Graphite: Carbon Aggregator dropping data? - amazon-s3

I'm working on an alerting solution that uses Logstash to stream AWS CloudFront logs from an S3 bucket into Graphite after doing some minor processing.
Since multiple events with the same timestamp can occur (multiple events within a second), I elected to use Carbon Aggregator to count these events per second.
The problem I'm facing is that the aggregated whisper database seems to be dropping data. The normal whisper file sees all of it, but of course it cannot account for more than 1 event per second.
I'm running this setup in docker on an EC2 instance, which isn't hitting any sort of limit (CPU, Mem, Network, Disk).
I've checked every log I could find in the docker instances and checked docker logs, however nothing jumps out.
I've set the logstash output to display the lines on stdout (not missing any) and to send them to graphite on port 2023, which is set to be the line-by-line receiver for Carbon Aggregator:
aggregation-rules.conf is set to a very simple count per second:
test.<user>.total1s (1) = count test.<user>.total
pattern = .*
retentions = 1s:24h
Happy to share more of my configuration as you request it.
I've hit a brick wall with this, I've been trying so many different things but I'm not able to see all data in the aggregated whisper db.
Any help is very much appreciated.

Carbon aggregator isn't designed to do what you are trying to do. For that use-case you'd want to use statsd to count the events per second.
Carbon aggregator is meant to aggregate across different series, for each point that it sees on the input it quantizes it to a timestamp before any aggregation happens, so you are still only going to get a single value per second with aggregator. statsd will take any number of counter increments and total them up each interval.


How to check average number of requests per second hitting Redis

I have a single redis pod running in my k8s cluster, and I would like to get an idea of how many requests per second my redis server is currently handling in my production environment. I have tried redis-cli monotor, which prints out live requests on the console but I cannot seem to find a way to get a numerical measure that simply tells me something like "redis server is handling x request per second on average in the past 24 hours". Any pointers would be highly appreciated.

Baselining internal network traffic (corporate)

We are collecting network traffic from switches using Zeek in the form of ‘connection logs’. The connection logs are then stored in Elasticsearch indices via filebeat. Each connection log is a tuple with the following fields: (source_ip, destination_ip, port, protocol, network_bytes, duration) There are more fields, but let’s just consider the above fields for simplicity for now. We get 200 million such logs every hour for internal traffic. (Zeek allows us to identify internal traffic through a field.) We have about 200,000 active IP addresses.
What we want to do is digest all these logs and create a graph where each node is an IP address, and an edge (directed, sourcedestination) represents traffic between two IP addresses. There will be one unique edge for each distinct (port, protocol) tuple. The edge will have properties: average duration, average bytes transferred, number of logs histogram by the hour of the day.
I have tried using Elasticsearch’s aggregation and also the newer Transform technique. While both work in theory, and I have tested them successfully on a very small subset of IP addresses, the processes simply cannot keep up for our entire internal traffic. E.g. digesting 1 hour of logs (about 200M logs) using Transform takes about 3 hours.
My question is:
Is post-processing Elasticsearch data the right approach to making this graph? Or is there some product that we can use upstream to do this job? Someone suggested looking into ntopng, but I did not find this specific use case in their product description. (Not sure if it is relevant, but we use ntop’s PF_RING product as a Frontend for Zeek). Are there other products that does the job out of the box? Thanks.
What problems or root causes are you attempting to elicit with graph of Zeek east-west traffic?
Seems that a more-tailored use case, such as a specific type of authentication, or even a larger problem set such as endpoint access expansion might be a better use of storage, compute, memory, and your other valuable time and resources, no?
Even if you did want to correlate or group on Zeek data, try to normalize it to OSSEM, and there would be no reason to, say, collect tuple when you can collect community-id instead. You could correlate Zeek in the large to Suricata in the small. Perhaps a better data architecture would be VAST.
Kibana, in its latest iterations, does have Graph, and even older version can lever the third-party kbn_network plugin. I could see you hitting a wall with 200k active IP addresses and Elasticsearch aggregations or even summary indexes.
Many orgs will build data architectures beyond the simple Serving layer provided by Elasticsearch. What I have heard of would be a Kappa architecture streaming into the graph database directly, such as dgraph, and perhaps just those edges of the graph available from a Serving layer.
There are other ways of asking questions from IP address data, such as the ML options in AWS SageMaker IP Insights or the Apache Spot project.
Additionally, I'm a huge fan of getting the right data only as the situation arises, although in an automated way so that the puzzle pieces bubble up for me and I can simply lock them into place. If I was working with Zeek data especially, I could lever a platform such as SecurityOnion and its orchestrated Playbook engine to kick off other tasks for me, such as querying out with one of the Velocidex tools, or even cross correlating using the built-in Sigma sources.

System design to aggregate in near-real time, the N most shared articles over the last five minutes, last hour and last day?

