perl6: why is array skipping calculated values inside declaration? - raku

I am learning Perl6 from Perl5.
In order to make this compile, I'll post the whole program:
sub lgamma ( Num(Real) \n --> Num ){
use NativeCall;
sub lgamma (num64 --> num64) is native {}
lgamma( n )
sub pvalue (#a, #b) {
if #a.elems <= 1 {
return 1.0;
if #b.elems <= 1 {
return 1.0;
my Rat $mean1 = #a.sum / #a.elems;
my Rat $mean2 = #b.sum / #b.elems;
if $mean1 == $mean2 {
return 1.0;
my Rat $variance1 = 0.0;
my Rat $variance2 = 0.0;
for #a -> $i {
$variance1 += ($mean1 - $i)**2#";" unnecessary for last statement in block
for #b -> $i {
$variance2 += ($mean2 - $i)**2
if ($variance1 == 0 && $variance2 == 0) {
return 1.0;
$variance1 /= (#a.elems - 1);
$variance2 /= (#b.elems - 1);
my $WELCH_T_STATISTIC = ($mean1-$mean2)/sqrt($variance1/#a.elems+$variance2/#b.elems);
my $DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM = (($variance1/#a.elems+$variance2/#b.elems)**2)
my Num $beta = lgamma($A)+0.57236494292470009-lgamma($A+0.5);
my Rat $acu = 10**(-15);
my ($ai,$cx,$indx,$ns,$pp,$psq,$qq,$rx,$temp,$term,$xx);
# Check the input arguments.
return $value if $A <= 0.0;# || $q <= 0.0;
return $value if $value < 0.0 || 1.0 < $value;
# Special cases
return $value if $value == 0.0 || $value == 1.0;
$psq = $A + 0.5;
$cx = 1.0 - $value;
if $A < $psq * $value {
($xx, $cx, $pp, $qq, $indx) = ($cx, $value, 0.5, $A, 1);
} else {
($xx, $pp, $qq, $indx) = ($value, $A, 0.5, 0);
$term = 1.0;
$ai = 1.0;
$value = 1.0;
$ns = $qq + $cx * $psq;
$ns = $ns.Int;
#Soper reduction formula.
$rx = $xx / $cx;
$temp = $qq - $ai;
$rx = $xx if $ns == 0;
while (True) {
$term = $term * $temp * $rx / ( $pp + $ai );
$value = $value + $term;
$temp = $term.abs;
if $temp <= $acu && $temp <= $acu * $value {
$value = $value * ($pp * $xx.log + ($qq - 1.0) * $cx.log - $beta).exp / $pp;
$value = 1.0 - $value if $indx;
if 0 <= $ns {
$temp = $qq - $ai;
$rx = $xx if $ns == 0;
} else {
$temp = $psq;
$psq = $psq + 1.0;
return $value;
my #array2d = ([27.5,21.0,19.0,23.6,17.0,17.9,16.9,20.1,21.9,22.6,23.1,19.6,19.0,21.7,21.4],
[<1.0/15.0>, <10.0/62.0>],
[<1.0/10>, <2/50.0>],
say #array2d[11][0];
my #CORRECT_ANSWERS = (0.021378001462867,
my UInt $i = 0;
my Real $error = 0.0;
for #array2d -> #left, #right {
my $pvalue = pvalue(#left, #right);
$error += ($pvalue - #CORRECT_ANSWERS[$i]).abs;
say "$i [" ~ #left.join(',') ~ '] [' ~ #right ~ "] = $pvalue";
if $error > 10**-9 {
say "\$p = $pvalue, but should be #CORRECT_ANSWERS[$i]";
# printf("Test sets %u p-value = %.14g\n",$i+1,$pvalue);
printf("the cumulative error is %g\n", $error);
What makes this sub-array different is that it has the "/" for division. How can I make Perl6 for-loop evaluate this sub-array?
EDIT: I'm struggling with what constitutes a minimal working example. I'm posting the entire code so that it will compile.

(It turned out that this answer completely missed what was ailing #con. But I'll not delete it because it gathers together some hopefully useful links regarding rational numerics.)
What's wrong?
why is array skipping calculated values inside declaration?
It isn't.
I am learning Perl6 ...
