OpenGraph structured data listed as "Unspecified Type" in Google SDTT - google-rich-snippets

This is my first time working with structured data, so I'm not sure if this is even an issue, but when I run the Structured Data Testing Tool, I get 3 sets a data showing up like so:
Now Article and WebSite are correct, but at the top it says unspecified type. Now when I view that section I get this:
This seems to be loaded from all of my og:tags. I am specifying the type like so:
<meta property="og:type" content="WebSite"/>
but it’s still coming in as "Unspecified Type".
Is this correct? Is this something I need to worry about? If so, how can I fix this?

It’s not a problem that needs solving. The report in the SDTT is correct (there is no type specified), but that is expected when using the OGP vocabulary.
Usually, a vocabulary has classes/types (like Person) and properties (like name), but OGP only has properties, which is somewhat unusual.
While OGP defines a type property, its value is just a string (like "website"), not an actual RDF class. In RDFa, classes would be specified within the typeof attribute.
A consumer specifically expecting the use of the OGP vocabulary will cope with this. Such a consumer might assume that OGP properties in a document are always about that document.
(Question about the same topic on Webmasters SE: Tag property og:type not recognized by the Structured Data Tool; my answer contains more details there.)


OO Programming: Summary of objects

I want to have two classes that are independent of each other. A content type and a URL. A URL will have a conent type.
Could I add into the content type a summary field, which could be easily queried (e.g content type X has 10 URL's) or would I need to query all of the URL's and pull out the content type that way?
A URL can also be associated with other classes (not just this content type), which is why I don't create a superclass of content type, and then a sub URL class.
That depends. Basically what you are asking is the following: Given a 1:n relationship, how can I automatically query both directions?
If you use a database to store your data, most object-relational mappers give you this functionality for free. If you don't, you need to handle it yourself.
There are various options. The most simplistic approach is to iterate all URLs and filter the ones that match the queried content type. This is most likely the responsibility of some container. This variant is very easy to implement but takes O(number of URLs) time to execute the query. So if you just have a few URLs, this may be the way to go.
The other option is to explicitly store the inverse relationship. Either directly in the content types or in a container (e.g. within a hash map). The main problem of this approach is keeping both pairs of a relationship in sync. You could use the setter of the URL's content type property to update the content type's URLs property. The task of synchronizing the relationships could also be handed over to a container. Anyway, this option is significantly faster but requires some programming effort. Depending on your concrete scenario, this might be more or less work.

Implementing similar UseCases looks like code duplication

I have the following case. User can export several object types (transaction, invoice, etc) to external accounting system.
Export algorithm has steps:
fetch objects by some filter
export objects one by one to the accounting system (web service method per object type)
register the fact that given document was exported, so it wont be exported again
prepare summary for user (num of exported documents, error messages etc)
The algorithm is the same for all object types but there are some important differences which must be handled:
different types
different target web service method, different object to DTO mappings
different filters per object type
I've considered a few solutions:
don't treat the export algorithm as code duplication and implement an algorithm per object type. Export of any data to any external system may be described by such algorithm - does it mean that we should always have one general class to export anything to anywhere?:)
move the differences to strategies (one strategy interface to create abstraction for all differences) - I even implemented it.
use generics - unfortunately I'm coding in PHP and it's not possible
The question:
Is creating a separate export algorithm per object type a code duplication?
Maybe all of them should be treated as separate Use Cases?
If it's a duplication then what techniques to avoid it should I consider?
Description of my first implementation:
In first approach I defined an Exportable abstraction but I was not happy about it. Each object has completely different payload.
An Exportable interface defined only one method getId and it was used to register that object was exported (and thanks to that wont be exported again).
For this purpose the abstraction was fine, but the problem was moved to exportService which had to check the concrete instance to choose DTO mapper and endpoint. So the exportService broke SOLID.
None of the things you have described above are domain-specific logic (and in fact you don't even mention the problem domain in your question), so I don't think it really falls under domain-driven design. Because it's not domain-specific logic I wouldn't worry too much about code duplication, especially considering that the solution doesn't seem obvious.
Keep it simple and just write out each use case separately. If you find that there's common code that's easily refactored, do so after you get everything working smooth. Don't overthink it or add patterns before they are obviously necessary.

