How to control speech output on Bixby - text-to-speech

I'm using Bixby Developer studio and I have my UI output created and it works. How do I create or control speech output?

Bixby will automatically read the text in the UI - if that is sufficient, you are set. (Be careful here - In good VUX design, UI text and speech text are typically different. UI text is often longer, speech text often shorter and more expressive).
To have speech different from the UI text, you should set the speech key of a template in a dialog. You can use all of the features of dialog like Bixby EL language here.

Update: Bixby now supports SSML


I can not change language on xwiki

Dose anyone know how to change language on xwiki?
I followed this link below, but, nothing change at all.
The step is following.
Go to XWikiPreferences.
Click content.
Click localization.
Change SUPPORTED LANGUAGES and default language.
I am Japanese so I choose Japanese, namely 日本語.
Set timezone
Click on save button.
Environment: Centos 6
java 1.8.0
xwiki 10.1
Do I have to take another action when I want to change language?
Best regards,
TL;DR: It worked, but unfortunately XWiki's User Interface is not yet translated into Japanese. Check by editing a page and looking at the editor's labels.
Longer answer:
As you can see from the link you mentioned (and the updated list - see the "Supported Languages" panel, on the right), XWiki does not list Japanese as supported language. This just means that there are no available translations for that language, so the User Interface will show the text labels in the English default.
This does not stop you from setting your wiki, as you did, to use the Japanese language. One way to check that the setting has taken effect is to edit a page and see the WYSIWYG editor's UI showing labels (like when hovering with the mouse over its buttons) in Japanese. This is a bit of a special case, since that editor provides its own translations and it just happens that it includes Japanese. (for information, that component is a 3rd party project, integrated into XWiki, so it manages its own translations that get distributed and integrated with the editor)
Additionally, if you set your wiki to be multilingual, it makes sense to use even languages where the UI is not translated yet because you will be able to edit various translations for the same page, should your usecase need that feature.
If you want to do something about it, you are welcomed to check out the translations wiki and start translating XWiki's UI for the Japanese language. The next release will include your translations and a lot of people, including yourself, will be grateful for it :)

How to create a Tokenizing Control for UWP as known from Outlook when using To, Cc and Bcc

There is a great article about how to write a Tokenizing Control for WPF here: Tokenizing control – convert text to tokens
But how is this accomplished in an UWP App? The Windows 10 UWP Mail client does this just fine, so I know that it is possible. But how?
Tokenizing is super useful for To/CC/BCC input areas, as we know it from Outlook and lately from the Windows 10 UWP Mail client.
I suspect that RichTextBlock or maybe RichEditBox combined with AutoSuggestBox could be part of the answer, but in the WPF example above FlowDocument is used and FlowDocumet is not supported in UWP.
I haven't looked at their code. They likely have a text input control of their own, but you could achieve a fairly similar and possibly acceptable effect by putting (Rich)TextBox and "token" elements in a WrapPanel. You won't be able to easily select all text, but you could get clickable token elements.
Otherwise - you might have a bit of work figuring out completely hand-crafted input and rendering.

GUI automation with clicking on text

There are many GUI automation tools that allow clicking on a specified image (well-known Sikuli, for example). Is there any way to click on the specified text, not image? This way the tool will:
make screenshot
recognize text on it
find text position (somehow)
send click event to this position
It would be much easier to write tests using this approach (many interfaces have text button, inputs etc.) rather than make screenshots for every single element.
I've seen some OCR feature in Sikuli but it didn't work for me (I tried invoking click('some-text-here').
Sikuli built-in OCR features are pretty buggy and unstable. All (or at least most of) the related issues are listed in this BUG. However there are few possible workarounds which are, however, not also always applicable..
If the text is known, you can take a screenshot of the text and then look for it as a screenshot. For example if you know exact font of this text, you can automatically generate such text on the screen and use it as a pattern to locate it elsewhere.
The built-in tesseract based OCR, performs significantly better when the font is bigger, "fatter" and in Grayscale (usually). Hence you might do some background image processing before attempting the actual recognition. I used ImageMagick to resize and filter the images for better recognition. It can be in the background as a command line tool. For example:
convert -filter spline -resize 100x -unsharp 10x20 -type Grayscale
I am aware that this does not answer your question directly but these are steps you might consider taking towards the final solution.
I'm a developer at Deskover company and we are currently developing an application, UiPath Studio that meets your needs.
We provide text recognition on various technologies with 100% accuracy, ability to find specific text in an area on screen, a control or an entire window, and also ability to click text or controls.
You can execute different actions, sequentially by creating workflows.
We at Deskover are big fans of Sikuli project. We actually use the same image recognition engine in UiPath Studio.
UiPath Studio is a visual tool that helps you create workflows easily, but you can also use the underlying API and implement an application that extracts text and clicks on it.
You can find more details about the UiPath library here.

Transform text to vector shape in Adobe Flash Professional CS5

How? Question is simple, hope the answer will be as well.
Use the text tool T and type
Select the text with the Selection tool V
From the menu select Modify then Break Apart or Ctrl+b
Finally use the Subselection tool A and click the text edge (no the inside fill), you'll see the cursor change to an arrow with a black dot.
If it was imported, as #Dementic says, you'll need to trace it using Modify > Bitmap > Trace Bitmap.
If you created it in Flash using the Text Tool, then it is already in a vector format. If you created the file using a newer/older version of Flash that the default/only option is Classic Text whereas for CS5 the default is the TLF format introduced in that version. If you're not sure about the difference between TLF and Classic Text, Andy Anderson can explain.
Reading between the lines of your concise question you're probably trying to break apart Classic Text, so here's how.

PDF Outline Text - Automation of Acrobat Sequences

I have built an application that automates the filling out of form fields inside a pdf. It then takes various assets and combines them together to generate a "print ready" product. All of this is accomplished using the magic of iTextSharp. When form fields are populated, they are then flattened to text. The problem is that even with the fonts embedded they aren't really attached to the form fields in a meaningful way (like straight text elements are) and the printers are complaining that the pdf is generating licensing errors due to this. I researched this a bit and it just seems to be the nature of how form fields are.
The artists we are working with requested that we research a way to "outline" the text that is created from flattening the form fields. I found that running the PDF Optimizer with a custom preset allows for Text Outlining in Acrobat, and even better I can generate an Acrobat Sequence that runs this command on the pdf. The problem is that Sequences can not be automated, at all.
I found a plug-in called AutoBatch that allows for the execution of Sequences on the command line through a batch file. The downside is that this would require installing Acrobat Pro and the Plug-in on the server this application will be running on. Further it seems like an overkill solution just to outline the text in the pdf. For all I know at this point iTextSharp may allow me to do this programmatic, but searching for such a thing on google returns little results and nothing relevant.
So the question: Is there a better way to outline text in a pdf than the current solution I have implemented or am I kind of stuck?
TLDR; PDF is generated w/ non-standard fonts. I need to "outline" this text to send it to the printer. Currently using AutoBatch Acrobat Plug-In to execute Acrobat Sequence from the Command Line. Seems excessive, wondering if anyone knows a better way to automate font outlining.
I am also in a printing environment and have used forms for "Box Covers" plenty of times to shorten the code used to produce box covers.
I simple us "pdfStamper.FormFlattening = true;" and the printers (Xerox DP180 and DC5000) has no problems in using the PDF.
The moment I leave out FormFlattening the printer gives a lot of errors regarding the PDF.
If you are using FormFlattening then check if the printer has the font locally installed in order for it to reference the font from the print engine instead of the PDF resources.