Numbers like 1.3 are decimals in math and in Perl 6. Some explanations:
Damian Conway spends 3 minutes demonstrating the difference between the Perl 6 and Perl 5 approaches to rationals.
My Medium comment on Baking rationals into a programming language.
The P6 doc's Numerics page. (Written by Zoffix. Thank you for the ton of excellent stuff you did for P6 Zoffix.)
My SO answer to the question "Does Perl 6 performance suffer by using rationals for decimal numbers".
... from Perl5
Something about this belongs in one of the Perl 5 to Perl 6 guide docs. Would you be willing to open a new doc issue?
[1.0/15.0, 10.0/62.0],#this isn't evaluated
[1.0/10, 2/50.0],#neither is this
They're all evaluated.
In math and in P6 a literal 1.0 is a decimal is a rational. foo / bar is also a rational.
(Well, it is if foo and bar are both integers or rationals and either the denominator of the result remains 64 bits or less or one of foo or bar is an arbitrary precision FatRat rational.)
However, Perl6 doesn't seem to like values like I have indicated here.
You haven't explained the situation in which you're seeing something that makes you think P6 doesn't like them.
A strong possibility is that, per Brad Gilbert++'s comment, you are seeing values like, say, <1/15> instead of 0.066667. The former is a P6 literal value that 100% accurately denotes 1/15. To 100% accurately denote that in decimal the display would have to be 0.06666666666666... with a ... or some such at the end to denote an infinitely repeating final 6. But <1/15> denotes the same number and is shorter and arguably simpler so dd and .perl use the <1/15> form instead.
How can I get Perl6 to evaluate expressions like this when I'm declaring the 2D array?
You don't have to do anything. It's evaluating them. :)

(This is a nanswer, i.e. not an answer per se. It was originally written after #con rewrote their question to include all their code and was a step towards my Third and final answer. It's now hopefully a useful resource for those learning Perl 6.)
Original intro to my first edit of this nanswer
That's a whole lot of code! :)
My thought thus far is: are you absolutely, positively, 100% certain you haven't just missed out some input data? It seems vastly more likely that you've skipped data than that P6 has, especially given that the value calculated is exactly the one you're expecting for your next correct result.
(Update It did indeed turn out to be that the problem was incorrect input data.)
Translation, with commentary, of the code in question
The rest of this nanswer is a line-by-line "clean up" (not a refactor) of the code in the question. I had two goals in mind, with the second one being the most important one as you, dear reader, read this:
My translation effectively proved to me and demonstrated to #con that I'd taken every bit of their code into account. This was intended to reduce uncertainty about where the bug might be. Note that most of my changes could not possibly be directly relevant to their bug but I didn't feel comfortable assuming anything until I'd done the rewrite.
#con's code, and my translation of it, can presumably be useful for anyone learning Perl 6. #con's code is a P6 translation of Perl 5 code. The P5 code is in turn a translation of C code. And there are other translations of that code into other languages. My code takes #con's translation and translates it to a more idiomatic version with commentary explaining why I changed their code.
My translation of code in question, runnable via tio
My translation of #con's code, minus my commentary (see below), in tio.
(My original plan was that we would further explore #con's bug based on modifying the code in tio and sharing links to the modified tio version(s). To do that you/they would just click within tio the link icon at the top (🔗) to get a link to the code as it is when the link icon is clicked. Tio is great for being able to write, edit and run code written in P6 and other languages and then share it.)
My translation of code in question, with commentary
I've left the opening lgamma routine as is. I've written extensive commentary about it in a footnote, mainly for other readers, because it packs in a ton of interesting features1:
sub lgamma ( Num(Real) \n --> Num ){
use NativeCall;
sub lgamma (num64 --> num64) is native {}
lgamma( n )
I note that the lgamma code is all about floating point numbers (in P6 that's the Num / num... types).
sub pvalue (#a, #b) {
For those who don't know Perls, the sub keyword introduces a subroutine (aka function).
This one takes two "listy" (Positional) arguments.
(When you see an # (either as a "sigil" eg as in #foo or as an operator, eg as in #($bar)), think "list".)
To speed up code reading and reduce repetitive code I replaced this:
if #a.elems <= 1 {
return 1.0;
if #b.elems <= 1 {
return 1.0;
with this:
return 1 if #a | #b <= 1;
Read this in English as "return 1 if the number of elements in either list #a or list #b is less than or equal to 1".
