awk to parse field if specific value is in another - awk

In the awk below I am trying to parse $2 using the _ only if $3 is a specific valus (ID). I am reading that parsed value into an array and going to use it as a key in a lookup. The awk does execute but the entire line 2 or line with ID in $3 prints not just the desired. The print statement is only to see what results (for testing only) and will not be part of the script. Thank you :).
awk -F'\t' '$3=="ID"
f="$(echo $2|cut -d_ -f1,1)"
print $f
}' file
file tab-delimited
R_Index locus type
17 chr20:31022959 NON
18 chr11:118353210-chr9:20354877_KMT2A-MLLT3.K8M9 ID
$f = chr11:118353210-chr9:20354877

Not completely clear, could you please try following.
awk '{split($2,array,"_");if(array[2]=="KMT2A-MLLT3.K8M9"){print array[1]}}' Input_file
Or if you want top change 2nd field's value along with printing all lines then try following once.
awk '{split($2,array,"_");if(array[2]=="KMT2A-MLLT3.K8M9"){$2=array[1]}} 1' Input_file


How to find and match an exact string in a column using AWK?

I'm having trouble on matching an exact string that I want to find in a file using awk.
I have the file called "sup_groups.txt" that contains:
(the structure is: "group_name:pw:group_id:user1<,user2>...")
now, I want to extract the records that have in the user list the user "adm1" and print the first column (the group name), but you can see that there is a user called "adm12", so when i do this:
awk -F: '$4 ~ "adm1" {print $1}' sup_groups.txt
the output is:
the command of course also prints those records that contain the string "adm12", but I don't want these lines because I'm interested only on the user "adm1".
So, How can I change this command so that it just prints the lines 1 and 6 (excluding 2 and 5)?
thank you so much and sorry for my bad English
EDIT: thank you for the answers, u gave me inspiration for the solution, i think this might work as well as your solutions but more simplified:
awk -F: '$4 ~ "adm,|adm1$|:adm1," {print $1}' sup_groups.txt
basically I'm using ORs covering all the cases and excluding the "adm12"
let me know if you think this is correct
1st solution: Using split function of awk. With your shown samples, please try following awk code.
awk -F':' '
' Input_file
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above.
awk -F':' ' ##Starting awk program from here setting field separator as : here.
num=split($4,arr,",") ##Using split to split 4th field into array arr with delimiter of ,
for(i=1;i<=num;i++){ ##Running for loop till value of num(total elements of array arr).
if(arr[i]=="adm1"){ ##Checking condition if arr[i] value is equal to adm1 then do following.
print ##printing current line here.
' Input_file ##Mentioning Input_file name here.
2nd solution: Using regex and conditions in awk.
awk -F':' '$4~/^adm1,/ || $4~/,adm1,/ || $4~/,adm1$/' Input_file
OR if 4th field doesn't have comma at all then try following:
awk -F':' '$4~/^adm1,/ || $4~/,adm1,/ || $4~/,adm1$/ || $4=="adm1"' Input_file
Explanation: Making field separator as : and checking condition if 4th field is either equal to ^adm1,(starting adm1,) OR its equal to ,adm1, OR its equal to ,adm1$(ending with ,adm1) then print that line.
This should do the trick:
$ awk -F: '"," $4 "," ~ ",adm1," { print $1 }' file
The idea behind this is the encapsulate both the group field between commas such that each group entry is encapsulated by commas. So instead of searching for adm1 you search for ,adm1,
So if your list looks like:
and, by adding commas, you convert it too:
you can always search for ,adm1, and find the perfect match .
once u setup FS per task requirements, then main body becomes barely just :
NF = !_ < NF
or even more straight forward :
{m,n,g}awk —- --NF
{m,g}awk 'NF=!_<NF' OFS= FS=':[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*[^[:alpha:]]?adm[0-9]+.*$'

