Adding service reference wcf - wcf

The issue has already discussed here, but it did not addressed it quite the way I am looking for.
I have already created a service reference from a client console app in visual studio, but I want to do it programmatically with the following contraint:
From Microsoft Docs - wcf, it obvious that we have to have the service interface reference available to the client. In my case I do have the reference available, instead I have the address where the service is hosted and this address is a dynamic one.
So I want to define a customized client class that will have its object declared with the host address only. Lets take the following snippet as an example:
public partial class CalculatorServiceClient : System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<ICalculatorService>, ICalculatorService
As you can see that ICalculatorService is available while defining the class. What to do if the interface to the service is not available while defining the class.

You can connect to the WCF service pragmatically without having to use the generated class methods, but note that this can have issues if the service changes in future
The idea is simple .
Create a service contract that matches your service implementation
public class SomeDataContarctClass
public string SomeMember{get;set;}
Create the interface
public IServiceInterface
List<SomeDataContarctClass> GetSomeData();
Now this is where you start to Glue things together,
Then create the service
public IServiceInterface CreateIService()
EndpointAddress myEndpoint = new EndpointAddress("SERVICE URL");
BasicHttpBinding binding= new BasicHttpBinding();
defaultBinding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 2147483647;
defaultBinding.MaxBufferPoolSize = 2147483647;
defaultBinding.MaxBufferSize = 2147483647;
defaultBinding.ReaderQuotas.MaxArrayLength = 2147483647;
defaultBinding.ReaderQuotas.MaxStringContentLength = 2147483647;
ChannelFactory<IUpdaterService> myChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory<IServiceInterface>(binding, myEndpoint);
myChannelFactory.Endpoint.EndpointBehaviors.Add(new ServiceInterceptionBehavior());
// Create a channel.
return myChannelFactory.CreateChannel();
Then you can call the service using
var myserviceImp = CreateIService();
var data = myserviceImp.GetSomeData();


How to add http header into WCF channel

I have MVC client that invokes a WCF service. The MVC client needs to pass one custom header in httprequest. The MVC client is also using Unity for DI.
I have already gone through SO POST and others links but they are all suggesting to use message inspector and custom behavior(which might be the correct way) but i'm looking for quick and dirty way because this will be temporary solution.
// Unity type Registration
public static void RegisterTypes(IUnityContainer container)
container.RegisterType<IDocumentManagementChannel>(new PerRequestLifetimeManager(),
new InjectionFactory(f=> CreateDocumentManagementChannel()));
private static IDocumentManagementChannel CreateDocumentManagementChannel()
var factory = new ChannelFactory<IDocumentManagementChannel>("BasicHttpEndPoint");
var channel = factory.CreateChannel();
// How do i add HttpHeaders into channel here?
return channel
In the code above How do i add custom header after i create a channel?
1- Below code should send the soap header from MVC
string userName = Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name;
MessageHeader<string> header = new MessageHeader<string>(userName);
header.GetUntypedHeader("String", "System"));
2- And this code should read it on WCF
string loginName = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageHeaders.GetHeader<string>("String", "System");
3- As for the channel, i recommend you create your custom System.ServiceModel.ClientBase as follows:
public abstract class UserClientBase<T> : ClientBase<T> where T : class
public UserClientBase()
string userName = Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name;
MessageHeader<string> header = new MessageHeader<string>(userName);
header.GetUntypedHeader("String", "System"));
4- Create a custom client class that inherits from UserClientBase and use the base channel internally to call your IxxService which is the T here.