I used the | operator to construct an any junction.
(Don't waste time trying to wrap your head around the theory of what junctions do, and how they do it. Just use them in practice in simple and/or succinct ways. If they're kept simple, and read in a simple fashion, they're great and just do the obvious thing. If using them makes code not obvious in a particular case, then consider using some other construct for that particular case.)
An array in numeric context evaluates to its number of elements. Numeric operators like <= impose numeric context. So I dropped the .elems.
Numeric context, and arrays evaluating to their length in numeric context, are basic aspects of P6 so this is idiomatic coding that's appropriate for all but the most basic introductory newbie examples.
I switched from 1.0 to 1.
My guess is that #con wrote 1.0 because that was how the value was literally written in code they were translating and/or with the intent it represented a floating point value. But in P6 plain decimal literals (without an e exponent) like 1.0 produce rational numbers instead.
Using 1.0 instead of 1 in this code replaces a simpler faster type (integers) with a more complicated slower type (rationals). A value of this slower type will then be forced to convert (more slowly than an integer) into a floating point number when it's used in formulae in which any component value is floating point. Which will happen for most or all the formulae in this code because lgamma returns a floating point number.
More generally, P6 works and reads best if you leave the types of variables and values unspecified, leaving them for the compiler to figure out, unless there's a compelling reason to specify them. Leaving types unspecified reduces cognitive load for the reader and increases flexibility for reuse of the code and for optimization of the code by the compiler.
This leads to a complementary pair of maxims:
By default, leave type information implicit. If you don't know if it matters what type a value or variable is given, or know that it doesn't matter, then don't specify it.
If you make the type of a value, variable or parameter explicit, then P6 will use that type forcing compliance with that type, regardless of whether that improves your code or unnecessarily slows code down or stops it altogether.
If you absolutely know that you need to use a different type or add a type constraint to make code correct, then by all means go ahead. Likewise, if you've already verified that your code is correct without the more specific type but you want to make it faster, safer, or clearer, go ahead. But if you don't know, then leave it generic. P6 has been designed to do what you mean and will succeed far more often than you can possibly imagine, as Ben once said.
To state this point even more forcefully, in analogy with premature optimization, in P6, premature typing is an anti-pattern in both one-off code and long term production code.
my Rat $mean1 = #a.sum / #a.elems;
my Rat $mean2 = #b.sum / #b.elems;
if $mean1 == $mean2 {
return 1.0;
my (\mean_a, \mean_b) = #a.sum / #a, #b.sum / #b;
return 1 if mean_a == mean_b;
I typically "slash sigils" of "variables" unless I know I'll need a sigil. If a "variable" doesn't actually vary, it likely doesn't need a sigil.
I've renamed $mean1 to mean_a because it clearly corresponds to #a.
my Rat $variance1 = 0.0;
my Rat $variance2 = 0.0;
for #a -> $i {
$variance1 += ($mean1 - $i)**2#";" unnecessary for last statement in block
for #b -> $i {
$variance2 += ($mean2 - $i)**2
my ($vari_a, $vari_b);
$vari_a += (mean_a - $_)² for #a;
$vari_b += (mean_b - $_)² for #b;
Read the variable $_ as "it".
if ($variance1 == 0 && $variance2 == 0) {
return 1.0;
$variance1 /= (#a.elems - 1);
$variance2 /= (#b.elems - 1);
return 1 unless ($vari_a or $vari_b);
$vari_a /= (#a - 1);
$vari_b /= (#b - 1);
In Perls, 0 evaluates in a boolean test context as False. And an array or list like #a evaluates in a numeric context to its element count.
