How to determine if OneDrive is in on demand mode? - onedrive

I need to determine if OneDrive is in On Demand mode programmatically. I'd think this was just a registry setting, but I've looked through the all of the keys under \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive and nothing jumps out at me. Where can I find this setting?

After diff-ing the exported registry keys with the OneDrive On Demand feature both enabled and disabled, it looks like the key that holds this value is LastKnownCloudFilesEnabled under \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive\Accounts\Business1. Hopefully this helps someone else out in the future.

Worth pointing out that you can't enable/disable the Files On Demand feature per-user by simply modifying this registry key. If you do change it, OneDrive will revert the registry change when it next starts.


How to add a url to startup via registry

I'm trying to add a URL to my system startup. I want to do this via the registry because it fits some other things I'm hoping to do later. Here's my code at the moment;
My.Computer.Registry.SetValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\", "LinkLoad", "")
I'm trying to do this via if at all possible. I have given the application administrative privileges but for some reason this hasn't work. The new registry key isn't in position (and to be honest I'm not 100% sure this would work in loading the webpage!).
[FYI the link in the above code is junk, I didn't think it was important to include the actual link I want to load!)

All Documents converted to .vvv extension (TeslaCrypt)

I've found something strange with my employee document, it turns out that all files including document are being encrypted with ".vvv" extension. What I've found so far that it's called TeslaCrypt, it convert all my files to .vvv, even I rename it back to the right extension, it says that file already modified, so I can't open the files anymore. Please help, we cannot work until that document can be oppened. I can't tag this to "TeslaCrpyt" so if anyone can help me tagged it, it would be great.
content on how to recover :
What happened to your files ?
All of your files were protected by a strong encryption with RSA-4096.
More information about the encryption keys using RSA-4096 can be found here:
What does this mean ?
This means that the structure and data within your files have been irrevocably changed, you will not be able to work with them, read them or see them,
it is the same thing as losing them forever, but with our help, you can restore them.
How did this happen ?
---Specially for your PC was generated personal RSA-4096 KEY, both public and private.
---ALL YOUR FILES were encrypted with the public key, which has been transferred to your computer via the Internet.
Decrypting of your files is only possible with the help of the private key and decrypt program, which is on our secret server.
What do I do ?
So, there are two ways you can choose: wait for a miracle and get your price doubled, or start obtaining BTC NOW, and restore your data easy way.
If You have really valuable data, you better not waste your time, because there is no other way to get your files, except make a payment.
For more specific instructions, please visit your personal home page, there are a few different addresses pointing to your page below:
If for some reasons the addresses are not available, follow these steps:
1. Download and install tor-browser:
2. After a successful installation, run the browser and wait for initialization.
3. Type in the address bar: vr6g2curb2kcidou.onion/E03029AB7D9A9D38
4. Follow the instructions on the site.
Your personal pages:
Your personal page (using TOR-Browser): vr6g2curb2kcidou.onion/E03029AB7D9A9D38
Your personal identification number (if you open the site (or TOR-Browser's) directly): E03029AB7D9A9D38
I've published a decryption tool on GitHub:
This tool cryptographically breaks the encryption scheme of TeslaCrypt, and so doesn't require a saved master key. However, it's quite computationally intensive, so preferably use a fast computer, and even then, expect to wait up to a week for it to recover your key (although most keys can be found in just a few hours). Also, it's more of a PoC than a user-friendly turnkey decryptor, so you will need to do many things by hand.
I got hit by TeslaCrypt and all of the solutions (Cisco's Decrypt Tool, Shadow Explorer) did not work for me. Unrelated, I was sniffing around some articles on Ubuntu and found BloodDolly's Tesla Decrypter tool that actually work and my files are being restored as I write this. So just wanted to share since it didn't come up in any of my earlier searches.
It's a handful a steps,...I had no problems whatsoever with the process. Apparently this won't work for the most recent strain,...I had .vvv and had to factor primes with Yafu,...but the documentation and the software is pretty thorough and easy to follow. Took me 15-20 minutes from start to finish.
Anyway, hope this helps some folks.

