Postgres union of queries in loop - sql

I have a table with two columns. Let's call them
array_column and text_column
I'm trying to write a query to find out, for K ranging from 1 to 10, in how many rows does the value in text_column appear in the first K elements of array_column
I'm expecting results like:
k | count
1 | 70
2 | 85
3 | 90
I did manage to get these results by simply repeating the query 10 times and uniting the results, which looks like this:
SELECT 1 AS k, count(*) FROM table WHERE array_column[1:1] #> ARRAY[text_column]
SELECT 2 AS k, count(*) FROM table WHERE array_column[1:2] #> ARRAY[text_column]
SELECT 3 AS k, count(*) FROM table WHERE array_column[1:3] #> ARRAY[text_column]
But that doesn't looks like the correct way to do it. What if I wanted a very large range for K?
So my question is, is it possible to perform queries in a loop, and unite the results from each query? Or, if this is not the correct approach to the problem, how would you do it?
Thanks in advance!

You could use array_positions() which returns an array of all positions where the argument was found in the array, e.g.
select t.*,
array_positions(array_column, text_column)
from the_table t;
This returns a different result but is a lot more efficient as you don't need to increase the overall size of the result. To only consider the first ten array elements, just pass a slice to the function:
select t.*,
array_positions(array_column[1:10], text_column)
from the_table t;
To limit the result to only rows that actually contain the value you can use:
select t.*,
array_positions(array_column[1:10], text_column)
from the_table t
where text_column = any(array_column[1:10]);
To get your desired result, you could use unnest() to turn that into rows:
select k, count(*)
from the_table t, unnest(array_positions(array_column[1:10], text_column)) as k
where text_column = any(array_column[1:10])
group by k
order by k;

You can use the generate_series function to generate a table with the expected number of rows with the expected values and then join to it within the query, like so:
SELECT t.k AS k, count(*)
FROM table
--right join ensures that you will get a value of 0 if there are no records meeting the criteria
right join (select generate_series(1,10) as k) t
on array_column[1:t.k] #> ARRAY[text_column]
group by t.k
This is probably the closest thing to using a loop to go through the results without using something like PL/SQL to do an actual loop in a user-defined function.


sql how to convert multi select field to rows with totals

I have a table that has a field where the contents are a concatenated list of selections from a multi-select form. I would like to convert the data in this field into in another table where each row has the text of the selection and a count the number of times this selection was made.
Original table:
id selections
1 A;B
2 B;D
3 A;B;D
4 C
I would like to get the following out:
selection count
A 2
B 3
C 1
D 2
I could easily do this with split and maps in javascript etc, but not sure how to approach it in SQL. (I use Postgresql) The goal is to use the second table to plot a graph in Google Data Studio.
A much simpler solution:
select regexp_split_to_table(selections, ';'), count(*)
from test_table
group by 1
order by 1;
You can use a lateral join and handy set-returning function regexp_split_to_table() to unnest the strings to rows, then aggregate and count:
select x.selection, count(*) cnt
from mytable t
cross join lateral regexp_split_to_table(t.selections, ';') x(selection)
group by x.selection

How can I convert 2 row into column in tsql?

I have 2 row data which I want to make it to be 2 column,
I tried union syntax but it didn't work.
Here is the data I have:
breed 1 breed2
I tried to convert it with this sql
select a.breed union a.breed
but it didn't work.
Here is what you want from the SQL:
SELECT 'breed1' myColumn
select 'breed2'
) AS SourceTable
AVG(mySecondColumn) FOR
myColumn IN ([breed1], [breed2]])
) AS PivotTable;
You can use a self join. This needs a way to pair rows together (so if you have four rows you get 1 and 2 in one result and 3 and 4 in the other rather than another combination).
I'm going to assume you have sequentially numbered rows in an Id column and an odd numbered row is paired with the one greater even Id:
select odd.Data as 'First', even.Data as 'Second'
from TheData odd
inner join TheData even on odd.Id+1 = even.Id
where odd.Id % 2 = 1;
More generally for more columns use of pivot is more flexible.
How about an aggregation query?
select min(breed) as breed1, max(breed) as breed2
from t;

How to get index of an array value in PostgreSQL?