How to implement an async wcf client for a synchronous service

Is there a way to create an async client for a synchronous WCF service without adding a service reference? This is for a .NET 4 client.
A service reference in Visual Studio is nothing else than a code generator that creates a proxy class with corresponding data elements necessary to call your web service. Of course you can hand build a proxy if you really want to go over tedious and boring work.
Maybe start by decompiling System.ServiceModel.ClientBase using .net reflector?
Do some research on ChannelFactory:
Even when implementing my own client by wrapping a ChannelFactory, I am still using the Add Service reference in another project to create the class definitions and move them into the real project. That's a good compromise.
Here's a simple async service interface:
[ServiceContract(Name = "IService")]
public interface IServiceAsync
[OperationContract(AsyncPattern = true)]
IAsyncResult BeginGetStuff(string someData, AsyncCallback callback, object state);
IEnumerable<Stuff> EndGetStuff(IAsyncResult result);
The .NET contract might look like this:
public interface IService
IEnumerable<Stuff> GetStuff(string someData);
Then in code, assuming you use HTTP, No security and binary message encoding, something like this (Sorry I haven't compiled any of this, just typed it using some of the code I have written for projects):
//Create a binding for the proxy to use
HttpTransportBindingElement httpTransportBindingElement;
httpTransportBindingElement = new HttpTransportBindingElement();
absoluteServiceUri = new Uri(absoluteServiceUri.OriginalString + BinaryEndpointUri, UriKind.Absolute);
//Create the message encoding binding element - we'll specify binary encoding
var binaryMessageEncoding = new BinaryMessageEncodingBindingElement();
//Add the binding elements into a Custom Binding
var customBinding = new CustomBinding(binaryMessageEncoding, httpTransportBindingElement);
// Set send timeout
customBinding.SendTimeout = this.SendTimeout;
var factory = new ChannelFactory<IServiceAsync>(customBinding, new EndpointAddress(absoluteServiceUri, new AddressHeader[0]));
var channel = factory.CreateChannel();
channel.BeginGetStuff(Bla, results => { // Do something }, null);

How do I pass parameters to a ServiceHost

I am doing the following
//Define the service host
this._smeediPluginServiceHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(SmeediServiceHost), smeediServiceUri);
this._smeediPluginServiceHost.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(ISmeediServiceHost), GetBinding(), smeediServiceUri);
private void SetupAndStartWebService(ServiceHost serviceHost, ServiceDiscoveryBehavior serviceDiscoveryBehavior = null)
//Define service behaviours
ServiceMetadataBehavior serviceMetadataBehavior = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();
serviceMetadataBehavior.HttpGetEnabled = true;
//Add the behaviours to the service
if (serviceDiscoveryBehavior != null)
I need to pass a parameter to the Service and I can't figure out how. I have looked at How do I pass values to the constructor on my wcf service? but couldn't get my head around it. Thanks
If I understand correctly, you want to pass parameters to the constructor of your service implementation class. You can to this by passing an instance of the service class to the ServiceHost constructor, instead of its type. That is:
// Create the service instance
var instance = new SmeediServiceHost("some parameters");
// Define the service host using the above instance
this._smeediPluginServiceHost = new ServiceHost(instance, smeediServiceUri);
Caution - using this approach means you are using a singleton instance of the service class. If you need a new instance per session or per request, then consider using a ServiceHostFactory as described in this answer.

Using an existing WCF service

I am very new at programming WCF services, so I hope that if you answer my question - you will take that into account and explain it to me as if I was a kid (wcf services for dummies :). I have an existing WCF service which I need to connect to. I am supposed to make my own WCF service that will communicate with the existing one and share some request and response objects which are already defined in the existing service. Can anyone tell me how to do that (establish the communication between the two and use the same type of object in the service which I need to make as it is in the existing one), step by step? I have tried to find the answer online but it is all a bit confusing (referencing, using contracts...). As I said, you are free to explain as if you would to a real beginner. Any help is more than welcome...
"I am supposed to make my own WCF service that will communicate with the existing one and share some request and response objects which are already defined in the existing service." - This sounds like you need to create a client to connect to the service (see below how to create client). You can create WCF service to communicate with another service but you would need bit more background than this format allows.
You can get up to speed with WCF through WCF examples. Under WF_WCF_Samples\WCF\Basic in the examples you can find many Service/Client setups that you should go through first. MSDN Magazine has tons of articles on this topic.
In a 10,000 foot view of things:
Client - To consume service create a test console application. Add Service Reference in your project (when you right click references you will see that option). Point the address of the Service Reference dialog to the service you would like to consume and lot of stuff will happen. Final result is that you can call service methods on your service with something like below (where Service1 will be replaced with what ever service you are calling)
static void Main(string[] args)
var proxy = new ServiceReference1.Service1Client();
var test = proxy.GetData(1);
Service - you would create an interface with methods and types then decorate this interface with attributes for example:
public interface IService1
string GetData(int value);
CompositeType GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite);
// TODO: Add your service operations here
These are operations (OperationContract) that your serive can perform. Service methods can return primitive or complex type (string vs. CompositeType) as well as take parameters that are complex or primitive.
You would implement this contract:
public class Service1 : IService1
public string GetData(int value)
throw new ApplicationException("Boom");
return string.Format("You entered: {0}", value);
public CompositeType GetDataUsingDataContract(CompositeType composite)
if (composite == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("composite");
if (composite.BoolValue)
composite.StringValue += "Suffix";
return composite;
Next you need to host your service. You have many options to accomplish this depending on your hosting requirements. The simplest hosting you can do is using Console application:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var host = new ServiceHost(typeof(Service1), new Uri("http://localhost:8999/"));
host.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IService1), new BasicHttpBinding(), "");
var metadataBehavior = host.Description.Behaviors.Find<ServiceMetadataBehavior>();
if (metadataBehavior == null)
metadataBehavior = new ServiceMetadataBehavior();
metadataBehavior.HttpGetEnabled = true;

