SSRS print stickers with horizontal layout .NET -

I have 2 or 3 days I frustratingly tried to print a list of items in the form of stickers filling all the space that becomes available.
This is the result I get:
And this is the result I want, I need to use the horizontal space.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or examples of how to do that.

Thank you!
I solved my problem following this tutorial:


pinescript : fill 2 lines background with color

i desire to fill the space between two lines with color like this :
line.set_x2(lndn_line_high_D1, bar_index)
line.set_x2(lndn_line_low_D1 , bar_index)
fill(lndn_line_low_D1, lndn_line_low_D1, color=lndn_fill_clr_D1)
But it doesn't work.
I have tried couples other different tests with no success.
Can someone help me please.

#MPAndroidChart How to bypass empty data on StackedBar chart

I am a newbie of android developer and it’s 1st post on stackoverflow.
Thanks for your consideration for any inconvenience caused.
I am using MPAndroidChat for StackedBar Chart.
But StackedBar show empty thing on the some position which no entry data. I like to show only 7 data that I provide. Please refer to below screen shoot. It should be show 7 data on 2018/10/12,2018/10/11....2018/10/6, but it show empty chart many times.
The 7 BarEntry data as below
And I also follow below issue for timestamp label.
[issue screen shot]
screen shot
[BarEntry data]
float x=1050,float[] vals={6.0,5.3333335,6.0}
float x=2490,float[] vals={7.3333335,10.0,6.5}
float x=3930,float[] vals={8.5,7.3333335,8.0}
float x=5370,float[] vals={8.333333,7.6666665,7.8333335}
float x=6810,float[] vals={6.6666665,7.6666665,9.5}
float x=8250,float[] vals={8.833333,6.5,8.5}
float x=9690,float[] vals={8.666667,9.0,6.1666665}
So far I try to workaround by change x is increment by 1 day and use referenceTimestamp and IAxisValueFormatter to correct time by value*24*60*60*1000
`this.sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd");`
`return sdf.format(referenceTimestamp + value*24*60*60*1000);`
BTW, I ever try to add setGranularity(1f), setGranularityEnabled(true), it could hidden labels, but still show empty chart.

Reporting Services - aligning Layout direction Tablix dynamic

Deal All,
Is there a way to have same report show in both layout direction based on parameter?
I have two data set one for label and one for data based on specific parameter show the labels
needed and the data needed but i am unable to switch the lay out direction it keeps LTR.
I need if anyone have an idea to change the layout direction from parameter.
I am having 50 reports and i don't like to have 150 reports because i am having 3 language.
I don't need to change the design of reports if there a new adding columns or changing columns.
I did it in data base by sending paramater name of the report and then get the dataset for it and then use the parameter of language to get label and data.
thanks in advance
I dont know if this helps, because I have no experience with RTL, however if you select a TextBox and open the properties via F4, you can select for the text direction not only LTR or RTL but also an expression. Maybe this gives you the flexibility, you are looking for?
Please right click on the report and choose view code or press F7 and insert below code for the field:
<FontFamily />

Remove the lines from a document

Display the result without using any line between column and row
I can't remove these line
The picture below is taken in preview mode
// Fullmetalboy
In the textbox properties for each cell of the grid, just make sure you set the BorderWidth property to 0.
Due to very limited info in the question maybe try Results-to-text instead of Results-to-grid?
I think that we need more info here... are you showing these results in a HTML page, through some dynamic language (ASP, PHP, Ruby)? or are you using reporting tools like Crystal Dynamics?
If you're doing in HTML, I guess the css rule border-collapse:collapse on the table would do the trick

UITableView which UITableViewCells can save and load data from core data

I'm looking for a demo project/tuturial of a table view where the cells have several textboxs so it looks like a grid. each line can be edited and save(locally but DB is better).
I found this project before ... but I lost it :_(
I've looked for it in the web for hours now and if you can help me I would appriciate it alot
I think I first found it in:
But can't find it should look like this:
alt text
alt text
It's probably one of these projects: