I've been using the old Search Console despite the new have been around for a while already, but as Google has stopped to support the old version, I have started to transition to the new one.
I started doing technical SEO audit for one project and was really irritated that couldn't find robots.txt tester from the new Webmaster Tools and all Google's tutorials point to the old version (tester still works there) so my question would be that is there even robots.txt in the new version or am I just missing something?
It does not look that it is added. When I tried to search the robot.txt using new webmaster help box, it brought the robot.txt but if you see the navigation is pointing to the old webmaster. It still opens the old webmaster for robot.txt test.
I hope this helps to resolve your issue.
Refer the highlighted URL which is still direct me to old webmaster.
You can still access the old search console.
The head of GSC recently said that he suggests using the old and new search console as they have not done a good job of transferring everything over.
I'm a blogger striving to make my website stable so that I start focusing on writing blogs. Currently, I'm facing several issues but I will be addressing the most important one here. I use auto ads on my website that worked perfectly since yesterday. Immediately, ads stopped working in the header section on the desktop. Although it is working on mobile but unable to display homepage ads, especially on desktop. I've tried disabling plugins to check if it conflicts with any of them, tried restoring a backup to a date where everything was working fine, and tried placing manual Adsense codes on my header section of the website, but nothing worked for me. I've no idea what just happened. Please someone assist me in a better way. Thanks for reading patiently.
Here is my website https://www.worldfindings.com/
Regard, Atif
This is the image I see in googles security panel when hitting F12 when accessing the site that I am trying to develop. I have no idea how to fix this issue so that the site comes up as secure. How can I find what resources it is referring to?
The issue was that some of my images were not going through the SSL layer. I had to install Firefox dev edition and see what resources were causing the issues using Firebug. Once I fixed that, the site popped up as secure.
I was just trying to get a quick [free] video record of a screen (with captions), and wanted to use something I've happily used in the past - Camstudio (https://camstudio.org/), but when I go to download it I notice I'm being redirected to a suspect website (http://www.nameghesere.com).
You can't get onto the Camstudio forums without invite - so I thought I'd ask here in case anyone knows.
Has Camstudio been compromised? Is it still a viable [free] solution?
Ah - I've found another download site for Camstudio (https://sourceforge.net/projects/camstudio/files/latest/download) which includes a warning:
Notice Regarding Malware:
The downloads from camstudio.org are known to contain malware.
All downloads from SourceForge are virus scanned. As of this writing there is no malware on the SourceForge downloads for CamStudio.
Perhaps someone should shut down the camstudio.org site.
I've had this site (donake.net) up for about a year. Was notified by someone that the link on one of the pages to a PDF wasn't working and a link to another page wasn't working.
When I tried logging in, it wouldn't take my username and password. I realized that I need to update the version of Joomla on my GoDaddy hosting account. Once I updated the version of Joomla to 3.5.1, I was able to login and access the admin side of Joomla. I think the site was attacked because there were a lot of "registered users" that weren't real.
One of the pages was set to unpublished, so I published it and that link started working fine.
The link "VIEW A SAMPLE of the book here" on this page - http://donake.net/just-make-me-a-sammich-book still won't work. I've re-linked the PDF. Deleted the PDF and re-uploaded it with the file name changed and nothing has worked.
One other thing is the icons in the Admin side of Joomla aren't displaying either. Not sure if all of this is tied together or not. My MAIN CONCERN is getting the link to work.
Any help would be greatful!!!!
I had the same issue, I ended up calling our hosting company and they helped me edit the .htaccess file to include pdf in the RewriteRule (for me it was on line 3).
Hope this helps because I know it drove me mad trying to fix it.
Good luck!
I'm currently working on a project with Sencha Touch 2 and was wondering if anyone has a working link of the API docs page.
I've tried accessing http://docs.sencha.com/touch/2-0/#!/api, but I'm constantly getting redirected to: https://www.sencha.com/products/touch/2-0/#!/api and am finally given a 'The page you’re trying to reach could not be found.' error from Sencha Touch's homepage.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? I'm seeing the same link given on all my searches and hence I'm starting to get the feeling that this isn't just a faulty link problem, but perhaps something else.
The missing page error is occurring on Chrome. IE seems to be handling the link OK.
I don't know why you got that strange problem because the link is still Ok for me, maybe you need to clear your browser cache or something else.
But instead of that way, if you've already download and unzip the sencha touch 2 package from here and I think you've already did it, so you just need to open the index.html file in that folder, the API docs are already there :)
I've fixed the error by disabling the KB SSL Enforcer extension in Chrome.
Hope this info. helps others facing the same problem.
The inability to read the docs in chrome was driving me mad for a while.
You have downloaded the sdk right??? just go to your sdk folder and go to docs in your web browser the docs is right there...