Why the field in webbrowser is still consider as empty even I already set its value? - vb.net

enter image description hereI'm trying to automate our ticketing system using visual basic. However, I can't save the profile because the field in webbrowser is still read as empty even I already set its value:
I also tried to set the attribute originalvalue, prekeyvalue etc. but still not working. But if you manual type the value in the field, it will work.
My code below:
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("mb8a86d99-tb").SetAttribute("value", "EMAIL")
The information of field below:
<input datatype="0" id="mb8a86d99-tb" aria-required="true" role="textbox" aria-labelledby="mb8a86d99-lb" class="fld text fld fld_req" ctype="textbox" li="mb8a86d99-img" maxlength="512" style=";width:225.0px;" async="1" ae="setvalue" type="text" value="" ov="" work="1" fldinfo="{"lookup":"valuelist","dsid":"TSDTKTSOURCE","inttype":"0","afindex":"0","length":"512","required":true}" title="" originalvalue="" prekeyvalue="" stoptcclick="true">

This kind of problem seems to occur in some web pages when the form containing your input does not get activated (it's a form of protection on client-side made to avoid the insertion of values programmatically).
If you manually type the value in it, the form turns active because you're clicking on the input which is a child of the form. However, if you do it programmatically, the activation is not triggered and so the value that you add to the HTML is not taken by the client.
You can try to emulate the activation of the form with the Focus method on your input:
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("mb8a86d99-tb").SetAttribute("value", "EMAIL")
If that still doesn't work, try to add a Application.Wait(TimeSerial(Hour(Now()), Minute(Now()), Second(Now()) + 2)) between one command and the other to let the form the time to actually activate itself.


VB.Net ComboBox (as Dropdown) not translating text to DisplayMember with Databinding

I inherited a fairly large project at work that is undocumented and written in VB (originally started pre .NET, ended around .NET 2). I'm in the process of updating / refreshing a lot of the code, but have run into an annoying issue that I haven't found the solution for yet. This system utilizes a UI, a Web Service, and a SQL DB.
Problem: I have a Databound Combobox (originally set to DropDownList - I'm changing it to DropDown, which is what started this mess - going back isn't an option) that is tied to a DataSet that comes from a Web Service. When a user types in the item they want manually, the data from the text field doesn't seem to associate itself with the DisplayMember, which forces the WS/SQL query to fail (it is sent a blank value when it's expecting a ValueMember). If the user types in a partial selection and then chooses the value they want from the DisplayMember list using the arrow keys or tab, the query goes off without a problem.
My Question: How do I get the text field to translate to the DisplayMember which will then properly tie itself to the ValueMember which will then allow the query to execute correctly? Sorry for making this sound complicated or convoluted; I'm sure the answer is easy and I'm just glazing over it.
The relevant bit of code is:
With cmbDID
If dtsLU.Tables.Contains(reqTable) = True Then
.DataSource = dtsLU.Tables(reqTable)
.DisplayMember = "zip"
.ValueMember = "gridID"
End If
End With
cmbDID.DataBindings.Add("SelectedValue", dtsData, strDT & ".gridID")
I've tried changing "SelectedValue" to "Text", which almost works - but it directly translates to gridID and skips zip which ends up with an incorrect Web Service response since the zip and gridID field values are not synced (zip (DisplayMember) may be 5123 while gridID (ValueMember) may be 6047). I've tried changing "SelectedValue" to "SelectedIndex", and that got me no where.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
To add some clarification to the process, the below pseudo code / description is roughly what happens. I could post the whole module, but I feel that would just muddy the whole question even more.
Private Sub A
FormAlpha is created with 1 ComboBox in the form of a DropDown
This DropDown is populated with a DataSet
DataBinding with a blank DataSet is added to the control to keep track of the users input
End Sub
lblSubmit_Click event is triggered on FormAlpha by the user after they have populated the DropDown with their data. lblSubmit_Click calls Private Sub Submit
Private Sub Submit
BindingContext(DropDown DataSet, tableName).EndCurrentEdit() is called
DataSet.HasChanges() is processed
If changes are present, changes are processed
HERE lies the problem
If the user has manually typed in the DropDown field, but not hit an arrow key or tab, then the DataSet registers a change, but returns a null value in all fields - it knows something was entered, but that data apparently didn't pass through the DataSet for the ComboBox (ListItems or SelectedIndex didn't change / fire I'm guessing). If the user selects the item with the arrow keys, the DataSet has the proper input (I'm assuming the Data was validated by the control at this point).
If the processed data is good, a value is entered into the database
If the processed data is bad (empty), an error is returned
End Sub
If the above can't be solved with what I've provided, but someone still knows a better way to handle this type of situation, I'm all ears. Rewriting the module isn't ideal, but fixing this problem is a necessity.
Alright, while this fix may not be ideal, it is a fix none the less.
The bare bones problem was that the text value of the DropDown wasn't causing the data to actually affect the SelectedIndex / SelectedValue of the control unless you interacted with it using the arrow keys or a mouse click. So, while the DropDown would read "1234", in reality the control saw "".
The fix I have in place for this is simply calling comboBox.text = comboBox.text whenever the user hits the submit button.

