In a terminal I have switched to a local branch on my project.
When I open Intellij, it still points to Master. And when I open the git branch panel (bottom right of Intellij), I only see Remote branches.
Do you know how to switch to the same local branch in Intellij, and how to display the local branches too?
Thank you.
I had the same issue. Like Dmitrii already said. There is a setting in Inttelij that enabled it for me. It's called "Execute Branch Operations on All Roots".
Setting in Intellij to enable Git Operations on all Repositories
it still points to Master
How do you know? When you are on some branch, IntelliJ will at least show the branch itself in the popup, with a HEAD mark and ability to rename.
It looks like branches popup is attached to some other repo. Make sure the mapping in Settings | Version Control is correct and check the IDE logs for possible errors.
Just curious how to switch git repos in multi module intelliJ window. Here Module means completely separate git repos.
When I expand that git label I can see correct git branch in each corresponding module. I was expecting to change that whenever I click on different modules in the project explorer.
my IntelliJ version - 2021.1.2 (Ultimate Edition)
I don't think there is a thing such as switching git repos.
What you see in the bottom-right is the branch that belongs to the currently opened file in your editor. If you look at the branches dialog and scroll to the top, you can view the active branches for all the repos that are connected to your project. So yes, opening a file from a repo seems to be the only way to view the active branch of that repo in the bottom-right.
You can open the branch dialog via Git > Branches, Ctrl + Shift + `, or clicking on the active branch on the bottom-right.
I am working on a project which is hosted on a particular gitlab repository. Often we dont get to connect to this repository because of network issues. Hence I have created my own local gitlab repository.
Now to keep the both repositories updated, i have to copy paste the code from one folder linked to one repository to other folder which is linked to other repository.
Is there a way in intellij wherein i can work in the same window but when committing and pushing the changes, both the repositories get updated at the same time ?
Thanks in advance
Personally, I think it is far, far easier to use Git from the terminal/powershell.
If you are interested in using the terminal, or powershell, with Git, and want set multiple remote origins, then there is a already a detailed answer about pushing and pulling from multiple remote locations.
Otherwise, look at Intellij's VCS menu, then select "Git."
Then select "remotes":
Then get add your other Git remotes by clicking "+" and add:
Add you should be set. Just select which remote you would like to push to.
If a branch is created in the repository (Git or Mercurial), I still don't see it in the IntelliJIdea. If the CVS is Git, I have to issue fetch command for to see a new branches.
But for Mercurial I don't see neither fetch, nor something similar. How can I make that new branch visible for IntelliJ?
As I understand, you mean a branch created on a remote server.
It is not IntelliJ specific, you need to get information into your local repository first (this is what you actually do calling pull in Tortoise)
But you don't need to use Tortoise, you can pull from IDEA using VCS - Mercurial - Pull
I am trying to look at who changed a line in Intellij 15. I know I can use git blame but I want to learn how to do it correctly in intellij. I am right clicking on the line numbers on the file but when I get the context menu the annotate option is grayed out. What setting am I missing?
I looked at this page and couldn't find an answer. What am I missing?
If you check File > Settings > Version Control and see that your current project is listed under "Unregistered Roots", go to (on the menubar) VCS > Enable Version Control Integration. It will ask you to select the VCS tool you use, then click ok and you'll have all the integrations working (including the annotate feature which uses git blame).
The answer by #activedecay let me in the right direction. In my case, I have a multi-module project - each has a separate git repo - but we're all in the same workspace.
In my case, Intellij IDEA 2017.2, the Preferences -> Version Control (update from 2022: or Preferences > Version Control > Directory Mappings) panel shows a listing of all the project roots. The module with the disabled "Annotate" option was in the "Unregistered Roots" section.
To fix the problem, I selected the module and pressed the "+" icon in the lower toolbar to register the module root with Intellij VCS. The change is immediate and the "Annotate" options becomes available.
Looks like its a fresh project. First configure the Version Control like Git and than commit at least once. After first commit Annotate option will not be grayed out.
Also update git for any new version.
Your VCS is not enabled, hence the issue. Below is the solution for that:
Click on the VCS option in the menu bar
Enable VCS
Select your version control
Done, you should be able to use the annotate option.
Make sure the file is tracked by version control
Add the project to "Version Control" settings
I had the same issue with the Annotate being greyed out however VCS was already set up. Editing the current VCS Directory Mapping fixed the issue for me.
Go to
Settings -> Version Control
Click on the current entry for your
your application listed under projects.
Click the pen icon to edit it
Hit Ok, then ok to close the main dialog
Under the version control setting, make sure to remove any unregistered roots, I had a similar issue where there was a Unregistered roots entry was found, after removing this unwanted entry, I was able to annotate on file.
I the following two screen short will solve your problem:
I hope after those steps you will be able to see who changed a line.
Here are the steps i followed :
Go to VCS -> Checkout from Version Control -> Git -> give the URL for your repository.
The annotate option will be enabled now.
