Analogue of fetch for Mercurial? How to see a new branch from IntelliJ? - intellij-idea

If a branch is created in the repository (Git or Mercurial), I still don't see it in the IntelliJIdea. If the CVS is Git, I have to issue fetch command for to see a new branches.
But for Mercurial I don't see neither fetch, nor something similar. How can I make that new branch visible for IntelliJ?

As I understand, you mean a branch created on a remote server.
It is not IntelliJ specific, you need to get information into your local repository first (this is what you actually do calling pull in Tortoise)
But you don't need to use Tortoise, you can pull from IDEA using VCS - Mercurial - Pull


issue with Intellij : local branches don't show

In a terminal I have switched to a local branch on my project.
When I open Intellij, it still points to Master. And when I open the git branch panel (bottom right of Intellij), I only see Remote branches.
Do you know how to switch to the same local branch in Intellij, and how to display the local branches too?
Thank you.
I had the same issue. Like Dmitrii already said. There is a setting in Inttelij that enabled it for me. It's called "Execute Branch Operations on All Roots".
Setting in Intellij to enable Git Operations on all Repositories
it still points to Master
How do you know? When you are on some branch, IntelliJ will at least show the branch itself in the popup, with a HEAD mark and ability to rename.
It looks like branches popup is attached to some other repo. Make sure the mapping in Settings | Version Control is correct and check the IDE logs for possible errors.

Need a way to update two gitlab repositories through single intellij project window

I am working on a project which is hosted on a particular gitlab repository. Often we dont get to connect to this repository because of network issues. Hence I have created my own local gitlab repository.
Now to keep the both repositories updated, i have to copy paste the code from one folder linked to one repository to other folder which is linked to other repository.
Is there a way in intellij wherein i can work in the same window but when committing and pushing the changes, both the repositories get updated at the same time ?
Thanks in advance
Personally, I think it is far, far easier to use Git from the terminal/powershell.
If you are interested in using the terminal, or powershell, with Git, and want set multiple remote origins, then there is a already a detailed answer about pushing and pulling from multiple remote locations.
Otherwise, look at Intellij's VCS menu, then select "Git."
Then select "remotes":
Then get add your other Git remotes by clicking "+" and add:
Add you should be set. Just select which remote you would like to push to.

IntelliJ: How to create a local Java project copy for backup?

I'm new to JavaFX 8 and the IntelliJ IDE. I have a JavaFX8 project that works but not as I would like. I'd like to try another approach but the substantial changes may not work. I don't want to loose code I have working.
To save code I have working, I've been creating a new project and then locally copying all the folders(.idea, out, src) and files except .iml, of the working project into the appropriate folders in the new project with the newly generated .iml.
This always seems to work but is it proper procedure?
I'm not on a team of developers and have yet to learn Git/GitHub.
Please advise. Thanks.
Maybe you should learn how to use a Version Control System like Git, then you can create a project repository and have different branches for things you want to try out. Keeping the working code in your master branch will prevent you loosing your working code. Also, when using a vcs you can always revert to versions of your code that have been working. The IntelliJ Idea IDE has perfect support for working with all different types of version control systems. If you don't want to learn any forms of vcs then there is no other way to "backup" your working code.
Is it proper procedure? It's probably not how most people would go about achieving what you want to achieve but it's certainly workable. If you wanted to stick with that for simplicity now, I'd copy the whole directory structure, delete the .idea and .iml files, and then create a new project in IntelliJ on that clean copy: IntelliJ will automatically set up folder structure based on the existing source without you having to go through any additional manual setup.
If you're willing to experiment with the git route, to achieve the basics of what you want to achieve is not very complicated and I've written a small quick-start below. IntelliJ offers very good support for Git, and once your repository is created you can do everything you need from the IDE. I'm going to assume you're working on Windows, although the steps shouldn't be too far removed on other platforms.
Install Git
You can download and install Git from, which will install a command shell called Git Bash.
One-off setup for your project
Open up git bash and go into the directory containing your source. Rather than seeing separate drives as Windows does, Git Bash assumes there is a logical 'root' directory under which all your files are accessible. Your C: drive will be /c. To move around you can use cd to change directory (using / instead of ) and ls to list files instead of using dir.
Assuming your source code is in C:\projects\myproject:
cd /c/projects/myproject
git init
The second line above creates a git repository in that directory. This doesn't affect your code, it just creates a folder called .git that contains all of the book-keeping information.
You don't want to have every file under version control - in particular you don't want your build outputs. You need to set up a file in your project directory called .gitignore which tells git which files and directories should be ignored. As a starting point you can copy and rename the file to .gitignore
Basic Commands and committing your initial version
There are a small number of basic commands:
git status
Running git status will tell you which files have been modified, which are not under version control, and which files have been added to the staging area to be committed next time.
git add path/to/file
This adds a file to the staging area waiting to be committed. You can add multiple files to the staging area before committing them in one go.
git commit -m "description of your change"
This commits all of the staged files as a new version, which the specified commit message.
If you go into your project directory, do a git status and check through the list to make sure there's nothing you don't want to have under version control, then you can do git add . to add everything to the staging area and git commit -m "Check in initial version of the source code" to commit it to the repository.
After you've committed, you can run
git log
To see a history of all of the changes. IntelliJ has a view that will show you the same thing.
Creating an experimental branch
This is where git shines; if you want to try something experimental you can create a branch of your project while allowing git to preserve the original version.
git checkout -b experiment1
Will create and switch to a branch called experiment1. You can delete, rename, move, rewrite and develop whatever you like on this branch. The changes you commit will be independent of your original working version.
You can switch back to your original version (preserving all of the changes you've committed on that branch) using:
git checkout master
Where master is just the name of the default branch created when you ran git init. The experimental version will still be there and can be switched to again using git checkout experiment1 or from IntelliJ using the branch selection in the bottom right corner of the status bar.
If you decide that the changes you've made in experiment1 are to become your new "good" version, you can merge them back into the master branch and repeat the cycle from there.