I was recently asked this system design question in an interview:
Let's suppose an application allows users to share articles from 3rd
party sites with their connections. Assume all share actions go
through a common code path on the app site (served by multiple servers
in geographically diverse colos). Design a system to aggregate, in
near-real time, the N most shared articles over the last five minutes,
last hour and last day. Assume the number of unique shared articles
per day is between 1M and 10M.
So I came up with below components:
Existing service tier that handles share events
Aggregation service
Data Store
Some Transport mechanism to send notifications of share events to aggregation service
Now I started talking about how data from existing service tier that handles share events will get to the aggregation servers? Possible solution was to use any messaging queue like Kafka here.
And interviewer asked me why you chose Kafka here and how Kafka will work like what topics you will create and how many partitions will it have. Since I was confuse so couldn't answer properly. Basically he was trying to get some idea on point-to-point vs publish-subscribe or push vs pull model?
Now I started talking about how Aggregation service operates. One solution I gave was to keep a collection of counters for each shared URL by 5 minute bucket for the last 24 hours (244 buckets per URL) As each share events happens, increment the current bucket and recompute the 5 min, hour, and day totals. Update Top-N lists as necessary. As each newly shared URL comes in, push out any URLs that haven't been updated in 24 hours. Now I think all this can be done on single machine.
Interviewer asked me can this all be done on one machine? Also can maintenance of 1M-10M tracked shares be done on one machine? If not, how would you partition? What happens if it crashes and how will you recover? Basically I was confuse how Aggregation service will actually work here? How it is getting data from Kafka and what is going to do actually with those data.
Now for data store part, I don't think we need persistent data store here so I suggested we can use Redis with partitioning and redundancy.
Interviewer asked me how will you partition and have redundancy here? And how Redis instance will get updated from the entire flow and how Redis will be structured? I was confuse on this as well. I told him that we can write output from Aggregation service to these redis instance.
There were few things I was not able to answer since I am confuse on how the entire flow will work. Can someone help me understand how we can design a system like this in a distributed fashion? And what I should have answered for the questions that interviewer asked me.
The intention of these questions is not to get ultimate answer for the problem. Instead check the competence and thought process of the interviewee. There is no point to be panic while answering these kind questions while facing tough follow up questions. Intention of the follow up questions is to guide you or give some hint for the interviewee.
I will try to share one probable answer for this problem. Assume I have s distributed persistent system like Cassandra. And I am going to maintain the status of sharing at any moment using my Cassandra infrastructure. I will maintain a Redis cluster ahead of persistence layer for LRU caching and maintain the buckets for 5 minutes, 1 hour and a day. Eviction will be configured using expire set. Now my aggregator service only need to address minimal data present within my Redis LRU cache. Set up a high through put distributed Kafka cluster will pump data from shared handler. And Kafka feed the data to Redis cluster and from there to Cassandra. To maintain the near real time output, we have to maintain the Kafka cluster throughput matching with it.

Celery with RabbitMQ creating too many queues

When running Django/Celery/RabbitMQ on production server, some tasks are sent and consumed correctly. However, RabbitMQ starts using up all the CPU after processing is done. I believe this is related to the following report.
RabbitMQ on EC2 Consuming Tons of CPU
In that thread, it is suggested to set these config values:
I forked and customized the celery-haystack package to set both those values when calling appl_async(), however it seems to have had no effect.
I think Celery is creating a large number (one per task) of uid-named queues automatically to store results. But I don't seem to be able to stop it.
Any ideas?
I just got a day of digging into this problem myself. I think the two options you meantioned can be explained like this:
CELERY_IGNORE_RESULT: if True then the results of tasks will be ignored, hence they won't return anything where you call them with delay or apply_async.
CELERY_AMQP_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES: the expiration time for a result stored in the result backend. You can set this option to a reasonable value so RabbitMQ can delete expired results.
The many queues generated are for storing results only. So in case you don't want to store any results, you can remove CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND option from your config file.
Have a ncie day!

Opensource stat server?

I've been looking for an opensource stat server that supports the following requirements:
Local proxy to aggregate 100s stats per second, and sends those stats out to a central cluster (or single server) every 10 seconds or so. The application will be making blocking network calls to the proxy to stat within the code rather than writing out to disk and having another process come and read the logs.
The central server responds to queries that asks for aggregates in REALTIME (sub-second response) (stats per 5 minute interval, hour, day, month, year). Optional: Support rolling time windows (e.g. 1 hour back from now)
Tagging per stat metric. Each stat name will have different attributes such as the hostname this stat is coming from.
Monotonically increasing stats (stats that increase forever, i.e. total count)
I understand it is fairly straightforward to write your own (Table per day, aggregate lower granularity tables based on policy, then drop them per TTL, can be done on NOSQL, e.g. hashsets on redis keyed on time bucket), but am surprised that there isn't one readily available given that it is a standard use-case. OpenTSDB is a close candidate (doesn't provide the local proxy) but doesn't support monotonically increasing stats.
Any suggestions or pointers?
have a look at statsd, it's a really cool project that does more or less what you want. your app fires up UDP packets to a central node (you state a sample percentage you want to actually send to avoid overloading, we use about 10%), and the central server aggregates the data, which is labeled. It then uses Graphite to generate the actualy reports.