How to write a XPath for the text one4 - selenium

I want to use XPath to locate a link behind a text.
I want to use XPath to locate a link behind a text. For example, locate "one4" by "what10". You can only use the text message "what10", but you can't use it in any other way, because the information on this page will change. I want to get is the "one4" link node.
<br>what1 one
<br>just return
For some special reasons, what I want to pass is that the text of what10 is positioned to one4.
Please help me.

You can use below line
WebElement loginLink = driver.findElement(By.linkText("one4"));

Selenium doesn't supports xpath-2.0 but uses xpath-1.0
The element which you are trying to refer i.e. which contains the text what10 is a Text Node and Selenium can't use it as a reference. So finding the node with text as one4 with reference to the text what10 won't be possible. As an alternative if the desired node is always the last but one node you can use the following solution:
As per #MosheSlavin counter question here is the snapshot to demonstrate that the XPath works perfecto:


How to locate random id generated by a modal?

I was testing my website using RF. The problem is, every time the modal is opened, a different id(locator) will be set on the textbox that I want to input my text. How do you get value of this locator?
I was supposed to try Get Element Attribute but then it cannot support my problem since it still requires a specific locator.
In ROBOT Framework (RF), the locator can be accessed by several ways. Please refer and read this link:
The most common way to access the locator is by id such as :
Input Text id:username # Element with id 'username'.
Input Text id:password # Element with id 'password'. you can also use 'Input Password' keyword.
However, if the 'id' element is so dynamic which it keep changing, then the best alternative is to use either ABSOLUTE XPATH expression or CSS selectors. Install the XPATH add-on in your web browser. For firefox, just install ChroPath.
Then, get the ABSOLUTE Xpath element of that username & password text box. Let's assume we know the absolute xpath expression already, so in ROBOT, you can write like below.
${login_absolute_xpath}= Set Variable xpath=/html[1]//div[7]/form[1]/div[1]/input[1]
${password_absolute_xpath}= Set Variable xpath=/html[1]//div[7]/form[1]/div[2]/input[1]
Wait Until Page Contains Element xpath=${login_absolute_xpath}
Input Text xpath=${login_absolute_xpath}
Input Text xpath=${password_absolute_xpath}
This should works. Please let me know if this helps.

How to locate links from Google results

open "".
click in the search input box.
type something.
click Enter.
get the text of all links.
The xpaths of some links are:
All the xpaths have the same pattern. the third div needs to be incremented by 1 to get the next xpath. I've read somewhere that in the scenarios like this generic xpath can be used. According to his suggestion, the xpath will be ".//*[#id='rso']/div[2]/div/div/div/div/h3/a". just removed the predicate of the third div. This is not working. Is this the way to locate elements?
You can try below XPath to fetch all result links:
If you want to avoid links from "People also ask" block:

How to find exact value using xpath in selenium webdriver?

I am using XPath to find exact value:
//h5[#class='familyName productFamilyName'][contains(text(),'Dozers ')]
but it was failing because in my application there are 2 elements with text values "Dozers " and "Dozers wheel" which is come under same class.
I can't use id locators,because it is dynamically generating in my application like //div[#id="482"]/div/div[1]/h5.
Please suggest me any solution.
If you want to match element with exact innerHTML value just use
//h5[#class='familyName productFamilyName'][text()='Dozers')]
//h5[#class='familyName productFamilyName'][text()='Dozers wheel')]
Depending on HTML structure you might need to use [.='Dozers'] or
[normalize-space(.)='Dozers'] instead of [text()='Dozers']

Not able to identify a lenghty linktext in selenium webdriver

I want to identify an element by linktext, I am facing strange issue
If the linktext value is short i.e addFirst, addLast will be able to locate the element by using
driver.findelement(By.linktext("addLast, addFirst")).click
IF the linktext is addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF, addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF lengthy as above not able to identify the element
Please help me to find the solution
Why don't you try partial link text.
driver.findelement(By.partialLinkText("addLast, addFirst")).click
try out contains method. use the XPATH value and in XPATH use contains for link text.
.//*[contains(#Linktext, "addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF")]
driver.findelement(By.xpath("//*[contains(#Linktext, "addmanualreferraltocheckthelenghtF")]").click
Alternatively you can also use starts with XPATH value.
Hope it helps you.

Selenium Command

When we use selenium command at that time command not find and attribute not get? See below command.
<tr><td>verifyAttribute</td><td>css=input#searchInput</td><td>(Search Input)</td></tr>
<tr><td>assertAttribute</td><td>css=input#searchInput</td><td>(Search Input)</td></tr>
<tr><td>verifyAttribute</td><td>xpath=//div[2]#class central-featured</td><td>central-featured</td></tr>
<tr><td>verifyAttribute</td><td>xpath=//div[2]#class central-featured</td><td>search1</td></tr>
<tr><td>assertAttribute</td><td>xpath=//div[2]#class central-featured</td><td>central-featured</td></tr>
I am using Selenium IDE 2.5.0 in Mozilla Firefox and Ubuntu.
Xpath //div[2]#class central-featured is invalid. Try changing it to //div[#class='central-featured']/#class if you mean to select a class.
You could also use assertElementPresent function instead of selecting attribute, if the whole point is to check that element exists, i.e.:
Much simpler that way.
Use xPaths in this case.
Use google chrome's built in developer tool for this
Place your cursor on the element
Press Ctrl+Shift+C
Click the Element
That clicked Element's code is highlighted in the short window on the bottom
Right-Click on highlighted code
Select Copy > Copy XPath
Here it is you have copied the xPath for that specific element. This is shown in the image:
Click to see how to copy xPath
The Xpath you have used in Invalid.
You can use xpath as follows and through this you can fins xpath of any object - just need to study the concept:
Here as we can see we want to search Google Search just by writing its xpath in console
So to find the Google Search button we have to write xpath like this
Once we hit enter it would bring
[ gbqfsa">​Google Search​​ ],
It shows that xpath for Google Search Button is correctly written
Now suppose we want to search Google Search button if we are just familiar that id attributes start with gbqfs
then we have to use function starts-with like this
and once when we hit enter on console it would reflect two button one is Google Searchand Second one is I’m Feeling Lucky
gbqfsa">​Google Search​​
​I'm Feeling Lucky​​
So to find out the Google Search uniquely we need to complete id attribute to gbqfsa
and hit to enter and now it would reflect only
​Google Search​​
It proves that we have written right xpath for Google Search
In the same fashion we can use Contains function to find the Google Search button like this
here I have taken fsa from gbqfsa
hit enter and hopefully it will return
​Google Search​​
if there are multiple attributes then we can use:
//span[contains(#id,'fsa') and contains(#class, 'xyz')] hit enter and hopefully it will return
Information Source: Sumit Mittal Blog
You can use CssSelector as below
webDriver.findElements(By.cssSelector("div.central-featured")) // for more than 1 elements with same class
webDriver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div.central-featured")) // for 1 element