How do I find all commits without auditors? - audit

I have set up a Herald rule that automatically assigns an auditor depending on the branch name.
I noticed some commits get through even though they should be found by this Herald (it's less than 1% that falls through)
Is there a way to find these commits? I can't seem to query on any of the audit statuses or properties, nor can I find these commits in the Audit module (they don't have the audit properties at all).

It looks like you can query for this by going to Diffusion > Browse Commits > Advanced Search and searching for the "No Audits" Audit Status. Here is the search form in the upstream phabricator.


Managing checkouts of same binary file in different branches in Perforce

How to prevent checking out / changing one binary file in different branches of the same content. Situations like: designers have edited some game level (*.umap binary file) in their branch. Programmes changed same file in their branch (for example - added some blueprint on this game level). So now we have three different versions of this file, one in master branch before all changes, one in designers branch without programmes changes, one in programmes branch without designers changes. And now we must merge designers changes and programmes changes into master branch, but we cant.
So the question is - how to organise right this situations? Maybe we can setup perforce to checkout binary file in multiply branches at the same time, or something like this? Thanks...
There are a couple of different ways to think about this.
If you don't want work to continue/begin in one branch, until changes from another branch have been merged in to it, you can use Helix (Perforce) Protections, to give users read-only access to the branch.
This means they will be able to open files for edit, but won't be able to submit their changes.
More info about protections is here:
The protections would need to be changed, when you are ready for work on the other branches to start.
If you want a file to be automatically checked out on all branches, each time someone checks it out on any branch where it exists, you would currently have to script this.
You could do it using the broker and a workspace for every branch, that has a view that just includes the files you want to be checked out everywhere.
The files would then need to be checked out in these workspaces and locked, so that other users can't submit to these branches until the locks are removed.
This is not trivial and may have a performance impact.
You might also be able to do it using pre-command triggers, if your server version is new enough.
If you want to go in to more detail about any of the above, I recommend you contact Perforce Technical Support.
Hope this helps,

Effectively make database records read-only

How can I make sure that specific data in the database isn't altered anymore.
We are working with TSQL. Inside the database we store contract revisions. These have a status: draft / active. When the status has become active, the revision may never be altered anymore. A revision can have 8 active modules (each with its own table), each with their own settings and sub-tables. This creates a whole tree of tables with records that may never change anymore when the contract revision has been set to active.
Ideally I would simply mark those records as read-only. But such thing does not exists as of today. The next thing that comes to mind are triggers. Thus I have to add those triggers to a lot of tables, all which are related to the contract revision.
Now maybe there are other approaches, like a database only for archiving on which the user only has insert rights. Thus when a contract revision has become active, it is moved from one DB to the archive DB (insert is allowed). And can never be altered anymore (DENY UPDATE|DELETE).
But maybe there are other more ingenious options I haven't thought of, and you did. Maybe including the CLR or what not.
So how can I make a tree-structure of records inside our TSQL database effectively readonly that is the most maintenance free, easy to understand, quickly to setup, and can be applied in a most generic way?
What ever you do (triggers, granted rights...) might be overcome by a user with higher rights, this you know for sure...
Is this just to archive this data?
One idea coming into my mind was to create a nested XML with all data within on big structure and put this somewhere into a side table. Create a INSTEAD OF UPDATE,DELETE TRIGGER where you just do nothing. Let these tables be 1:1-related.
You can still work with this data, but not quite as fast as being read from physical tables.
If you want, you even might convert the XML to a string and calculate some Hash-Code, which you store in a different place to check for manipulations.
The whole process might be done in one single Stored Procedure call.

Work Item Query Policy to check workitems match on merge

With our TFS 2015 source control we require developers to check-in changes against work items.
However, we've had a couple of instances where a developer has checked in against one work item within our development branch, but then when merging to our QA branch they've checked in the merged changes to a different work item. An example of this is where a bug has been created underneath a PBI, the changes in dev have been checked in against a task under the bug, but then merged to QA against the PBI itself. This causes us issues with traceability.
I've seen that it's possible to add a check-in policy of "Work Item Query Policy". I'm just wondering if there is a way to write a query that will determine if the work item of a check-in after a merge matches the work item of the source changesets? I'm not necessarily after the exact query (though it would be lovely if someone could provide one :) ), really I'm just wondering whether it's possible or not to have a query to do this - i.e. is the information available to queries in TFS?
You can't do this with the existing policies, you'd need to build a custom policy.
So, technically this is possible. You can access the VersionControlServer object through the PendingChanges object:
You can use that to query the history of the branch in question and grab the work items associated to the check-ins in that branch.
You can check the associated workitems to the current workitem:
You could probably even provide the option to auto-correct by adding the correct work items to the checkin upon validation.
One of my policies provides an example on using the VersionControlServer from a policy.

TFS History Lost

I have come across an issue that looks like TFS has permanently deleted a branch and all of its history and is not giving me the ability to interact with any of the changesets that were in that branch. Here is what happened:
I created a new branch(A) off of an existing branch(B).
I used A for a few months.
I merged everything in A back to B.
I deleted A by right clicking on the branch in Source Control Explorer and clicking delete and checked in the change.
[At this point I didn't check to see if A could be undeleted, and didn't notice anything amiss]
2 weeks pass
Now I want to view the history of a file that was merged
I go to the visual studio settings and check the box that shows all deleted items
A is nowhere to be found
I check to see if some other branches that I had deleted in the past were visible, and they are still present.
I look in the change history of the parent directory and I can't even see the changeset from when I deleted A.
I have admin access to the TFS database, but don't understand the schema well enough to search for all "delete" changesets.
I've tried to use the API in Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client to get more information, but it isn't providing any more records that the TFS history window did
I just ran a a tf destroy command on a test branch to see what the symptoms are, and the symptoms are consistent with what I'm experiencing. I suspect that this branch was destroyed, now my goal is to find out if destroy leaves behind any information about who or when
Further investigation reveals that a team member on a different project had run a cleanup script during the two week period that had invoked the destroy command, accidentally destroying some of our deleted branches. The advice in How to find out who ran the TFS Destroy Command? revealed who it was, and how it had happened.

Finding which files were "FIXED"and how many times between two specific date by using Trac?

I need to find out that how many times and which files are fixed or changed due to a bug between two specific dates in an open source project which uses Trac. I selected Webkit project for that purpose. ( However, it can be any open source project.
What can I do for that? How do I start? Do i have to use version control systems like svn or git for intergration? I am kinda newbie for these bug-tracking and issue-tracking systems.
I'm not certain I exactly understand your question, but...
If you browse to the directory containing the files you care about in the Trac site, then click on Revision Log, you will get a list of changesets that affected that directory. You can select the revisions that span the timeframe of interest and then View changes and you will get a summary of the changes, and depending on the size of the changes and the particular Trac configuration, you may get the diffs on that page as well.
Now, that won't tell you how many times those files were changed, just the net changes.
It also won't tell you which bugs those changes were for.
If you really need to filter on what bug, you'll have to determine how that information is tracked by the particular project; and some might not track it directly. The project might include a #123 in the commit message. If you can rely on that, you could use svn log --xml {2009-11-01}:{2009-12-01} ... to get an xml version of the commit log which you could then parse and filter based on the presence of the bug's ticket number in the commit message. From that, you should have a list of the revisions that you care about.