Simplify the statement using rxkotlin - kotlin

I've wanted to try RxJava with kotlin to make coding easier, so I've produced this:
fun postAnswers() {
disposable = getToken.execute().subscribe({ token ->
questions.forEach { form ->
val answers = form.answers?.filter { it.isChecked }?.map { it.answer_id }
disposable = postAnswer.execute(token?.token!!, SavedAnswer(form.form_id, answers)).subscribe({
//Post live data about success
}, {
//Post live data failure
}, {
//Post live data failure
But I have an impression it can be done better, but I do not know how. Basically what I am trying to achieve is getting a Token object from database, that returns Flowable Token? and then use it to call postAnswer in a for cycle, because I need to post each answer separately (That's how the API is designed). After that, postAnswer only returns Completable, but I need to let the Activity know (this is from ViewModel code) how many answers were posted
I've thought about using .flatMap or .concat functions, but I am not sure if it will be helpful in this case. Also, do I need to assign getToken.execute() to disposable?
Thank you for your answers
Here is my questions list:
private var questions: List<Form> = emptyList()
It gets filled by viewModel functions

Try to think with nesting :) This here will probably do: for each saved answer, post a request.
disposable = getToken.execute()
.switchMap { token -> // switchMap because your old token is probably invalidated
val savedAnswers = questions
.map { form->
val formId = form.form_id
?.filter { it.isChecked }
?.map { it.answer_id }
?.let { SavedAnswer(formId, answersIds) }
?: SavedAnswer(formId, emptyList() ) // if no checked answer, then return empty list of ids
.concatMap { savedAnswer -> // concatMap because you want the whole list to be executed once per time, use flatMap if you want it to be in parallel.
postAnswer.execute(token?.token!!, savedAnswer) // FYI: !! is bad practice in Kotlin, try make it less anbiguous
.subscribe({ listOfResultsFromPostings : List<SomeResultHere> ->
//Post live data about success
}, {
//Post live data failure


Combine a Flow and a non Flow api response Kotlin

I currently have a piece of logic as follows:
interface anotherRepository {
fun getThings(): Flow<List<String>>
interface repository {
suspend fun getSomeThings(): AsyncResult<SomeThings>
when (val result = repository.getSomeThings()) {
is AsyncResult.Success -> {
anotherRepository.getThings().collectLatest {
// update the state
else -> { }
The problem I am having is that, if repository.getSomeThings has been triggered multiple times before, anotherRepository.getThings is getting triggered for the amount of all the pre-loaded values from repository.getSomeThings. I was wondering what is the proper way to use these repositories, one a suspend function, the other a Flow together. The equivalent behaviour that is combineLatest{} in Rx.
Thank you.
There are a couple of ways to solve your problem. One way is just to call
repository.getSomeThings() in the collectLatest block and cache last result:
var lastResult: AsyncResult<SomeThings>? = null
anotherRepository.getThings().collectLatest {
if (lastResult == null) {
lastResult = repository.getSomeThings()
// use lastResult and List<String>
Another approach is to create a Flow, which will be calling repository.getSomeThings() function, and combine two Flows:
flow {emit(repository.getSomeThings())}
) { result1: List<String>, result2: AsyncResult<SomeThings> ->

Processing and aggregating data from multiple servers efficiently

My goal is to process and aggregate data from multiple servers efficiently while handling possible errors. For that, I
have a sequential version that I want to speed up. As I am using Kotlin, coroutines seem the way to go for this
asynchronous task. However, I'm quite new to this, and can't figure out how to do this idiomatic. None of my attempts
satisfied my requirements completely.
Here is the sequential version of the core function that I am currently using:
suspend fun readDataFromServers(): Set<String> = coroutineScope {
// step 1: read data from servers while logging errors
.mapNotNull { url ->
runCatching { makeRequestTo(url) }
.onFailure { println("err while accessing $url: $it") }
// step 2: do some element-wise post-processing
.map { process(it) }
// step 3: aggregate data
In my use case, there are numServers I want to read data from. Each of them usually answers within successDuration,
but the connection attempt may fail after timeoutDuration with probability failProb and throw an IOException. As
downtimes are a common thing in my system, I do not need to retry anything, but only log it for the record. Hence,
the makeRequestTo function can be modelled as follows:
suspend fun makeRequestTo(url: String) =
if (random.nextFloat() > failProb) {
"{Some response from $url}"
} else {
throw IOException("Connection to $url timed out")
All these attempts can be tried out in the Kotlin playground. I don't know how long this link stays alive; maybe I'll need to upload this as a gist, but I liked that people can execute the code directly.
I tried using async {makeRequestTo(it)} after listOfServers and awaiting the results in the following mapNotNull
to this post
. While this collapses the communication time to timeoutDuration, all following processing steps have to wait for that
long before they can continue. Hence, some composition of Deferreds was required here, which is discouraged in
Kotlin (or at least should be avoided in favor of suspending
suspend fun readDataFromServersAsync(): Set<String> = supervisorScope {
.map { async { makeRequestTo(it) } }
.mapNotNull { kotlin.runCatching { it.await() }.onFailure { println("err: $it") }.getOrNull() }
.map { process(it) }
Using normal loops like below fulfills the functional requirements, but feels a bit more complex than it should be.
Especially the part where shared state must be synchronized makes me to not trust this code and any future modifications
to it.
val results = mutableSetOf<String>()
val mutex = Mutex()
val logger = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception -> println("err: $exception") }
for (server in listOfServers) {
launch(logger) {
val response = makeRequestTo(server)
val processed = process(response)
mutex.withLock {
return#supervisorScope results