MVC : How to use database to drive validation attributes, or ALTERNATIVES?

In summary, I'm trying to create instance-specific data-annotation attributes at runtime, based on database fields. What I have now works fine for creating the initial model, but falls over when the model is posted-back and the server-validation happens.
(I have the same input model being used in a collection within a viewmodel, but different validation must be applied to each instance in the collection....for example the first occurrence of the input may be restricted to a range of 1-100 but the next occurrence of the same model, prompted for on the same input page, would be a range of 1000-2000. Another may be a date, or a string that has to be 6 characters long.......)
I'll explain what I've done and where my issues are:
I've inherited DataAnnotationsModelMetadataProvider and provided my own implementation of GetMetadataForProperty (This doesn't have any bearing on the validation problem....yet)
I've inherited DataAnnotationsModelValidatorProvider and provided a facade implementation of GetValidators. What I want to do here is create new attributes based on my database-records and then pass those attributes through to the base implementation so the Validators are created accordingly.
However...... GetValidators is called at a PROPERTY level....When it is called with a propertyname that I want to apply validators to, I need to find the applicable DB record for this propertyname so I can find out what attributes I need to create....BUT...I can't get the DB record's key from just a propertyname of the value field.....In fact, the DB key is in the parent model.....So how do I get hold of it?!
I've tried using a static variable (YUK) and storing the key during a call for one property, and retrieving it during another call for my value field property....But because the model is serialised one-way and deserialised the opposite way I end up with my key being out-of-sync with my required attributes.
To add a slight complication I'm also using a custom model binder. I've overridden CreateModel as advised elsewhere on here, but I can't find a way of attaching metadata or additionalvalues to a PROPERTY of my output model....Only to the model itself....but how do I get at MODEL metadata/additionalvalues inside the GetValidators call for a PROPERTY ?
So....My question is twofold.....
1) Can anyone help me get my database-key from my custom-Model-binder to my GetValidators method on my ValidationProvider? Or maybe using my custom Metadata provider?
2) Is there a different, simpler, way of creating validators at runtime based on database records?
I think you are making this far more complicated than it needs to be. You just need to make whatever your validation criteria selectors are part of your view model. They don't necessarily have to be displayed (they can be stored in hiddens if they need to be kept for postback purposes).
Then you can use something like FluentValidation to create rules that say
RuleFor(model => model.myprop)
.When(model => model.criteria == whatever)
Where criteria is whatever value you use to select when your property has to be in a certain range.
So that would mean you build your view model to include the criteria that is used for validation rule selection.
I'd asked this on the FluentValidation forums also and the lack of answers here as well as the advice against using Fluent from there led me to find my own solution (I understand this almost certainly means I'm doing something really bad / unusual / unnecessary!)
What I've ended up doing is assigning my controller static variable in my Custom Model Binder's CreateModel method, where I have access to the entire client model, rather than trying to do it through a custom MetaDataProvider. This seems to work just fine and gets me towards v1 of my app.
I'm not really happy with this solution though so will look to refactor this whole area in the coming months so would still appreciate any other comments / ideas people have about how to implement dynamic validation in a generic way.
I know this is an old question, but I am answering this so that many others can be benefited from this.
Please see the below article where they are loading the attributes from an xml
Loading C# MVC .NET Data Annotation Attributes From XML, Form Validation
I think you can follow the same approach and instead of reading from xml you can read from database and add these rules dynamically based on the model data type
You can refer the below approach also
DataAnnotations dynamically attaching attributes

Is "serialisation without duplication" possible in c++0x?