my $WELCH_T_STATISTIC = ($mean1-$mean2)/sqrt($variance1/#a.elems+$variance2/#b.elems);
my $DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM = (($variance1/#a.elems+$variance2/#b.elems)**2)
my Num $beta = lgamma($A)+0.57236494292470009-lgamma($A+0.5);
my Rat $acu = 10**(-15);
my ($ai,$cx,$indx,$ns,$pp,$psq,$qq,$rx,$temp,$term,$xx);
# Check the input arguments.
return $value if $A <= 0.0;# || $q <= 0.0;
my \WELCH_T_STATISTIC = (mean_a - mean_b)
/ ( $vari_a / #a + $vari_b / #b ).sqrt;
my \DEGREES_OF_FREEDOM = ($vari_a / #a + $vari_b / #b)²
/ ($vari_a² / (#a² * (#a - 1)) + $vari_b² / (#b² * (#b - 1)));
my \magic-num = 0.57236494292470009;
my \beta = lgamma(A) + magic-num - lgamma(A + 0.5);
my \acu = 1e-15;
# Check the input arguments.
return $value if A <= 0;# || $q <= 0.0;
(What's that $q about in the above line?)
Note that I dropped the types on beta and acu. The value assigned to the beta variable will be a Num anyway because lgamma returns a Num. The value assigned to acu will also be a Num because use of the e exponent in a number literal means the value it constructs is a Num.
return $value if $value < 0.0 || 1.0 < $value;
# Special cases
return $value if $value == 0.0 || $value == 1.0;
return $value unless $value ~~ 0^..^1;
Read the 0^ as "above zero" (not including zero) and the ^1 as "up to one" (not including one).
The ~~ is the "smart match" operator. It returns True if the value on its right accepts the value on its left.
So this return statement returns $value if $value is less than or equal to 0 or greater than or equal to 1.
As a minor tidy up I moved a my declaration of a load of variables that I dropped out in the above rewrite to this point, immediately before they became relevant, and added $ns too:
my ($ai, $cx, $indx, $pp, $psq, $qq, $rx, $temp, $term, $xx, $ns);
$psq = $A + 0.5;
$cx = 1.0 - $value;
if $A < $psq * $value {
($xx, $cx, $pp, $qq, $indx) = ($cx, $value, 0.5, $A, 1);
} else {
($xx, $pp, $qq, $indx) = ($value, $A, 0.5, 0);
$psq = A + 0.5;
$cx = 1 - $value;
($xx, $cx, $pp, $qq, $indx) =
A < $psq * $value
?? ($cx, $value, 0.5, A, 1)
!! ($value, $cx, A, 0.5, 0);
I rewrote the conditional assignment of a bunch of variables as a ternary so it was easier to see what got assigned to what.
$term = 1.0;
$ai = 1.0;
$value = 1.0;
$ns = $qq + $cx * $psq;
$ns = $ns.Int;
$term = 1;
$ai = 1;
$value = 1;
$ns = ($qq + $cx * $psq) .Int;
Replacing 1.0s with 1s and combining the expression assigned to $ns with the .Int coercion.
(I stripped types from the code as I translated and it continued to calculate the correct results except that removing the above Int coercion made the code infiniloop. This is what finally led me to search the net to see if I could find the code #con was translating. That's when I found it on It was explicitly typed as an integer in the code I saw so presumably it's central to ensuring the algorithm works.)
#Soper reduction formula.
$rx = $xx / $cx;
$temp = $qq - $ai;
$rx = $xx if $ns == 0;
(Didn't change.)
while (True) {
loop {
$term = $term * $temp * $rx / ( $pp + $ai );
$value = $value + $term;
$temp = $term.abs;
(Didn't change.)
if $temp <= $acu && $temp <= $acu * $value {
$value = $value * ($pp * $xx.log + ($qq - 1.0) * $cx.log - $beta).exp / $pp;
$value = 1.0 - $value if $indx;
if $temp <= acu & acu * $value {
$value = $value * ($pp * $xx.log + ($qq - 1) * $cx.log - beta).exp / $pp;
$value = 1 - $value if $indx;
This time the condition containing the junction (&) reads in English as "if temp is less than or equal to both acu and acu times value".
if 0 <= $ns {
$temp = $qq - $ai;
$rx = $xx if $ns == 0;
} else {
$temp = $psq;
$psq = $psq + 1;
return $value;
I just replaced 1.0 with 1.
Now the problematic array. As I wrote at the start, I'm pretty sure you have (or the supplier of your data has) just forgotten a couple lines:
my #array2d =
[<1.0/15.0>, <10.0/62.0>],
[<1.0/10>, <2/50.0>],
say #array2d[11][0];
Who or what says these are the correct answers? Are you 100% sure the 0.0033... answer goes with the [<1.0/15.0>, <10.0/62.0>],[<1.0/10>, <2/50.0>] data?
