Where can I find JSpec maven info - activejdbc

Having used RSpec in the past, I would like to use JSpec in my Java project. But I am unable to find install information in Maven Central repository or in JSpec. Would appreciate little direction.

It is part of the JavaLite Common Package. You can find it in Maven Central: http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Ca%3A%22javalite-common%22


Unable to download spring security related maven dependencies for a Cloud Foundry application

I am trying to deploying CF application available as the part of OpenSap course from this GitHub URL https://github.com/raepple/cfsectest.git . When I do maven clean install, I got the error as in the screenshot.It tells that it is unable to download some maven dependencies.Any solution to this issue?
There is a partial answer as these Maven dependencies are not available no longer. Please refer this blog for an alternative fix.

jcaptcha dependencies not available

My legacy project is using jCaptcha libraries. While converting to that old project into a maven based project, I learned that jcaptcha is not available in any maven repository.
I am really shocked but wanted to ask if someone had faced the same issue in their projects or not and how they resolved this?
I know that the easy way out is to download the JAR and install that into the local repository but I believe in clean things, specially builds :)
Any help would be appreciated. I have gone through numerous maven repositories but in vain.
Thanks in advance.

converting websphere portal project to maven

I am working on converting websphere portal project to maven framework for CI build. I am wondering if there is a way to reference websphere jars other than via dependencies in pom.xml and loading them all to maven repository? I cannot imagine loading them ALL to the repository...
Please advice! Thanks!
When using Maven, it is advisable that all dependent jars are installed in the repository. Even Websphere ones.
Ideally a corporate repository will come in handy here, so that you keep a separate repository for all the Websphere jars accessible to all the users in your project. See http://maven.apache.org/repository-management.html for more.
If this is not an option, then use the local file repository explained on a previous questions - here.
You'll still need to add each dependency in POM.
Also read http://sdudzin.blogspot.com/2007/09/maven-2-and-websphere-automated-build.html
if you have a lot of projects that require this, you can also create a parent pom that would have all the dependencies so your project/module/portlet poms are cleaner.

hunting maven dependencies

I want to start using maven in code I distribute but I can't find an efficient way to work with dependencies. Every new dependency takes me far too long to add.
As a simple example, I need to add Tomcat for compilation. Do I really have to manually trawl the repo in my browser to find the group-id, artifact-id and version number?
In every case it seems easier to find the non-maven downloads. I hope I've missed something obvious.
Do I really have to manually trawl the repo in my browser to find the group-id, artifact-id and version number?
No. Use a repository search engine. Some are mentioned here, more here. Some IDE also offer facilities to search and add dependencies (e.g. Eclipse with m2eclipse).
First of all, using some IDE really helps. Eclipse has m2eclipse plugin and if you define locations of remote maven repositories in your pom definition, you can add dependencies in its pom editor and it will automatically search the proper artifacts for you.
What is really helpful is using repository manager like Nexus / Artifactory, where you gather the most important maven repositories and then you don't need to declare particular repository locations in your pom definition for various artifacts, but everything will be proxied via Nexus.

I can't find the maven plugin org.maven.ide.eclipse:lifecycle-mapping 0.9.9-SNAPSHOT

I have a maven pom file which depends on this plugin, but I can't find it anywhere online. Is this something which needs to be built from some other piece of code?
I searched in Sonatype repository and svn but I also didn't find jar nor sources. Customizable build lifecycle mappings is a experimental feature in m2eclipse. So if you don't need this feature you can comment this plugin.
After some tests I've noticed that if you use Maven 3.0 Embedded runtime your pom will work without complain, but there is still no jar for this plugin in the repository. So there is some kind of magic or I need to read more about Maven3/Embedded :)
alt text http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/7041/m2eclipse.png