One of the big uses of code generation in c++ is to support message serialisation. Typically, you want to support specifying message contents and layout in the same step and produce code for that message type that can give you objects capable of being serialised to/from communication streams. In the past, this has usually resulted in code that looks like:
class MyMessage : public SerialisableObject
// message members
int myNumber_;
std::string myString_;
std::vector<MyOtherSerialisableObject> aBunchOfThingsIWantToSerialise_;
// ctor, dtor, accesors, mutators, then:
virtual void Serialise(SerialisationStream & stream)
stream & myNumber_;
stream & myString_;
stream & aBunchOfThingsIWantToSerialise_;
The problem with using this kind of design is that violates an important rule of good architecture: you should not have to specify the intent of a design twice. Duplication of intent, like duplicated code and other common development duplication, leaves room for one place in the code to become divergent with the other, causing errors.
In the above, the duplication is the list of members. Potential errors include adding a member to the class but forgetting to add it to the serialisation list, serialising a member twice (possibly by not using the same order as the member declaration or possibly due to a misspelling of a similar member, among other ways), or serialising something that is not a member (which might produce a compiler error, unless name lookup finds something at a different scope than the object that matches lookup rules). That kind of mistake is the same reason we no longer try to match every heap allocation with a delete (instead using smart pointers) or ever file open with a close (using RAII ctor//dtor mechanisms) - we don't want to have to match up our intent in multiple places because there are times we - or another engineer less familiar with the intent - make mistakes.
Generally, therefore, this has been one of the things that code generation could take care of. You might create a file to specify both layout and members in one step
serialisable MyMessage
int myNumber_;
std::string myString_;
std::vector<MyOtherSerialisableObject> aBunchOfThingsIWantToSerialise_;
that would be run through a code generation utility and produce the code.
I was wondering if it was possible yet to do this in c++0x without external code generation. Are there any new language mechanisms that make it possible to specify a class as serialisable once, and the names and layout of it's members are used to layout the message during serialisation?
To be clear, I know that there are tricks with boost tuples and fusion that can come close to this kind of behavior even in the pre-c++0x language. Those usages, though, being based on indexing into the tuple rather than by-member-name access, have all been brittle to changing the layout, as other places in the code that access the messages would then also need to be reordered. Some kind of by-member-name access is necessary to not have to duplicate the layout specification in places in the code that use the messages.
Also, I know it might be nice to take this up to the next level and ask for specifying when some of the members shouldn't be serialised. Other languages that offer serialisation built in often offer some kind of attribute to do this, so
int myNonSerialisedNumber_ [[noserialise]];
might seem natural. However, I personally think it is bad design to have serialisable objects where everything is not serialised, since the lifetime of messages is in the transport to/from the communications layer, separate from other data lifetimes. Also, you could have an object which has a purely serialisable as on of it's members, so such functionality doesn't by anything the language doesn't already offer.
Is this possible? Or did the standards committee leave out this kind of introspective capability? I don't need it to look like the code gen file above - any simple method for compiletime specification of layout and members in a single step would solve this common problem.
This is both possible and practical in C++11 – in fact it was possible back in C++03, the syntax was just a little too unwieldy. I wrote a small library based around the same idea - see the following:
Sample syntax:
class Object : serializable <Object,
value <NAME(“Field 1”), int>,
value <NAME(“Field 2”), float>,
value <NAME(“Field 3”), double>>
Most of the underlying code could be reproduced, in principal, in C++03 – some of the implementation details without variadic templates would have been...tricky, but I believe it would have been possible to recover the core functionality. What you could not reproduce in C++03 was the NAME macro above and the syntax relies fairly heavily on it. The macro provides the machinery necessary to generate a unique typename from a string, that is the following:
NAME(“Field 1”)
expands to
type_string <'F', 'i', 'e', 'l', 'd', ' ', '1'>
through the use of some common macros and constexpr (for character extraction). Back in C++03 something similar to the type_string above would need to be entered manually.
C++, of any form, supports neither introspection nor reflection (to the extent that they are different).
One nice thing about doing serialization manually (ie: without introspection or reflection) is that you can provide object versioning. You can support older forms of the serialization, and simply create reasonable defaults for the data that wasn't in the old versions. Or if a new version removes some data, you can simply serialize and discard it.
It seems to me that what you need is Boost.Serialization.

