how to model my game project in functional programming concept with OCAML? - oop

I'm currently in a project of making a video game, to be specific, a turn-based strategy in OCAML. It's a coursework about functional programming, so the more functional programming the better, but if I can't do it with functional programming, I can use OOP if REALLY needed.
Here's the model of my game at the basic level :
In the following, when I say type, I actually mean instance/type/module, i.e. I don't know how I should implement it, but I know that they should be at least packaged into different sections.
There will be a Main type. It's role is to switch between menus, settings, and the actual game.
The Game type will run the game. In context, it will iterate over each Faction of the game, and iterate, within the Faction, each Unit that the faction has. Each Unit will have a specific behaviour attached to it.
Every game object ( that can be rendered in a 2D screen ) will have the GameObject type. Ideally, I can attach a bunch of video/audio/etc. renderer and I will be able to know their position on the map.
Grid will be an array of array composed of Tile. Grid has a global view over the game, from Grid, I can, for example, know the location of every GameObject in the Game
Tile is a tile on the grid. Eventually, I would like them to have special features, for example, a terrain type.
Unit ( not to be confused with unit type from OCAML ) is an entity controlled by a Faction. It has many attributes, such as health, mana, strength etc... and can do certain actions depending on who they are.
Faction represents either the player or one of the opponents. Some bonus apply depending on the faction. e.g. a faction could have greater health, but lower strength and vice-versa.
Action is a type that represents an action. It has a source and a destination attributes. It can represent, any type of action, from self healing to an AOE spell. It has access to Game so that it can be free to do whatever it pleases within the Game.
My goal is to make a game model that I can improve on progressively. For instance, I would like to make subclasses of unit, those who can attack from afar, and those who can only attack in melee etc.
If this was a OOP project, it would be pretty straightforward, albeit inefficient if I understood the previous comments. As you can see, my way of thinking is biased towards OOP because I haven't done any project of this scale without OOP. My goal here is to make it in Functional Programming.
I require your advice on how to implement what I described, or part of it so I can figure out the rest on my own.
Thank you.
EDIT: Edited the whole question
EDIT2: Some spelling and backticks

Your question is filled with imperative and OOP idioms: iterate, array, object, subclasses, ... So your mind set seems to be already made up.
Not surprising as GUIs and games are the most obvious examples for OOP. They have state and mutate over time and thrive on inheritance. And while you can do all those things functionally, with functors or with with first class modules I don't think it is worth it.
Luckily ocaml lends itself well to this. Records and classes can have mutable fields and ocamls classes can model your objects and inheritance nicely. And you still can use all the functional concepts of ocaml alongside the classes. It mixes well.


Abstraction as a definition

I am trying to understand the basic OOP concept called abstraction. When I say "understand", I mean not just to learn a definition, but really have a deep understanding.
On the internet, I have seen many definitions such as:
Hiding the low level implementation and providing high level specification
focusing on essential qualities rather than specific examples.
I understand that the iPhone button is a great example of abstraction, since I, as a user, don't have to know how the screen is displayed, all I have to know is to press the button.
What do you think of the following conclusion, when it comes to abstraction:
Abstraction takes many specific instances of objects and extracts their common information and functions by providing a single, generalised concept.
So based on this, a class is actually an abstraction of many instances, right?
I disagree with both of your examples. An iPhone button is not an abstraction of the screen, it is an interface to use the phone. A class is also not an abstraction of its instances.
An abstraction can be thought of treating a specific concept as a form of a more general concept.
To repeat an overused example: all vehicles can move. Cars rotate wheels, airplanes use jets, trains run on tracks.
Given a collection of vehicles, instead of being burdened with knowing the specifics of each vehicles' inner workings, and having to:
we could treat these objects as the more abstract vehicle, and tell them to
In this case vehicle is an abstraction. It does not represent any specific object, but represents the common functionality of cars, airplanes and trains and allows us to interact with these specific objects without knowing anything about them except that they are a type of vehicle.
In the context of OOP, vehicle would most likely be a base class of the more specific types of vehicles.
IMHO there are actually 2 underlying concepts that needs to be understood here.
Abstraction: The idea of dealing only with "What" of something rather than "How" of something. For example: When you call an object method you only care about what the method does and not how it does what it does. There are layers of abstraction i.e the upper layer is only interested in what the below layer does and not how it does it. Another example: When you are writing assembly instruction you only care what a particular instruction does and not how the underlying circuit in the CPU execute the instruction.
Generalization: The idea of comparing a bunch of things (objects, functions, basically anything) and figure out the commonality between them and then extracting that commonality. A class with a bunch of properties is the generalization of the instances of the classes as all the instances have the same properties but different values for those properties.
The goal of object-oriented programming is to take the real-world thinking into software development as much as possible. That is, abstraction means what any dictionary may define.
For example, one of possible definitions of abstraction in Oxford Dictionary:
The quality of dealing with ideas rather than events.'s definition is even more eloquent:
the act of considering something as a general quality or characteristic, apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instances.
In fact,'s one is one of possible definitions of abstraction and you should be surprised because it's not a programming explanation of abstraction.
Perhaps you want a more programming alike definition of abstraction, and I'll try to provide a good summary:
Abstraction is the process of turning concrete realities into object representations which could be used as archetypes. Usually, in most OOP languages, archetypes are represented by types which in turn could be defined by classes, structures and interfaces. Types may abstract data or behaviors.
One good example of abstraction would be that a chair made of oak wood is still a chair. That's the way our mind works. You learn that certain forms are the most basic definition of many things. Your brain doesn't see all details of a given chair, but it sees that it fulfills the requirements to consider something a chair. Object-oriented programming and abstraction just mirrors this.

