Unable to download spring security related maven dependencies for a Cloud Foundry application - sap

I am trying to deploying CF application available as the part of OpenSap course from this GitHub URL https://github.com/raepple/cfsectest.git . When I do maven clean install, I got the error as in the screenshot.It tells that it is unable to download some maven dependencies.Any solution to this issue?

There is a partial answer as these Maven dependencies are not available no longer. Please refer this blog for an alternative fix.


How to install GoCD-S3-Artifacts for GO server

I want to install S3 plugins for GO-CD into my GO server. I found "S3 artifacts poller" on http://www.go.cd/community/plugins.html, but the "Download" link leads to nothing about jar package.
Again the document states nothing about how you can download the jar neither. http://ind9.github.io/gocd-s3-artifacts/installation.html
Can anybody help me out how I can get the plugin jar package? Thanks.
Jars are available under Github Releases now.
Currently the author of the plugin hasn't provided the Jars. He has however provided the instruction to build one. I have suggested him to upload the jars on Github :)

Where can I find JSpec maven info

Having used RSpec in the past, I would like to use JSpec in my Java project. But I am unable to find install information in Maven Central repository or in JSpec. Would appreciate little direction.
It is part of the JavaLite Common Package. You can find it in Maven Central: http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Ca%3A%22javalite-common%22

Maven Project - github

Is it possible to publish your site reports to github? For instance, I run Checkstyle, Findbugs, Cross Reference, and other plugins and would like to have that publicly available. Since my project is already there, I'd like to just keep it there.
With the state of the plugins that exist now, you'd have to do some shimming. The site command (per your comments: wanting to use mvn:site) has a mechanism (stage) for pushing the resulting site somewhere, but it's all mostly predicated on SCP'ing it around to some final destination. For github, I don't think there's any obvious place to land things like that.
The solution would be to write something that extended the site plugin to check in the results to Github using the github pages functionality. Details on the github pages bits are available at http://pages.github.com/. To get there, you'll be writing something that checks in your resulting site to a root branch "gh-pages" and going from there.
There are maven github plugins wich works fine for me.
deploy artifacts
download artifacts
deploy site to gh-pages
See: https://github.com/github/maven-plugins and fork the example project at https://github.com/kevinsawicki/github-maven-example to try out.
The Maven way to publish your reports would be to build the Maven site and to deploy it using FTP, SCP or DAV.
I don't know if GitHub provides hosting space and supports any of this protocol. If it does, then the following resources will help:
Deploying a Site in the site plugin Usage page
10.6. Deploying Your Project Website
Maven 2: Getting "mvn site:deploy" to work
Releasing Maven projects to Github
Site Distribution in the POM Reference
If it doesn't, better look for another place to host your site.
I'm using this plugin for that: http://synergian.github.com/wagon-git/

converting websphere portal project to maven

I am working on converting websphere portal project to maven framework for CI build. I am wondering if there is a way to reference websphere jars other than via dependencies in pom.xml and loading them all to maven repository? I cannot imagine loading them ALL to the repository...
Please advice! Thanks!
When using Maven, it is advisable that all dependent jars are installed in the repository. Even Websphere ones.
Ideally a corporate repository will come in handy here, so that you keep a separate repository for all the Websphere jars accessible to all the users in your project. See http://maven.apache.org/repository-management.html for more.
If this is not an option, then use the local file repository explained on a previous questions - here.
You'll still need to add each dependency in POM.
Also read http://sdudzin.blogspot.com/2007/09/maven-2-and-websphere-automated-build.html
if you have a lot of projects that require this, you can also create a parent pom that would have all the dependencies so your project/module/portlet poms are cleaner.

Automating upload of artifacts in Nexus using Maven

Am trying to automate the process of uploading an artifact generated by Maven into a Nexus hosted repository (like a maven goal, which will upload the generated jar into a specified repository in Nexus). Is this possible? In the Nexus docs they have talked only about manual uploading.
I also looked at the nexus maven plugins and nothing like this is specified.
Thanks in advance
You have to use mvn deploy to deploy your artifacts via WebDAV (declare the Nexus DAV URL in the distributionManagement section).
See also
Getting started with Nexus Maven Repo Manager
13.3. Configuring Maven for Site Deployment (this link if for site deployment but it's similar)