Variable Naming Conventions For Maps/Lists in Dynamically-Typed languages

I am getting into Groovy language, which has dynamic typing (as well as optional static typing). It also has native support for Lists, Maps, and Ranges, so I find myself using lists and maps a lot, especially lists of lists, lists of maps, maps of lists, etc.
In static languages (esp with Generics) you always have an idea of what your type is. I am fairly new to dynamic languages, and it's getting a bit difficult to keep track of what my variable is supposed to be, so I was wondering if other people use some kind of variable naming conventions to keep these straight.
For example, suppose I have a map of dates as key and integers as values. Or List of integers, or List of Maps that contain strings as keys and account objects as values.
It seems like creating a clear convention behind variable names will help me keep track of what data type structure I am dealing with without having to look it up.
Any tips?
This is a common beginner's lament. You could use a naming convention, but odds are you'll drop it before too long and focus on what the variable represents (its meaning in relation to the rest of the code) rather than worrying about how it's represented (it's "type").
The name of your variable should explain to someone reading the code what it is supposed to be, what it stands for. If you have a map of dates to integers, does it represent, for example (suggested variable names are in brackets):
a number of payments due on that date (paymentsDue)
a number of days between mapped date and some other point in time (daysPassed)
a number of messages posted on that date on Stack Overflow (numberOfPostedMessages)
In languages where variable type is not readily available, you might want to append a prefix of suffix, such as paymentsDueMap. I would, however, advise against encoding any additional type information inside a variable name, such as datesToInts - that routinely does more harm than good.
Finally, if you have a complex data structure, such as a list of maps between strings and accounts, the best thing would be to encapsulate that into a separate class, and name it according to its intent.
In static languages (esp with Generics) you always have an idea of what your type is.
After a while of programming in dynamic languages, you learn that using types this way is a crutch. Two pieces of advice:
Use good variable naming. For instance, if you have a map of dates to ints, you can name it something like BirthdateToTotalLookup.
Learn what visual clues to look for. It may seem obvious, but it took me a while to get in the habit of looking for clues like this:
sum += x['10-16-92']
From the piece of code above, I can tell that x is a map that has a date as a key and returns a number of some kind.
If the names can be kept short, then I tend to name maps something like "nounToNoun". So using your example of dates mapping to integers, I would name that "dateToCount" (if the integers are counters for something). That way its obvious that it is a map, and its obvious what is being mapped to what. The problem is that sometimes it is difficult to keep these sort of names short and readable. For example, "userToLoginHistory" starts getting a little unwieldy.
For lists I generally use a plural for the variable name. So "user" would be a single user, and "users" would be a list of users.
To be honest, I am not sure what a good name would be for a list of maps.
One of the benefits of dynamic languages is that even if you're using an object as a Map - it doesn't HAVE to be a map. All it has to do is support whatever messages are sent to it. In Groovy, if I know that a given method expects a map so it can look up things by a String key - I can give it the full map, a stripped-down map, an Expando with a property named the same thing as the key, or any other object that has a property named the same thing as the key. This is because someObject["keyname"] and someObject.keyname are the same thing. (Of course if the code calls someObject.get("keyname") I've got to wire that method up somehow.)
The point is, in a dynamic language like Groovy you think less about TYPES and more about SUPPORTED MESSAGES. If it's conceptually a map, fine - naming it birthdateToTotal would make sense (though I prefer to call it 'totals', because totals[birthdate] looks better than birthdateToTotal[birthdate]) - but if it doesn't have to be specified, don't specify it. You leave yourself flexibility later.
This is something you'll outgrow over time. Not to say I don't know a 20-year programmer still using Hungarian, but he's coding in a static-typed language, so it's almost understandable.
Consider this. That variable you're naming might be a HashMap, so what type do you add to the name? Map? This is a middle-of-the-road answer. Why not Collection? Since that way if you decide to change the WAY the data is stored, you don't have to change the variable name. Why not HashMap, if you really want to let the reader know what's going on.
As you may suspect, none of these are necessary. The point of a dynamic language (and even of polymorphism) is that you don't need to know the exact type of the variable being presented, only the data itself is important. While you might like a hint as to how to interface to that data, you'll soon find you already know in most cases, or can easily put that info in the variable without specifying types: addressesByZipCode, totalByBirthdate, etc.