And in the last bit I just removed types and once again used a superscript for a prettier value-plus-exponent (10⁻⁹):
my $i = 0;
my $error = 0;
for #array2d -> #left, #right {
my $pvalue = pvalue(#left, #right);
$error += ($pvalue - #CORRECT_ANSWERS[$i]).abs;
say "$i [" ~ #left.join(',') ~ '] [' ~ #right ~ "] = $pvalue";
if $error > 10⁻⁹ {
say "\$p = $pvalue, but should be #CORRECT_ANSWERS[$i]";
# printf("Test sets %u p-value = %.14g\n",$i+1,$pvalue);
printf("the cumulative error is %g\n", $error);
1 Love that nice lgamma routine! (Turns out Brad Gilbert wrote it.)
sub lgamma ( Num(Real) \n --> Num ){
use NativeCall;
sub lgamma (num64 --> num64) is native {}
lgamma( n )
Shadowing a low level (C) routine with a high level P6 (Perl 6) routine with the same name to add further processing before calling the C function.
Explicitly converting the input type from the broader P6 type Real numbers to the narrower Num. Perls are "strongly typed" per the original technical definition of the term, but P6 provides additional options per several other interpretations of "strong typing" and relative to languages less capable of these other interpretations of "strong typing" (like Perl 5, Python, and C). Explicit type conversion is part of this shift in capability that P6 introduces.
Slashing the sigil. This is further discussed where I've done the same elsewhere in this post.
Lexically scoping use of a library. The inner lgamma routine, and the symbols imported by use Nativecall;, are not visible anywhere but inside the outer lgamma routine containing it.
Using NativeCall (the P6 C FFI) to allow high level P6 code to sweetly map directly to C code including automatic conversion from P6's IEEE double float compatible boxed type Num to the unboxed machine data type equivalent num64.
All in 5 lines! Very nice. :)

Third and final answer
.oO (He says, hopefully. Has anyone ever written four answers to an SO question?!? 🤭 )
If you swap these lines in your data:
[<1.0/15.0>, <10.0/62.0>],
[<1.0/10>, <2/50.0>],
to instead be the other way around:
[<1.0/15.0>, <10.0/62.0>],
[<1.0/10>, <2/50.0>],
then the output of your program (at least my version of it from my rewrite of your code nanswer) is:
0 [27.5,21,19,23.6,17,17.9,16.9,20.1,21.9,22.6,23.1,19.6,19,21.7,21.4] [27.1 22 20.8 23.4 23.4 23.5 25.8 22 24.8 20.2 21.9 22.1 22.9 20.5 24.4] = 0.02137800146286709
1 [17.2,20.9,22.6,18.1,21.7,21.4,23.5,24.2,14.7,21.8] [21.5 22.8 21 23 21.6 23.6 22.5 20.7 23.4 21.8 20.7 21.7 21.5 22.5 23.6 21.5 22.5 23.5 21.5 21.8] = 0.14884169660532756
2 [19.8,20.4,19.6,17.8,18.5,18.9,18.3,18.9,19.5,22] [28.2 26.6 20.1 23.3 25.2 22.1 17.7 27.6 20.6 13.7 23.2 17.5 20.6 18 23.9 21.6 24.3 20.4 24 13.2] = 0.035972271029797116
3 [30.02,29.99,30.11,29.97,30.01,29.99] [29.89 29.93 29.72 29.98 30.02 29.98] = 0.09077332428566681
4 [3,4,1,2.1] [490.2 340 433.9] = 0.010751561149784494
5 [0.010268,0.000167,0.000167] [0.159258 0.136278 0.122389] = 0.003399071627137453
6 [1.0/15.0,10.0/62.0] [1.0/10 2/50.0] = 0.5272657496538401
7 [0.391304,0.466667,0] [0 0.446809 0] = 0.5452668669777938
the cumulative error is 5.50254e-15
In retrospect this was very obviously what was wrong. 2020 hindsight and all that. :)


IIFE alternatives in Raku

In Ruby I can group together some lines of code like so with a begin block:
x = begin
puts "Hi!"
a = 2
b = 3
a + b
puts x # 5
it's immediately evaluated and its value is the last value of the block (a + b here) (Javascripters do a similar thing with IIFEs)
What are the ways to do this in Raku? Is there anything smoother than:
my $x = ({
say "Hi!";
my $a = 2;
my $b = 3;
$a + $b;
say $x; # 5
Insert a do in front of the block. This tells Raku to:
Immediately do whatever follows the do on its right hand side;
Return the value to the do's left hand side:
my $x = do {
put "Hi!";
my $a = 2;
my $b = 3;
$a + $b;
That said, one rarely needs to use do.