Persisting VBA/VBScript macro settings

I've created an Outlook (2010) VBScript macro that has some user-configurable settings. I've googled and checked the likely resources and can't figure out a good way to persist them. I'm currently storing them in the body of a mail item! It don't get much kludgier than that!
Should I use the Windows registry? An ini file? Or??? And whether registry, file, or???, what key/folder/??? would I use?
Just before hitting 'Post' on this I tried one more google search and hit on this:
The gist I took away was, ini file or registry are both kosher. One nice thing about VBA's use of the registry is it automatically puts "app" data in the approved place, just need to give your "app" a key. Since my data is just a big string with parsing code already in place, I used strData = GetSetting(strAppKey, strSection, strLeafKey) and SaveSetting(strAppKey, strSection, strLeafKey, strData) and voila, all is good.
The standard Outlook way of storing settings, especially if they relate to a particular mailbox/store and can be accessed from multiple machines connected to the same mailbox, is to use a hidden message stored in one of the well known folders, such as the Inbox.
The hidden MAPI messages can be accessed using MAPIFolder.GetStorage:

Can't Delete Document in Domino Xpage Application

I have few simple Xpages, where i test and learn the newest features in Domino 8.5.3.
Now, after some latest changes somehow i'm not able to delete Documents. The Application asks me for the User Name and password, which i enter and which are correct. However, nothing happens (well, the system thinks few seconds over) and i'm asked for my credentials again... and again.. If i press "cancel" -> i got the expected result -> error 401.
The strange thing as well, if even i give for the "anonymous" the editor rights with the "delete documents" checked, i'm still asked for the credentials...
Well, i think I need now some ideas and tips where can i look after in order to solve the "undeletable documents" problem.
The "Delete" button is made using the Simple Action "Delete Selected Documents".
Update: After looking into the logs (thanks Simon O'Doherty for the hint below!) i found out the following message
28.02.12 19:20: Exception Thrown NotesException: Notes error: Document locking is enabled. You must lock the document before deleting.
After removing the setting "Allow Document locking" everything works fine.
The next question, however, and it seems to be intresting, if i want to use this setting - how to make the standart actions (it looks like at least "Delete Selected Documents" has some problems) work properly ?
Or do i have to use SSJS only ?
In the ACL settings. Click Advanced tab. Check that "Maximum Internet name and password access" is at least a level that allows you to edit documents.
May need to restart your browser for that to be registered.
If it is still an issue at that point then the following Debug may give more hints.
Check the XPages logs in the IBM_TECHNICAL_SUPPORT folder of the server.
Check the elements on the page are not being pulled from another location that would require access.
Check for Authors/Readers fields.
The following debug on the server will allow you to see when an ACL call is made, what is asked for and what it got.
Warning This is very verbose debug, so it should only be activated for the test. Also do not paste the results anywhere externally without first sanitizing. (as it would be confidential to you).
I have also seen this behaviour in our application.
The issue is caused by the "Allow document locking" option.
Either you do not need this feature; then just uncheck in the application properties. If you intend to use the feature, you have to lock the document in your code prior to deleting it.
Add a execute script simple action before delete simple action and write the following code
var doc:NotesDocument = currentDocument.getDocument();
It might be as easy as:
- check your ACL. Do you have delete rights? Default is off

COM+ application can't be changed

I was updating a COM+ application, when an error showed up, saying that it couldn't be changed. Now, whenever I go into properties on one of the components in that application, or the properties for that application, everything is greyed out, not allowing me to change it. Delete is no an option for the application, and if I hit delete on the component, it tells me "Some changes could not be applied due to the following errors:" - "The selected item cannot be changed. The item is currently locked against changes." I can't seem to find anything on google. At one point there was an HRESULT that showed up, I don't remember exactly what it was, but it turned out to be something like COM_ADMIN_E_NOT_CHANGEABLE, which also didn't give me much from google.
Logged on as domain user with admin privileges.
Running windows server 2008 standard.
Do you have the Protection (Disable deletion and/or Disable changes) enabled for the COM+ Application? Check by looking at Properties->Advanced for the Application:
If so then un-check Disable deletion and/or Disable changes and click OK. You should now be able to make changes/delete the application.
Going off what Lucas had said, it will work if you do a .\Administrator, and edit the properties.
The important thing to note here is under the Properties of the COM Object, the Activation tab will be the focus. Try selecting Server Application here. Then under the Security tab, choose Authentication Level to Packet, and impersonation Level to Impersonate.
This should allow you to change anything you want now.
For me, the answer was simple. Login as the local admin. ".\Administrator" then I had no problem bringing up the property pages for the COM+ applications.