How to get a post value in VB.Net

I need help with getting a Value posted from a form in VB.Net.
At the moment there is a form on a php website that is posting 2 values through to me.
If i was using php i would use :
$name = $_POST['name'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
Now the above fields are now captured within a variable.
How do i do the the same thing in VB.NET
I cannot tell if you are referring to Web text box's or PHP forms but I can help you with Web text box's..
Your question is unclear, but I will try my best.
Assuming you want to get a textbox's value into a variable. You would do like so:
Example Textbox:
<asp:TextBox ID="ExampleTxtBox" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"></asp:TextBox>
If you want to assign the values on a certain command, for example, a button click. You would put this into the button click handles of the button.
Assuming you want to get the current text/value from the form's text box:
Dim VariableOfTextBox As String 'Creates your Variable
VariableOfTextBox = ExampleTxtBox.text 'Assigns the Value from your Text Box

xpages required property for a combobox

There is a djContainer having multiple djtabPane(s).
A combobox is situated on the first djtabPane, having the property: required="true".
but, when I move to next djtabPane in order to complete some other fields, I get the notification that the combobox value is required.
Can I achieve this property of the combobox but only if I want to submit / save the doc.?
<xe:djTabContainer id="djContentPane1" tabPosition="top" doLayout="false">
and the djTabPane ( all are the same, only the title is different ) :
<xe:djTabPane id="djTabPane1" title="Title1">
You'll need to move the validation to your save/submit method. A validator runs whenever a partial refresh happens unless you set immediate="true" or processValidators="false". But I don't think there's a way to set that on any of the in-built tabbed containers.
The advantage of Greg's approach when moving towards an MVC pattern is that the same validation can be run whenever saving the data object, not just from a specific XPage / Custom Control. The down-side is more work coding what's effectively in-built, e.g. tying the validation message back to the relevant component, setting the component's valid property to false etc.

How To Login on website? Password as value not accepted

I've looked at many examples on how to log in to a website using vb. But somehow it keeps saying the password is incorrect.
Let me explain:
I'm trying to log in to this website using vb. I have managed to fill in the username and the password using
wb1.Document.GetElementById("Username").SetAttribute("Value", "myusername")
wb1.Document.GetElementById("Password").SetAttribute("Value", "mypassword")
I can see them being filled in, but upon clicking on the login button it says the password in incorrect. When I try to fill in the password by hand (username by program) and click the button it does work.
The difference between the two instances? When I do it manually the letters I type become dots. But when I do it via my program the letters do not change but remain letters. I think this is part of the problem, but I'm not entirely sure.
I've tried to change other items as well such as OuterHTML from the element Password. I could see which items were adjusted when I manually entered the password. And then I used those values. This didn't work. But then again, it was hard to see what exactly changed, so maybe I missed something.
One thing I noticed while doing to was when I manually entered the password Value was changed to "". Should I put my password in a different attribute? I'm guessing the password should be send encoded to the server?
This is the code for the password field on the website
<div class="jNiceInputWrapper jNiceSafari FieldPosition col2">
<div class="jNiceInputInner">
<input type="password" name="Password" id="Password" class="jNiceInput" placeholder="Wachtwoord" onkeypress="return SubmitOnEnter(this,event)" />
I really hope someone can help me with this problem. I've been working on it all day and just can't figure it out.
Thanks to Mr CoDeXeR I finally figured it out!
The code that solved the problem:
wb1.Document.All("Username").SetAttribute("value", "myusername")
wb1.Document.All("Password").SetAttribute("value", "mypassword")
Dim elements As HtmlElementCollection = (wb1.Document.All.GetElementsByName("Password"))
For Each element As HtmlElement In elements
element.InnerText = "mypassword"
Removing either the setattribute value or the innertext will lead to failure.
Try this, don't use GetElementsByID, use Document.All instead. You want to pass the element's name attribute value to all, you may be just missing some of them...
wB1.Document.All("Username").SetAttribute("value", Username)
wB1.Document.All("Password").SetAttribute("value", Password)
Let me know how this works out for you
Upon looking at this more, we can't use the ways we tried since it's a masked input. Instead we can loop through the document and set the inner text of that element...
' Loop through elements until the element is found
Dim elements As HtmlElementCollection = wB1.Document.All.GetElementsByName("Password")
For Each element As HtmlElement In elements
element.InnerText = "your password"