How to implement IsOneWay=true in WCF nettcpBinding

How can I implement one way WCF operations?
I just tried using IsOneWay attribute as:
void MethodName(string param1, int param2)
Is there any other change I need to make or any specific change in app.config?
FYI, my WCF service implements netTcpBinding, though I think that shouldn't make any difference.
As shown, your code looks ok. There should be no problem with doing one-way calls with netTcpBinding.
If you're interested, chapter 5 in Juval Lowy's awesome Programming WCF Services 2nd Edition contains a good bit of information about one-way services.
From what you've shown, so far though I don't see anything wrong. Please give us some more details.
We had a problem with one-way calls not returning immediately using the NetTcpBinding. This blog post identifies the problem and provides a solution.
From the article:
Problem: Clients calling a one-way method in WCF Service and then close method on proxy does not return until the call is actually finished or call times out. Ever wonder why this happens?
Cause: When you specify “One-Way” on your interface, the underlying channel operation is still two-way since the one way binding element is not in the channel stack. Thus, the close operation gets blocked until the one way operation completes.
This is by design and the development team is working to change it in future versions of .Net framework.
Solution (Work around):
Layer the OneWayBindingElement on top of netTcpBinding as shown in the below code. This way, close call on proxy will return immediately and eventually the one-way call will return in fire and forget fashion.
public interface IService1
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)]
void SetData(int value);
public class Service1 : IService1
public void SetData(int value)
//Application specific code
Service Host code:
Form1ServiceHost = new ServiceHost(this, new Uri("net.tcp://localhost:8091/WindowsFormApp/Form1/"), new Uri("http://localhost:8090/WindowsFormApp/Form1/"));
Binding binding = new NetTcpBinding();
BindingElementCollection oldBindingElements = binding.CreateBindingElements();
BindingElementCollection bindingElements = new BindingElementCollection();
bindingElements.Add(new OneWayBindingElement());
foreach (BindingElement bindingElement in oldBindingElements)
binding = new CustomBinding(bindingElements);
Form1ServiceHost.AddServiceEndpoint("WCFServiceLibrary.IService1", binding, "");
Client Code:
Binding binding = new NetTcpBinding();
BindingElementCollection oldBindingElements = binding.CreateBindingElements();
BindingElementCollection bindingElements = new BindingElementCollection();
bindingElements.Add(new OneWayBindingElement());
foreach (BindingElement bindingElement in oldBindingElements)
binding = new CustomBinding(bindingElements);
Service1Client client = new Service1Client(binding, new EndpointAddress("net.tcp://localhost:8091/WindowsFormApp/Form1/"));
Console.WriteLine("set data");
Console.WriteLine("Now closing the channel,Before close, current time is {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString() + " " + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Now closing the channel,After close, current time is {0}", DateTime.Now.ToString() + " " + DateTime.Now.Millisecond.ToString());`