I have a table called pins like this:
id (int) | pin_codes (jsonb)
1 | [4000, 5000, 6000]
2 | [8500, 8400, 8600]
3 | [2700, 2300, 2980]
Now, I want the row with pin_code 8600 and with its array index. The output must be like this:
pin_codes | index
[8500, 8500, 8600] | 2
If I want the row with pin_code 2700, the output :
pin_codes | index
[2700, 2300, 2980] | 0
What I've tried so far:
SELECT pin_codes FROM pins WHERE pin_codes #> '[8600]'
It only returns the row with wanted value. I don't know how to get the index on the value in the pin_codes array!
Any help would be great appreciated.
I'm using PostgreSQL 10
If you were storing the array as a real array not as a json, you could use array_position() to find the (first) index of a given element:
select array_position(array['one', 'two', 'three'], 'two')
returns 2
With some text mangling you can cast the JSON array into a text array:
select array_position(translate(pin_codes::text,'[]','{}')::text[], '8600')
from the_table;
The also allows you to use the "operator"
select *
from pins
where '8600' = any(translate(pin_codes::text,'[]','{}')::text[])
The contains #> operator expects arrays on both sides of the operator. You could use it to search for two pin codes at a time:
select *
from pins
where translate(pin_codes::text,'[]','{}')::text[] #> array['8600','8400']
Or use the overlaps operator && to find rows with any of multiple elements:
select *
from pins
where translate(pin_codes::text,'[]','{}')::text[] && array['8600','2700']
would return
id | pin_codes
2 | [8500, 8400, 8600]
3 | [2700, 2300, 2980]
If you do that a lot, it would be more efficient to store the pin_codes as text[] rather then JSON - then you can also index that column to do searches more efficiently.
Use the function jsonb_array_elements_text() using with ordinality.
with my_table(id, pin_codes) as (
(1, '[4000, 5000, 6000]'::jsonb),
(2, '[8500, 8400, 8600]'),
(3, '[2700, 2300, 2980]')
select id, pin_codes, ordinality- 1 as index
from my_table, jsonb_array_elements_text(pin_codes) with ordinality
where value::int = 8600;
id | pin_codes | index
2 | [8500, 8400, 8600] | 2
(1 row)
As has been pointed out previously the array_position function is only available in Postgres 9.5 and greater.
Here is custom function that achieves the same, derived from nathansgreen at github.
-- The array_position function was added in Postgres 9.5.
-- For older versions, you can get the same behavior with this function.
create function array_position(arr ANYARRAY, elem ANYELEMENT, pos INTEGER default 1) returns INTEGER
language sql
as $BODY$
select row_number::INTEGER
from (
select unnest, row_number() over ()
from ( select unnest(arr) ) t0
) t1
where row_number >= greatest(1, pos)
and (case when elem is null then unnest is null else unnest = elem end)
limit 1;
So in this specific case, after creating the function the following worked for me.
array_position(pin_codes, 8600) AS index
FROM pins
WHERE array_position(pin_codes, 8600) IS NOT NULL;
Worth bearing in mind that it will only return the index of the first occurrence of 8600, you can use the pos argument to index which ever occurrence that you like.
In short, normalize your data structure, or don't do this in SQL. If you want this index of the sub-data element given your current data structure, then do this in your application code (take result, cast to list/array, get index).
Try to unnest the string and assign numbers as follows:
with dat as
select 1 id, '8700, 5600, 2300' pins
union all
select 2 id, '2300, 1700, 1000' pins
select dat.*, t.rn as index
select id, t.pins, row_number() over (partition by id) rn
select id, trim(unnest(string_to_array(pins, ','))) pins from dat
) t
) t
join dat on = and t.pins = '2300'
If you insist on storing Arrays, I'd defer to klins answer.
As the alternative answer and extension to my comment...don't store SQL data in arrays. 'Normalize' your data in advance and SQL will handle it significantly better. Klin's answer is good, but may suffer for performance as it's outside of what SQL does best.
I'd break the Array prior to storing it. If the number of pincodes is known, then simply having the table pin_id,pin1,pin2,pin3, pinetc... is functional.
If the number of pins is unknown, a first table as pin that stored the pin_id and any info columns related to that pin ID, and then a second table as pin_id, pin_seq,pin_value is also functional (though you may need to pivot this later on to make sense of the data). In this case, select pin_seq where pin_value = 260 would work.

