What's an Efficient Alternative to LIMIT? - sql

My question basically is: How can I tell my database to do a seq scan and STOP after the first match to my WHERE condition?
Assuming I want to find the first event of a certain type, I could write the following query:
select *
from installs
where country = 'China'
order by install_date
limit 1
The problem here is that according to order of operations the engine would scan all the table and generate a dataset that matches my filter, then sort this dataset (with an immense cost), and then return only the first row.
I could of course filter by specific dates, but let's assume I don't know the period to filter by - how can I optimize this type of query in Amazon Redshift (something in the where clause maybe)?

Redshift's general strategy is to do a lot of scanning, but parallelize it. Any case that involves getting a single row is not going to be ideal. That said, you can do four things:
1. Reduce scanning, to a point
If country will always be the field filtered on, set the sortkey for the table to a compound sortkey on country first.
2. Eliminate the need for sorting
A more efficient way to do ORDER BY x LIMIT 1 is often MAX.
Then try
FROM installs
WHERE pk = (
SELECT MAX(pk) -- or install_date, if install date is unique
FROM installs
WHERE country = 'China'
3. Tailor the selected columns between row oriented and columnar
Asking a columnar database like Redshift to select * incurs costs for each column. Try selecting only the columns you need.
4. Add more nodes, so each node does less scanning
(Make sure the data is not set to distribution style all)

If you remove the ORDER BY, then it can work efficiently.
The requirement to sort the results means it needs to examine all rows where the country is China, which is not efficient for returning one item.
The where country = 'China' clause is efficient if SORTKEY = country since it can skip over any storage blocks that do not contain the desired value. This will be highly efficient if there are very relatively few rows that match.
If you are frequently querying for one-row results, then it might be worth storing such information in a separate table for faster lookup. The value could be calculated every day, or every hour, as necessary.


Optimization by order of columns in select clause of SQL statement

I was asked to optimize a SQL query in one of the interviews I attended. The table PRODUCTS structure is like this:
PRODUCT_NAME - Which has around unique 200 values repeated
STATE - Which has around 20 unique values repeated
COUNTRY - Which has around unique 5 values repeated
The table contains 1 million rows. I was given the below SQL statement and was asked to complete it. The SQL is to fetch all the products for a particular state.
SELECT _______
My answer was below:
The interviewer was not happy with the answer and later told me that the order of the columns in the select clause could have been used to optimize and I had failed to do it.
So does the order of the columns being used in the select statement have any significant improvement in efficiency of a select query. If so, how?
I cannot fathom what the interviewer is thinking or what type of database the interviewer is referring to.
Databases store data on data pages, which use a binary format and contain other information (such as null-flags and perhaps record ids and page ids and so on). Retrieving values for a record requires parsing the data page -- and this takes place regardless of the order of the columns being returned by the query.
Perhaps the confusion is with indexes. Some databases recommend ordering the columns in a multi-column index based on selectivity (i.e. the number of values). When all columns in the index are used for equality comparisons, then there might be some slight optimization. However, the ordering of the columns in indexes is usually influenced by other factors, based on the queries being optimized.
The only optimization I can readily think of is removing columns. If you know the state, there is no reason to return the state. And you probably intend for that state to be in the United States, so the country is irrelevant as well. There might be some optimization to using a constant ('California' as state), but it is hard to imagine anyone actually caring about such a nano improvement in performance on a query that reads much of a large table.

Oracle: How can I find tablespace fragmentation?