Non-object-oriented game tutorials

I've been tasked with writing an essay extolling the virtues of object oriented programming and creating an accompanying game to demonstrate them.
My initial idea is to find a tutorial for a simple game written in a programming language which does not follow the OOP paradigm (or written in an OOP language but not in an OOP way) and recreate it in an OOP way using either C# or Java (haven't yet decided). This would then allow me to make concrete comparisons between the two.
The game doesn't have to be anything complex; Tetris, Pong, etc. that sort of thing. The problem I've had so far is finding a suitable tutorial, any suggestions?
Let's say that you found source code for a game not in OOP. There are some OOP virtues that you can point out in your essay:
Since a game has many tasks, it is a good idea to assign a responsibility to one class. This means write one class that keeps score, one class that does file access (reading and writing game state, for example), classes to represent your characters, etc. Otherwise, you will have one huge text file with thousands of lines of code. It would be a nightmare to even look at it, let alone find what you need and fix it.
This is grouping together properties and functions for better organization. We used to have a different array to store each property - (example) one array for aircraft names, one array for firepower, another array for top speed, etc. That sucks because you need to make sure that the same index across all those arrays actually describes the correct aircraft. It's better to create an Aircraft object and give it those property names. You'll then have one array that holds aircraft - no need to keep track of too many arrays.
As you write more games (and even other apps), you will come across the need to reuse classes. For example, you would use the same Card class in your Solitaire game as any card game you'll write in the future.
Say that you want to display each character - both heroes and villains in some sort of a grid. You will want both Hero and Villain to inherit Character. Character will have common properties and even a[n abstract] Display() function. You would then write the custom Display() function for Character and Villain (that access class-specific data for drawing). You then create an array of Character objects, and you may store either a Villain or Hero in each slot. When the game goes through that list to display, each item.Display() call will automatically pick the correct Display() function based on the Character's actual type. Try to do this without OOP and you'll end up with a long if-else (and probably even nested) statement and all drawing routines in one place.
That's just from the type of my head from experience in general programming that you can definitely apply in game programming. There are probably more OOP aspects than mentioned, so you may want to research. Best of everything for your essay!
You can try grabbing a (simple) TI-Basic game from TICalc, Omnimaga, or most other calculator programming websites and try to understand its code.
Try a BASIC game from this site:

Object Oriented Programming beyond just methods?