Instead, there are many other IIFE forms in Raku that just work naturally without fuss. I'll mention just two because they're used extensively in Raku code:
with whatever { .foo } else { .bar }
You might think I'm being silly, but those are two IIFEs. They form lexical scopes, have parameter lists, bind from arguments, the works. Loads of Raku constructs work like that.
In the above case where I haven't written an explicit parameter list, this isn't obvious. The fact that .foo is called on whatever if whatever is defined, and .bar is called on it if it isn't, is both implicit and due to the particular IIFE calling behavior of with.
See also if, while, given, and many, many more.
What's going on becomes more obvious if you introduce an explicit parameter list with ->:
for whatever -> $a, $b { say $a + $b }
That iterates whatever, binding two consecutive elements from it to $a and $b, until whatever is empty. If it has an odd number of elements, one might write:
for whatever -> $a, $b? { say $a + $b }
And so on.
Bottom line: a huge number of occurrences of {...} in Raku are IIFEs, even if they don't look like it. But if they're immediately after an =, Raku defaults to assuming you want to assign the lambda rather than immediately executing it, so you need to insert a do in that particular case.
Welcome to Raku!
my $x = BEGIN {
say "Hi!";
my $a = 2;
my $b = 3;
$a + $b;
I guess the common ancestry of Raku and Ruby shows :-)
Also note that to create a constant, you can also use constant:
my constant $x = do {
say "Hi!";
my $a = 2;
my $b = 3;
$a + $b;
If you can have a single statement, you can leave off the braces:
my $x = BEGIN 2 + 3;
my constant $x = 2 + 3;
Regarding blocks: if they are in sink context (similar to "void" context in some languages), then they will execute just like that:
say "Executing block";
No need to explicitely call it: it will be called for you :-)

Rational numbers in Raku

I am using Raku for some computations, because it has nice numeric types. However, I have an issue with using '.raku'
say (1/6+1/6).raku
We obtain this. However,
say (1/10+1/10).raku
Is it a bug? I expected <1/5>. What happens?
In Raku, 0.2 constructs a Rat, and thus produces the very same result as writing 1/5 (which will be constant folded) or <1/5> (the literal form). You only get floating point in the case of specifying an exponent (for example, 2e-1).
The .raku (formerly known as the .perl) method's job is to produce something that will roundtrip and produce the same value if EVAL'd. In the case of 1/5, that can be exactly represented as a decimal, so it will produce 0.2. It only resorts to the fractional representation when a decimal form would not round-trip.
You can always recover the numerator and denominator using the .numerator and .denominator methods to format as you wish. Additionally .nude method returns a list of the numerator and denominator, which one can join with a / if wanted:
say (1/6+1/6).nude.join("/"); # 1/3
say (1/10+1/10).nude.join("/"); # 1/5
Hi #milou123 I was also a bit surprised that raku reverts to decimal representation - I can see that some contexts - such as teaching fractional arithmetic would benefit from having a "keep as rat" mode. Having said that, ultimately it makes sense that there is only one way to .raku something and that decimal is the default representation.
Of course, with raku, you can also just change the language a bit. In this case, I have invented a new '→' postfix operator...
multi postfix:<→> ( Rat:D $r ) { $r.nude.join("/") }
say (1/5+1/5)→; # 2/5
I am not smart enough to work out if the built in 'raku' method can be overridden in a similar way, would be keen to see advice on how to do that concisely...
try this in Julia:
julia> 1 // 10 + 1 // 10
julia> typeof(1 // 10 + 1 // 10)
julia> 1 // 2 + 1 // 3
julia> typeof(1 // 2 + 1 // 3)
in the Rat.pm6 implemention, we can only call .raku method on Rat type to get the expected format:
multi method raku(Rat:D: --> Str:D) {
if $!denominator == 1 {
$!numerator ~ '.0'
else {
my $d = $!denominator;
unless $d == 0 {
$d = $d div 5 while $d %% 5;
$d = $d div 2 while $d %% 2;
if $d == 1 and (my $b := self.base(10,*)).Numeric === self {
else {
'<' ~ $!numerator ~ '/' ~ $!denominator ~ '>'

How do i make a loop like mentioned below in kotlin programming language?