Parallel unnest() and sort order in PostgreSQL

I understand that using
SELECT unnest(ARRAY[5,3,9]) as id
without an ORDER BY clause, the order of the result set is not guaranteed. I could for example get:
But what about the following request:
unnest(ARRAY[5,3,9]) as id,
unnest(ARRAY(select generate_series(1, array_length(ARRAY[5,3,9], 1)))) as idx
Is it guaranteed that the 2 unnest() calls (which have the same length) will unroll in parallel and that the index idx will indeed match the position of the item in the array?
I am using PostgreSQL 9.3.3.
Yes, that is a feature of Postgres and parallel unnesting is guaranteed to be in sync (as long as all arrays have the same number of elements).
Postgres 9.4 adds a clean solution for parallel unnest:
Unnest multiple arrays in parallel
The order of resulting rows is not guaranteed, though. Actually, with a statement as simple as:
SELECT unnest(ARRAY[5,3,9]) AS id;
the resulting order of rows is "guaranteed", but Postgres does not assert anything. The query optimizer is free to order rows as it sees fit as long as the order is not explicitly defined. This may have side effects in more complex queries.
If the second query in your question is what you actually want (add an index number to unnested array elements), there is a better way with generate_subscripts():
SELECT unnest(ARRAY[5,3,9]) AS id
, generate_subscripts(ARRAY[5,3,9], 1) AS idx
Details in this related answer:
How to access array internal index with postgreSQL?
You will be interested in WITH ORDINALITY in Postgres 9.4:
PostgreSQL unnest() with element number
Then you can use:
SELECT * FROM unnest(ARRAY[5,3,9]) WITH ORDINALITY tbl(id, idx);
Short answer: No, idx will not match the array positions, when accepting the premise that unnest() output may be randomly ordered.
since the current implementation of unnest actually output the rows in the order of elements, I suggest to add a layer on top of it to simulate a random order:
CREATE FUNCTION unnest_random(anyarray) RETURNS setof anyelement
language sql as
$$ select unnest($1) order by random() $$;
Then check out a few executions of your query with unnest replaced by unnest_random:
unnest_random(ARRAY[5,3,9]) as id,
unnest_random(ARRAY(select generate_series(1, array_length(ARRAY[5,3,9], 1)))) as idx
Example of output:
id | idx
3 | 1
9 | 2
5 | 3
id=3 is associated with idx=1 but 3 was in 2nd position in the array. It's all wrong.
What's wrong in the query: it assumes that the first unnest will shuffle the elements using the same permutation as the second unnest (permutation in the mathematic sense: the relationship between order in the array and order of the rows). But this assumption contradicts the premise that the order output of unnest is unpredictable to start with.
About this question:
Is it guaranteed that the 2 unnest() calls (which have the same
length) will unroll in parallel
In select unnest(...) X1, unnest(...) X2, with X1 and X2 being of type SETOF something and having the same number of rows, X1 and X2 will be paired in the final output so that the X1 value at row N will face the X2 value at the same row N.
(it's a kind of UNION for columns, as opposed to a cartesian product).
But I wouldn't describe this pairing as unroll in parallel, so I'm not sure this is what you meant.
Anyway this pairing doesn't help with the problem since it happens after the unnest calls have lost the array positions.
An alternative: In this thread from the pgsql-sql mailing list, this function is suggested:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION unnest_with_ordinality(anyarray, OUT value
anyelement, OUT ordinality integer)
SELECT $1[i], i FROM
array_upper($1,1)) i;
Based on this, we can order by the second output column:
select * from unnest_with_ordinality(array[5,3,9]) order by 2;
value | ordinality
5 | 1
3 | 2
9 | 3
With postgres 9.4 and above: The WITH ORDINALITY clause that can follow SET RETURNING function calls will provide this functionality in a generic way.

Browse subcolumns, but discard some

I have a table (or view) in my PostgreSQL database and want to do the following:
Query the table and feed a function in my application subsequent n-tuples of rows from the query, but only those that satisfy some condition. I can do the n-tuple listing using a cursor, but I don't know how to do the condition checking on database level.
For example, the query returns:
And I want triples of even numbers. Here, they would be:
(2,4,2) (4,2,0) (4,6,2)
Obviously, I cannot discard the odd numbers from the query result. Instead using cursor, a query returning arrays in similar manner would also be acceptable solution, but I don't have any good idea how to use them to do this.
Of course, I could check it at application level, but I think it'd be cleaner to do it on database level. Is it possible?
With the window function lead() (as mentioned by #wildplasser):
SELECT tbl_id, i AS i1
, lead(i) OVER (ORDER BY tbl_id) AS i2
, lead(i, 2) OVER (ORDER BY tbl_id) AS i3
FROM tbl
) sub
WHERE i1%2 = 0
AND i2%2 = 0
AND i3%2 = 0;
There is no natural order of rows - assuming you want to order by tbl_id in the example.
% .. modulo operator
SQL Fiddle.
You can also use an array aggregate for this instead of using lag:
a[1] a1, a[2] a2, a[3] a3
) x(a)
WHERE a[1] % 2 = 0 AND a[2] % 2 = 0 AND a[3] % 2 = 0;
No idea if this'll be better, worse, or the same as Erwin's answer, just putting it in for completeness.