I have a very limited understanding of OOP.
I've been programming in .Net for a year or so, but I'm completely self taught so some of the uses of the finer points of OOP are lost on me.
Encapsulation, inheritance, abstraction, etc. I know what they mean (superficially), but what are their uses?
I've only ever used OOP for putting reusable code into methods, but I know I am missing out on a lot of functionality.
Even classes -- I've only made an actual class two or three times. Rather, I typically just include all of my methods with the MainForm.
OOP is way too involved to explain in a StackOverflow answer, but the main thrust is as follows:
Procedural programming is about writing code that performs actions on data. Object-oriented programming is about creating data that performs actions on itself.
In procedural programming, you have functions and you have data. The data is structured but passive and you write functions that perform actions on the data and resources.
In object-oriented programming, data and resources are represented by objects that have properties and methods. Here, the data is no longer passive: method is a means of instructing the data or resource to perform some action on itself.
The reason that this distinction matters is that in procedural programming, any data can be inspected or modified in any arbitrary way by any part of the program. You have to watch out for unexpected interactions between different functions that touch the same data, and you have to modify a whole lot of code if you choose to change how the data is stored or organized.
But in object-oriented programming, when encapsulation is used properly, no code except that inside the object needs to know (and thus won't become dependent on) how the data object stores its properties or mutates itself. This helps greatly to modularize your code because each object now has a well-defined interface, and so long as it continues to support that interface and other objects and free functions use it through that interface, the internal workings can be modified without risk.
Additionally, the concepts of objects, along with the use of inheritance and composition, allow you to model your data structurally in your code. If you need to have data that represents an employee, you create an Employee class. If you need to work with a printer resource, you create a Printer class. If you need to draw pushbuttons on a dialog, you create a Button class. This way, not only do you achieve greater modularization, but your modules reflect a useful model of whatever real-world things your program is supposed to be working with.
You can try this: It might help you see how to design objects.
You must go though this I can't create a clear picture of implementing OOP concepts, though I understand most of the OOP concepts. Why?
I had same scenario and I too is a self taught. I followed those steps and now I started getting a knowledge of implementation of OOP. I make my code in a more modular way better structured.
OOP can be used to model things in the real world that your application deals with. For example, a video game will probably have classes for the player, the badguys, NPCs, weapons, ammo, etc... anything that the system wants to deal with as a distinct entity.
Some links I just found that are intros to OOD:
Keeping it very brief: instead of doing operations on data a bunch of different places, you ask the object to do its thing, without caring how it does it.
Polymorphism: different objects can do different things but give them the same name, so that you can just ask any object (of a particular supertype) to do its thing by asking any object of that type to do that named operation.
I learned OOP using Turbo Pascal and found it immediately useful when I tried to model physical objects. Typical examples include a Circle object with fields for location and radius and methods for drawing, checking if a point is inside or outside, and other actions. I guess, you start thinking of classes as objects, and methods as verbs and actions. Procedural programming is like writing a script. It is often linear and it follows step by step what needs to be done. In OOP world you build an available repetoire of actions and tasks (like lego pieces), and use them to do what you want to do.
Inheritance is used common code should/can be used on multiple objects. You can easily go the other way and create way too many classes for what you need. If I am dealing with shapes do I really need two different classes for rectangles and squares, or can I use a common class with different values (fields).
Mastery comes with experience and practice. Once you start scratching your head on how to solve particular problems (especially when it comes to making your code usable again in the future), slowly you will gain the confidence to start including more and more OOP features into your code.
Good luck.

How to design objects?