How can I make it in kotlin using for loop?
for (double i = 0; i < 10.0; i += 0.25) {
System.out.println("value is:" + i);
You should use the Intellij plugin for converting Java code for Kotlin. It's pretty neat (unless you have complex code using lambdas) This is what it converts to for your given question:
var i = 0.0
while (i < 10.0) {
println("value is:" + i)
i += 0.25
Here is the kotlin code equivalent to for loop.
var i = 0.0
while (i < 10.0)
println("value is:" + i)
i += 1.0
Kotlin for loop only support iterate the arrays.Please refer
It's achievable in different way
var length:Double = 10.0
var increment:Double = 0.25
for (index in Array((length/increment).toInt(), { i -> (i * increment) }))
I'm not sure if this syntax is new, but natural numbers may be used to iterate values like so.
(0..(10*4)).map {
it / 4.0 as Double
}.forEach {
I'm avoiding iteration on IEEE 754 floating points, as that could potentially cause errors. It may be fine in this case, but the same may not be true depending on environment, context, and language. It's best to avoid using floating point except in cases where the numbers are expected to have arbitrary precision, i.e. uses real numbers or continuity.
This syntax may be used within a for loop as well if you don't need to store the result. However, for loops should be avoided for the most part if you want immutability (which you should).
for (i in 0..10) {
println("Project Loom is a lie! $i")

How to build lazy lists with defined generators and is there a "takeWhile" alternative?

I am reading through perl6intro on lazy lists and it leaves me confused about certain things.
Take this example:
sub foo($x) {
my $alist = (1,2, &foo ... ^ * > 100);
will give me (1 2 4 16 256), it will square the same number until it exceeds 100. I want this to give me (1 4 9 16 25 .. ), so instead of squaring the same number, to advance a number x by 1 (or another given "step"), foo x, and so on.
Is it possible to achieve this in this specific case?
Another question I have on lazy lists is the following:
In Haskell, there is a takeWhile function, does something similar exist in Perl6?
I want this to give me (1 4 9 16 25 .. )
The easiest way to get that sequence, would be:
my #a = (1..*).map(* ** 2); # using a Whatever-expression
my #a = (1..*).map(&foo); # using your `foo` function
...or if you prefer to write it in a way that resembles a Haskell/Python list comprehension:
my #a = ($_ ** 2 for 1..*); # using an in-line expression
my #a = (foo $_ for 1..*); # using your `foo` function
While it is possible to go out of one's way to express this sequence via the ... operator (as Brad Gilbert's answer and raiph's answer demonstrate), it doesn't really make sense, as the purpose of that operator is to generate sequences where each element is derived from the previous element(s) using a consistent rule.
Use the best tool for each job:
If a sequence is easiest to express iteratively (e.g. Fibonacci sequence):
Use the ... operator.
If a sequence is easiest to express as a closed formula (e.g. sequence of squares):
Use map or for.
Here is how you could write a Perl 6 equivalent of Haskell's takewhile.
sub take-while ( &condition, Iterable \sequence ){
my \iterator = sequence.iterator;
my \generator = gather loop {
my \value = iterator.pull-one;
last if value =:= IterationEnd or !condition(value);
take value;
# should propagate the laziness of the sequence
?? generator.lazy
!! generator
I should probably also show an implementation of dropwhile.
sub drop-while ( &condition, Iterable \sequence ){
my \iterator = sequence.iterator;
GATHER: my \generator = gather {
# drop initial values
loop {
my \value = iterator.pull-one;
# if the iterator is out of values, stop everything
last GATHER if value =:= IterationEnd;
unless condition(value) {
# need to take this so it doesn't get lost
take value;
# continue onto next loop
# take everything else
loop {
my \value = iterator.pull-one;
last if value =:= IterationEnd;
take value
?? generator.lazy
!! generator
These are only just-get-it-working examples.