How to set value of a editable combo box in an InternetExplorer window using VBScript?

can anyone please tell me how to set the value of a editable combobox in an IE window using vbscript?
I have set the IE window that i want to use, as an object.
If it was a text box, i have used
ie.document.all("textboxname").value = "textboxvalue"
For radiobutton, i have used
ie.document.all("radiobuttonname")(2).click --- where '2' is index of array (3rd value in array is selected)
For noneditable combobox, i have used
ie.document.all("comboboxname").selectedindex = 2 --- where '2' is index of array
All the above codes work fine, but I am not able to set value for the editable comboboxes in that IE window.
For editable combobox, i tried
ie.document.all("editablecomboboxname").selectedindex = 2
ie.document.all("editablecomboboxname").selectedindex.text = "text of any options in the combobox"
ie.document.all("editablecomboboxname").options.selected = 2
But everything leads to this error - "Object doesn't support this property or method: "
Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance
Please note I am using only VBscript and no other tools like Visual Studio or QTP.
As per Panayot Karabakalov asked, I have added an example of the code for one such editable combo box below :
<td class="small">
<span id="Curr Car Name" style = "display:none;" class = "small">
Curr Car Name
<font class="asteriskRed" style="font-size:11px" style="display:none;">*</font><br>
<input type="hidden" name='curr_car_name' id='curr_car_name' value='' style='width:180px;height=20px;' >
getTypeAhead(true,true,'curr_car_name',180,20,'null','AutoCompleteHighlight', 'AutoCompleteBackground','divclass','null',5,20,'curr_car_name_datasrc','','null',0,'setHHChangeIndicator();priorValidations();deleteRowFromAccordion(this);',310,100,'null','');
<input type="hidden" name="currentcarriernameHdd" id="currentcarriernameHdd" value="null"/>
I saved the webpage(created in Java) as html file and viewed its source code. From there, I have copied and pasted the code for the combobox above. I am not sure if it will be helpful, as I dont have much knowledge of Java.
-- Deepak.
Well, I'll post what I have in mind.
Looking to the error description (Object doesn't support this property or method),
seems to me that your call-by-name...
...return different object, i.e. not the element you expected. And as you have not
access to the plain HTML source code, that complicate debuging.
I suspect a naming conflict. What you can do is to see what returns your call-by-name.
MsgBox TypeName(ie.document.all("editablecomboboxname").Type)
But if there some naming conflict, I don't know how you can debug it without
the actual corresponding HTML code block.
# Panayot - Got the answer to my question!!
As you said, I tried with
MsgBox TypeName(ie.document.all("editablecomboboxname").Type)
It returned "String". So I went to a Java colleague of mine and asked him why the combobox is not getting updated even though inputtype is string. After a lot of discussion, he gave me two fields to update for the combobox - a label field to be updated with the string that I wanted in the combobox and another field to be updated with the value corresponding to the string I selected. This is what I used :
ie.document.all("curr_car_name").value = 8001
ie.document.all("_lblcurr_car_name").value = "NO PRIOR CARRIER"
The "curr_car_name" is the editable combobox name, and the "_lblcurr_car_name" is the label for the editable combobox. "NO PRIOR CARRIER" is the text that I wanted the combobox to have, and 8001 is its corresponding value. I got the value 8001 from the javascript that the webpage contained.
This works. :)
Thank you Panayot for all the help.