So there are many ways of structuring objects (I'm talking of OOP here). For the question, I will use the classic "Car" example of OOP. Basically, How do I know when to make the car an object, or the wheel of a car an object, when both program structures would accomplish the goal?
How do I classify and categorize the parts of an object to determine whether or not they are better suited as simple attributes or variables of an object, or if they really need to be an object themselves?
Well the first thing you have to realize is the OOAD ("Object-oriented analysis and design") is a tool and not a means to an end. What you get out of that process is a model, not a true representation of what you're modelling. That model makes certain assumptions. The purpose of that model is to solve a problem you have.
So how do you know how to design objects? How do you know if you've done it right? By the end result: has it solved your problem?
So, for the Car example, in some models a car count could simply be an integer count, for example the car traffic through an intersection in a traffic model. In such a model rarely do you care about the make, model or construction of cars, just the number. You might care about the type of vehicle to the point of is it a truck or car (for example). Do you model that as a Vehicle object with a type of Car or Truck? Or just separate carCount and truckCount tallies?
The short answer is: whichever works best.
The normal test for something being an object or not is does it have behaviour? Remember that ultimately objects = data + behaviour.
So you might say that cars have the following state:
of wheels;
Height of suspension;
Left or right drive;
of doors;
Whether it has a sunroof;
Whether it has a stereo, CD player, MP3 player and/or satnav;
Size of the petrol tank;
Number of cylinders;
of turbo charges and/or fuel injection;
Maximum torque;
Maximum brake-horsepower;
and so on.
Chances are you'll only care about a small subset of that: pick whatever is relevant. A racing game might go into more detail about the wheels, such as how hot they are, how worn, the width and tread type and so on. In such a case, a Wheel object could be said to be a collection of all that state (but little behaviour) because a Car has a number of Wheels and the Wheels are interchangeable.
So that brings up the second point about objects: an object can exist because of a relationship such that the object represents a complete set of data. So a Wheel could have tread, width, temperature and so on. You can't divide that up and say a Car has tread but no wheel width so it makes sense for Wheel to be an object since a Wheel in it's entirety is interchangeable.
But again, does that make sense for what're doing? That's the key question.
Don't start out by classifying things - seems like people are too eager to start building inheritance hierarchies.
write down a list of specific, concrete scenarios - what your app will do, step by step. An object model is only useful if it does what you need it to do - so start working back from the scenarios to see what common objects and behaviours you can shake out of each one.
identify the "roles" in your scenarios - not necessarily actual class names - just vague "roles" that turn up when you think through concrete scenarios for how your software will work. These roles might later become classes, interfaces, abstract classes - whatever you need - at the start they're just placeholders for doing a type of work.
Work out what each role "does". The key is having a bunch of named roles - that identify things that the objects will do. Thins is about distilling out a set of things each role can do - they might do the whole thing, or put together a bunch of other objects to do the work, or they might co-ordinate the work... it depends on your scenarios.
The most important thing in OOD/OOP - is OBJECTS DO THINGS - not what's inside them - what they do.
Don't think about inheritance early on - because it will tie you up in overcomplicated hierarchies and make you think in terms of SQL-oriented programming rather than object-oriented programming. Inheritance is just one way of sharing common code. There are lots of other ways - delegation, mixins, prototype-based programming...
Here are some guidelines I came up with to help with this:
What should be on a checklist that would help someone develop good OO software?
There are some good answers here, but possibly more than you were looking for. To address your specific questions briefly:
How do I know when to make the car an object, or the wheel of a car an object, when both program structures would accomplish the goal?
When you need to distinguish one instance from another, then you need an object. The key distinction of an object is: it has identity.
Extending this answer slightly to classes, when the behaviors and/or properties of two similar objects diverge, you need a new class.
So, if you're modeling a traffic simulation that counts wheels, a Vehicle class with a NumberOfWheels property may be sufficient. If you're modeling a racing simulation with detailed road-surface and wheel-torque physics, each wheel probably needs to be an independent object.
How do I classify and categorize the parts of an object to determine whether or not they are better suited as simple attributes or variables of an object, or if they really need to be an object themselves?
The key distinctions are identity and behavior. A part with unique existence is an object. A part with autonomous behavior requires its own class.
For example, if you're creating a very simple car-crash simulation, NumberOfPassengers and DamageResistance may be sufficient properties of a generic Vehicle class. This would be enough to tell you if the car was totalled and the passengers survived. If your simulation is much more detailed, perhaps you want to know how far each passenger was thrown in a head-on collision, then you would need a Passenger class and distinct Passenger objects in each Vehicle.
I like Wirfs-Brock's Responsibility-Driven Design (RDD) and also recommend this updated (free paper) Responsibility-Driven Modeling approach by Alistair Cockburn.
In over 15 years of OO development, whenever I've felt I'm getting lost in a software architecture, going back to the RDD basics always helps me clarify what the software is supposed to be doing and how.
If you like a test-driven approach, this article shows how to relate RDD to mocking objects and tests.
Attributes or variables are often "base" types of a language. The question is what you can sensibly abstract.
For example, you can reduce a Wheel to descriptors made up of base types like integers, floating-point values and strings, which represent characteristic attributes of any wheel: numberOfTreads, diameter, width, recommendedPressure, brand. Those attributes can all be expressed with base types to make a Wheel object.
Can you group some of those attributes into a more abstract arrangement that you can reuse, independent of a Wheel? I think so. Perhaps create a Dimensions object with the attributes diameter and width. Then your Wheel has a Dimensions object instance associated with it, instead of diameter and width. But you could think about using that Dimensions object with other objects, which may not necessarily be Wheel instances.
Going up the list, you can reduce a Car to be made up of base types, but also other objects, such as Wheel objects. It is sensible to do so, because other motor and non-motor vehicles (such as a Bicycle) also contain Wheel instances.
Abstracting Wheel and Dimensions lets you re-use these object types in different contexts you may not initially consider. It makes your life a little easier because you have less code to rewrite, in theory.
If you can create a hierarchy of objects, to the point where the deepest, lowest-level object is only made up of a few base types, that is probably a good place to start.
If it's true that "both program structures would accomplish the goal" equally well, then it doesn't matter which you pick.
If, however, the program does not have a single fixed "goal" but will evolve significantly over its lifetime, then pick either one for now, and refactor as necessary as future modifications dictate. We call it "software" for a reason.
Grow your classes bottom-up.
1) Class boundaries and semantics depend on context. Until you have a context, you don't have anything. (You may not even have a car in your example). Context is given by the user story (or use case).
2) Throw all the state and behavior suggested by the given context into one class (you could name this after the user story if you would like).
3) Use systematic Refactoring to tease this class apart into separate classes. While refactoring, use existing classes as reuse opportunities.
When you're done, you'll have a set of well-defined classes that are just enough to fulfill the needs of the given user story (and the user stories that came before).

