One more record and the chart disappears - is there a limit in VL? - vega

There are 1731 records in my spec. If I add one more record, and give it a unique ID (e.g., 1732), the chart disappears.
I cannot share the URL to the chart because of the body limit. I cannot shorten the URL because it is too long. So, I have to show screenshots.
1731 records:
1732 records
Can anyone explain what is going on here?

Canvas implementation on the web has limited maximum width/height. Try switching to the SVG renderer.


How to limit the number of dropdown results in v-autocomplete?

Image Link I receive 100-200 results from the axios api. I want to show only first 10 from it. Is there any way I can do that. I cannot do that from api since I also want to show the count of total items returning from axios.
Edit: I have a show all button which shows the list of all the item in new pop up. Due to this I want the exact count of total items that are returning but only want to display top 10 results from it.
One option is to use menu-props and adjust the height
<v-autocomplete :menu-props='{ nudgeTop: 110,maxHeight: 125}'></v-autocomplete>

How to display the content added using vue editor in the form of html?

I have added data using vue-editor and when I try to display it is displaying as
<p class="ql-align-justify">A total of 51 plant species were recorded in the sampled area (0.16 ha). The average GBH and height recorded were 75.41 cm and 15.59 metres respectively. Average tree density was 330 trees per ha. <em>Tectona grandis, Shorea robusta, Cassia fistula, Ehretia laevis, Mallatus phillipensis </em>and <em>Trewia nudiflora </em>were the dominant tree species in the corridor. The ground cover was dominated by shrubs (64.87 %), herbs (29.93%) and grasses (3.2%). The remaining area was barren ground.</p><p class="ql-align-justify"><br></p><p><br></p>
The html tags are not working. So how can I able to format this in the form of html. Please help me to have a solution.
I am getting the data as json format. Is "" causes the problem? Please help me to have a solution
Use v-html directive to output real html from html string; Say if content is the content added from vue-editor:
<span v-html="content"></span>

XSL / XSL-FO: Different formatting of a block depending on its page position on PDF page

I'm new in this mailing list, so please apologize any of my wrongdoings.
FOP 1.1
Question: Is there any condition to find the position of a text-block in on PDF page.
This is the problem:
I need to change the formatting of a title-block depending on its position on the page.
If the title-block appears somewhere in the (vertical) middle of the page, I want to add a line on top of it.
if the title-block appears at the beginning/top of a page the line must not appear
Does XSL-FO have a way to do that?
I used a white background on the
fo:region-before and a negative margin on the title to 'push' the
'border-before' of the title under the fo:region-before.
This requires that the FO processor supports negative values of
'margin-top', which is allowed but not required ( It also requires
that the FO processor will 'paint' the fo:region-before after painting
the fo:region-body.

Reporting Services - aligning Layout direction Tablix dynamic

Deal All,
Is there a way to have same report show in both layout direction based on parameter?
I have two data set one for label and one for data based on specific parameter show the labels
needed and the data needed but i am unable to switch the lay out direction it keeps LTR.
I need if anyone have an idea to change the layout direction from parameter.
I am having 50 reports and i don't like to have 150 reports because i am having 3 language.
I don't need to change the design of reports if there a new adding columns or changing columns.
I did it in data base by sending paramater name of the report and then get the dataset for it and then use the parameter of language to get label and data.
thanks in advance
I dont know if this helps, because I have no experience with RTL, however if you select a TextBox and open the properties via F4, you can select for the text direction not only LTR or RTL but also an expression. Maybe this gives you the flexibility, you are looking for?
Please right click on the report and choose view code or press F7 and insert below code for the field:
<FontFamily />

SSRS print stickers with horizontal layout .NET

I have 2 or 3 days I frustratingly tried to print a list of items in the form of stickers filling all the space that becomes available.
This is the result I get:
And this is the result I want, I need to use the horizontal space.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or examples of how to do that.
Thank you!
I solved my problem following this tutorial: