Does anybody know how to change the opacity in love2d?
I'm making a game and I want to draw the title first as transparent and then make it more and more visible. (Sorry for my bad english)
You can change the opacity by specifying an alpha in function. Check this out:
I want the touch area to be off the edge without padding. All the icons in the header. How can I do this?
I tried to add an indentation style for the icon. But it does not look beautiful. And yet there is an area without touch.
Look at here
You can increase the touchable area by using 'hitSlop', See document here
I'm trying to make the UI.Picker element have a transparent background in iOS7 but it always white.
I've tried:
translucent: true
to no avail.
Is it possible to do?
Try using backgroundColor: 'transparent' (note the lower-case 't')
The Colors section from Ti.UI documentation should describe in more detail how to specific a color for the background.
Afaik, you can't change the background or text color of a picker. Therefore, you have to implement your own style and define the colors there.
A hint how to change the text color is given here.
When I set opacity to 0.5,create path and draw it even on self-intersections of this path opacity is the same with other parts of this path. Is there any way to make this effect in other cases? for example when I draw 2 images of same color and opacity in their intersection there is that opacity too.
You might be able to get the effect you want by changing the blending mode before drawing the images into your context. You can use CGContextSetBlendMode to set the blending mode. You can find the list of blending modes in the CGContext Reference. I suggest trying kCGBlendModeDarken or kCGBlendModeLighten first. Try some others if neither of those does what you want.
I'm trying to implement some sort of eyedropper that can sample pixel color in an image and save that as an RGB or CMYK color value. Ideally it would be draggable, and perhaps function something like the magnifying loop does. If anyone can point me in the direction of code or a component that would help allot.
Use the function NSReadPixel which gives you the color of the passed in point
To get a pixel color you can use a category on UIView:
For draggabel behaviour you should use UIPanGestureRecognizer.
If you can edit the title and make it shorter, good on ya. Which is to say, sorry for the title length :P
In the HIG:
Scroll down to the section "Window Frame Controls". Buttons with NSTexturedRoundedBezelStyle draw differently when placed in an NSToolBar (darker gradient).
Putting HIG questions aside, I need the darker bezel for a button that is not in the window frame. It seems there is some flag which I am missing.
I can obviously just draw it myself, but wanted to check if there's just something totally obvious I am missing here?
Kind regards,
As of Lion, the Round Textured button is translucent, which means that some of the background shows through it. That's why it looks different in the toolbar, because there's a darker background behind it.
There is no magic flag to change this behaviour, the only way to give it a darker appearance would be to place it on a darker background.