awk: Adding a new column based on concatenated value of two columns

I am trying to add a new column to a text file based on the concatenated values of two columns. Value is being inserted in the middle instead of the end of the string.
I am using awk. Here are two sample lines
$ head -1 file.txt
8502CC169154|02|GA|TN|89840|9|2008-11-15 00:00:00.000|2009-11-15 00:00:00.000|1|TEAM1|1639009|1000000|0|2008-11-15 00:00:00.000|2009-11-15 00:00:00.000|85|00|37421||241|20|331|1052A|5000|0|.1500|Chattanooga|47065|.000|025|35|25000|0|0|0|0|0|718||E|-17.00|-17.00|-17.00|-17.00|-17.00|-2.55|-2.55|-2.55|-2.55|D|C9N7I4115531902|-2.19|-2.19|-2.19|-2.19|-14.81|051|2008-12-31 00:00:00.000|151|2008-12-17 00:00:00.000|||AC|CC|Y||2008-12-31 00:00:00.000|.000000|A|.000000|.000000|.000000|Y|8502CC169154-8|8502CC169154|8|||122130|122130M|7764298|RA
I tried the following.
$ head -1 file.txt | awk -F'|' '{$(NF+1)=$1"-"$6;}1' OFS='|'
I am expecting a new column at the end of the string. But you can see that the concatenated field is being inserted in the middle of the string instead of the end of the string.
8502CC169154|02|GA|TN|89840|9|2008-11-15 00:00:00.000|2009-11-15 00:00:00.000|1|TEAM1|1639009|1000000|0|2008-11-15 00:00:00.000|2009-11-15 00:00:00.000|85|00|37421||241|20|331|1052A|5000|0|.1500|Chattanooga|47065|.000|025|35|25000|0|0|0|0|0|718||E|-17.00|-17.00|-17.00|-17.00|-17.00|-2.55|-2.55|-2.55|-2.55|D|C9N7I4115531902|-2.19|-2.19|-2.19|-2.19|-14.81|051|2008-12-31 00:00:00.000|151|2008|8502CC169154-9.000|||AC|CC|Y||2008-12-31 00:00:00.000|.000000|A|.000000|.000000|.000000|Y|8502CC169154-8|8502CC169154|8|||122130|122130M|7764298|RA
Your original code works for me using GNU awk but I suspect that not all awks support setting $(NF+1). To avoid that, try:
head -1 file.txt | awk -F'|' '{$0=$0 FS $1"-"$6;}1' OFS='|'
Awk is a surprising powerful language and it has all the capabilities that head has, making the pipeline unnecessary. So, for greater efficiency, try the simple command:
awk -F'|' '{print $0 FS $1"-"$6; exit}' file.txt
How it works:
This sets the field separator to a vertical bar.
print $0 FS $1"-"$6
This prints the output line that you want which consists of the original line, $0, followed by a field separator, FS, followed by combination of the first field, a dash, and the sixth field.
After the first line is printed, this tells awk to exit. This eliminates the need for head -1.

If two columns match change the third

File 1.txt:
File 2.txt:
I need to replace the old data in column 9 of 1.txt with new data from column 2 of 2.txt if it exists. I think this can be done line by line as both files have the same column 1 field. This is a 3Gb file size. I have been playing about with awk but can't achieve the following.
I was trying the following:
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2;} {$9a[b[2]]}' 1.txt 2.txt
Expected result:
You seem to have a couple of odd typos in your attempt. You want to replace $9 with the value from the array if it is defined. Also, you want to make sure Awk uses colon as separator both on input and output.
awk -F : 'BEGIN { OFS=FS }
NR==FNR{a[$1]=$2; next}
$1 in a {$9 = a[$1] } 1' 2.txt 1.txt
Notice how 2.txt is first, so that NR==FNR is true when you are reading this file, but not when you start reading 1.txt. The next in the first block prevents Awk from executing the second condition while you are reading the first file. And the final 1 is a shorthand for an unconditional print which of course will be executed for every line in the second file, regardless of whether you replaced anything.

AWK - get value between two strings over multiple lines

AWK command:
awk '/>block2.*>/' input.txt
Expected output
However, AWK is returning nothing. What am I misunderstanding?
If you want to print the line after the line containing >block2, then you could use:
awk '/^>block2$/ { nr=NR+1 } NR == nr { print }'
Track the record number plus 1 when you find the match; when the current record number matches the remembered one, print the current record.
If you want all the lines between the line >block2 and >block3, then you'd use:
awk '/^>block2$/,/^>block3/ {if ($0 !~ /^>block[23]$/) print }'
For all lines between the two markers, if the line doesn't match either marker, print it. The output is the same with the sample data file.
another awk
$ awk 'c&&c--; /^>block2/{c=1}' file
c specifies how many lines you want to print after the match. If you want the text between two markers
$ awk '/^>block3/{exit} s; /^>block2/{s=1}' file
if there are multiple instances and you want them all, just change exit to s=0
You probably meant:
$ awk '/>/{f=/^>block2$/;next} f' file

awk all lines of the input file where first and the second field are the same

I am having time here with the following task. I need to print all lines of the input file
where 1st field matches the 2nd. Here is my syntax, which apparently is not working:
awk '$1==$2 {print $0}' < inputfile, any ideas what is wrong ?
The third field would be $3, no?
awk '$1==$3' inputfile
(Since we're here, you could delete the print $0, which is implied, and also the < redirection.)