I've a JOIN beween two tables. It's really really slow and I can't find why.
The query takes hours in a PRODUCTION environment on a very big Client.
Can you ask me what you need to understand why it doesn't work well?
I can add indexes, partition the table, etc. It's Oracle 10g.
I expect a few thousand record. Because of the following condition:
f.eif_campo1 != c.fornitura AND and f.field29 = 'New'
Infact it should be always verified for all 18 million records
SELECT c.id_messaggio
flows c,
tab f
f.field198 = c.id_messaggio
AND f.extra_id = c.extra_id
and f.field1 != c.ExampleF
and f.field29 = 'New'
and c.processtype in ('Example1')
and c.flag_ann = 'N';
Selectivity for the following record expressed as number of distinct values:
COUNT (DISTINCT extra_id) =>17*10^6,
COUNT (DISTINCT (extra_id || field20)) =>17*10^6,
COUNT (DISTINCT field198) =>36*10^6,
COUNT (DISTINCT (field19 || field20)) =>45*10^6,
COUNT (DISTINCT (field1)) =>18*10^6,
COUNT (DISTINCT (field20)) =>47
This is the execution plan [See large image][1]
![enter image description here][2]
Extra details:
I have relaxed one contition to see how many records are taken. 300 thousand.
![enter image description here][7]
--03:57 mins with parallel execution /*+ parallel(c 8) parallel(f 24) */
--395.358 rows
SELECT count(1)
flows c,
flet f
f.field19 = c.id_messaggio
AND f.extra_id = c.extra_id
and f.field20 = 'ExampleF'
and c.process_type in ('ExampleP')
and c.flag_ann = 'N';
Your explain plan shows the following.
The database uses an index to retrieve rows from ENI_FLUSSI_HUB where
flh_tipo_processo_cod in ('VT','VOLTURA_ENI','CC')
It then winnows the rows
where flh_flag_ann = 'N'
This produces a result set which is used to access
rows from ETL_ELAB_INTERF_FLAT on the basis of f.idde_identif_dati_ext_id =
Finally those rows are filtered on the basis of the
remaining parts of the WHERE clause.
Now, the starting point is a good one if flh_tipo_processo_cod is a selective
column: that is, if it contains hundreds of different values, or if the values in
your list are relatively rare. It might even be a good path of the flag column
identifies relatively few columns with a value of 'N'. So you need to understand
both the distribution of your data - how many distinct values you have - and its
skew - which values appear very often or hardly at all. The overall
performance suggests that the distribution and/or skew of the
flh_tipo_processo_cod and flh_flag_ann columns is not good.
So what can you do? One approach is to follow Ben's suggestion, and use full
table scans. If you have an Enterprise Edition licence and plenty of CPU capacity
you could try parallel query to improve things. That might still be too slow, or it might be too disruptive for other users.
An alternative approach would be to use better indexes. A composite index on
flh_fornitura,flh_id_messaggio) would avoid the need to read that table. Whether
this would be a new index or a replacement for ENI_FLK_IDX3 depends on the other
activity against the table. You might be able to benefit from index compression.
All the columns in the query projection are referenced in the WHERE clause. So
you could also use a composite index on the other table to avoid table reads. Agsin you need to understand the distribution and skew of the data. But you should probably lead with the least selective columns. Something like etl_elab_interf_flat(etl_elab_interf_flat,eif_campo200,dde_identif_dati_ext_id,eif_campo1,eif_campo198). Probably this is a new index. It's unlikely you would want to replace ETL_EIF_FK_IDX4 with this (especially if that really is an index on a foreign key constraint)..
Of course these are just guesses on my part. Tuning is a science and to do it properly requires lots of data. Use the Wait Interface to investigate where the database is spending its time. Use the 10053 event to understand why the Optimizer makes the choices it does. But above all, don't implement partitioning unless you really know the ramifications.
The simple answer seems to be your explain plan. You're accessing both tables by index rowid. Whilst to select a single row you cannot - to my knowledge - get faster, in your case you're selecting a lot more than a single row.
This means that for every single row you, you're going into both tables one row at a time, which when you're looking a significant proportion of a table or index is not what you want to do.
My suggestion would be to force a full scan of one or both of your tables. Try to use the smaller as a driver first:
SELECT /*+ full(c) */ c.flh_id_messaggio
, f.eif_campo1
, c.f
FROM flows c,
JOIN flet f
ON f.field19 = c.flh_id_messaggio
AND f.extra_id = c.extra_id
AND f.field1 <> c.f
But you may have to change /*+ full(c) */ to /*+ full(c) full(f) */.
Your indexes seem to be separate column indexes as well. For this, and if possible, I would have indexes on:
flows of id_messaggio, extra_id, f
and on flet of field19, extra_id, field1.
This will only really matter if you do not use as full scan. Or, if you have everything you're returning and selecting is in one index.