Object Oriented application problems in game development

I'll be as direct as I can concerning this problem, because there must be something I'm totally missing coming from a structured programming background.
Say I have a Player class. This Player class does things like changing its position in a game world. I call this method warp() which takes a Position class instance as a parameter to modify the internal position of the Player. This makes total sense to me in OO terms because I'm asking the player "to do" something.
The issue comes when I need to do other things in addition to just modifying the players position. For example, say I need to send that warp event to other players in an online game. Should that code also be within Player's warp() method? If not, then I would imagine declaring some kind of secondary method within say the Server class like warpPlayer(player, position). Doing this seems to reduce everything a player does to itself as a series of getters and setters, or am I just wrong here? Is this something that's totally normal? I've read countless times that a class that exposes everything as a series of getters/setters indicates a pretty poor abstraction (being used as a data structure instead of a class).
The same problem comes when you need to persist data, saving it to a file. Since "saving" a player to a file is at a different level of abstraction than the Player class, does it make sense to have a save() method within the player class? If not, declaring it externally like savePlayer(player) means that the savePlayer method would need a way to get every piece of data it needs out of the Player class, which ends up exposing the entire private implementation of the class.
Because OOP is the design methodology most used today (I assume?), there's got to be something I'm missing concerning these issues. I've discussed it with my peers who also do light development, and they too have also had these exact same issues with OOP. Maybe it's just that structured programming background that keeps us from understanding the full benefits of OOP as something more than providing methods to set and get private data so that it's changed and retrieved from one place.
Thanks in advance, and hopefully I don't sound too much like an idiot. For those who really need to know the languages involved with this design, it's Java on the server side and ActionScript 3 on the client side.
I advise you not to fear the fact, that player will be a class of getters and setters. What is object anyway? It's compilation of attributes and behaviours. In fact the more simple your classes are, the more benefits of an OOP you'll get in the development process.
I would breakdown your tasks/features into classes like that:
has hitpoints attribute
has position attribute
can walkTo(position), firing "walk" events
can healUp(hitpoints)
can takeDamage(hitpoints), firing "isHurt" event
can be checked for still living, like isAlive() method
Fighter extends Player (you should be able to cast Player to Fighter, when it's needed) :
has strength and other fighting params to calculate damage
can attack() firing "attack" event
World keeps track of all players:
listens to "walk" events (and prevents illegal movements)
listents to "isHurt" events (and checks if they are still alive)
Battle handles battles between two fighters:
constructor with two fighters as parameters (you only want to construct battle between players that are really fighting with each other)
listens to "attack" events from both players, calculates damage, and executes takeDamage method of the defending player
PlayerPersister extends AbstractPersister:
saves player's state in database
restores player's state from database
Of course, you game's breakdown will be much more complicated, but i hope this helps you to start thinking of problems in "more OOP" way :)
Don't worry too much about the Player class being a bunch of setters and getters. The Player class is a model class, and model classes tend to be like that. It's important that your model classes are small and clean, because they will be reused all over the program.
I think you should use the warpPlayer(player, position) approach you suggested. It keeps the Player class clean. If you don't want to pass the player into a function, maybe you could have a PlayerController class that contains a Player object and a warp(Position p) method. That way you can add event posting to the controller, and keep it out of the model.
As for saving the player, I'd do it by making Player implement some sort of serialisation interface. The player class is responsible for serializing and unserializing itself, and some other class would be responsible for writing the serialised data to/from a file.
