a select case statement and for each combo box value I manually assign the related table value, but there has to be a better way. Is there some sort of short cut that does this in Access using a relationship or similar feature without coding? Or is there a simpler way to code this?
I am also trying to get the value of the current item selected in my combo box named "cbTable". I have no macros attached to the combo box. I have a button that when pressed it runs a macro which calls my VBA function. In the function I have this code:
Dim cbValue As String
cbValue = cbTable.Value
MsgBox (cbValue)
I get this error:
Runtime Error '424'
Object Required
The error is on the
cbValue = cbTable.Value
line. What is wrong with this code and how do I get the current value of the combo box?
Thanks in advance.
You can set your RowSource for your combobox to
SELECT MSysObjects.Name, Replace(MSysObjects.Name,"t_","") AS Expr1
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (((MSysObjects.Type)=1) AND ((MSysObjects.Flags)=0));
Then set the Column Count to 2, the Column Widths to 0;2 (the second number just needs to be any positive number) an the Bound Column to 1.
Now when you go to call your function the value of the combobox will be the real name of the table, t-customers, but what you saw on your form was customers.
As for accessing that combobox a few things need to be in place.
Let's say you have a form, Form1, and your combobox, cbTable, is on that form.
So when your form runs it looks like this
Now let's say you have an OnChange even for that combobox
Notice that when you type cbTable it appears in the intellisense (ctrl+space). This tells you that your object is accessible at this scope.
Now if you were in another module where that variable is out of scope you would get this error when you try to compile.
Because Module1 has no idea what cbTable is. However, you can reference anything so long as it's fully qualified. So if we run this test with your form open, and "orders" selected all 3 of these lines are equivalent
Notice at the top of all my modules it says Option Explicit. This forces your code to basically be checked for syntax/scope validity before you run it. Tools > Options

Report Builder 3.0: How do I specify the dataset for this textbox?

I made a simple query to return 1 field. One of the fields is the user's input.
Item (input)
Description (return value)
I now want to use the returned value in a simple textbox on the report, but it's giving me a scope error. Makes sense, but how do I tell the textbox which dataset to look in (there are multiple datasets)?
If you right mouse click on the text box you can create a placeholder.
You can then specify the value of this placeholder to be the required value from the dataset.

"Enter parameter value" on access query issue

I'm trying to run an access SELECT query through a button on a subform. I need to use one of the fields in the subform as criteria for the query. I currently have this:
SELECT id, issue, complaint, action, reviewer, ticket
FROM tblEscalations
WHERE asin = Forms![form_name]![subform_name].[id];
Every time I run the query, I get the pop up asking for a parameter value for WHERE asin = Forms![form_name]![subform_name].[id];. Can you please tell me what's wrong with this?
I've only been doing Access for like a month and a half so the the answer might be very simple.
When you refer to a control which is contained on a subform, you must reference it via the name of the subform control rather than the name of the form which is contained in the subform control.
And the subform control name can be different than the name of the form which it contains.
Since Forms![form_name]![subform_name].[id] isn't working, subform_name may be the name of the form. You need to substitute the name of the subform control:
When you have that name correct, running this statement in the Immediate window will tell you "SubForm":
? TypeName(Forms!form_name!YourSubformControl!id)
Here is an Immediate window session on my system with a form named frmParent which includes a subform control named Child2. And that control contains a form named fsubColortable which in turn contains a text box named ID:
? TypeName(Forms!frmParent!Child2)
? Forms!frmParent!Child2.Form.Name
? Forms!frmParent!Child2!ID
If you're not familiar with the Immediate window, press Ctrl+g. Then type this in the window and press Enter
? Forms.Count
That should be enough to get you started. :-)