Fast Way To Estimate Rows By Criteria

I have seen a few posts detailing fast ways to "estimate" the number of rows in a given SQL table without using COUNT(*). However, none of them seem to really solve the problem if you need to estimate the number of rows which satisfy a given criteria. I am trying to get a way of estimating the number of rows which satisfy a given criteria, but the information for these criteria is scattered around two or three tables. Of course a SELECT COUNT(*) with the NOLOCK hint and a few joins will do, and I can afford under- or over-estimating the total records. The probem is that this kind of query will be running every 5-10 minutes or so, and since I don't need the actual number-only an estimate-I would like to trade-off accuracy for speed.
The solution, if any, may be "SQL Server"-specific. In fact, it must be compatible with SQL Server 2005. Any hints?
There is no easy way to do this. You can get an estimate for the total number of rows in a table, e.g. from system catalog views.
But there's no way to do this for a given set of criteria in a WHERE clause - either you would have to keep counts for each set of criteria and the values, or you'd have to use black magic to find that out. The only place that SQL Server keeps something that would go into that direction is the statistics it keeps on the indices. Those will have certain information about what kind of values occur how frequently in an index - but I quite honestly don't have any idea if (and how) you could leverage the information in the statistics in your own queries......
If you really must know the number of rows matching a certain criteria, you need to do a count of some sort - either a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.YourTable WHERE (yourcriteria) or something else.
Something else could be something like this:
wrap your SELECT statement into a CTE (Common Table Expression)
define a ROW_NUMBER() in that CTE ordering your data by some column (or set of columns)
add a second ROW_NUMBER() to that CTE that orders your data by the same column (or columns) - but in the opposite direction (DESC vs. ASC)
Something like this:
SELECT (list of columns you need),
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY <your column>) AS 'RowNum',
ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY <your column> DESC) AS 'RowNum2'
<your conditions here>
Doing this, you would get the following effect:
your first row in your result set will contain your usual data columns
the first ROW_NUMBER() will contain the value 1
the second ROW_NUMBER() will contain the total number of row that match that criteria set
It's surprisingly good at dealing with small to mid-size result sets - I haven't tried yet how it'll hold up with really large result sets - but it might be something to investigate and see if it works.
Possible solutions:
If the count number is big in comparison to the total number of rows in the table, then adding indexes that cover where condition will help and the query will be very fast.
If the result number is close to the total number of rows in the table, indexes will not help much. You could implement a trigger that would maintain a 'conditional count table'. So whenever row matching condition added you would increment the value in the table, and when row is deleted you would decrement the value. So you will query this small 'summary count table'.

Selecting 'highest' X rows without sorting

I've got a table with huge amount of data. Lets say 10GB of lines, containing bunch of crap. I need to select for example X rows (X is usually below 10) with highest amount column.
Is there any way how to do it without sorting the whole table? Sorting this amount of data is extremely time-expensive, I'd be OK with one scan through the whole table and selecting X highest values, and letting the rest untouched. I'm using SQL Server.
Create an index on amount then SQL Server can select the top 10 from that and do bookmark lookups to retrieve the missing columns.
SELECT TOP 10 Amount FROM myTable ORDER BY Amount DESC
if it is indexed, the query optimizer should use the index.
If not, I do no see how one could avoid scanning the whole thing...
Wether an index is usefull or not depends on how often you do that search.
You could also consider putting that query into an indexed view. I think this will give you the best benefit/cost ration.

Optimized way to get x Random rows satisfying given criteria in MySQL

I need to get x rows from a Database Table which satisfy some given criteria.
I know that we can get random rows from MySQL using ORDER BY RAND ().
I am looking for the most optimized way do the same {Low usage of system resources is main priority. Next important priority is speed of the query}. Also, in the table design, should I make 'cat' INDEX ?
I'm trying to think of how to do this too. My thinking at the moment is the following three alternatives:
1) select random rows ignoring criteria, then throw out ones that do not match at the application level and select more random rows if needed. This method will be effective if your criteria matches lots of rows in your table, perhaps 20% or more (need to benchmark)
2) select rows following criteria, and choosing a row based on a random number between 1 and count(*) (random number determined in the application). This will be effective if the data matching the criteria is evenly distributed, but will fail terribly if for example you are selecting a date range, and the majority of random numbers will fall upon records outside this range.
3) my current favourite, but also the most work. For every combination of criteria you intend to use to select a random record, you insert a record into a special table for that criteria. You then select random records from the special table, and follow them back to your data. For example, you might have a table like this:
Table cat: name, age, eye_colour, fur_type
If you want to be able to select random cats with brown fur, then you need a table like this:
Table cats_with_brown_fur: id (autonumber), cat_fk
You can then select a random record from this table based on the autonumber id, and it will be fast, and will produce evenly distributed random results. But indeed, if you select from many sets of criteria, you will have some overheads on maintaining these tables.
That's my current take on it, anyway. Good luck
Order by Rand() is a bad idea.
Here's a better solution:
How can i optimize MySQL's ORDER BY RAND() function?
Google is your friend, a lot of people have it explained it better than I ever could.