Amazon Alexa Custom Skill using letsencrypt SSL Certificates - ssl

I am trying to publish my Alexa skill using Letsencrypt SSL Certificate.
Google Chrome does not show any warning icon if I browse to my https URL using letsencrypt certificate.
However, when I try to test using Alexa console, an error occurs as :
"SSL Handshake failed".
I see on Amazon Alexa forums that there is a buzz around letsencrypt support.
Some posts say it is supported and some say it isn't.
Could someone here clarify whether letsencrypt free SSL certificate is supported for building custom alexa skills ?

Download the contents of your fullchain.pem cert, from /etc/letsencrypt/live/<domain>/fullchain.pem on your server
On your skill config page, select the "SSL" Tab.
Mark "I will upload a self-signed certificate in X.509 format."
Paste the contents of your fullchain.pem file.

I was able to get a Let's Encrypt wildcard certificate working with an Alexa custom skill after choosing the option "My development endpoint is a sub-domain of a domain that has a wildcard certificate from a certificate authority" in the developer console.
I also had an issue with a Nginx reverse proxy configuration that caused a failure in the Alexa Simulator and provided no helpful error. Fortunately you can also use the Manual JSON option which yielded the error "Cannot establish SSL connection to your skill endpoint".
I was able to track the issue down to the ssl_ciphers value in the ssl.conf file. Even though it was compatible with the Intermediate Security recommended setting for TLS 1.2, I had to comment it out to make it work. I hope someone else can determine why Amazon servers reject the certificate when this setting is used, it could be that TLS 1.3 is now required.


GoDaddy SSL On Heroku doesn't work

I purchased my SSL certificate from GoDaddy.
I made the common name
In my DNS settings I have the website forwarding from the naked domain to the
I removed any settings inside Heroku regarding the SSL certificate from the GUI.
Then I went through the instructions here.
To recap, I generated my server.key by first creating the crs files and sending those to GoDaddy.
I purchased the $20/mo endpoint.
GoDaddy gives me a downloadable ZIP for my certificates, one with one certificate, and one with 3 certificates inside of it.
I run the following command to install the bundled version first with the following failing message that follows:
heroku certs:add server.crt server.key --type endpoint
No certificate given is a domain name certificate.
The reason I even tried to use the bundle is that my SSL doesn't work in firefox, and intermediary cert is not being included. After looking around for an answer on this, I couldn't find one.
So to get my website back up and running in the short term, I decided to just do what I did before, and upload the single cert. That works, but not really.
Now I get this message when I run the cUrl test:
* error:14077438:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert internal error
Also, my website is down. :(
How do I fix this?
The answer in my case seems to be that purchasing an SSL cert is not necessary on Heroku. When you purchase a paid hosting package they provide SSL certificates by default without having to buy their SSL add-on endpoint.
There are likely other use-cases for using a paid SSL cert, but in my case I didn't have to do that.
If this answer helped you please upvote this question as some people seem to think it's a question worth down voting.

Cloudflare - 525 SSL handshake failed

I switched with my Domain to Cloudflare and now I'm trying to use CloudFlare's SSL Feature.
I already own a SSL cert from StartSSL so I would be possible to set the settings to 'Full (Strict)' but I don't want to so I turned it to 'Full'.
Now I'm getting 525 Errors, after a 'Retry for a live Version' everything is okay.
But I'm getting this Error everytime.
Has anyone an idea ?
Thank you
Picture of my Error
Change Cloudflare SSL/TLS encryption mode in to Flexible. it worked for me.
A 525 error indicates that CloudFlare was unable to contact your origin server and create a SSL connection with it.
This can be due to:
Your servers not having matching or compatible SSL Ciphers
Your website may not have a certificate installed properly
Your website may not have a dedicated IP OR is not configured to use SNI
Attempt to contact your hosting provider for assistance to ensure that your SSL certificate is setup correctly. If you are using a control panel, a quick google search can help you find a install guide for that said control panel.
Visit SSL/TLS tab in Cloudflare. Then:
Switch Your SSL/TLS encryption mode to Flexible.
Make sure to switch On "Always Use HTTPS" under "Edge Certificate" tab.
This will transfer all your request from Http to Https automatically. And if you'll implement custom SSL certificate on your hosting server then this 525 error will automatically disappear without changing anything on Cloudflare.
Got the same problem a few days ago.
Our DevOps contacted support and found out that Cloudflare changed certificate type or smth in that way. Asked to return everything back.
That helped.
I went through the same problem today and found that (at least in my case) it was the lack of TLS v1.3
I had just made a server using nginx + php-fpm and a self signed ssl to use below CloudFlare proxy.
When I switched from the production server to this new one, it gave error 525.
I gave the command: curl -I https://your_server_public_ip/ and it returned the error:
error: 1408F10B: SSL routines: ssl3_get_record: wrong version number
This error is described in the CloudFlare community at:
There they advise turning off TLS v1.3 on the CloudFlare panel, but I decided to try installing it.
Using nginx is so easy that I don’t know why to have it shut down.
Only add TLSv1.3 like this-> ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3; in your nginx/snippets/ssl-params.conf file (default Ubuntu 20 and 18) that will work and you still use the latest and most secure protocols.

Heroku SSL Endpoint with purchased certificate does not seem to work

I have purchased an SSL certificate and installed it to my Heroku app.
However when I try to access my site via https, Chrome reports that:
The identity of this website has not been verified. • Server's
certificate does not match the URL.
Other browsers report a similar message.
Inspecting the certificate information in Chrome shows that my site is still using Heroku's certificate, issued by Digicert (instead of my own CA).
Any ideas as to what I could be missing?
The problem had to do with an incorrectly set DNS record.
As per the documentation (...), once the certificates are uploaded to Heroku, do:
heroku certs
This provides you the correct end point for the SSL enabled domain. This is a domain that looks like "".
Next, go to your DNS service provider and update/add the CNAMe record for the SSL enabled domain to point to "".

SSL installed but no lock

I have open ssl installed on the server, all the key ,csr and crt on the server. Configured apache conf to the correct path for key and cert but i don't see a lock in the url(firefox 3.6.2).In chrome it shows https crossed out with red.Does this mean the certificate is not working properly? I have apache2 as the web server.
tls provides both encryption and authentication.
Encryption means that outsiders are unable to read your traffic.
Authentication means that you are confident of the identity of the host your are communicating with.
If chrome crosses out the https, it means that you are using tls, and you have probably set up encryption properly, but chrome is not confident in the authentication of the server. Typically, this is caused by an untrusted certificate; either the subject does not match, or the CA is not trusted.
If you are using a self-signed cert, then it's probably an untrusted CA. Installing the CA into chrome should fix the problem.
I face same problem some time ago that I have installed the SSL certificate successfully but still it show cross on browser address bar, I found the issue was caused due to a image and a javascript file which was included as absolute HTTP url. I change absolute URL to relative and now both files were loading over HTTPS and browser show green bar.

how to a website SSL certificate is valid or not?

I got an issue from my client regarding the SSL setup for his website. I'm not familiar with the SSL certification setup process. He is saying that We have an SSL certificate for this server but I can’t tell if it’s setup properly or not.
If I open that website, firefox says Warning: Contains unauthorized content. I am seeing some details in the warning message window which are given below:
Web site:
Owner: This web site does not supply ownership information
Verified by: Not specified
Mainly I want to know whether the SSL certificate used for this site is valid or not. Can anybody suggest a way to check for the SSL certificate validation of a website.
Telnet the server on port 443. If it is responding then it is a certificate problem
To install certificate
Check this