Leiningen > 2.8.1 and Cursive? - intellij-idea

Does Cursive support Leiningen at versions above 2.8.1? If so, how do I make Cursive aware of a newer version? I am currently on 2.8.3 - with no standalone.jar.
Thank you.

I've just released a 1.8.1-eap3 which includes support for recent lein versions. They haven't received the extensive testing that I like to give new lein versions though (the integration is very brittle), so please report any issues in the tracker. Assuming there are no serious problems I'll try to get this into a stable build soon.
If you're not currently set up to use EAP versions, instructions for how to do so are here.

Thanks for posting because it helped me discover an issue with my own installation of Leiningen.
Version 2.8.2 of Leiningen has a breaking change to use 0.5.0 of nREPL instead of tools.nrepl 0.2.13 previously. I’m guessing this requires a code change that the author of Cursive is not yet ready to release. This also affects other libraries that have a dependency on nREPL such as piggieback.
I ended up downloading a local copy of 2.8.1 into my project because I couldn’t downgrade my brew installed version from 2.9.0.


How to fix problem 'Update plugin to start this course' for jetbrain's Learn Rust course?

I am trying to get jetbrain's rust course working but I have this problem:
I have installed the rust toolchain and the rust plugin. When I click update on the problem this comes up:
so I press ok and nothing happens. Does anyone know what the problem could be?
I am using Intellij community with the education version and I am on a windows machine.
This is caused by https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/EDC-740/Cannot-start-Learn-Rust-Course
Please try the course again and it should work now.
The problem here is that the course published from nightly plugin version where a new version of the archive format was introduced (15).
As a result, stable plugin complains that it doesn't support the new format version but at this moment there isn't new stable version with new format support
An archive generated with the stable EduTools is uploaded, the corrupted version is hidden. It should be ok now.

How to downgrade Gatsby version from 3.14.2 to ^2.0.0

I have a Gatsby starter (taylorbryant/gatsby-starter-tailwind) that uses gatsby-plugin-postcss which is not compatible with the version of gatsby installed in my machine like a few other plugins used in the starter. You can see the warning I get when trying to build for production.
warn Plugin gatsby-plugin-postcss is not compatible with your gatsby version 3.14.2 - It requires gatsby#^2.0.0
How can I downgrade Gatsby to a specific version, maybe just locally?
This isn't too difficult.
Open your package.json file and change the actual version you want to use.
Then run npm update to make sure you update all the packages to the right version.
Please correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that is the way to change the Gatsby version.
Please do keep in mind that this is most probably cause a bunch of other discrepancies with other packages that actually require a higher version in order to work.
You can find more information about how different versions work here: https://www.gatsbyjs.com/docs/reference/release-notes/migrating-from-v2-to-v3/
Best of luck!

My Netbeans 12.2 on Ubuntu only has lightweight & temporary C++ IDE, can't find the real one

In Netbeans 12.2 on Ubuntu 18.04 (using that snap install), for my C++ plugin I have that first image. When I try to create a new project I get that second image. That is some kind of a lightweight version that does not do your makefiles for you. If I try to open an existing C++ project it just never IDs any project file or folder as the right one. And notice that this version does not include a "Create from source code".
Does anyone know how I can install the "real" c++ plugin? I've looked in a lot of tutorials but they all say it should be there under Available Plugins, but it is not there.
This comes very late but it seems that Netbeans 12 lacks some components for this.
Therefore you must enable Netbeans 8.2 Plugin Portal from Plugins Settings.
Then deactivate the C/C++ and then force updates from Updates -> Check for Updates. Restart IDE and install 8.2 C/C++ plugin.
Note: I have lead into this problem now because unpack2000 is no more present.
The validation of downloaded plugins cannot be completed, cause: NBM ../.netbeans/12.4/update/download/org-netbeans-modules-cnd-kit.nbm needs unpack200 to process following entries:
This can be resolved by installing jre-11 (if it is not present already. I have it on Opensuse Thubleweed amogst with jre-16).
So then you just start netbeans from terminal with:
$ netbeans --jdkhome "/usr/lib64/jvm/jre-11"
...and then install blugin, and when it is ready close netbeans and start it normally again.
Just wanted to report that the answer from Devspain also works with Netbeans 14, in Ubuntu 22.04.

RVM stuck on version 2.3.3

I have several versions of Ruby installed via RVM. I have been using Ruby 2.5.0 for a while, but also working on projects at 2.3.3. Every time I open the terminal or a new tab, it switches to version 2.3.3. I have set the default to 2.5.0, but it doesn't respect this.
I finally pushed my last commit that needed 2.3.3 so I thought I could just nuke it and maybe that would fix my problem. One the one hand, it now correctly defaults to 2.5.0, but always with the error:
Required ruby-2.3.3 is not installed.
What does it take to make RVM switch to the default and stay there? Why would it be hung up on this specific version?
I had the same problem and it drove me nearly crazy. All symlinks and config files under /usr/local/rvm/config where pointing to 2.5.3, as I set it up to, but I got the same message as you. Turned out there was a .ruby-version file in the project directory that overrode all settings. Updating this file to the correct version did it for me. Hope it helps you too.

Simple.Data can be safely used in mono today?

Some questions about Simple.Data and Mono:
Can I safely choose Simple.Data for a new project using Mono today?
There is the intention to maintain Mono compatibility in future versions?
The features are the same as the version for Windows?
Some testimony from someone who has already used in Mono?
Many thanks!
There will be a new official Mono build soon as part of the RC process. For now you should be able to clone the GitHub repo (http://github.com/markrendle/Simple.Data) and build the latest version.
Mono support is a requirement of the project, and will continue in all future versions.
Everything that works on Windows and MS.NET should work on Mono on OSX and Linux. If you find that something does not work, that is a bug and should be reported at http://github.com/markrendle/Simple.Data/Issues .
I have not personally got any projects using Simple.Data on Mono, so I can't offer a real testimony, but there are ~700 tests which all pass using Mono 2.10 on Mac OSX against a SQL Server DB.