How to version control with IntelliJ

I'm looking for a way to control versions of my project through IntelliJ. However, I know Git can manage it the best way and I already did started experiencing Git with the help of Madara Uchiha's Git tutorial. I must say it is incredibly useful, but I rather have version control arranged on my harddrive which is constantly backed up.
I decided doing my version control manually and it's pretty slow and annoying. Is there an easier and more efficient way to clone the current project files in another folder?
For example, clone the current project files on another folder named v1.4.2 outside my project structure without relocating my project files, also having them refactored as project on its own so they be runnable whenever.
Set up a local Git repository for the project. It will start with a master branch. Then create a working branch that you make your changes in. You can merge this branch back in to master as you are ready. You can create as many branches as you need and switch between them very quickly. All using the one directory.
If you are new to git you can use something like Sourcetree - (a GUI for Git) it will allow you to manage the repository. It makes it really fast to switch between branches of your repository. It also helps with pushing changes to another location. GitHub, Bitbucket, etc.
For backup, you could always set up the project on Bitbucket. You can create public and private repositories for free. I really recommend setting this part up.
Depending on the environment that you are building on, you could build a shell script / batch script that would copy files to the duplicate location. Without knowing what type of project you are developing in/for it is hard to say what would be the best strategy.
Ideally if your project has a build output you could have the compiler/IntelliJ IDEA place the results into your result folder. You could then copy the results to your Builds/v1.4.2 folder or wherever. Whether you check in the files that are built will depend on your project. You can always exclude files/folders like your ../Builds that you don't want to track via your .gitignore file.

Bazaar offline + branches

I have a Bazaar repository on Host A with multiple branches. This is my main repository.
Until now, I have been doing checkouts on my other machines and committing directly to the main repository. However, now I am consolidating all my work to my laptop and multiple VMs. I need to be working offline regularly. In particular, I need to create/delete/merge branches all while offline.
I was thinking of continuing to have the master on Host A with a clone of the repository on the laptop with each vms doing checkouts of the clone.
Then, when I go offline, I could do bzr unbind on the clone and bzr bind when I am back online.
This failed as soon as I tried to bzr clone since bzr clone only clones a branch(!!!!)
I need some serious help. If Hg would handle this better please let me know (I need Windows support.) However, at this moment I cannot switch from Bazaar as it is too close to some important deadlines.
Thanks in advance!
bzr fundamentally works with one branch / directory (the branch are visible at the file system level), so if you need to clone each branch from your repository (not unlike svn, in a way). Hg, at basic level, works this way too (although you can put several branches in one repository using say named branches).
For DVCS, it is important to distinguish between the following:
Working tree: a versioned set of files (at a given revision)
Branch: a linear set of revisions
Repository: a set of revisions
When you clone locally a directory versioned by bzr, you are copying the repository subset which contains all the revisions in the branch you are cloning, and get the working tree. This assumes you are not asking for a branch wo a working tree nor using a shared repository.
What you want, IIUC, is to clone the full repository with all the branches. There is no 'native' way to do so in bzr I believe, but plugins to help you toward this, like multi-pull and push-repo, to sync multiple branches in one shot.
But I don't understand why that's such a big problem, or the link with working offline: you just clone the branches you want to work on your laptop.