I had exactly the same issue and managed to solve it by updating git.
The reason for that is that I have recent InteliJ Idea and an old 2.1.x git installed.
For Mac:
brew upgrade git
brew link git
followed by IDE restart.
Perhaps you did not check Git Integration while setting up a fresh installation of IntelliJ. It happened to me when I updated to a major release. When I was setting up the new program, I might have unchecked the Git Integration on the wizard installation.
In order to solve this for IntelliJ Community 2019.1, access File > Settings > Plugins, go to the tab Installed and make sure the plugin Git Integration is checked. You should restart the IDE in order to make the Annotate action work.
I had the same issue, but my VCS settings were all configured properly. It turns out that git itself was considering the file as a brand new file and therefore didn't have any history for it. The file was actually not new, but simply renamed. While my rename changes were unstaged, git understood it as two separate files: a deletion of the old file and creation of a new file. However, once I git added the "deleted" file and the "new" file, git understood that it was actually a rename and IntelliJ was able to annotate on the file as expected.
I'm not sure why git didn't understand the rename when it was unstaged, but hopefully this helps someone!
After IntelliJ IDEA froze and was killed from the task manager, all the Run/Debug Configurations disappeared. I have tried invalidating caches, reloading files from disk, synchronizing and restarting, but nothing helped.
You can try to restore your Run configuration using the Local History feature of IntelliJ IDEA.
If you are using .idea directory based format, then your configurations will reside in workspace.xml file under .idea directory, invoke Local History dialog from the .idea directory right click menu in IDEA Project View, select the label some time before the crash and revert the old copy of workspace.xml.
In case .ipr file based format is used, your configurations will be stored in the <project>.iws file in the project root which you can restore in a similar way.
If the configurations were Shared, they are stored in .idea\runConfigurations directory as separate XML files or in the <project>.ipr file (if old project format is used).
If the Local history is blank and you are in Windows, try Restore previous versions right clicking the workspace.xml file or the <project>.iws one in Windows Explorer.
You can go to your main project and right click on it, select local history --> show history. Find some point in time where you think that system was stable (before crash) and click revert. This worked for me.
To me, this frequently happened on switching branches. Turning off "restore workspace on branch switching" helps to prevent the run configurations from getting lost.
Edit: Not sure if it actually has an impact, it still seems to happen to me sometimes, maybe less frequently though. I'll leave it here since the answer already has some upvotes, so maybe this was the solution for someone...
For every project in intellij there's a file created with all the configurations related to it.
Under the root directory of the project there's a hidden folder .idea in it is the workspace.xml with the configuration. workspace.xml is comprised of components one of which is responsible to hold the run/debug configurations.
If this file is getting corrupted it's difficult to restore these configurations if you don't have a backup of workspace.xml. to overcome it:
1. in intellij right click the workspace.xml file under project view and choose Local History -> Show History
2. if there's no history you can copy the component from a coworker with similar configurations.
3. backup in advance the workspace.xml and retrieve the RunManager component from it..
another good choice is to use the share option.
under each project's definition there's a checkbox share
Marking this checkbox will extract the definition for this project to an external location:
under the same .idea folder a new folder is being created runConfigurations and the configurations per project are being represented there in xml files.
The advantage of using share is that it can be copied and used for similar projects under other branched like QA and production
In my case, i've accidentally pressed Alt + Home and this bar disappeared, this combination toggles run bar at the top of IDEA window for me.
Here the screen with my bound actions on this keys. I hope it should help
Run configurations are stored in your project files. When IntelliJ (or your computer with IntelliJ running) crashes hard, the project files can become corrupted and unreadable. I don't know of a way to recover this unless you have your project files are backed up somewhere.
Navigate to your project folder and check weather any .idea folder is created or not,
if created copy your project and paste it other location ant try opening it;
it will work.
I sometimes have the problem that all the run/debug configurations are not created from CMake after being lost. I solved this by just deleting the whone list of configurations from the workspace.xml (from .idea folder).
This happened to me recently and I just restarted IntelliJ and they shared ones (in .run) are now restored.
In my case what happened was I did something that made IntelliJ recognize the project as a new application type, so it thought my old configuration was not valid for my project anymore and wasn't displaying it to me. I reverted my changes and the configuration appeared as an option again.
I guess this feature can't be removed from IntelliJ but I guess this can help:
Run/Debug configuration functionality might be hidden, so to show it go to:
View/Appearance/Navigation Bar
Very annoying problem in Intellij Idea for many years.
It's quite often breaks because of broken (connection to?) Ant debugger, used to create run configs.
I was periodically searching for a solution, but no success. Then today after disappeared Run Config to display in panel I did inspect contents of workspace.xml. All the run configs were there.
And then it turns out to be 7+ years bug clue...
Always spring out non-called Ant...
Happily, contents of workspace.xml in place with all your run config items, you can just
disable infamous plugin Ant debugger,
reload the project,
and all your run configs are displayed and available again))).
Happy to share with all of you the solution).