It could be argued that these are worth adding as methods to lists/iterables.
You could (but probably shouldn't) implement these with the sequence generator syntax.
sub take-while ( &condition, Iterable \sequence ){
my \iterator = sequence.iterator;
my \generator = { iterator.pull-one } …^ { !condition $_ } ?? generator.lazy !! generator
sub drop-while ( &condition, Iterable \sequence ){
my \end-condition = ?? * !! { False };
my \iterator = sequence.iterator;
my $first;
loop {
$first := iterator.pull-one;
last if $first =:= IterationEnd;
last unless condition($first);
# I could have shoved the loop above into a do block
# and placed it where 「$first」 is below
$first, { iterator.pull-one } … end-condition
If they were added to Perl 6/Rakudo, they would likely be implemented with Iterator classes.
( I might just go and add them. )
A direct implementation of what you are asking for is something like:
do {
my $x = 0;
{ (++$x)² } …^ * > 100
Which can be done with state variables:
{ ( ++(state $x = 0) )² } …^ * > 100
And a state variable that isn't used outside of declaring it doesn't need a name.
( A scalar variable starts out as an undefined Any, which becomes 0 in a numeric context )
{ (++( $ ))² } …^ * > 100
{ (++$)² } …^ * > 100
If you need to initialize the anonymous state variable, you can use the defined-or operator // combined with the equal meta-operator =.
{ (++( $ //= 5))² } …^ * > 100
In some simple cases you don't have to tell the sequence generator how to calculate the next values.
In such cases the ending condition can also be simplified.
say 1,2,4 ...^ 100
# (1 2 4 8 16 32 64)
The only other time you can safely simplify the ending condition is if you know that it will stop on the value.
say 1, { $_ * 2 } ... 64;
# (1 2 4 8 16 32 64)
say 1, { $_ * 2 } ... 3;
# (1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 ...)
I want this to give me (1 4 9 16 25 .. )
my #alist = {(++$)²} ... Inf;
say #alist[^10]; # (1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100)
The {…} is an arbitrary block of code. It is invoked for each value of a sequence when used as the LHS of the ... sequence operator.
The (…)² evaluates to the square of the expression inside the parens. (I could have written (…) ** 2 to mean the same thing.)
The ++$ returns 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 … by combining a pre-increment ++ (add one) with a $ variable.
In Haskell, there is a takeWhile function, does something similar exist in Perl6?
Replace the Inf from the above sequence with the desired end condition:
my #alist = {(++$)²} ... * > 70; # stop at step that goes past 70
say #alist; # [1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81]
my #alist = {(++$)²} ...^ * > 70; # stop at step before step past 70
say #alist; # [1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64]
Note how the ... and ...^ variants of the sequence operator provide the two variations on the stop condition. I note in your original question you have ... ^ * > 70, not ...^ * > 70. Because the ^ in the latter is detached from the ... it has a different meaning. See Brad's comment.

Lex Yacc / Flex Bison variables

I was just wondering how any of you guys would implement multi character variables in c using Flex and Bison / Lex and Yacc ?
Any if so can you provide maybe a simple example?
I am attempting to write an interpreter for a language and I can't seem to find a good way to implement variables, so far the methods I've tried have either failed or causing the execution of any program with a lot of variables become really so (I mean it could take minutes to execute a program that just assigns 1000 variables and does nothing else)
Thanks for your time,
In a lexer provided by ADAIC for Ada the following method is used, i find it ver useful for lexing multu-character literals such as reserved words and variables. It (along with corresponding Bison grammar and some other stuff) is available at ADAIC docs
[a-zA-Z](_?[a-zA-Z0-9])* return(lk_keyword(yytext));
# define NUM_KEYWORDS 69
{"ABS", ABS},
char *str;
int min;
int max;
int guess, compare;
min = 0;
guess = (min + max) / 2;
for (guess=(min+max)/2; min<=max; guess=(min+max)/2) {
if ((compare = strcmp(key_tab[guess].kw, str)) < 0) {
min = guess + 1;
} else if (compare > 0) {
max = guess - 1;
} else {
return key_tab[guess].kwv;
return identifier;