I would probably consider having a Game object that keeps track of the player object. So you can do something like game.WarpPlayerTo(WarpLocations.Forest); If there are multiple players, maybe pass a player object or guid with it. I feel you can still keep it OO, and a game object would solve most of your issues I think.
The problems you are describing don't belong just to game design, but to software architecture in general. The common approach is to have a Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC) mechanisms. In short what you are trying to achieve is to be able to access a local Service of sorts from your objects, in order for example to propagate some event (e.g warp), log, etc.
Inversion of control means in short that instead of creating your objects directly, you tell some service to create them for you, that service in turn uses dependency injection to inform the objects about the services that they depend on.
If you are sharing data between different PCs for multiplayer, then a core function of the program is holding and synchronising that piece of state between the PCs. If you keep these values scattered about in many different classes, it will be difficult to synchronise.
In that case, I would advise that you design the data that needs to be synchronised between all the clients, and store that in a single class (e.g. GameState). This object will handle all the synchronisation between different PCs as well as allowing your local code to request changes to the data. It will then "drive" the game objects (Player, EnemyTank, etc) from its own state. [edit: the reason for this is that keeping this state as small as possible and transferring it efficiently between the clients will be a key part of your design. By keeping it all in one place it makes it much easier to do this, and encourages you to only put the absolute essentials in that class so that your comms don't become bloated with unnecessary data]
If you're not doing multiplayer, and you find that changing the player's position needs to update multiple objects (e.g. you want the camera to know that the player has moved so that it can follow him), then a good approach is to make the player responsible for its own position, but raise events/messages that other objects can subscribe/listen to in order to know when the player's position changes. So you move the player, and the camera gets a callback telling it that the player's position has been updated.
Another approach for this would be that the camera simply reads the player's position every frame in order to updaet itself - but this isn't as loosely coupled and flexible as using events.
Sometimes the trick to OOP is understanding what is an object, and what is functionality of an object. I think its often pretty easy for us to conceptually latch onto objects like Player, Monster, Item, etc as the "objects" in the system and then we need to create objects like Environment, Transporter, etc to link those objects together and it can get out-of-control depending on how the concepts work together, and what we need to accomplish.
The really good engineers I have worked with in the past have had a way of seeing systems as collections of objects. Sometimes in one system they would be business objects (like item, invoice, etc) and sometimes they would be objects that encapsulated processing logic (DyeInjectionProcessor, PersistanceManager) which cut across several operations and "objects" in the system. In both cases the metaphors worked for that particular system and made the overall process easier to implement, describe, and maintain.
The real power of OOP is in making things easier to express and manage in large complex systems. These are the OOP principles to target, and not worry as much whether it fits a rigid object hierarchy.
I havent worked in game design, so perhaps this advice will not work as well, in the systems I do work on and develop it has been a very beneficial change to think of OOP in terms of simplification and encapsulation rather than 1 real world object to 1 OOP class.
I'd like to expand on GrayWizardx's last paragraph to say that not all objects need to have the same level of complexity. It may very well fit your design to have objects that are simple collections of get/set properties. On the other hand, it is important to remember that objects can represent tasks or collections of tasks rather than real-world entities.
For example, a player object might not be responsible for moving the player, but instead representing its position and current state. A PlayerMovement object might contain logic for changing a player's position on screen or within the game world.
Before I start simply repeating what's already been said, I'll point towards the SOLID principles of OOP design (Aviad P. already mentioned two of them). They might provide some high-level guidelines for creating a good object model for a game.