Combining kotlin flow results

I'm wandering if there is a clean way to launch a series of flows in Kotlin and then, after their resolution, perform further operations based on whether they succeeded or not
For example's sake I need to read all integers from a DB (returning them into a flow), check if they are even or odd against an external API (also returning a flow), and then remove the odd ones from the DB
In code it would be something like this
fun findEven() {
.map { listOfInt ->
.flatMapMerge { singleInt ->
.catch {
// API failure when number is even
.map {
// API success when number is odd
But the problem I see with this code is the access to the DB deleting entries done in parallel, and I think a better solution would be to run all API calls and somewhere collect all that failed and all that succeeded, so to be able to do a bulk insertion in the DB only once instead of having multiple coroutines do that on their own
In my opinion, it's kind of an anti-pattern to produce side effects in map, filter, etc. A side effect like removing items from a database should be a separate step (collect in the case of a Flow, and forEach in the case of a List) for clarity.
The nested flow is also kind of convoluted, since you can directly modify the list as a List.
I think you can do it like this, assuming the API can only check one item at a time.
suspend fun findEven() {
.map { listOfInt ->
listOfInt.filter { singleInt ->
runCatching {
.collect { listOfOddInt ->
Parallel version, if the API call returns the parameter. (By the way, Kotlin APIs should not throw exceptions on non-programmer errors).
suspend fun findEven() {
.map { listOfInt ->
coroutineScope { { singleInt ->
async {
runCatching {
.collect { listOfOddInt ->

How to add condition to method "retry" in kotlin and webflux when api return error data?

How to change the parameters with retry() in kotlin and webflux ?
There is a productInfo function, the function parameter is a collection of product ids.
When I input a wrong id in the list collection ids, the upstream interface will only return the wrong id. And get failed.
What I want to achieve is when the upstream interface returns the wrong id. The product info can remove the wrong id and have a second try with the right ids.
I tried to use retry() but I don't know how to change the parameters in the second try.
fun productInfo(ids: List<Pair<String, String>>): Flux<ProductItem> {
return productWebClient
.uri("product/items/${ids.joinToString(";") { "${it.second},${it.first}" }}")
.onErrorResume {
logger.error("Fetch products failed." + it.message)
What you want is not retry(). I've built a solution making minor assumptions here and there. You can refer to this solution and make changes according to your requirements. I've used recursion here (productInfo()). You can replace the recursion call with webclient call if the error occurs only once.
fun productInfo(ids: List<Pair<String, String>>): Flux<ProductItem> {
val idsString = ids.joinToString(";") { "${it.second},${it.first}" }
return webClient
.flatMapMany { response ->
if (response.statusCode().isError) {
response.body { clientHttpResponse, _ ->
.flatMapMany<ProductItem> { eids ->
val ids2 = ids.filter { eids.contains("${it.second},${it.first}") }
} else {

RxJava2 Kotlin SwitchMap from RealmResults to Observable

OK this is my first question in RxJava so please be gentle.
I'm querying Realm for existing users, getting a RealmResults list back as a flowable, then I would like to either create a new user or return the existing user, then convert to JSON.
This is what I have so far. I'm a bit stuck.
fun getUsers(realm: Realm): Flowable<RealmResults<User>> {
return when (realm.isAutoRefresh) {
true -> realm.where<User>().findAllAsync().asFlowable().filter(RealmResults<User>::isLoaded)
false -> Flowable.just(realm.where<User>().findAll())
fun checkNewUserRequired(realm: Realm, results: RealmResults<User>): Observable<String> {
if (results.isEmpty()) {
//not complete, I will create a new user here
return Observable.just("Dummy")
} else {
val user = realm.where<User>().findFirst()!!
val detachedUser = realm.copyFromRealm(user)
return Observable.just(userToJsonString(realm, detachedUser))
val getNewUser= getUsers(realm)
.switchMap{ results -> checkNewUserRequired(realm, results) }
//log result
result : String -> Log.d(TAG, "JSON OUTPUT: $result")
The error is on the switchmap. I'm very familiar with the operator in RxJS but I'm struggling with the syntax.
Any help much appreciated.
You are trying to switchMap an Flowable into an Observable, which are actually different types. You need to convert from one type to the other.
The easiest solution in your case, since it looks like you will not have any issues related to Back pressure, is to convert checkNewUserRequired to return a Flowable
fun checkNewUserRequired(realm: Realm, results: RealmResults<User>): Flowable<String> = Flowable.just(
if (results.isEmpty()) "Dummy"
else {
val user = realm.where<User>().findFirst()!!
val detachedUser = realm.copyFromRealm(user)
userToJsonString(realm, detachedUser)
You can also convert from an existing Observable to Flowable using the function toFlowable, but then you need to specify a BackpressureStrategy.
.switchMap{ results -> checkNewUserRequired(realm, results).toFlowable(BackpressureStrategy.DROP) }