Adding scripts to Bigcommerce account and wishlist page - bigcommerce

Bigcommerce have a Pages API using which I am able to insert scripts to all pages except wishlist.php, account.php and login.php . Is there any other way using which I can insert scripts into all these pages.


How to render shopify app content to shopify store?

I am using Shopify default theme Debut and i want to integrate the ajax filter for products filter like this (AjaxFilter) without using any paid app. I am creating own public app and its working fine. I also fetch the list of products of app and also created the script tag.
App Created successfully and render products
Script tag created successfully and able to render the hard-code text on Shopify store.
But now point is this i want to render the product listing from app to store theme.
I go through the all tutorial and document of Shopify did not found any suitable solution.
I also try the proxy but did not work.
Create Ajax script in shopify theme frontend using script js and call your app server product list method. in your app server use GraphQL Shopify api for fetch products list Or Shopify rest admin api.
Shopify GraphQl:
Shopify Rest Admin Api:

Is it possible to add pages to a Vuepress site through Netlify CMS back-end dynamically?

I'm trying to add pages to a Vuepress site I created with a Netlify CMS back-end. It seems the only way is to add them statically:
sidebar: [
I assume there must be a way for pages to auto-populate when ever you create a new page in Netlify CMS.
I have already tried Automatically add new posts to the Sidebar but with no luck. I imagine there must be a simpler solution, as adding pages dynamically through a CMS is kind of the whole point of implementing a CMS back-end.

How to create new template in Cornerstone theme using stencil framework

I am new to Bigcommerce, I need to create a page template in my Bigcommerce theme (Cornerstone).
I have followed the documentation but its redirected to 404 page. Please help me in this.
I have also tried with the below link but the Url redirected to 404 page
Creating a custom page template in stencil for bigcommerce
Note : I have installed stencil framework in local environment and trying it
One common cause for 404 errors when working with custom templates locally is that the page the custom template has been mapped to isn't a page that exists in the live store. For example, if you map "custom-product.html":"/my-product/" in your .stencil file, you'll need to have created a product page in your live store with the URL /my-product/. The template needs to map to a live page of the same type: if you're creating a webpage, you'll need to map to a real webpage; if you're creating a category page, you'd map the custom template to one of your existing category URLs. Hope this helps!

Landing page for shopware using shopping worlds

How do I integrate shopping worlds which I created as Landing page for shopware. I did found in SEO url settings ->SEO URLs landing page template:{$} where you configure this. Is this correct. I also completed seo url rebuild.
But still the landing page is empty. Can anyone explain how to configure the landing page for Shopware eCommerce.

Pull Products To BigCommerce Home Page

We're not trying to host our whole site on B.C. We only wanted to use B.C. to host our products and checkout process. Is there a way to pull all products to the home page? Ideally we want the content on '/categories/' to be displayed on the home page. If not possible we would like to restrict access to the home page and set up a redirect to go to '/categories/'. Is this possible?
Need to figure out how to do this in their templating system.
Redirect is worst-case scenario