Unable to read data from S4-System with App in Cloud Foundry via OData services - scp

When trying to call the OData service (in our example the BusinessPartnerService) on the S4 instances we have we are getting the error as seen in ref6 and ref7. However, if we are calling the API via a browser with the same credentials we can retrieve data from the system.
We want to understand what is causing the error and how to configure the connection in the cloud foundry environment correctly.
The full configuration of the system can be discussed and shown during a web session.


Google Cloud Run API - accessing endpoint internally

Bear with me, I am still on training wheels with GCP
Scenario being
I have a Cloud Run instance serving an API (to be consumed internally)
A middleware running on Cloud Compute instance serving an API. This utilises API served by (1)
(2) needs to access (1)
I'm trying to figure out how to discover the internal DNS name or IP, so that the middleware (2) can be configured to access Cloud Run served API (1)
Intention being to create templates (environment config files) so that I can eventually automate the deployment of all layer.
With Cloud Run, you can't know before the first deployment the URL of the service. The pattern is
You can also have optionally a tag at the beginning, but it's not important here.
The bad part is the project Hash can't be calculated before the deployment (or I donc know the hash formula). Thus it's impossible to register in a DNS the URL in advance of the deployment.
However, if you use tools like terraform, you can get, as output, the URL of the service after the deployment and then register it in your DNS, as CNAME (Cloud Run is a managed service, you haven't a static IP).
You can also use the CLoud Run API to request the list of services on a project, pick the service that you want and get the URL of the service (get request to the service API)
A last word before you hit the wall, you talk about internal endpoint. Cloud Run url is public, and public only. Therefore, your middleware need to access to the internet to be able to request Cloud Run.
If your middleware is deployed on the same project, you can set the Cloud Run service ingress to internal to allow only resources from the VPCs of the current project to access to Cloud Run service.
But the URL is still public and you need an internet access to resolve and to access it.
If you don't wanna be bothered by service discovery and constructing the full URL, you can use runsd, a solution that I developed for Cloud Run that allows you to call a service by its name (e.g. http://hello).

Can we get client ip,host name for asp.net core Web API which is deployed on AWS Fargate

I Have a ASP.net Core Web API and the end point goes something like this
https://{domainname}/v1/{ControllerName} and it is hosted on AWS Fargate Conatainer
and we scheduled the endpoint to be invoked at particular time of the day, but to our surprise we see that this is
getting invoked from other sources and we decided to find the remoteip from where the API end point is getting invoked
tried adding with below snippet..
var ip = this.HttpContext.Features.Get()?.RemoteIpAddress?.ToString();
and when we invoked the API with Postman from my local machine the client id is not matching with my local machineIP, Any ideas here whether is my approach right or wrong?

Azure Application Gateway with API as a backend pool is not working

I have .net core API inside the web app and that web app is backend pool for azure application gateway. while trying to access the web app got below error.
"502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server."
On app GW, health prob for that web app in unhealthy but while access the API as a https://abc.azurewebsites.net/api/values then it works.
When we deploy API in Web App Service then apiname.azurewebsites.net does not work give any probes to application gateway and treat unhealthy. API works like xxx.azurewebsites.net/api/values and Application Gateway also know this path. We have to put /api/values in override backend path of http settings. Same have to do in health probes.
Yes, you can first verify if the backend API could access directly without app gateway. Then this error may happen due to the following main reasons:
NSG, UDR or Custom DNS is blocking access to backend pool members.
Back-end VMs or instances of virtual machine scale set are not responding to the default health probe.
Invalid or improper configuration of custom health probes.
Azure Application Gateway's back-end pool is not configured or empty.
None of the VMs or instances in virtual machine scale set are healthy.
Request time-out or connectivity issues with user requests.
Generally, the Backend healthy status and details could point it out and show some clues. You could also verify all of the above reasons one by one according to this DOC.

Service Fabric web api returning Error Message: Invalid argument, Code: E_INVALIDARG

I have deployed my service fabric stateful api created using default Dotnet framework template in the azure cluster. When I tried to access the api getting below error.
{"Error":{"Code":"E_INVALIDARG","Message":"Invalid argument"}}
However this working fine in my local cluster.
below my api url
I have tried like this also but getting the same error
Can someone please help
Unless you have changed the defaults configuration, Service Fabric Reverse Proxy by default runs on port 19081, not 19080, the port 19080 is used by the gateway to
provide to access service fabric explorer.
You should try: https://domain:19081/appName/servicename/apipath
if they are stateful, you should pass ?PartitionKey=<key>&PartitionKind=<partitionkind>
Please see the docs in here:

Apigee - Issue while configuring an API Proxy

I'm looking for a way to expose my customer's WCF Services as REST Services (and create all the security stack to support claims / oauth authentication and authorization)
I'm working on 2 different approach to do so:
Create a new REST Service which will act as a proxy to
expose my WCF Service as REST Services (11 services / 130 web methods to
migrate...) and secure it using an IP STS / RS STS
Use a existing product like Apigee which will do all those job for me and even more feature than initially planned.
I'm trying to play with Apigee first, but I'm facing an issue while creating the API Proxy.
I've deployed a simple WCF Service (with only 2 methods) on a Windows Azure VM exposed in basicHttp (which works as expected - means I test it in a Console app successfully, even when the client app is located outside my Azure's VM -).
Problem comes when I follow the Apigee workflow to expose it as a REST Service. I try to fetch service's wsdl on Apigee portal and got following error:
Error: Cannot invoke method getOperation() on null object
Does someone know where the issue come from ? I don't have much information from Apigee portal.
I already validate my wsdl through http://www.wsdl-analyzer.com/ but everything looks fine...
Meantime, Amazone webservice works fine on Apigee and generate the REST Service so problem seems to come from my service's WSDL
This bug has been fixed and will be included in the next release (R24.4). If you still have any problems with the new release, please let us know.
I recently got a similar error in the most recent version of Apigee (Version 141029).
The error: "Fetch WSDL Error: Cannot invoke method startsWith() on null object".
The fix was to rename my local file from "somename.xml" to "somename.wsdl".