How to not round results within sql calculations with count - sql

SQL keeps rounding the results of my calculations and I do not seem to find an article on how to fix this.
I am trying to do calculations within SQL. This to BI self service easier.
The result I am getting is 3 while I expect to get 3.2973.
Wow sorry, i added the wrong code.
Should make more sense now

since you are getting 3, you possibly allowed an integer division when you didn't mean to - always cast to float or suitable Decimal before dividing - or use suitable data types in your calculation
see the following example as an illustration of what happens
select 10/3, cast(10 as float) / cast(3 as float)

Well i gave little information i was able to find the awnser
SELECT cast (count(CONTRACTID) as decimal) / (SELECT count(RENTALOBJECTID)


Division to output calculation value

Is there a different way in which I can wrap or write the calculation in the query below so that it divides properly besides using round (100.0 * ...) ?
SELECT ROUND(100.0 * COUNT(DISTINCT c.user_id) / COUNT(DISTINCT b.user_id)) AS browse_to_checkout_percent
I'm assuming what you mean by not dividing properly is the fact you're getting unexpected results due to dividing integers. When SQL does math on integers it returns an integer as a result. This means any decimal result is cut off.
So take the query
SELECT 50/100
You would expect a result of 0.5 however since .5 is not an integer you get a result of 0
Likewise with
SELECT 101/100
You would expect a result of 1.01 but you get a result of 1.
COUNT returns an integer so when you do division between the two integers the result is the same as above.
What you need to do with your query is to cast or convert what count returns as another data type. Which datatype you choose depends on a few factors but for what you are doing I would say float will do.
SELECT CAST(COUNT(DISTINCT c.user_id) as FLOAT) / CAST(COUNT(DISTINCT b.user_id) as FLOAT) AS browse_to_checkout_percent
For simplicity I've removed ROUND but you can add that in as needed.
For more info you can see this blog post.

Percentage in SQL Server

I want to find the percentage between two columns and I tried this :
(count(id)* 100.0 /(select count(id) FROM db.table where log = '40')) as percentage
from db.table;
And the result is this:
Why the output number is like that?
Also is there any way to make it look better and help end users to understand the percentage?
The output is like that because of the rules that SQL Server uses when doing arithmetic on numbers -- the precision and scale are rather details (note that 1.0 is a numeric constant).
The explanation for this is in the documentation. Note that even I don't bother trying to understand the rules for division.
I just want to point out that you can simplify the query:
select avg(case when log = '40' then 100.0 else 0 end) as percentage
from db.table;
This only scans the table once, so it should be faster. But it should produce a similar result.
If you want a given scale/precision then use round(), floor(), ceil(), str() or convert to a numeric.

Calculate conversion rate in SQL

The code below calculates the conversion rate of a dataset. The code relevant to this question is in line 13. When I calculate the conversion rate, I divide the total number of purchases made on the website by the total number of users (people who browse) on the website. The output I get is 0.495 but I don't understand why I need the '1.0 *' at the start of line 13 for this to work? I don't know the purpose of this part of the code, but without it the code doesn't work.
Your code is not MySQL code. MySQL does not support square braces around identifiers. One database that does is SQL Server. And it does integer division. So, in SQL Server, 1/2 is 0 rather than 0.5.
The * 1.0 simply converts the integer to something with a decimal point.
Assuming userid is not NULL, this is more easily expressed as:
avg( is_purchase * 1.0 )
forpas and Gordon Linoff are correct that SQL Server performs integer division by default. In future, and for more complex calculations, you can use CTEs or subqueries employing CAST to represent values as floating point values prior to division. E.g., at lines 6-7 you would have:
CAST(p.userid IS NOT NULL AS float) AS is_purchase

SQL Calculation to 2 decimal places

I've got a simple calculation (910 / 28 = 3.5) and I'm trying to perform this in a SQL query:
SELECT CONVERT(DECIMAL(5,2), (910 / 28),2) AS average
But the answer is coming out at 32.00, I'm obviously missing something simple could someone spare a moment to point out my error please?
Use this:
SELECT CONVERT(DECIMAL(5,2), (910.0 / 28)) AS average
By taking the quotient as 910.0 / 28 SQL Server will retain decimal precision. Then, make your cast to a decimal with two places. By the way, as far as I know CONVERT typically takes just two parameters when converting a number to decimal.
we can use this query for dynamic value from table:
SELECT CONVERT(DECIMAL(5,2), (cast (910 as decimal))/ 28) AS average
It will give the desire output
Unsure if this applies to your database, but in Trino SQL (a sort of database middleware layer), I find adding a decimal point followed by two zeros to any of two operands in this query (e.g., select 910.00/23 AS average or select 910/23.00 AS average) returns a non-integer value (39.57, instead of 39).
Adding 3 zeros after the decimal (select 910.000/23 AS average) returns a 3-decimal place result (39.565), and so on.
Try this query...
SELECT CAST(910 AS decimal(5,2)) / CAST(28 AS decimal(5,2)) as average
Try use this
select cast(round(910/28.0,2) as numeric(36,2)) AS average

Sum function doesn't give sufficient decimal places with divide function

I have the following sql query that I am running:
select sum(cast(mkt_value as decimal(20,7)))/1204438043.37 from table1
and I get the following result which is correct but I need at least 10 decimal places not 6:
If I run the following query:
select sum(mkt_value) from table1
I get 11258490.2400.
If I divide 11258490.24 by 1204438043.37 in excel I get 0.009347504674 which is the answer I'm looking for.
Please help me correct my SQL!!
Your cast is breaking this. It doesn't have enough space to give you more than six decimal places. What you're saying is literally "give me the result of this division with at most six decimal places", and then you're suprised the result only has six decimal places :)
The solution is either to omit the cast (if the data type is money, it's fine) or increase the scale of the decimal, eg. decimal(20, 11). The second parameter of the decimal type says the maximal amount of decimal places (-1) in the number. Also, consider only casting the result of the sum instead of all the items.
Note that most operations in MS SQL return a value of the same data type. So:
select 3 / 4; -- Returns 0
select cast(1000 as smallint) * cast(1000 as smallint);
-- Error - 1 000 000 is too big for smallint
The same thing happens in your sum and also in the division that happens right after it :)
You need to apply casting after calculating final value
select CAST (sum(mkt_value)/1204438043.37 as decimal(15,10)) from table1.
This means result would be having maximum 15 digits and mandatory 10 decimal places.
I would suggest the following query,Since your final decimal places are getting truncated.Hence a cast would be required to your final result set.
cast(cast (sum(mkt_value) as decimal(20,7))/cast (1204438043.37 as decimal(20,7)) as decimal(20,12)) from table1
Thank you..Let me know if this works